Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Evening everyone! Today I am grateful for:

  • the day to be at an end. Today was a tough one and I felt really low all day. Just withdrawn and sad inside. No tears but just a feeling of sadness.
  • for being wise enough to know that this too will pass and that this is my brain recalibrating.
  • for an early night, a good book and a gratitude list. Being grateful for all is so key to my recovery.
  • for not giving in to drinking even though the urge was strong at times today. Another day won.
  • for self talk and lightbulb moments. This evening I was thinking through my urges, and I told myself that this was all part of learning to live a sober life, then it occurred to me that I actually have no idea how to do that. Iā€™ve been drinking regularly/heavily since my early teens, so no wonder I feel lost at times. Self care and love are what I need.
  • for sleep. Although Iā€™m tired a lot lately, at least Iā€™m blessed with pretty good sleep unlike others who are not so lucky. I prey you are all blessed tonight.
  • for the promise of a new day tomorrow, hangover free!
    Happy sober Wednesday everyone!

Hey @Irisees919 im a book lover and love audible. A couple of great ones are The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober and The Upward Spiral. Great help to anyone recovering from alcohol or learning how to navigate your own mind :hugs:


Iā€™m grateful for the understanding that moods are fleeting: meaning bad ones will pass and good ones should be savoured.
For my health. For people. For adventure.


saner oxoxoxoxo


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful for the sleep I was able to get, it could have been less.

I am grateful for air conditioning and iced cold water on hot days/nights like these.

I am grateful for my ssri medication that helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. :two_hearts:


Good evening all,
Iā€™m grateful that my son is 15 years old today! Iā€™m grateful that he is growing and changing, but he still very much loves me. Iā€™m grateful for pizza and red velvet Bundt cake to celebrate him. Iā€™m grateful that my kids come and talk to me about their life things, and all the thoughts,feelings, and uncertainty that comes with growing up. Iā€™m grateful that because of my own journey in sobriety, I sometimes have some sort of answer for them lol! Iā€™m grateful for people finding voices in recovery, and for all of the bits of wisdom on here.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


@M-be-free49 ,havenā€™t seen you in a day or 2, but may have missed you. Hope you and Dog girl are doing good and enjoying your walksā¤ļø


Thanks @Frandango for the tips. I ordered the ā€œUnexpectedā€¦ā€ tonight on audible and will start it on my a.m. walk tomorrow. I look forward to it and really appreciate the recs!


Ya you did!! Fucking incredible. I can relate very much to this, thanks.

Happy 15th Birthday to @Sunflower1 Jr.

