Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Today I’m grateful for another lazy sunday, cool weather, delicious food, a sofa full of love and joy with humans and pets, early bedtime because tomorrow I have to get up early. Thanks for a wonderful day :blush:


Today I am grateful for:

  • another hangover free morning and the ability to wake up early(ish) on a Sunday and naturally want to get up rather than just stay under the duvet with a sore head.
  • for a chilled out brunch and proper conversation with my fiancé.
  • for being productive in the afternoon and getting a few thing done.
  • for not being tempted to drink today even though my fiancé did. He kept apologizing to me but honestly I really wasn’t that bothered. It’s taken an age but I finally realize and accept that drinking for me, is a very different activity than drinking is for him. It’s not what I want to do or who I want to be anymore. I have to let go. This is my boat ride. I actually just kept thinking about how proud I would feel if I made it to bed sober and could write about it here. I win! :hugs:
  • for my early morning swim session tomorrow.
  • for having this place to express how I feel and be grateful.
    Happy sober Sunday gratitroops!

Good evening all,
I’m grateful for hikes in the mountains! Someday I will live on a mountain up in the pines. I’m grateful for exercise to help clear my mind. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for short naps to recharge during the day, and I’m grateful that I no longer think that I deserve to be exhausted. I’m grateful for books that speak to the stage you are in at the moment in life. I’m grateful for you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful to God thank you for loving me and know I love you. I’m grateful my recovery is going pretty well most days and that it is so much more than just staying clean and sober. I’m grateful to be home safe in bed. I’m grateful for the fellowship at my NA home group tonight. I’m grateful that my parents are coming to visit tomorrow. I’ grateful for all of you grati-dudes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Good morning, all.
I’m grateful to be hangover free and clear headed this morning.
Grateful that today is a public holiday in Singapore, so we are going to treat it as a second Sunday, and I love Sundays.
Grateful that today is my/our wedding anniversary. 18 years ago today, I was getting married to my beautiful wife. Grateful that during those 18 years we have been happy as much as a couple can reasonably expect to be. Grateful that we have reared 4 beautiful children in that time, who also bring us a great deal of joy - most of the time.
It reminds me that 16 years ago, armed with a 9 month old daughter and 3 suitcases, we moved to South East Asia from the UK. So grateful for that opportunity and for the life that it has enabled us to have. Grateful for air travel and latterly FaceTime, which has enabled us to retain links with family and friends at home during that time.
This is a rich seam for me. I could go on all day. I am hugely grateful that typing my thoughts into this post has made me think about all of this much more clearly and made me feel so much more grateful for it all.
Grateful for this thread and for all of your posts. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Have a great day, all. :blue_heart:


Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Singtone! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Lovely post. Grateful that you shared with us! :orange_heart:


Happy Anniversary Singtones. :boom::boom::boom::boom:


I’m grateful to be home, to have woken up in my own bed this morning after a good long sleep. It was drizzling out and quiet, and very peaceful.

I’m grateful I’ve learned to take breaks, to go easier on myself sometimes. I think half the time I thought “I need a drink” - I could have said “this is hard right now”. No lie - sometimes last week I thought “I need a drink”. I’m grateful I knew I didn’t really need a drink at all, but either needed to face something, or to back off and take a break - have a wee nap, change activities, distract myself. I’m grateful the thought of a drink is actually super yuck to me, as in I dunno how adults can drink that stuff! super yuck.

I’m grateful today had breaks. And that I took it easy - got unpacked, did laundry, tended to my little patio garden, did some cooking. Oh and had a massage to counter all the time at the wheel! I want to catch up on the checking-in thread, but I’m gonna catch up on some zzz’s right now.

I’m grateful for this community, for how we can “come as you are”, and for the support to be and stay sober, to recover, to share another day in our sober lives well-lived.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Thank you! It’s stunningly, achingly, simple, no? I’m grateful to be sober, and I’m grateful for all the other things, but more and more I see just how much being sober is the bedrock. Being sober and grateful, that is. :wink:

Onward, friend. Have a wonderful anniversary celebration today!


