Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Congratulations on one year! That’s an awesome accomplishment. And years two, three, four, and on will be, too! I’m happy for you and thankful you’re here. You inspire me to keep on going. :blush::purple_heart:


Omg :scream:
There you go sneaking in another great milestone on us. I love this!! I’m so happy for you Sunflower. It’s great to have you here doing your gratitude work every day and showing us how it pays off. I’m so proud of you :hugs:


Congratulations on your first re-birth! I hope you have a wonderful day you enjoy :tada::innocent::pray:


Congrats on slaying your first year of sobriety.


Still happy for ya. :blush:

Whenever I see cool elephant tweets and videos you come to mind.
Have a wonderful sober bday.


Grateful that I didn’t have to wait too long for my bloodwork this morning. I am grateful for my Dr, her very human qualities and that she allowed herself to cry infront of me. I see situations like these as my higherpower showing me it’s OK to be vulnerable and to show certain people who I am. I can trust her and I am very grateful she offered me some counseling sessions today. I feel so much love and support around me as I venture into these very scary waters, I couldn’t be more grateful for that. I am grateful that I do not have a physical dependency on drugs and alcohol anymore, I still battle with my addict for all my waking hours but at least my body is not craving to get loaded. I am grateful for the cooler weather, for the songs of the fall birds, and the smell of the ocean on the breeze. I am grateful that I live on this island, that it is a much slower pace, full of nature and friendly people… heaven on earth. I am grateful for the small sense of peace I feel at this very moment most likely due to expressing my gratitude. :blush:



I’ve never shared gratitude lists before :slight_smile:
Today i’m grateful to be sober. Grateful that i have better mood and less depressed. Grateful that i have friends and my mom, and maybe our communication is not fantastic right now, i know alcohol played role in it, having these people is a real value for me. Grateful to be in sober communities. Grateful that i can handle my job. That i can laugh after long sad time. Today is a warm and calm day, and i’m grateful for that hour i spent walking to the shop. As always, grateful for tasty food and a place to live. Grateful that today i did actions for my sobriety.


Welcome, this thread is a magical place to be.


I came here after reading some of your replies in other threads, where you mentioned gratitudes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Здравствуйте Tais.
And welcome.
That’s about all I remember from my Russian classes many many years ago.
Welcome to this great thread of gratitude. It’s where all the cool kids hang out :grinning:

I hope to see you around.


Today I am grateful for my sadness. It’s not a fun feeling but it is raw and real and makes me human. If I’m going to feel sad I might as well embrace it and see what messages it has for me. Not to wallow in it…but to understand it’s a part of my experience and shouldn’t be ignored.


Grateful for my morning workout. Grateful I exersized through quarantine. Grateful I get sick after because my body’s telling me that it’s tryna purge the crap I put in it over lockdown (food related) #trigger warning, don’t go there ppl, not worth it!!! Not at all!!!

Grateful I’m like two months away from finishing the first year of my degree. Still some Gard work to go but I seem to have proven to myself that I can do it. Grateful I sat with some feelings last night and this morning and really spent some tome in them and allowing them to be interpreted in a deeper way, relating them to someone else that has been through it and come out the other side. Grateful for meetings. Grateful to be alive and in the moment now consciously thinking mindfully about my actions. Not perfectly, not flawlessly, but regardless, openly. Grateful for the gratidudes, y’all rock.


Congrats on your year :tada:


Grateful for my faith and the way it guides me as well as the opportunities to explore it and feed it. For the ability to pray and meditate and feel connected to God in both blessed amd difficult moments. :pray::heart::pray:


Good evening all,
I said it before, and I’ll say it again- I am so grateful for this thread and all of you. I am honored to share this journey with you all. Thank you for all of the congratulations :heart:


Sunflower!!! One whole year!

Super huge amazing congrats to you!

And yes, milestones are weird, hey? Excitement and unknowns (a year? then what? what now? wha…?) kind of like graduating from high school and realizing life was just starting, or something like that - at least for me. But - all the same, very worth celebrating and letting those who are proud of you celebrate too! Like me! And us.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey and yourself with us - each day, no matter what number. :wink:
Always grateful for you! :orange_heart:


Wow, congratulations! Amazing stuff! Keep it up!


yesssss so awesome!!! BIG CONGRATULATIONS on your year. Keep moving forward


I am grateful for another day. I am just starting my journey of sobriety. 3 days today. I don’t feel alone in this anymore. Thank you for sharing :heart: