Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Hi Paula. :kissing_cat:
Any chance I got it right?
Sheā€™s getting so big already :smiley_cat:


Yeah, thatā€™s her. She is the bigger and I am afraid not the smarter ones of the two. I lighted some candles last night to get them used to them. I watched every move they made. Dora approached and went off at a safe distance. Paula was so curious I had to get her off. Some of her longer eyebrow hairs rolled up :roll_eyes:


Iā€™m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery, day 285 without nicotine, day 596 without any drugs and day 750 without alcohol. Iā€™m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. Iā€™m grateful I woke up earlier today after an ok sleep. Iā€™m grateful my housemates are up and about too. Iā€™m grateful for morning coffee. Iā€™m grateful for music, excersise and laughter. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


This morning I am grateful for a couple of days without work, appointments or commitments - just time to do things around the house at my own pace and enjoy the peace. I grateful that my relationship with one of my closest friends doesnā€™t appear to be changing even though she moved. We will still talk throughout the day and see each other as much as we can. She is a bit like a sister and probably the closest friend I have ever had. I love her children like family and I am so grateful they are in my life as well. I am grateful for the fall upon us and anticipation of cool weather use of the fire pit. As always, I am grateful for TS and the gratidudes. I hope everyone enjoys their days and nights in sobriety.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to have the day offā€¦ feeling a bit sluggish today so I am looking forward to watching some movies, eating some good food and hangin with the cats and fianceā€™.

I am grateful to be able to help my Mom with washing her hair and getting freshened up soon. This can be a trigger but I am aware and prepared. :two_hearts:


Grateful I slept in this morning. I think :thinking: I guess I needed it.
Grateful I wonā€™t despair because Iā€™m getting such a late start to the day. Iā€™ll take it as it comes.
Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t drink.
Iā€™m grateful my sister just texted me and wanted to talk but now people are up in her house and sheā€™ll pencil me in later :grinning: Weā€™ve had an on and very much off relationship and Iā€™m grateful itā€™s good now.
Grateful I donā€™t live anywhere near my sister :smirk:
Grateful for family.
Grateful Kelly and I never lived near either of our families. Grateful we weā€™re definitely meant for each other.
Iā€™m so grateful but struggling to list things. Iā€™m grateful I wake up grateful and canā€™t wait to get to this thread and do my gratitude, what do they call it ā€œwork?ā€ Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t think itā€™s work at all.
Iā€™m just a grateful motherfucker :crazy_face: I guess right from the moment Daisy gets on my chest while Iā€™m in bed and starts loving on me and purring. I reckon she could be hungry. But Iā€™ll take it.
Have a grateful sober day yā€™all. Thereā€™s nothing like it :pray:t2::heart:
When I focus on the good during the day my day is better
Or something like that :thinking:
From what I listened to on the AA audio book yesterday. Chapter 16 Acceptance Was The Answer.


Today Iā€™m grateful to this special lady who decided, after long and careful consideration, today was the day to delete her account here and move on with her life. Grateful I got the chance to get to know her, talk to her, learn from her. Very grateful to see her grow from what two years ago was a mess, an addict, and a girl with serious mental health issues into a strong intelligent young woman who is dealing with life on lifeā€™s terms. Whoā€™s getting the education she wants and will be an awesome professional (actually she already is), who has learned to deal with her family, with friends, with life.
Iā€™m sad she left but forever grateful we got the chance to learn from each other. Grateful she gave me hope, grateful she gave me the courage to finally get properly diagnosed and start therapy, just like she did herself. iā€™ll miss her here but Iā€™m forever grateful she was here and in my life for the last two years. And forever in my heart. Thanks Jen. Hugs and love.


Very grateful for a slow and faith filled Sunday. Grateful also for the holiday tomorrow as well as the extra personal day i added on. So grateful i have the opportunity to do that. Grateful for all blessings i haveā€¦all the things i tend to take for granted that i shouldnā€™t like the basics of food clothes and shelter. And yet i have even moreā€¦ :heartbeat:


Good evening all,
Iā€™m grateful for a day of getting stuff done around the house. Iā€™m grateful that getting these chores done will let me have a fun and relaxed day with family tomorrow. Iā€™m grateful that I was able to catch myself being a grouchy pain in the ass to my family- and I went and worked out and did some yoga, and got out of that feeling. Iā€™m grateful that I realize that sobriety doesnā€™t make life wonderful and perfect all the time, but it does give you the power to choose how to react. Iā€™m grateful to have this place to look to for advice, and help, and especially for this thread to lift me up when needed.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Grateful for the time I spent with my family today, that the rain held off for our picnic and that the conversation flowed between my mom and her sisters allowing me space to just be.
I am grateful that the longer I am substance free the more I realize how quiet of a person I am. I always knew I was sensitive to noise and that I become overwhelmed with a lot of ā€œstuffā€ but besides that I am just quiet. I think I am most grateful for that because I have been giving myself permission to just sit while other people talk. I like to listen, people intrigued me. When ā€œconscious contact with our higher powerā€ is a topic at a meeting I often mention that one way I make conscious contact with my higher power is by practicing active listening at meetings. I believe on a very deep level that my higher power speaks through other addicts in recovery, and active listening is not something that I was doing 21 months ago. I am grateful that I was openminded 21 months ago, that I was willing to do anything to stop the suffering and that I still see a lot of value in working on my recovery every day. ā€œYou canā€™t stay clean on yesterdayā€™s shower.ā€ I am grateful that my child starts school on Tuesday, I feel a little stressed and just want to get the ball rolling. Grateful that she had the option to be 100% homeschooled, if I was still getting loaded it would not be a possibility.
I am just grateful for my life today, I am grateful that I managed to clean up with a few years left to spend with my parents making amazing memories. I am grateful for them, nobody is perfect but they definitely did their best.



Iā€™m grateful for the day I had. I felt a bit blah today, just off-ish - not like me on a long weekend! But walking the dog girl tonight, when things felt a bit better, I realized I would have had a cider with my early lunch in the before time, and then popped a cork not long after ā€œwhile cooking dinnerā€. Grateful I no longer run from the off-ish times in pursuit of a wine-filled high. Grateful to avoid the wine-induced regretful lows.

Iā€™m grateful the day got better, as it always does. For the phone chat with a pal, the time in my little patio garden and in my kitchen too, for puttering at my desk. For tending to my off-ish self with kindness. Who knew it could be soā€¦?

Iā€™m grateful for a Sunday night without work the next day. For the book Iā€™m reading right now - just a good fiction tale but I donā€™t want it to end! For my wee home, the mellow tunes playing. For going to bed sober. And early. For mornings and coffee and the sweet relief that awaits me each morning.

Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Iā€™m grateful I never turned to crime, committed suicide or completely lost my mind, and that Iā€™m here trying and actually growingā€¦ :muscle::slightly_smiling_face:


Day 1037.
Grateful for another day hungoverfree, sober.
Yesterday someone asked me per Mail why I wanted to do this course? I replied that being sober for almost 3 yearsā€¦
Then I thought, wooow, 3 years ago I was in a relapse struggle with days off and then drinking again. The pull was so strong, I knew no other way. And well, here I am. There is another, plenty other ways and this alone can fill my gratitude list.
Grateful for another week of vacation with no precise plans. Weather will be perfect.
Grateful I have enough. Grateful I live I peace, I am healthy in most ways, grateful I have some good friends.
Grateful for this thread.


Good afternoon, all.
Grateful that today was pretty straightforward in work. I allowed myself a Sunday afternoon nap yesterday - which got in the way of my Sunday night sleep, and affected my Monday a bit. Iā€™m looking forward to being more grateful for a great sleep tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:t2:
As always, Iā€™m grateful for the wisdom in this thread.
Grateful for the 20 minutes, or so, of conscious gratitude that my family and I took part in at lunch yesterday. It starts off slowly but gathers momentum and really improves the mood. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Grateful for the clarity of thought that is coming back into my life. The clouds remained for a long time, and there are almost certainly some still hanging around, but things are feeling crystal clear and hi-def at the moment. I didnā€™t think it would ever happen, but I guess we canā€™t undo 30+ years of harmful drinking overnight. So grateful that I stuck around. So grateful that I get to experience it again in my life.
Grateful for everything in my life, the material and the emotional. I am a lucky, lucky boy.
Have a great day, all.


Today I am grateful

  • For this amazing house that I live in
  • For a great rock climbing session yesterday
  • To not be in constant financial strife like I was in active addiction
  • For another fulfilling day sober
  • For a great meeting with my label partners about future promotions
  • That we have been blessed with gorgeous weather atm

Today I am grateful for another day of around the house without work or appointments or commitments. Grateful I said no to a dinner with some parts of my family that I simply do not want to go to. I am grateful to have a day to do projects around the house that I save for days like this. I am grateful for letting expectations of others fall away from me. I am grateful to be able to better recognize when others are projecting their shit onto me. I am grateful I said no to a date with a man I know I cannot trust, instead of giving the benefit of the doubt to anyone and everyone like I had in the past. I am grateful for the strength sobriety is giving me and for all of you gratidudes and TS. I hope joy finds each of you today/tonight.


Iā€™m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery and that it continues to bless and challenge me. Iā€™m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. Iā€™m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instill in my life. Iā€™m grateful for quite a few shares I have overheard at meetings and on here over the last few days, they inspire me, teach me and ground me to keep going. Iā€™m grateful that I am getting ready to listen to some tunes while getting some excersise on my way to get some lunch and fellowship at the treatment center. Iā€™m grateful for my health. Iā€™m grateful for humor and laughter, for exampleā€¦whats the difference between a hippo and a zippo? ones a little lighter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Donā€™t give up I believe in you, youā€™re Awesome. Ya you!!


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful that I am allowing myself down time and listening to what my body needs eventhough it feels counterintuitive.

I am grateful that I cleaned my bedroom and now I can reap the benefits of a nice cozy space to decompress in without alcohol. :two_hearts:


Good morning G-dudes :sunny:
What are we grateful for today :thinking:
Iā€™m up feeling pretty pretty good not hungover and sober and went about the morning pet feeding chores with a grateful heart. Even as Maverick always chews on my hand at the kitchen sink every morning as I try to fill my water glass from the RO system. And Iā€™m grateful to watch him play in the trickle of the water that I leave on for him.
Iā€™m grateful I had Benson on my lap and now itā€™s Daisyā€™s turn to tamp on me and purr and settle in.
Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t take that last slug or 2 of cold coffee at the bottom of my cup that always taste like shit.
Iā€™m grateful itā€™s the last day Kelly and I will be holed up at the house as all the lovely part timers crowd all the amenities here. Grateful we will stay home and make our own lunch and dinner and hang on our beautiful deck instead of the great big Labor Day Bash with food and booze tents galore on the driving range that is set up all day.
Iā€™m grateful I talked to my sister on the phone yesterday. Selfish little bitch :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. I guess she needed some of her own ā€œmeā€ time as it was a one way conversation all about her and her kids. :face_vomiting: We are each otherā€™s only immediate family left. We did have a nice time reminiscing about Mom and Dad though and how grateful we are that they loved us and were good to us and that they did the best they could. And we never doubted their love.
Iā€™m grateful the new me can accept her the way she is. And I love her and look forward to the next time she can pencil me in.
Iā€™m grateful we got a beautiful warm weather week ahead as far as the weather app can predict.
Iā€™m grateful for the stars last night. I miss the stars of Durango at night in the great wide open. But last night among all the tall ponderosas in the dark I got a pretty good glimpse of them. And realized how grateful It was the ten years in Durango.
Iā€™m grateful you all let me prattle on here when I donā€™t really have anything very insightful or life changing to be grateful for.
Iā€™m grateful for the little silly mundane things that I can be grateful for.

Transformed, any good we do ourselves may become the golden key that opens a long-rusted door in someone elseā€™s heart.
Ordinary people often wield extraordinary influence.
Believing In Myself Sept 6


Iā€™m grateful for the alcohol-free weekend spent off-roading and hanging out with my daughter. I really needed this and feel so much lighter. She is like sunshine.

Iā€™m grateful for that lightness of spirit which had me actually wanting to take photos again. Grateful I brought my camera gear along and got some shots of the beautiful trail we took.

Iā€™m grateful for my husband and the strength he has shown and given throughout my years of drinking. Heā€™s been the constant in my life, and Iā€™m thankful weā€™re still truckinā€™ along.