Today I am grateful for the energy I have
Today I am grateful that my mindset is productive and positive
Today I am grateful for coffee
Today I am grateful for a beautiful weathered evening
Today I am grateful for someone who had a tough weekend, I believe in her she will pull through she’s a champ and has a heart of steel🤘
Today I am grateful for the weekend I had
Today I am grateful for the smoke dissipating (smoky for over a month I’m over it)
Today I am grateful that I am fed and not hungry
Today I am grateful for my dog even though she is pretty demanding of my attention
Today I am grateful for my drumset, I had a trip down memory lane and jammed out
Today I am grateful that this is the first Sunday since I quit drinking, that I didn’t have an anxiety scare

Fucking rights love sobriety and wouldn’t trade it for anything in life :metal:


Grateful to God for all the blessings of health…home…job…and more in my life.
Grateful to be sober and hangover free today.
Grateful for a lovely calm weekend with my dog :heartbeat:


Grateful for 225 days, for being sober on my camping trip. For having the energy/motivatio n and getting excited at making changes
For being here :pray:


Today I am grateful for a healthy, hangover free morning with dogs, cats and coffee. I am grateful for the productive and pleasant Sunday I had yesterday that prepared us for a solid week. I an so thankful my son wanted to play cards yesterday and we got to share some time together. I am grateful I can go help my mom and spend some time this morning with her as our relationship continues to heal and build – never too late. She is trying and I am appreciative. I am grateful for a full fridge and that I finally got the new composter assembled so food scraps have a better place to go! I am grateful for the wireless headset that arrived yesterday that I am hopeful will make workdays 100% better and freer. Being tethered does not a happy Margaret make. I am always grateful for TS and the gratidudes and wish all a happy, happy day.


I’m grateful to wake up at home today where the cats and dogs are. And the wife. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Although she’s still in bed and grateful I’m doing all the morning feeding chores and I’m grateful to be able to do that.
Grateful Daisy is on my lap keeping it warm.
Grateful my coffee is strong.
Grateful last week is over and this guy is still sober.
Grateful for my home.
Grateful for my chair.
Grateful for the sober life, especially when navigating airports and flight delays and surgeries and ER’s. The calmness is the key.
I’m grateful I always have the support of the gratidudes and TS for the surreal week I had.
I’m grateful the headache I have again is probably from sugar and it’s not from drinking and I’m grateful I feel like I got the confidence to tackle that issue really really soon.
I grateful I can walk, especially since my next test is no exercising or lifting for 10 more days :scream:

Behold, I make all things new.
Revelation 21:5


Makes it ALL worth it doesn’t it?
And I think they know and love us more.

I hope “untethered” :blush: Margaret has a wonderful day.


I’m grateful I woke up alive today.

I’m grateful I didn’t kill anyone or myself while I drove drunk last night while I was blacked out.

I’m grateful my boyfriend still loves and cares about me, even though I was awful to him last night.

I’m grateful that I’m taking the first step into my sobriety to become the best version of myself.

I’m grateful for this amazing community. :green_heart:

I’m grateful for day 1 :pray:t3::raised_hands:t3:


Day one is soooo important

Its a sign that a lil tree was planted
Today your watering the tree so it can grow big and strong

This is a big step

Would you call yourself a addict or alcoholic or both??
It can be tricky to figure out
I myself am a addict alcoholic

The addicted mind can make excuses for anything

Staying sober won’t be easy but it is worth it


Welcome Brittany.
This gratitude thread has been key to my success in sobriety. I never miss a day.

Have a good read around here. This community has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.
Here are two good threads to start:


Today I am grateful for:

  • being free to take myself off to bed early in order to avoid giving in to urges.
  • another hangover free morning and feeling well enough to go for an early morning swim.
  • for being self aware enough to know that any urge to drink is simply coming from my feeling of utter tiredness that I’ve had today and that giving in to that urge will not help.
  • for knowing that my tiredness is actually a really good sign that my body and brain are healing, and I just need to rest and be kind to myself.
  • for allowing myself to stay in bed a bit longer tomorrow and not get up early to exercise.
  • for feeling more connected to my fiancé even though he’s really stressed and struggling to cope at the moment. What good would I be to him if I was drunk? None!
  • for knowing that even though im tired tonight, maybe tomorrow I will feel a little less so, and will at least be hangover free.
  • for my cat and how he tells me off when I go out and leave him. If he wakes up and I’m not here, he’s not happy!
  • for the joy of books! Being sober has reignited my passion for reading.
  • for rainy days, and warm dry homes.
    Happy sober Monday everyone!

@Dazercat Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: