Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Loved " heart in sinus rhythm". I’ve done irreversible damage to my heart and can appreciate your gratitude of normal sinus rhythm. :purple_heart: Thanks for your share.


Good evening gratitroops! Tonight I am grateful for:

  • an amazing night of sleep last night. I really needed it as I’m finding my energy levels are up and down like a yo-yo at the moment.
  • for another early night and the knowledge that tomorrow will be hangover free.
  • for Kruger, my snooze buddy. He actually beat me to the bed tonight and was waiting for me. He’s curled up next to me as I type this - can you hear the soft snoring? Best sound ever! :hugs:
  • for my fiancé feeling more positive about things in general. He is my world and I hate to see him low.
  • for a sunshiny day and getting the washing dry.
  • for having the energy to do some stuff around the house after work tonight.
  • for nourishing food. I’ve been so hungry this week but I think it’s just my body and brain recalibrating. I must be patient and kind to myself.
    Happy sober Tuesday everyone!

Thanks Julie.
Congrats on your 3 days. I’m grateful you found this place to help support you in your sober journey.
There are a great bunch of us here just trying not to pick up that first drink or DOC. That most important one. We hope to see you around. Have a good read around and feel free to join in when your comfortable.

The https://talkingsober.com/t/checking-in-daily-to-maintain-focus-32 thread is a nice place to check in and be accountable and give a receive support.


Thank you so much. I am humbly trying to navigate my way around and realize I have a lot to learn. “Baby steps to the elevator!” :+1:


Everyone is very helpful if you got questions about navigating the forum just ask. We were all newbies at one point.

Great attitude :smiley:


Hey all! Today I am grateful for everything that I have missed while drinking, the little beautiful things like the noise of leaves stirring in the wind, watching the birds fly, and seeing my kids play. By numbing all the perceived bad things with alcohol I was also numbing out the wonderful things too. I’m so happy not to be in a fog anymore. A few days ago my daughter said “ my mom loves drinking tea! “ which is much better than “ My mom loves wine” :grimacing::confounded::woman_facepalming:t2:


I’m grateful there’s a few of us on here sleeping pretty darn good :sleeping: :zzz:


I’m grateful for this thought. I will probably use it at my meeting tomorrow.

I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day. I’m grateful that I had a nice day, cooking, playing cards and chatting with supports. I’m grateful its my time for snack and Disney. I’m grateful to go to bed clean and sober and hope I can join the getting a good sleep club. I’m grateful for all the gratidudes. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Good evening all
I’m grateful that I will soon be watching Disney and snacking @I.cant.We.can - much better way to wind down than drinking!
I’m grateful that I was calm and able to navigate my way through a bad rainstorm on the way to work this morning.
I’m grateful for how beautiful the rain makes the desert. I haven’t seen it this green in many years! I’m grateful that I was able to help my daughter with her math homework, and maybe boost her confidence there a bit. I’m grateful to feel pretty good today, some days are definitely easier than others.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Good morning, all.
Grateful to be hangover free again this morning. That never gets old.
Grateful that I finally discovered sobriety, and gratitude, at the ripe old age of 50.
Grateful that Singapore is moving towards the end of covid restrictions. A significant majority are vaccinated now, so hopefully it is just around the corner.
Grateful that I have the energy and the inclination to do the little things that I am supposed to do. Yesterday I sorted out my work clothes despite only going back next week. That has never happened before. Even managed to sort out a box for the Salvation Army. These little things make me so happy nowadays.
Grateful for all of the shares in here. It is a huge source of inspiration.
Have a great day, all.


I’m grateful for God this morning. :pray: for being sober…for waking up feeling good and clear. For being able to navigate life in general and specifically to be stronger in my daily life. To be an active participant instead of a bystander. :heartbeat: And for keeping in drama free. As an expectation not an option. :heartbeat:


This morning I am grateful for an earlier rise and more time to journal and walk. I am grateful to live in an area of town where I can take a nice long walk and really cover some ground listening to books. (Of anyone has great recommendations, I am all ears). I am grateful for a new sober day where I can create my own path instead of feeling trapped. I am grateful for a 3 day break coming up in a few days. Take care all and enjoy the day!


Early in this journey and on this day three I am grateful that I

  1. woke up
  2. am not drunk
  3. am not hungover
  4. did not injure anyone
  5. am not injured

Grateful to be alive and sober.


I’m grateful for the wonderful afternoon yesterday on the couch on my deck, with Benson laying on me, my wife sitting next to me, a fire, a real wood fire in the fireplace I started, because it was nice and cool, with monsoonal type rains, even bundled up with a Mexican blanket. Just reading TS, dropping memes, celebrating milestones, and offering support when I could, and checking Twitter. Burgers on the grill and dinner on the deck. And I got my bread starter going and in the fridge so someday this week I can pop it in the oven.
I’m grateful I don’t have to pick bugs out of my wine glass anymore. Yes I did chuckle a little when my wife got a couple of bugs in her wine glass. :joy: I guess they weren’t interested in my tasty exciting can of sparkling water.
I’m grateful to God for the sober life I am living.
I’m grateful only 7 more days of rest.
I’m grateful I can still walk the puppers in the morning.
I’m grateful for my what’s app call with Julie in London yesterday as we got all caught up. It’s been awhile.
I’m grateful for the Ol Burner on my lap.
I’m grateful for another sober day a head.

There are times when I have to hurt through a situation and when this happens, the choice is not whether to hurt or not hurt, but what to do while I’m hurting. This ones for you Stella :heart: You showed us this yesterday on the check in :muscle: :pray:t2:
In all my affairs
Sorry Stella. This shit is just Gold. I don’t like to say “should” but in this case everyone should read this.:point_down:


Today I am grateful for microclimate the forest offers.
Grateful that I talked with my boss instead of eating things up.
Grateful the girls seem to accept staying off the bedroom most of the night.
Grateful that even that it’s hot atm as the days get shorter, it cools down at night.


Thanks Eric :heart:

Today I am grateful for the ride I got to the meeting last night, it was a great meeting that filled my soul like I knew it would.

I am grateful for the beautiful sunset I witnessed on my way home.

Grateful for the massage I had this morning and that I wasn’t too shy to ask her to go deeper!!! Usually I’m too shy and just take what I get and pay the money and tip really well and go home and still suffer. I am learning through recovery that I have a voice and I am grateful for that, I am grateful to be learning that what I have to say and what I am feeling is valid and it’s OK to voice it.

I am so grateful that I recieve disability. This last week has reminded me how much I suffered when I was working. I was in a constant flare-up that I just pushed through with booze. I am so grateful that isn’t my life anymore, that I don’t have to drink my pain and exhaustion away, that I don’t have to show up to a job because I feel obligated to.

I am so grateful that I have choices today.

Grateful for the delicious avocado I ate for lunch and the juicy plum I followed that up with.

Thanks everyone for being such an important part of my recovery.


I am grateful that I have another shot at a sober life. I know I started over again but I am alive, I am not injured I have not hurt anyone. Today is day #1.


Welcome @beachmouse !


Hey there, happy to have you with us.