Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful to God please help me be better for what’s left of today than I was yesterday and to continue to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and that it continues to serve me but only as good as I serve it. I’m grateful to be a proud member of the gratidudes as coined by my friend @M-be-free49 and am sure she is happy to have any and all of us use it as am I. I’m grateful for the smell of good food coming from the kitchen. I’m grateful for my family and the nice message from my sister today. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they teach us to use to the best of our ability. I’m grateful for music, humor and exersise.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. In case you forgot I think you’re awesome. Ya you!!


Grateful to be alive, sober and doing my at home workout. Grateful for my higher power.


Thank you, me too.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for the peace that I feel, especially in the face of events that would normally cause anxiety and dread. I’m grateful that I did a hard workout today, grateful that my body con do things like that. I’m grateful for the sense of welcome and belonging that I think this thread has. I’m grateful that tomorrow is Friday, and I have a long weekend. I’m grateful that this holiday weekend will not be spent in a drunken haze like it was last year. This is the holiday that really cemented for me the hold that alcohol had on me. And now it doesn’t. And I’m grateful for that. I’m going to make new memories this weekend, good, happy memories.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m so grateful for my sobriety today, my recovery. I woke up with a dang headache too, and was glad it was a work from home day, (albeit a yawn-filled zoom-fest meeting day). I felt a bit overwhelmed by work, but that’s the norm these days. Tomorrow starts a long weekend. All of these would have been reason to have ended the workday sloshing around in a full wine glass. Realizing I don’t even think of it until I pop open this forum makes me so grateful. (To clarify - opening the forum doesn’t trigger me to drink! It did make me think how new my sobriety was this weekend last year. Grateful for time and my recovery.)

I’m grateful for my cozy little home, the rainy day, the fall leaves, the yummy seed crackers and carrots I munched on (mostly to stay awake… eating noisy food during zoom meetings provides a good excuse to turn camera and mic off!), the snoring dog girl, taking naps myself - just noticing the everyday richness of life.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


And oh, I’m grateful for the Gratidudes! Every single one of 'em. Of course, if anyone prefers not to be called such, there are options! The lovely @Frandango calls us the Gratitroops. And I think there’s Gratipeeps too?

No matter what we’re called, as far as I’m concerned, just showing up is all that counts - one time or a million. There’s no ladder here, nothing to climb up, no hierarchy, no privileged club. Just… gratitude. And belonging.

Pretty special thing we have here, hey friends? Grateful for all of you. :orange_heart:

Oh, but I still think we gotta get tshirts! :laughing:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free and back to my gratitude list.

I am grateful to know that I am not the only one struggling with addiction and that I have found some resources to help me navigate a sober life. Being alone with all of the guilt and shame that goes along with addiction is brutal, so I am sooo thankful for this community and for ITR.

I am grateful for this cooler weather and the upcoming fall, which is my favorite season.

I am grateful to not be dehydrated and worrying about what I did or said last night. To not be puking with my heart racing while sweating like a pig.

I am grateful that I see the value in being sober and the misery in staying a drinker.

I am grateful that I never stopped trying. :two_hearts:

:sparkles:If you have a dream, gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality. :sparkles:


Grateful for Fridays…for sober hangover free mornings. For yoga practices that help me focus on me. For starting day 44 clear headed and with plans to work around the house on this holiday weekend. Looking forward to it…:sunrise_over_mountains::us::tada: Have a good day everyone :heartbeat:


Grateful for waking up on this 26th day without a hangover, without wondering what I said last night, what I did, who I hurt. Grateful there are no booze in the house to drink right now because I’m hungover and need to be drunk again, or still. Grateful I actually want to engage with my life today, sober. Grateful for my step two work and that my sponser is intense and making me explore EVERY single word of Big Blue as it relates to my alcoholism. Grateful to the cashier at my local convenience store who said, " this is a first" when I bought a soda and not booze. Grateful I was pissed at first, proving I do have a problem. Grateful I then laughed and said, “just for today I choose Dr. Pepper”. Just for today I choose to not buy alcohol or drink alcohol.


This morning I am grateful to have chosen sobriety last night even though tempted otherwise. I am grateful for the resulting “tape” that includes a great night of sleep and a clear and peaceful head to start the day. This “tape” features a regular appetite and a thirst for moderate amounts of coffee and adequate water (not guzzling to rehydrate). No regrets or self loathing clouding the day, just joy that it is a Friday, a holiday weekend (even though I work Saturday) and my Alma mater won its opening football game last night. I am grateful for everyone here and for TS. I hope everyone enjoys their days and nights.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family and friends. I’m grateful for music, and laughter. I’m grateful for the nice weather today. I’m grateful for my bicycle lets see where it takes me today. I’m grateful for the gratidudes. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to take a momemt to just smile and breathe, it feels good.Ya you!!


I’m grateful for the God given strength to be sober.
I’m grateful for all the benefits sobriety has to offer me.
I’m grateful for Daisy on my lap.
I’m grateful I don’t get many, if any, urges to drink. Maybe because my wife always has wine around me. I saw her glass of red sitting on the island, unguarded, while I was cooking last nigh. I Looked at it…. I got nothing. It looked good. But I don’t drink.
Kind of like the bag of Butterfingers in the fridge she keeps. :grimacing: I would not be able to have just one. Never happened before. Why would it happen now?
I’m grateful I interrupted my little routine this morning to correspond with my son by text. And Julie In London. They haven’t answered me. But breaking routine is hard for me. I always feel like I got an hour to myself in the morning I got to get my prayers devotionals and gratitude in before I walk the dogs or do anything else. I feel good I reached out to them right in the middle of my routine.
I’m grateful for my workout yesterday at the fitness center and the TV demons were really testing me. I was doing fine until I got on one machine and it faced the Rec room with the biggest screen in the world and not my favorite news station was on and I couldn’t miss it. But I serenitied now and said fuck off quite a few times and continued on.
See, this is big in my eyes because in 2016 I had kicked up my drinking game into high gear. The news was making me drink almost 24/7. I really was killing me. But I recently found out it wasn’t the news making me drink. I drank because I was a drunk @beachmouse :wink:
I’m grateful I’m not a drunk anymore.
I’m grateful for you all. And especially some of the new people that have brought a fresh insight into my recovery.
Let’s be grateful as fuck. Just for today :hugs:

Gratitude changes everything.


I’m so impressed at your commitment to sobriety and not sneaking sips, a drink, a bottle, bottles of your wife’s wine. That is fantastic (I know I wouldn’t be that strong). Thanks for sharing. Being new, it helps to hear stories of a sober future and that it really is ODAAT. :sun_with_face:


Good evening, all.
I’m grateful to be 8 months sober today.
8 months. Unbelievable.
Grateful for all of you.
Grateful to feel like I belong here.
Grateful for the beautiful hour that I spent with my family this evening discussing all of our respective character strengths. We know each other well. Everyone knew that gratitude was high up on my list. I’m happy that it was way up on my kids’ lists too.
Goodnight, all.


Good morning
I am grateful for quiet mornings to wake up slowly. I am grateful for the flexibility of the homeschooling program my kiddo is doing. Grateful for my sponsees and everything they are teaching me, mostly humility and to let go. I am grateful for the late night text I got even though there was no response to my “are you ok” at least she reached out. I am grateful that I am not in a place where I need to fix everybody anymore that those co-dependant tendencies are fading. I am very grateful that I found the strength to finish my graduation program last year. It feels surreal when I think about my child starting school this year, that last year I was starting with her. I many not mention it everyday but I am always grateful for my family, that my child is not a difficult teen, healthy and “happy”. That my parents are still full of life and that we get along better than we ever have now that I am not using. I am grateful that my exhusband felt comfortable enough to call me yesterday to talk about his feelings around something. I did my amends to him and finally told him that I had stopped drinking, he was clueless and very supportive and proud of me. I am grateful that I have found my special little blend of actions that give me purpose in my recovery. Actions that keep my spirit full. It couldn’t be all meetings no creativity, nor could it be all family time no meetings. For the last 20 months I have been shuffling things around seeing where things fit for me, seeing where my balance is so that I am in the middle of my plate not dangling off the edge. I am grateful I kept at that when I felt myself dangling and didn’t give up and say, “fuck it”. I am grateful we have so many new members posting on the forum, I just love this place and when other people find it, I get filled with joy.



Congrats on your 8 months Tony!!! Your growth over the summer has been so amazing to watch. Keep up the good work!!!


News is evil, so is addiction.
Bad, bad combo.

I found this interesting in 2016 I had also kicked up my drinking game and my pitbull rescuing game. The news of them euthanizing all the dogs in Quebec was making me crazy. I was also drinking 24/7 and rescuing dogs 24/7. I knew it wasn’t the news making me drink but I was sure it was the news making me obsess and rescue all these dogs… maybe not though. Maybe I’m just a pitbull-a-holic. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Grateful being sober and hangover free.
Grateful I am on vacation and by being very lucky that we have a final little summer stretch of good weather.
Grateful I have enough.
Grateful for the girls and that they seem to like me.
Grateful I could let go of a mistake I made at work which should not happen at all.
Grateful that I got a new apartment now 6 months ago and I am still liking it.

Happy for everyone’s milestones, like Tony! Yeah, 8 months :tada::innocent::pray::four_leaf_clover:


I’m grateful to have just got off the phone with my Mom and that she answered as I have been stuck in my head today. I’m grateful to read that @Singtone is 8 months sober, don’t stop now my good man. I’m grateful when a post hits me at just the right time for example @Its_me_Stella about being in the middle of our plate’s finding balance and when that balance does get thrown off to not say fuck it. I’m grateful to get off my kinda sad? , mad?, depressed? ass and hit the meeting that starts in twenty mins.


I’m very grateful to be alive and sober today. Grateful that I have been exploring my understandings of my higher power. Grateful that I realise gratitude is an action, and that action contributes to the continued development of my sense of self, my wellbeing and my influence on others. Very grateful for this thread and all the gratipeeps. I had a thought yesterday, that I don’t think in the 7000 comments or so that there’s ever been a disagreement or argument or even really any negativity surface out of this thread. That’s pretty amazing really in my opinion lol. Grateful that I have some willingness to continue with my study as I have things due. Grateful for my willingness to persevere through online zoom classes.