Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Welcome to the gratitude thread Carolyn.
I love your screen name Moxie.
Hope to see you around.
You know it works if you work it.
Gratitude that is.


Good morning all,
Iā€™m grateful to read everyoneā€™s lists and adopt so many of the things there into ā€œ things I am also grateful forā€. Iā€™m grateful for this thread, especially when I am having a hard time feeling grateful :grimacing:. Gotta shake that shit off lol! Life is so much better than it was before, even on off days. Iā€™m grateful that I got all my house chores and some work stuff done, and I can feel totally free of those responsibilities today. Iā€™m grateful that even if the plans for today fall through, I will be able to find something else, or nothing else to do, and that is ok. I know I wonā€™t be drinking about it. Iā€™m grateful for all of you and I hope everyone has a wonderful day :heart:


Very grateful for my coffee this morning, for the calming energy that flows through my home, for the white curl of smoke that swirls from my incense every morning. I am grateful for muscle memory and that every time I light a stick of incense it pulls me right back to smoking a bowl of meth. Over 16 years later that muscle memory and those neuropathways are still there. I am grateful for those ā€œsafeā€ reminders of how strong behaviors become conditioned in us. I am grateful for the healthy food that is in my fridge and the courage that I have found to make new dishes and eat some. I am grateful that I am just doing this, I am not following a plan. That I take everyday as a new one and tackle it for what it is. Gratitude helps me, I am grateful that my heart still beats, that my organs still work pretty well and that I have any hair left at all. I am grateful that my body is strong and fights against everything that I have done to it, my body wants me to thrive and I am happy to finally be in a place where I am going to try to help that happen.



Sheā€™s got moxieā€¦ itā€™s like a little mantra. Each time I see it, Iā€™m reminded of the determination I have and the guts itā€™s going to take to overcome alcohol. Thanks Eric. :blush::purple_heart:

P.S. I love Durango. :mountain_snow:


You inspire me, and Iā€™m grateful you are here right now. :purple_heart:


Ya, you better get use to that :joy:
Sheā€™s a blessing.


We all are.


Grateful for my 29th day and so grateful for not being hungover or drunk. I went through my whole day without an urge, and when I woke up I actually forgot I was (am) a drunk. So Iā€™m grateful that I know Iā€™m a drunk and am working towards new habits. Grateful Iā€™ve found kumbachu to use as my ritual drink when I need that hand to mouth action, and itā€™s great for my colon! So grateful that for today Iā€™m living my life sober and things havenā€™t fallen apart, which I always imagined would happen if I admitted I was out of control, drinking or otherwise. Life is still life but things are actually getting better, ODAAT.


Finishing up day 47 and going into day 48 tomorrow am. :tada: Really grateful for a quiet holiday. :us: A check in from my brother was nice as well. For the time and ability to organize my garage today and get some good morning yoga in. In between painting the garage walls i also got to squeak in some reading that i always want to do but never seem to get to. And as alwaysā€¦grateful for the constants in my lifeā€¦this forumā€¦good meetingsā€¦my dog and her continued healthā€¦foodā€¦shelterā€¦work. For my faith that helps keep me steady and stable on this path. :pray:Goodnight all. Ttyl with more gratitudes. :blush: :heartbeat:


Goodnight, nearly 1amā€¦ Good morning. Taking some time to reflect and big myself up.

I am grateful i like tea - havenā€™t drank coffee in months!

I am grateful i made it to 100 days without drinking alcohol.

I am grateful my brain works and I am able to make good choices.

I am grateful i no longer feel like a slave to drinking culture.

I am grateful I no longer smoke or gamble.

I am grateful I represent myself as the person I really am.

I am grateful to be a positive role model.

I am grateful I have changed :pray:


Grateful to be alive and sober today. Grateful for another A+ Assignment mark in university.


Thatā€™s great that you didnā€™t have any urges. My urges seem to vary from day to day. None today though. I hope they continue to diminish with time. Keep up the great work!


Grateful for another calm, relaxing vacation morning. Grateful I can let the girls out in the balcony for a while.
Grateful I have a home, some good friends.
Grateful I started my recovery some years ago.
Grateful I have enough.
Grateful I had a good night sleep until 6. I am slowly sleeping longer :see_no_evil:


Grateful I stumbled on this video when apparently I needed it. Ironic life of mine, grateful for that too. Grateful Iā€™m accountable, because if I wasnā€™t man I donā€™t even know. Grateful for the moment of now. I did nothing really to earn it. Itā€™s genuine just a giftā€¦ Grateful that I can be grateful no matter what, not for everything that happens, but grateful in the moment of now at least. Grateful I worked out, had a healthy dinner, heard from my dad, grateful for a roof over my head, clothes, people that tolerate me enough to help meā€¦ Grateful for this forum, you peeps and this thread.


Iā€™m feeling grateful for

  • this thread and the TS community
  • my Dad and his amazing Chicken Curry that he cooks when I visit, itā€™s delish
  • my job, I love it!
  • my car, itā€™s great, reliable and paid for in full.
  • my opportunity & ability to save $
  • the blue-sky and sunshine today
  • my niece and nephew :heartpulse::heartpulse:
  • having family close
  • good movies, stand-up comedy
  • my health and wellbeing
  • my privilege to be choose a life that I want and to be happy in each moment.

Today I am grateful for the rest and rejuvenation of the weekend allowing for a great fresh start to the week. I am grateful for a full, but nourishing morning ahead before work and the ability to walk, workout, cook and run errands before my shift without a hangover. In the past, I would make a little progress in my home, with my fitness and nutrition, finances, other projects I like to do and then the hangovers, lack of sleep, constantly racing to play catch up would impede every bit of progress Iā€™d made. Itā€™s maddening and insane and I lived that way for decades. I am grateful to recommit everyday to make ot easy on myself to have a great life. I am grateful for my sonā€™s love and that of my dogs and cats. I am always incredibly inspired by and grateful for the gratidudes and the amazing souls of TS. Letā€™s make today special.

Oh and @pinkcloud - I am such a fan of the rowing machine too. So cool that you got one!!!


Today I am grateful for healthy, loving kids. Grateful for an affordable and reliable healthcare. Grateful for a husband who comes home early and eats what is put in front of him. Grateful for a home that is ours and a fluffy puss-cat to stroke.


Today Iā€™m grateful for so many things!
First, to come here again, I missed it. The worst stress is over, so I take my time again to read aroundšŸ™
Grateful for beautiful lovely autumn, for lazy cats in the sun, for my husband beeing back from his jouney, for yummy vegetable harvest, for nice colleagues, for good neighbours, for parcel delivery on time, for trains on schedule, for just feeling happy :sparkling_heart::pray:


Good evening, all.
Today Iā€™m grateful to be sober and clear headed. No hangover and no anxiety is a huge win for me.
Grateful for a job that I enjoy (mostly), and for the life that it enables me/us to have.
Grateful that the thoughts which passed through my head today telling me that I can have a drink if I like because I am my own boss disappeared as quickly as they arrived and came nowhere close to overcoming the feelings of gratitude to be sober that I carry everywhere with me.
Grateful that I feel so comfortable in this group that I can post that last paragraph/sentence without worrying too much about whether it needs punctuation, or not.
Grateful for the walk home from work with a good friend today. It took about an hour and 45 minutes in all, and I didnā€™t contribute much to the conversation because my head was elsewhere, but he carried the conversation nicely for me. Grateful for the jungle that we walked through and the fact that my 50 year old body can still manage the trek.
Grateful for all of your thoughtful and thought-provoking posts. Love this thread.
Have a great day, all.


Good morning all,
Today Iā€™m grateful that my drive to work will let me see the sunrise. Iā€™m grateful that I have a job that pays the bills and allows for some fun things also. Iā€™m grateful that I slept pretty good, and woke up a little early so I had time for coffee in my rocking chair. Iā€™m grateful that there will be time today for some exercise. Iā€™m grateful to have realized how important exercise is to my mood and mental health. Iā€™m grateful for the long weekend I had, and more grateful that not one second was wasted on alcohol.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart: