Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Good evening all, I’m grateful it’s Friday, and a long weekend! I’m grateful I have plans that don’t include alcohol, or planning around it. I’m grateful for my home and all the people and animals in it. I’m grateful for my houseplants, and the garden in the backyard. I’m grateful for bicycles and the ability to exercise. Pretty basic tonite, but the gratitude is there!
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Day 1035.
Grateful being sober. Grateful and happy I finally got the mosquito that stick me many times.

Grateful I am not in between and I have the two.

Grateful for these calm, lazy and warm mornings. Not warm warm but warm enough to keep the door to the balcony open.
Grateful my inner pull to justify before my mother gets weaker and I think it helps our relationship.
Grateful I have a mindset to read.


Good day all.
Thanks for the kind words. I am really happy/amazed to reach 8 months.
I am so grateful to be clear headed and hangover free again this morning. I took my son to his swim session and spent 1.5 hours marking exam papers whilst he swam. I was so pleased with myself that I spent another 1.5 hours finishing them off when I got home. Grateful that I now have that righteous feeling of being a bit ahead with work to surf the rest of the weekend on. It NEVER happened when I was drinking. I drowned in guilt most weekends thinking about the work that I should have been doing.
Grateful that things continue to get better and better. I thought that I would get a bit bored with it all once I started to plateau and grew accustomed to the trappings of sobriety, but the upward curve is still flying. Every day my clarity of thought improves, and because I can see things more clearly, I appreciate the greater clarity of thought. Do you know what I mean? Ha. Shame it doesn’t extend to my writing.
So grateful for the feeling of peace that surrounds me at the moment. Work is challenging, but I now trust myself to do whatever needs doing, so it doesn’t cause me (much) anxiety anymore.
Grateful for all of your posts, but specifically a recent one (forgive me, I can’t remember who made it) saying that you didn’t know what you were grateful for until you sat down to type it in here. That is exactly how I feel, and exactly why this is such a priceless thread. Just going through this process makes me better.
Have a great day, all.


This morning I am grateful for a change in the weather that feels a bit closer to fall. It will still reach the 80’s F, but this morning feels amazing. I am grateful for a stocked fridge and pantry and a comfortable weekend ahead with my son. I am grateful that although I have to work today, he has the freedom to go where he wants/needs and I don’t feel like I am holding him back by not being able to take him places. My guilt is beginning to subside these days but I have struggled with that a lot during his kid years. Deep down I know it shouldn’t, as I have to work to maintain our household, but for some reason feel like he got a raw deal. I am grateful that now I can see it all worked out ok and I have to let it go. I am grateful that I have learned the worst thing I can do is compare my household to others and all that matters is the love inside. Our bond is strong and the rest is trivial. To be grateful we do have a cozy home in an excellent school district is what matters.


I am grateful to be sober and alive. Having 95 days feels great my mind is clearing more and more everyday. Grateful for my children and happy we just went on vacation booked a week at a hotel with a casino. Was afraid the others drinking will make me want to drink. It was just the opposite it reminded me of my horror trips that I was bombed and did stupid things and embarrassed myself. It kept it it green for me for sure. Proud of everyday day that passes by without picking a drink. It may sound dumb but the program is stuck in my head. I know how to reach out and how to notice my emotional relapse. Before actually making a mistake I ask myself HALT. Am I Hungry Angry Lonely or Tired, and I start from there. I was a chronic relapser most of my life. I made a choice 3 months ago that I wanna stop that!!!:blush::heart::pray: Thank you to my support and my Higher Power God!:heart:


Since I earned my badge I can share my gratitude pic


Day 27 and I’m grateful for not being hungover, drunk, both. Thankful for 27 days of making adult decisions to not buy or drink alcohol. As painful as it is, I’m grateful that I accept that I’m in no way a victim to being a drunk; I am a drunk who choose yes to every drink and consequence. I’m grateful that I am the only one who can stop alcohol from going into my mouth, body, my life. I’m grateful I can’t be forced to drink alcohol, that it is a choice and for today I choose to not drink.


I’m grateful to God I’m sober.
I’m grateful that when I listen to AA speakers or anyone talking about God and faith, and the talk hits a nerve in me and I start thinking too hard about God and am I doing all the “right things?” I’m learning to take a deep breath and remember what Martin Luther said:
The blindness of human reason is so limitless and incomprehensible.
That reason cannot come to a correct understanding of faith, much less make correct judgments about life and works.
Martin Luther
And it makes me feel better. Since I am a human and faith isn’t something you can reason with.
Then I’m grateful I think of what Jesus said.
“Don’t be afraid. Just believe.”
Mark 5:36
And I’m grateful that makes me feel right with God again.
I’m grateful I got Benson on my lap keeping my right light warm.
I’m grateful I won’t be getting any more “thirsty Thursday” messages or “cool down Fridays” messages. Since this is the last big weekend up here. And all the lovely people that I haven’t met will head back to there nice homes and we will enjoy the serenity of our hood basically without our lovely neighbors and golfers that I adore. :wink:
I’m grateful we have an appointment with the vet to look at Minnie’s eye. I’m tired of “keeping an eye,” on it. No pun intended. It will be a second opinion to see if she needs surgery.
I’m grateful Kelly doesn’t have fuckin jury duty in Phoenix 2 hours away next week. :grimacing: only have to call in 3 more Fridays this month :grimacing: what kind of a cruel juror plan is that?
I’m grateful when she was looking on line after 5 yesterday I felt nothing. In a good way. It’s out of my hands. If she gets called we’ll figure it out. If not great. Grateful I’m not drinking about it. Because the old me certainly would have drank to celebrate or drank to get over it. Win win on the drinking front for excuses.
I’m grateful I can share my thought here with you all.

Today I know that sanity and serenity are the gifts I have received for my efforts and my faith. With practice I am learning to trust peace.
Courage To Change
September 4


Congratulations on your 3 months Luz. And welcome to the forum. You speak very wise words and it shows in your actions. Great job. I’m glad your on our team.
Hope to see you around.
Nothing about you share sounded dumb. It sounded like a very wise person. Who wants to stay wise.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for the NA JFT reading today to remind me to work my step nine, no one can do it for me. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family and friends. I’m grateful that the meeting I went to last night worked to get me out of my head. I’m grateful that I got out of the house early for the day. I’m grateful I get to make tacos for the treatment center. I’m grateful to be able to chair an NA meeting tonight and get some more stuff out. I’m grateful for all the gratidudes. I’m grateful to see another new member welcome @Iamenough
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


I am grateful to have made the choice to be sober today instead of indulging in liquid poison.

I am grateful that I know that I can stay sober regardless of what others around me are doing.

I am grateful that I see the value in being clear-headed and no longer want to dumb myself down with alcohol to get through the day.

I am grateful that I am learning different ways to sit with difficult emotions especially regarding my Mom’s progressive dementia. I know it’s out of my control and in God’s hands and that drinking won’t help.

I am grateful that although at times I feel pissed off that I can’t drink I am able to recognize that drinking is just a fake fleeting feeling and that one is too many and a thousand will never be enough.

I am grateful for this thread and the gratigang that hangs here. :two_hearts:

The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see :sparkles:


Ty so much Dazercat that is such a welcoming compliment.:blush: I look forward to seeing you because I am sticking around! I am doing it day by day a moment at a time…


Good morning, all.
Grateful for the beautiful posts that I have read already this morning. There are some incredibly perceptive, reflective and intelligent people in here.
I’m grateful for the feeling of calm that I have as I lie in bed this morning thinking about what I’m grateful for. Another beautiful sober Sunday stretches out in front of me. Maybe a nice walk. A nice meal and some quality time with the family. A Skype call will my parents this evening. All with the feeling of satisfaction/ disbelief lurking in the background from doing some extra work on a Saturday morning. Imagine, doing something worthwhile on a Saturday morning?! Incredible.
I am so grateful that I feel like this instead of a throbbing hangover, nausea, acid reflux, anxiety, fatigue and an upset stomach all making me wish the day away. I’m so grateful that I no longer wish days out of existence. Instead of focusing on all of the ones that I wasted, I’m going to choose to be grateful for the ones that I am going to make the most of from here onwards.
I didn’t realise that I felt like this until I started thinking about it. Love this thread.
Grateful for the basics of family, shelter, food, water, and purpose. A moment spent realising how fortunate we are to have these things is never wasted.
Have a beautiful sober Sunday, all.


So grateful tonite to be finishing day 45 and moving on to day 46 early sunday am. :tada: very grateful for good online meetings i can attend…for this forum to read and share in…and faith in God for help. :pray:. Im incredibly blessed in so many ways to have food…shelter…work…car etc. And in addition I have my dog…friends
…and reconnection with family starting as well. :heartbeat:
Im feeling amazingly grateful that I am healthy and mostly happy in sobriety. :blush:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful that the room “makeover” that my daughter worked hard to earn turned out so good, and she loves it. I’m grateful that I attended a family birthday party with lots of people, later on the evening than usual activity for me, and I didn’t even think about drinking. I’m fact, I didn’t even feel anxious about it, which is a huge step. I’m grateful for all of the positive changes in my life.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Beautifully said. Added to all of the above? I’m super duper grateful for 8 months (plus!) of your sober presence in this place! Congrats, friend. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful I woke up last night, to find my head still propped up on my pillows in bed, the light still on, and the “Daily Gratitude” thread open on my iPad. I had a grateful little giggle that I must have passed out from gratitude and fatigue! Soooo much better than when I used to wake up during the night in the wine-filled before time…

I’m grateful it’s a long weekend, and for the slow day I had today. The last few weeks have been tiring, and I’m glad I can just recognize this and go a little easier on myself. I’m also grateful that fall energizes me, especially in a creative way.

I’m grateful I’m not boozing my way through this pandemic (er, not since June 2020). Cases are going bananas here again. I can’t imagine how anxious I would feel if I was trying to lean on my wine glass. Grateful I can tame any worries easily with a sober mind…

I’m grateful too, @Bootz, for the dietary freedom that comes with living alone! And grateful to you for the chuckle. Just last week I thought, no rule says hummus isn’t breakfast food, at least now and then… (After all, wearing a mask helps protect society from my garlicky breath! :laughing:)

I’m grateful for this gratigang, and grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful I have been sober for 32 days.
I am grateful for my rescue dog.
I am grateful my garden still has some fresh fruits and vegetables to offer before winter sets in.
I am grateful I was able to be treated at the hospital before the wave of Covid patients flooded their doors. I hope some relief comes soon.
I am grateful that my immunocompromised mother was able to get a booster shot this week.
I am grateful for the firefighters who tirelessly fight all the wildfires.
I am grateful for T.S. and its members.


Grateful being sober. Grateful having slept well.
Grateful I spent a nice day with a friend I made in therapy 4 years ago. Grateful for relaxing and insightful talks we always have.
Grateful for a calm, sunny Sunday morning in bed until it gets a bit warmer.
Grateful I am healthy. Grateful I have enough.

Edit for Eric. :blush:


Welcome PC. :hugs: Pull up a chair. Help yourself to some coffee. Glad you found us. It is very grateful indeed to be alive an unharmed after a relapse. Can’t wait to see the pup on the pet thread some day if you’re willing.
I’m going to call it a night and be very grateful I didn’t drink today.
And grateful I won’t have a hangover tomorrow.
Have a nice walk. I hope the pup is with you.