Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Grateful for 19 days sober. Grateful for step one work. Grateful for youtube and lots of great women AA speakers, interviews and resources at a time of night when my monkey mind was ridiculous. Grateful for the memories that flooded back yesterday of how sick I was from drinking, as painful and shameful as they were. Thankful for this community today when I want to isolate but instead start my day here to find strength. Grateful for SoberTime.


I am grateful to be going to bed sober and will be thankful to wake up later hangover free. What a relief!

I am grateful that I have one more shift to go then it is the weekend. Thankful I was able to sit with some uncomfortable feelings all week and not pick up a drink.

I am grateful for a comfortable bed, air conditioning, and a comfy eye mask that helps block out the light. 🧛‍♀️

I am grateful for everyone’s posts and positivity. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful for the rainstorm yesterday and as a result today is much cooler. I’m grateful for getting a decent nights sleep and waking up without an alarm. I’m grateful that I am going to stay up and not go back to bed. I’m grateful that I get to volunteer again today in the kitchen. I’m grateful I have found an in person12 step meeting for almost everyday. I’m grateful that I can afford a coffee from Tim Hortons. I’m grateful to have gained some courage and that I can admit that I have been struggling with using thoughts and lots of those dang using dreams, also been feeling hungry, angry, lonely and tired. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen. I’m grateful for music, excersise and laughter. I’m grateful that @M-be-free49 reminded me about setting the tone for the day by getting back into a morning gratitude practice. I’m grateful that all I really have to do is try my best and then let go and let God.
God bless you all. :v: &:heart:

p.s. Thanks for being here. You are amazing. Ya you!!


I’m grateful to start my day like this.

And :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
Sober and hangover free.


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful with the help of you all, and my experience with addiction, through my recovered children, and my Dad, (he just stopped drinking one day around my age, probably a little younger, hopefully I inherited that gene from him,) I can live a sober life now.
I’m grateful for my parents and my childhood, I know in their hearts they did the best they could.
I’m grateful for the moral values they instilled in me.
I’m grateful I learned early on that if I wanted something I had to earn it and get it myself. Which made me a hard worker and always be the best hardest worker wherever I worked. Unfortunately it carried over into drinking and doing drugs. And being a caretaker of everyone and every thing in my life.
I’m grateful after being gone 60 and becoming sober I don’t have to be like that anymore. It was fucking exhausting and it’s really hard work not being like that anymore.
I’m grateful to still be learning :grimacing: let go and let God.
As long as you live keep learning how to live.
Courage To Change

I’m grateful because of some people on TS I’m
re-evaluating my faith. I mean I’m strong in my faith in God and Jesus, but lately it’s been put to a test. But in a good way.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for all the simple things I have that I forget to be grateful for: a home, plenty of food, people who love me and who I love. I’m grateful for the beautiful sunset I saw while bicycling with my husband this evening. I’m grateful that we are both physically able to do this. I’m grateful for the weekend, and time to rest. I’m grateful that I have this thread to look at when I see people on here or in real life struggling. Gratitude does make a difference.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful for today and all the things I accomplished because I went to bed sober and woke up rested with a clear head.
I’m grateful for all the talking sober members that offer their knowledge and experiences to others.


Gak. I had such good intentions! I woke up before the alarm (bliss) and heard rain start to fall even before sunrise, and I thought I’m grateful for this moment! I listened for a bit, then rose myself and got coffee on, and then… kaboom went the day. A big event for work today, and the phone (text/email/zoom) started at 7:30am and didn’t end for 10hrs - after which I took a nap.

Still - I’m grateful to have woken to the sound of rain falling softly. To have noticed I felt gratitude. To have weathered a perfectly stormy day and not gotten too off kilter. It was the kind of day I would have obliterated with wine, in the before time. I wanted to obliterate it today - I’ll admit. But I’m grateful I know that drinking just puts things on hold. And it only works when I’m drinking. Alas - I don’t want to spend my life drinking, hungover, or looking for my next first drink. So I weathered today’s storms sober style. I knew you’d all be there in the gratitude lounge, with the coffee on. Grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful I’ve given up trying to make myself look functional in dysfunctional ways. More on that later.

I’m grateful tomorrow’s saturday, and I have a weekend ahead. Time to indulge in me, in my life. Time is the reward now. Sweet, sober time. Grateful for it.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful for

244 of continued sobriety
For my son , for slowly repairing broken trust
For feeling happier, generally, its really is a new feeling to me
For wild swimming 🏊‍♂️ it clears my head and i am out in nature
For being on the last 28 squares of my knitting of the Sanity blanket (@Its_me_Stella picture to follow) started knitting this on day 1, and its helped keeping mind and hands occupied, rather than picking up
For looking forward to the future
For journalling since day 1, when i read back, i am amazed at the difference of my mindset

For being grateful :pray: :green_heart: love to you all


I’m grateful to be alive!
I’m grateful to be in recovery.

I hit that brick wall so many times. HARD! The wall was me. I was my biggest obstacle towards recovery. I’m grateful to see that now.

I’m grateful that my alcoholic thinking isn’t controlling me anymore. It still there, but I’ve learned how to redirect it. I’m grateful its been working.

Its Friday night and today was pay day. I’m not drunk, and I had zero desire to drink today. I’m grateful for that.

I’m becoming more and more comfortable in my own skin. I’m learning to love myself again. I’m grateful for that!

"We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which he had not even dreamed." (pg 25 Big Book)

I’ve been feeling this lately. Im grateful for that!

Im grateful for all of the support and friendships I have found here!

Im grateful to share the path of recovery with all of you.


This morning I am grateful for a great night of rest and a beautiful Saturday morning sans hangover. I am grateful to have been, without question, available to pick up my son and his girlfriend on a Friday night at 11. They are too young too drive at tonight and it is my hope to always be available to pick them up if they need it whether they are 16 or 76. I am grateful to be able to see my friend and her family once more before they move this weekend and help with heavy lifting and also grateful my friend is also planning a girls trip right back here in a few weeks on my birthday. I am grateful to be car shopping again. Two years ago I’d brought my finances to a scary low point (for a 3rd time) and had to seriously regroup, move and work 2 jobs to get back to black. Much of that could have been avoided with sobriety I am 100% sure.

I am always grateful for this forum and the gratidudes and wish you all a wonderful day!!


Grateful for waking up sweating and in distress from drunk dream, only to then be even more grateful for my 20 days sober. Grateful for all the extra time I have without the constant cycle of being drunk. Grateful siting with step one this week and realizing being powerless over ETOH just made me frantically try to micro manage every other aspect of my life, which was a joke because nothing was managed and everything was fkd. Thankful for building new dialogue via silly post it notes everywhere around the house, reminding me no stinking thinking. Grateful for my job and looking forward to work tonight now that I’m sincerely doing the daily work to stay sober.


So I have horrible insomnia - always have… I woke up about an hour or so ago after maybe a 3-4 hr ‘sleep’… I was just lying here in bed with my head on the run and I started having thoughts - swiping through old memories and ‘good times’… I asked those to be removed but they still lingered.
I thought wait - I know EXACTLY the place to go to throw that out there.
Ultimate point…
I’m grateful for this site.
I’m grateful that this morning, I immediately reached for my laptop and let loose that I feel a certain type of way… knowing some, if not all lol, will understand.
I’m grateful to be able to roll over and just hit this site on my laptop without getting out of bed. lol I now keep this page open consistently… just for easy access to some spiritual feeding, or seeing someone in struggle and sending them love and light.
Thank you for this site… Just getting this out has refocused my mind and hopefully I’ll get a little more rest. =)
I hope everyone has/is having/has had a wonderful day! <3


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful for a nice warm Dazercat on my lap.
I’m grateful for wagging tails. And cat tails.
I’m grateful I slept in a bit and getting a late start and deciding, I’m taking a day off from all my exercises, after I walk the dogs.
Ta @Alisa
I’m grateful I will use that time to make my poster board for the voting rights protest March today. And I’m grateful I won’t be trying to cram everything in on what looks like to be a beautiful Saturday.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for my grown up children. They are true miracles of recovery ❤️‍🩹
I’m grateful after a lot of thoughtful soul searching I feel right with God today.
Im grateful I listened to my Christian music and my recovery music yesterday and it brought me to tears sometimes, and the lyrics that said the angle on my shoulder told me “I’m good enough……🥲”
Sometimes I think God is music. I’m grateful for that feeling.
I’m grateful for you all. Cannot do it without yez.

Heard an angle whisper in my ear
He said
Now don’t you worry about it all.
Heard an angle whisper in my ear.
He said you’re good enough anyhow.
Then I heard the angle laugh a little right out loud.
He said
You will always stumble.
And you will always fall.
I’m only human after all.
I’m only human I guess that’s all.

I’m so grateful for the music of John McAndrew.


I’m so happy and grateful for your share. We got your back.
We know those feelings.
We know they linger.
I’m grateful to see how badly some wants this.
God Bless You


Me too.


Grateful for the challenges of recovery which are teaching me every minute to “Let go…” I am not in the driver’s seat in any of this and I am being reminded often. I am grateful that I can recognize that today and not fight it blindly in fear and willfulness.
I am so grateful for art and to have an outlet to express myself. Even if I am not a master it still makes me feel accomplished and full.
I am grateful to have been asked to join a step group, some of the women have over 30 years recovery, I feel as though I will learn so much. So grateful.
I am grateful that I trust my judgement and feel secure enough in my opinion to ask questions and make choices in regards to NA.
Always grateful that I wake up clean, that I have my family with me, that I have enough money to take care of my child and my dogs. I am grateful that with a lot of hard work I am getting my life back, or maybe I am just getting a life finally. :blush:

Thanks for the part you play in my recovery.


So glad you have found a connection on here… it has saved my ass on many occasions. Hopefully you got a little rest.



Congratulations on 20 days! You got this! :+1:


I’m grateful for the new kids that come on here and remind this old guy about things like this. How fucking exhausting this use to be. :point_down:

Congratulations on your 20 days Jules. :boom: You keep up this attitude and you’ll have one more day :pray:t2::heart:

And this :point_down:

I constantly asked God to remove my romanticizing the rituals of a nice bottle of red. And my romanticizing continued to linger. For months :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:. And what help me was coming up with my own mantra.
I’m not drinking today! And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.

Im grateful for these reminders when I’m feeling pretty strong and maybe complacent in my recovery.