Welcome @beachmouse

Iā€™m grateful to God thanks for another day of clean and sober living. Iā€™m grateful that with some support, hope and a ton of patience I just may yet get to say Iā€™m living my best life. Iā€™m grateful that I can honestly say I am already living a better life than I have for a very very long time. Iā€™m grateful that @Dazercat got a nice aha moment regarding Kellyā€™s wine glass and is back with his pack and following doctors orders as best he can. Iā€™m grateful @Frandango is back with us and pushed through a down day, good for you. Iā€™m grateful @Singtone is kicking ass, I take alot from your posts. Iā€™m grateful @Peace is here still, a constant presence for as long as I have been here, thanks. Iā€™m grateful @Dolse71 occasionally pops in and makes me laugh, you the man Paul. Iā€™m grateful for music and excersise and laughter and that I had a nice 5km solo cruise on the bicycle tonight and it felt great. Iā€™m grateful that I went to AA tonight and my sponsor was the speaker it was nice, I had only heard part of his story. Iā€™m grateful that I made an awesome dinner for 20 of us of Boneless skinless chicken breast, corn on the cob and a Cole slow from scratch didnā€™t buy it from the store, who am I? Iā€™m grateful that I might have a dinner date planned in threeish weeks my first date in over two years, Iā€™m not sure I even know what to say or do Lol Just kidding Iā€™m 43 I got this and Iā€™m actually fairly personable yet still a little nerve wracking. Iā€™m grateful for all your shares in case you couldn"t tell. Iā€™m grateful for my dear friend @M-be-free49 Iā€™m grateful for my Mom and Dad and the nice messages and emails that mom continues to bless me with. Iā€™m grateful that my house manager who recently lost his daughter and has 25 years in AA came to me for support I feel totallybblessed to be able to help him as he has been and continues to be a huge support of mine and itā€™s a complicated relationship that we have because itā€™s supposed to be professional but some how we have become good friends. I am crying again thinking about it as he was brought to tears when he drove me home last night and talked to me, which he isnā€™t supposed to dribe any of us but he has earned that as far as i am concerned. Iā€™m grateful for whoever reads all this as I am going right off tonight Lol Iā€™m greatful that I have learned to put all this stuff out there and that I feel safe enough doing it here. Iā€™m grateful that even though there are a lot of things I still donā€™t have such as a relationship, job, car, children, my own place I donā€™t have to feel bad about it anymore and can choose to strive for these things that I have had before. Iā€™m grateful that my sister is doing really well lately and has been playing online cribbage games with me. Iā€™m grateful that my cousin is home from British Columbia for her bridal shower this coming weekend, I wonā€™t get to see her as itā€™s a womenā€™s event but my Mom or Sister will show me pictures or tell me about it. Iā€™m grateful that one of the guys at the treatment center talked about me in class as an example of someone who is happy and that he would like to be happy like that, itā€™s nice to hear I have a positive effect on some of these guys cause I am not sure they always know just how much they help keep me challenged, grounded and entertained. Iā€™m grateful to God for guiding me and pray that he keeps shining his healing light through me so I may feel better, keep my darkness at bay and guide others to better do his will. Amen.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. If you read all that never forget I believe in you. Youā€™re fucking awesome. Ya you!!


No no no. Im grateful youā€™re fucking awesome!!
So happy to read ALL of this.


Can you believe there is still stuff I left out Lol
Iā€™m grateful that one of my old using and drinking friends who was trying at one point with me to get clean as well, reached out to me today after nine or ten months.
Iā€™m grateful that I have laundry going while chilling out with pizza and Disney+ Iā€™m grateful that my housemate that is back in treatment gave me big hug today and we got to talk about some shit that was bugging each of us as weā€™ve been housemates for a year. Iā€™m grateful that I have the house to myself again and can do laundry and sncking late and not need to wear headphones so Iā€™m not waking anyone. Iā€™m grateful to God.


Haha I read it all and itā€™s my FAVORITE!!!
Your cousin lives in the best provinceā€¦ :smirk:



Good afternoon, all.
Posting a little later than usual today. Netflix is to blame! Iā€™m grateful for Netflix.
Grateful for all of your posts, but particularly yours today, @I.cant.We.can, Brian. It made me a bit emotional when I read it.
Grateful that my daughter did well in her public exams. She got her results today. We spent a day or two preparing for her Latin exam, back in the day, and Iā€™m delighted and grateful to say that she aced it. Iā€™m so proud of her.
Grateful for the antihistamine that turned my itchy nose and streaming eyes back to normal. What a piece of magic that is.
Grateful to be clear headed and hangover free again today. We are going to see some heavy drinking friends this evening, and I look forward to being clear headed tomorrow morning, too.
Grateful that I was able to go to a bar to catch up with a couple of friends the day before yesterday. No urges, no desire to stay 4 hours longer than I wanted to, no discomfort about not being interesting enough or not being able to carry a conversation. Iā€™m so much better at that when Iā€™m sober. Grateful that I didnā€™t feel judgmental when I could see them slowly deteriorating and slurring their words. Was able to observe it for what it was. I have been there many times.
Grateful for my Fitbit. It makes me exercise, even when I donā€™t really want to.
Grateful for so many things - many of which just passed me by in the before time. (Thanks, Emm).
Have a beautiful day, all.


Thankful for this day four morning.


