Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Ah, morning gratitude!

I’m grateful it’s a Tuesday Monday - a short week. Just a little change to the routine.

Especially since being sober, I usually love my weekend routine - getting my wee home back in order and getting ready for another week, cooking, yoga, walks with neighbours and dogs and chats with pals, etc. The planned normalcy of it. Yesterday, though, I’m grateful I could tell I needed a little change. Grateful I took a long drive with the dog girl, looked at the pretty fall colors, took some lovely walks by lakes with ducks aplenty, just got some physical distance from the off-ish feeling of the previous day. Kept my phone off. More of a break instead of avoidance. Did my soul some good - grateful for the perspective gained.

Grateful for planned normalcy of the week ahead. Grateful for the balance - that I’m ready to re-engage after my day. The phone is back on, I’m off to work shortly, and grateful that I’m not starting it hungover and depleted.

Grateful for all of you, for this thread that feels like landing in a big soft chair, for the very real gift of recovery…

…and for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratitroops. I’m grateful for the fact that people are putting trust and faith in me as I had lost that in myself for a very long time, this has been an ongoing theme for well over a year, sometimes it feels great and other times it feels like a lot of pressure and I fear letting everyone down. I’m grateful that deep down I know this is good pressure and it means I am doing something right. I’m grateful that I slept well and woke without an alarm. I’m grateful for the coffee and oatmeal I’m enjoying while typing this all down. I’m grateful for all the prayers and daily readings I do that have slowly become second nature. I’m grateful for this porch i’m sitting on enjoying all your gratitude, nice weather, coffee and breakfast, birds singing, and housemates coming out to chat. I’m grateful that its tuesday and that means I get to go cook dinner for about twenty people and enjoy it myslef. I’m grateful that its games night and I will get to play some chess, cards or pictionary, which seems to be a popular choice lately. I’m grateful for music and how it can elevate my moods if I allow it. I’m grateful to notice my friends avatars as I’m writing this, good morning @M-be-free49 @Dazercat @Peace Have a great day.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are star so shine bright. Ya you!!


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free getting ready to pump up the music and take a power walk to get some endorphins going.

I am grateful that eventhough I still experience cravings I am able to see them for what they are… thoughts not actions… and then let them go.

I am grateful to have found a new dentist that can see me within the next month and a half as there is a shortage in the area and the wait elsewhere is like 8 months.

I am grateful the sun is shining and at the present moment everything is okay.

I am grateful for feeling less anxious today, such a blessing as anxiety f’n sucks.

I am grateful for you all. :two_hearts:

Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. :sparkles:


Good morning you early gratidudes :sun_with_face: I see the coffee is already on and the gratitude is flowing.
I’m grateful I went to bed early last night and continued reading the book Margaret recommended. I haven’t read a book in so long. I’ve tried but keep starting different books but never continueing. The book reminds me a lot of me. I think I’ll be reading it all :pray:t2:
Which in turn makes me grateful I’m up early and feeling really really good and rested. I pray I will continue to do this.
I’m grateful Minnie came up to me on my chair first and put her front paws on it and we had a good knoodle. In her younger days I would have a 45 pound lap dog during my devotional morning quiet time. I’m grateful I’ve always had the patience a love to take care of old dogs. I’m grateful we have Minnie scheduled for LASIK surgery. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: We got her scheduled in late October to take care of her eye issues. I’m grateful it’s something that isn’t so urgent that we can’t wait for the vet of our choice to do the laser surgery on her eye. And of course clean her teeth :tooth:
I’m grateful my daughter and SIL are driving out to see us in October.
I’m grateful for all that I’m learning about myself through the wisdom of other people sharing on here. And all over TS.
I’m grateful when someone likes a post of mine from waaaay the hell back and I read it and think :thinking: “I said that?” “Not bad, I’m going to use that.”
And I’m grateful maybe somewhere down the line it helped someone on their early days as well.
I’m grateful for all my blessings: food, home, wife, and children, and pets, and indoor plumbing, electricity, screen technology, my car, and all the other daily stuff I take for granted. And my music. Especially David Bowie. He’s always been a fave of mine but he hasn’t been on my playlist for the past ten years or so and it’s so nice to appreciate his music again.
Love you guys.
Again, I know I’ve posted this before as a slogan but I feel it’s too important not to post it again.
But, it’s the sharing that heals. Not the person that listens.
Believing In Myself


Grateful to be hungover free and drunk free for 30 days. Grateful for my backyard and my ferns that love neglect, shade and afternoon rainstorms. Grateful I’m not going to bed drunk. Grateful for my air conditioner set on 72° and my fan for white noise to block out lawn mowers. Zzzzzzzz


I love this!!
Way to go Jules!!
I’m so grateful you got:


I am grateful for being here and for trying to do amends. so grateful to recognize my wrongs although is painful


@beachmouse I love fern.!! :herb::seedling:


Grateful tonite for my home. For the ability to think thru things in a sober mind set and decide how to handle issues in a good way for me. To have the sense to work out problems and not expect or allow others to try to do it for me…it builds my confidence. Growth is a good thing and I am grateful for that as well tonite. :heart:


New to this thread. Checking it out because @Dazercat has mentioned it quite a few times, so I figured I’d give it a shot.

I’m going through a difficult time personally/relationship wise and facing some tough choices. But I am truly grateful that I have some clarity in my mind and emotions because I’m not drinking. I’m grateful that I gave that gift to myself. That I chose not to drink, but instead to fully feel what I’m experiencing…even if it’s not a pleasant feeling. I’m grateful I’m showing up in my life.


