Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

@Noshame I am definitely an addict alcoholic. I told myself if I didn’t have it in the house I would be fine. I’ll be ok to drink socially. However, I now binge drink socially and act like alcohol is going to run out. I never can have just a couple of drinks. Staying sober is going to be tough, as social norms always includes drinking. However, I’m tired of not remembering my fun nights and feeling so much shame the next day of not remembering.

Luckily, my Partner has been sober 3 years already, so his daily support will definitely help.

Thank you :pray:t3:


welcome @BMF

I’m grateful you joined us here on day one, congratulations.


@I.cant.We.can Thank you!:blush:


Today, just like every other day recently. I am grateful that I woke up sober.

I am grateful that I have been ‘saved’!

I am grateful for the new path I am leading.

I am grateful to be free :pray:



Afternoon fam-dam.

Super grateful to be making this gratitude list while I sit on a lounger beside my mom under a hazy summer sky.

Grateful for all the hummingbirds buzzing around us chirping and chattering at each other.

Grateful for that massive blue heron that flew over me a few minutes ago to our woods.

Grateful our neighbour’s have cleaned up their shitty looking yard to sell their property.

Ahhh, I am so grateful for the yummy corn I ate from our garden!!! It is our first time planting it and it was delicious. I love eating fresh veg from the garden…

I am grateful that there are still a couple of weeks left to summer break for my daughter. I am grateful she has such a good friend group online but I am also grateful that she was willing to go back into the highschool part time to try to establish some “real life” social connections. She thrived with online classes but with being on the spectrum her social “game” is already a little behind.

My whole life is a gift, even the crappy days.

I just went through a few days in bed and did they ever make be grateful for all the times I have been feeling good this summer and all the cool things I have been able to do. With the illnesses I have it’s like a crap shoot. A flare up can last 1 day or 6 months I never know. Gratitude is super important for me, grateful I realize that.



Welcome @BMF! We are glad you are here!!!


@Irisees919 Thank you, glad to be here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good morning, all.
Grateful to be clear headed and hangover free on another summer morning. Grateful for the solid sleep that I had last night. I needed it.
Grateful that I have a job that I love. Grateful that I have a job at all - particularly in the current situation. Grateful that I am not dreading going back to it after over 5 weeks off.
Grateful for my wife and family. I should never lose sight of what a blessing they are.
Grateful that adulting doesn’t feel so hard anymore. This time last year I was fearful of everything. I didn’t want to check my email or do anything of any importance.
Grateful that I can now see alcohol for what it is, and that it doesn’t control my life anymore.
Grateful for all of your posts.
Have a great day, all. :blue_heart:


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through another day and helping me stay clean and sober. I’m grateful that I had a lovely visit with my parents today and that it got emotional and we worked through it. I’m grateful that a few friends a housemate and I just had a good hang out/visit on the porch. I’m grateful for the snacks I am eating now that Mom brought. I’m grateful for all of the grati-dudes, new comers and long timers.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget you are a star, so, shine bright. Ya you!!


Awesome to read that has changed, keep it up. Thank you for sharing your journey with us…also belated congratulations on 18th anniversary.


Good evening all,
Grateful for my dog Leo. He’s such a quirky little dog, and a spaz, and the rest of the family is not as fond of him as me- but he is mine and I love him so much.
I’m grateful for the rainy morning and overcast day today. I’m grateful that I got a short workout in. I’m grateful for the book I’m listening to, and that there are much smarter and wiser than I am to guide me.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


@Singtone happy anniversary!
@Dazercat welcome home!
@I.cant.We.can , glad you had a good day complete with yummy snacks!
@BMF welcome- this thread is incredibly helpful, happy to see you here!


Grateful i am sober.
Grateful I live in a country with peace. I am grateful that I don’t have to fear immediate dead.
Could happen, though.
Grateful the girls are happy and jumping around. Grateful I get to sleep despite this.
Very, very grateful that they react better to the food now :joy:
Grateful I have a sunny day off today.


Grateful for waking feeling healthy and sober. Grateful for my yoga…my dog…my faith…my job. So many blessings but most of all to be sober or I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it all. :heartbeat::pray::paw_prints::sunrise_over_mountains:


I’m grateful for my first two days purposefully not drinking in decades. I’m happy to have found this place.


Grateful for my days of sobriety and no head in hand mornings.
Grateful my son coming home for a surprise visit
Grateful for wanting to live
Grateful for getting excited for writing a to do list
Grateful for here


Today I am grateful for our health and feeling good today. I am grateful for the fundamentals - food, shelter, feeling safe and secure - and also for the other things I take for granted like air conditioning, health care/insurance, cars and a comfortable home to house my son and our animals. I am grateful for another school year starting for my son that I hope will be a bit less chaotic than the last and for his maturity that has developed in the last 6 months. I am grateful for the basic peace and contentedness that exists only in sobriety for me. Thanks to TS and for all of your posts that are inspiring and motivating to take this sober day ine hour at a time.


I’m grateful for the long hard amazing amount of sober sleep I got last night.
I’m grateful that even though I hadn’t to sit on my ass most of the day yesterday. I’m not allowed to exercise or lift anything. I didn’t HAVE to take a nap.
I’m grateful my heart is in sinus rhythm.
I’m grateful I was able to cook a nice home cooked meal.
I’m grateful when I suggested spaghetti for dinner my wife perked up just like the dogs do when you say “walk” she was so excited. Her cooking didn’t turn out to well when I was gone.
Grateful my meat sauce turned out fucking awesome.
I’m grateful Daisy is warming my lap.
I’m grateful to God I’m sober and no longer depend on booze.
I’m grateful I got a beautiful deck to lay around on for the next 9 days.
I’m grateful that even though I’ve gained some weight back I’m not freaking out about it. Shit,…I got 586 days sober I can loose 10 pounds when I get back up off my ass again.
I’m grateful for all the God given talent for the doctors that fixed me up.
Grateful for all the healthcare workers out there. They don’t deserve the shit some people are putting them through. It’s so not fair to them. God bless them and keep them safe.
I’m grateful to be back home in my little neck of the woods, with tourist season winding down and kids going back to school and we are soon be be mostly all alone again.
I’m grateful for instacart. I did the grocery shopping while sitting on my deck. :joy:
Grateful for all the troops here and the highly contagious spread of gratitude. Not only are we worth it. We’ve fucking earned it.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me..
Ph 4:13


I am grateful to be sober and resting in bed with my cat before my shift tonight.

I am grateful for the drive to want to keep doing better and seeking out healthier ways of living

I am grateful for electricity, running water, food and shelther. :two_hearts:


Good morning family.

Grateful Eric is feeling good, slept well, is comfy at home with his wife and fur babies.
Grateful that I also slept like a log last night after some vicious muscle spasms that I thought would never end.
Grateful the massage therapist was able to sneak me in tomorrow morning.
Grateful I have my appointment with the specialist Thursday and I am not afraid to fucking ask her for some real muscle relaxants this is bullshit.
Grateful I feel strong enough in my recovery to have hundreds of gabapentin on hand and lots of clonazapan on hand and have no desire to abuse any of it.
Grateful for the text messages I woke up to this morning, after not being able to get to meetings for the last week I have been feeling a little detached.
Grateful for the beautiful sun that is shining today and for the feeling of freedom that I have not being bound by the chains of addiction.