Today I am grateful to feel rested again and able to be mindful through the day. I enjoy being up early and am grateful for the peace that comes with it. I am grateful to be working my last shift tonight before having 3 days to myself to relax and enjoy the lake. I am grateful for TS, gratidudes, and check-ins, especially those who are most welcoming and inclusive. Appreciate yā€™all!


Grateful, very grateful i can sweat. Wonderful evolutionary design.
Grateful I understood some things today. Like what a person says tells me something about the person. I was listening to my colleague today and after a while I somehow understood and realised how crazy and unhealthy it was that we led the other single colleague dictate by her behaviour when we ask days off or not. How crazy is that. She said, yeah you are right but we are used to this bc in addition to her behaviour it was Teammanager xyz that didnā€™t allow us this and that. I said, yeah, this was 2 Teammanager ago. :flushed:
Then another situation, she by the way said: see Franzi, how everything is better when you are not alone (referring to my cats being together). Today she was to her tears as she told me she was thinking of her husband who died 9 years ago (she still has not let him go)ā€¦

And then I am grateful that with my sobriety and moreover my recovery I learn better to control what I can tell who. I am not in this insatiable need to tell anybody everything unasked.

So, despite lying down, unable to do any workout, I am good and grateful.


Iā€™m grateful to God I donā€™t drink.
Iā€™m grateful to God I donā€™t depend on booze.
Iā€™m grateful for all the sleep Iā€™m getting. Sometimes that scares me because it could be a sign of AFib but I think I just needed the rest still because otherwise I feel pretty pretty good :blush:
Except for my back pain and headaches which leads me to be grateful that Iā€™m finally going to try and give up Extra Added Sugar. And even start a thread or topic about it on here after I weigh my fat ass later this morning.
I will be grateful to keep track of the days of no extra added sugar and the health benefits I hope to gain from it.
Iā€™m grateful for my 4 readings this morning as 2 of them pertained to 2 different people on TS that I could stop and pray for.
And the other 2 readings really hit home for someone special on here :heart: Me :relaxed:
Iā€™m so grateful when my devotional readings really hit a nerve and I think ā€œThank You Godā€ giving me exactly what I need again.
Iā€™m grateful for where I live, my wife, and family, and my pets, and all my blessings. Especially the blessings I donā€™t deserve. Maybe I do deserve those blessings. :thinking: How about ā€œunearned blessings,ā€ thatā€™s feel I donā€™t deserve? I definitely have a lot of those that Iā€™m grateful for.
Iā€™m grateful for you guys. And this gratitude thread.
God bless the healthcare workers and firefighters and first responders. They deserve it and I know theyā€™ve earned it.

The mind remembers the words, but the heart remembers how it feels. The mind can forget, but the heart never will.
Jim Storm


Grateful for my dog and her easy recovery from surgery yesterday. :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
And. For the ability to be sober and not hung over to take care of her when she need it the most .:paw_prints:


Today Iā€™m grateful for my nice home, for my decision to move to the new house later in autumn, for delicious food, quickly drying laundry in the sun, happy playful cats, mindful people, a good healthcare system, joyfully going to bed early because Iā€™m tired :pray::blush::sleeping:


Good evening gratitroops! Today I am grateful for:

  • a better day emotionally than yesterday. Only one brief craving, which I just managed to sit out and think through. Iā€™ve found that tiredness is a huge trigger for me.
  • a meeting tonight with my church Hose Group. I havenā€™t attended one of those for about 12 months. It was great to see everyone and do something spiritual.
  • for having an early morning swim booked for tomorrow before work. Thereā€™s a really good chance Iā€™ll go too, as I wonā€™t have a hangover.
  • for my job and the company I work for. Even though my boss is being a bit of a knob lately, the company treats me well.
  • for the skip we have turning up tomorrow at our house so we can throw away all the clutter and crap hanging about and have a good tidy up now the decorating is finished! I really hate clutter.
  • for all you guys and all your posts. This is my bedtime routine now and I absolutely love reading about all of your lives. Thanks to everyone who posts.
    Happy sober Thursday everyone!