So grateful you are here MagicILY
I see you participating more on TS and wanting to be sober more than ever. Keep reaching out and adding more to your tool box. The more we ask for support along with giving support is so valuable. And you’re doing it.
You’re doing awesome.


Grateful being sober and on my journey. Grateful for the good weather during my vacation so I can sit on my balcony and read! (me!) in the afternoon.
Glad I got the mosquito that stole my sleep. It’s always only one little bastard. And the girls only eat flies.
Grateful for coffee in the morning. Grateful I am back into reading, sign that I unwound.
Grateful I have enough. And truly grateful for this thread.


Grateful to be 801 days clean and sober. Grateful to have got two A+‘s in university this week. Grateful I worked out today. Grateful I’m single and staying away from the girl who left me and healing without that added chaos and compounding hurt. Grateful I have a family who loves me. Grateful to have access to food, water and shelter. Grateful there’s hope, even if at times my perceptions of that perhaps need some work… Grateful for the time I have alone for self reflection…


Good morning gratidudes - Today I am so grateful to read this thread where I can relate, laugh ( @Bootz ), and continue to be inspired and motivated to live this day to the fullest in sobriety. I am grateful that although we experienced a thrashing thunderstorm last night, we did not lose power…sleep, yes, power, no. I am grateful for the gym closeby when it’s too rainy to walk and for a short work week. Somehow I am already anticipating the weekend (must revisit “living this day to the fullest”) I am grateful to see my health metrics changing for the better with sobriety fostering added motivation to let the urges float right down the river where they belong. Enjoy your days and nights all!


Good evening, all.
Today I am grateful for my sobriety, for my clarity of thought and for not being hungover. It has been a stressful day, for one reason or another, and I can deal with those days much more effectively now, without any of the above.
As many of you know, I teach maths in a secondary school. Today I did a conscious gratitude starter activity in one of my lessons. It was really simple, I just went around the room and asked everyone to tell me something that they were grateful for. By the third lap, the smiles were broader and the atmosphere was lighter. It was a beautiful example of the power of conscious gratitude. I am so grateful for that.
Once again, I am grateful for all of your posts. My head has been all over the place today, but when I start reading in here, everything slows down to the right pace. I am extremely grateful for that.
Grateful for my family, for my wife, our apartment, the food in the fridge and the clothes on our backs, amongst many, many other things.
Have a great day, all.


Good morning all,
I’m grateful that today marks a year since I put down the poison. I’m grateful that I have you guys to share this with- my tribe, people who truly understand what it takes to do this, and what it means to have reached this milestone. I’m grateful that I found TS, when all I was really hoping for was a counter. I’m grateful I found this particular thread, which is a huge source of comfort, and also a reminder when I’m struggling.
I’m grateful that I feel more balanced today. I think this milestone threw me for a loop for several days, and while I am very happy to see the days on the counter, I’m also happy to get past it so I don’t feel this weird internal buildup of emotion. I guess the truth is, I didn’t/ don’t know how to feel about it. And that’s ok, I’m just gonna go with it knowing that I will level off.
I’m grateful for a day off of work today. I’m grateful for sunshine, and green trees against a blue sky. Im grateful for coffee, and for the ability to exercise.
And I’m so very grateful for all of the Gratidudes, Gratitroops, Gratipeeps- you are all very special to me.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Milestones mess with us. It’s an unfortunate fact. Congratulations on your year. That’s an incredible achievement.


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful I’ve gone to bed earlier to read my book 2 nights in a row now and gotten good sleep.
I’m grateful I’m not all pissed off because I have a slight headache this morning at least it’s not from drinking and I reckon I just get minor headaches now. Grateful for coffee and Tylonol and lots of water.
I’m grateful for the new G-Dudes joining us and some others who pop in to show what they are grateful for.
I’m grateful I don’t drink as I watch my wife get so fucking worked up over things in life (the news) (Twitter) the one lousy HOA meeting on speaker phone call from the comfort of our couch. I’m grateful I was just chill while she’s pouring another glass.
I’m grateful for my extra time alone this morning as she sleeps it off. It’s going to push our day back and everything is going to be late. I could wake her up so we can get the dogs walked and get the day going. Or I can enjoy my quiet time this morning a little longer. Let Go Let God? Or am I doing this for spite? Whatever I’m enjoying my quiet morning time.
I’m grateful for all the blessings I have and presently I don’t feel guilty about it. Sometimes I do. And that’s ok. Because sometimes I don’t. And that’s ok too. Their feelings!
I’m grateful I got in a good workout yesterday despite a few obstacles that were put in my way. I’m grateful I managed my time perfectly. Because I’m sober and not hungover.
Happiness is a result.
Not a gift.

Believing In Myself


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free and not riding the hellish “merry” go round of active addiction.

I am grateful that I got all of my chores done early and now I can just chill before going back to work tomorrow.

I am grateful that I don’t let other people’s opinions of me massively dictate how I feel about myself. How I feel about me is the most important.

I am grateful for my health and independence.

I am grateful that I only have to do things one day at a time. :two_hearts:


I woke up this morning wearing different pjs than normal, and for the first few seconds I was in a panic, scrambling to remember last night. Did I get drunk? Did I throw up on myself? Did I spill something on my clothes? Did I pee my pants? :weary: And then I remembered that I haven’t had a drink in 27 days… and that I was wearing new pjs. I’m grateful for the crazy little things I’m experiencing.

I’m grateful to have a safe place where I can actually admit stuff like this without feeling ashamed. Ok, without feeling too ashamed. :wink: