Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Thank you!!! :relaxed::purple_heart:


Thanks so much! :blush::purple_heart:

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Tonight I am grateful for the life I have — I am healthy, live in a beautiful environment, do work that is fulfilling to me. Nothing will ever be perfect and there’s plenty that I still want but I appreciate what my life actually is and I know I have what I need.


I’m grateful for the slow day I had, getting putter-y things done at a nice, even pace. For the walk with the dog girl by the river, the smell of fall leaves in the air. The taste of crunchy carrots from my wee garden!

I’m grateful for my neighbours. I’ve lived places before where I don’t really know my neighbours. Here? It’s so lovely to have a good variety of friendly people around, chatting as we come and go or bump into each other on nearby paths. I was loading the dog girl and my recycling into my car today, and in no time someone’s there, offering to help. As I drove away, it hit me: I don’t worry about these bump-ins the last 439 days. I don’t have anything to hide anymore. Grateful and relieved.

I’m grateful I figured out my on-again/off-again funk of the last few weeks. With covid going bananas here, in the back of my mind, I was quietly time-travelling into the future, manufacturing angst about another winter like last. But really, M? I’m grateful I can catch myself in these states. I easily came up with a rapid-fire list of things that were great about last winter, and I had no problem - thanks to this practice. If I want to go future-tripping again? I’m so grateful I’ve got things to look forward to…

…like tomorrow. And seeing all of you Gratidudes. :wink:
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Huge congratulations! That’s something to be proud of :tada::confetti_ball::pray:

I am grateful being sober. The night was a bit short but that’s okay. Paula has diarrhea and I need to call the vet tomorrow. Otherwise she is okayish (eating, drinking…) but the two are not fighting atm which is not normal.
Grateful I still have one day before work tomorrow.
Grateful for the nice, warm and beautiful weather I had.
Yesterday, the colors were so intense. The air clear.
Grateful I have enough, I am healthy, I have all my limbs, my fridge is full, I have some good friends.

Edit : häppppieeeee that my oat drink tastes like from the store :confetti_ball::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh I forgot this morning. I’m so grateful Kelly didn’t get called to federal jury duty in Phoenix next week.
3 Fridays down.
2 to go :crossed_fingers:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free. Up ealry drinking my half coffee half hot chocolate.

I am grateful that my sister has decided to take some time off of drinking to focus on getting healthier.

I am grateful to have the day off today to spend some quality time with the s.o.

I am grateful for today’s weather forecast, 77 and sunny.

I am grateful to be heading over to my parents house in a couple hours to check out their new shower, which will make helping my Mom a lot safer and more efficient. :two_hearts:


Congrats @ShesGotMoxie on your 30 days, which I guess was yesterday, but nevertheless, here’s to lucky #31!!.

Today, like many of you, am grateful for waking up early with Sunday morning coffee. It really does feel amazing to have this long wonderful day off sans work AND sans hangover. I am grateful that my mom and I are taking a drive up to a nearby mountain town to wander, eat and shop. She and I aren’t into a lot of the same things, but we both eat and she wants to buy me a birthday gift, so I am grateful for the time together and, admittedly, for shopping for something for myself!

I am grateful for my time spent outside yesterday and for the new employee at the nursery where I help out sometimes. She is incredibly knowledgeable and such a warm and kind human. I hope to get to work with her more often.

I am always grateful for gratidudes and TS and all of the amazing sharing that takes place here. This exemplifies “community” and I feel so fortunate fortunate be a part of it. Peaceful days to all.


I am grateful that I have a loving and supportive wife and two great kids. :heart:


Grateful for day 35 and not being drunk or hungover. I’m incredibly grateful for this venue and all the great shares of struggles and success. Grateful I’m able to visit here and learn how to act like a human, again, if ever I was one :alien:. Grateful for the soul who created this island of misfit clean, sober toys. Just for today I’m grateful for my choice to not drink.


I’m grateful I woke up pretty pissy this morning, but knew after my devotionals I can come here a do my gratitude work. Work? I think not!
I’m grateful for Al-Anon, and all that it’s taught me, as painful as the lessons were.
And the three C’s.
I didn’t cause it.
I can’t cure it.
And I sure as hell can’t control it.
And when I put these practices in place my reactions are pretty fucking cool. And calm. And hell, almost non existent.
I’m grateful for the 6 pets I have and all the joy they give me. There’s always a bundle of joy near by. I guess it’s Daisy’s turn now as she sits purring in my lap.
I’m grateful God installed purring in cats. How cool is that?
I’m grateful I’m sticking to Daisy’s diet. She’s getting to be a big chonk. It pains me to cut back on her food. It doesn’t seem like she gets that much in the first place. And today I’m working on Benson. Smaller scoops for the 2 of them.
I was hoping to write I’m grateful for the smell of bacon in the house but I forgot to start the oven and now I got a cat in my lap so I can’t get up. Those are the rules in this house :smiley_cat:
I’m grateful we’ll be having that BLT for lunch.
I’m grateful for the first football weekend. Don’t let me down Hulu.
I’m grateful to be a Bills fan and my Bills hat seems to be a conversation starter. I’m grateful I tell people I use to be a Patriots fan and they get all excited that I’m not anymore :thinking::joy:
I’m grateful the 2 cashiers at Sprouts chatted me up. One was from Rochester and is a Bills fan and I said I got a good friend in Ontario that turned me on to the Bills. And I thought it was pretty cool how that just flowed out of my mouth. I’ve never even met this adorable guy in Ontario.
I’m grateful I have people on TS I consider really good friends and I’ll probably never ever meet y’all. Got to admit. Sometimes I think that’s weird. This whole E-Recovering thing that @Robin has created. it’s pretty fucking amazing.
I see you there Brian writing something. Ya ears burning :fire:
I’m grateful I feel so not pissy any more this morning.
Have a great Sunday y’all.
Giving is sweet; giving what I didn’t get is sweeter.
Believing In Myself


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery from booze day 757, drugs day 603, cigarettes day 292, and back surgery day 722. I mention my back as well its a touch sore today and two years is comimg up soon, hard to believe. I’m grateful that some of the depression tied to my back has lifted as I have accepted I have to change careers and some of my recreational activites, (its really hard he says tearfully). I’m grateful for all my family and that my parents are coming by tomorrow for a visit. I’m grateful for my friends and all of you gratidudes. I’m grateful that my NA homegroup meets tonight and I have the honor of being the keyholder/greeter/setup/backuptreasurer person, service… it works if you work it.
I’m grateful for the sports and recreational things I still do. I’m grateful that the NFL is back on go Bills, that Canada’s baseball team, the Jays are possibly playoff bound. I’m grateful for cognitive behavioural therapy, 12 steps and gratitude. I’m grateful for the music and laughter that I can hear in the background as I’m visiting at the treatment center. I’m grateful I can come here to hangout and eat watch sports with the guys this afternoon and not have to cook.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a capable and beautiful soul. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for this first month of sober living. Having to face all the different emotions is so much better than simply gathering dust and facing nothing.

I’m grateful that I removed myself from social media eleven years ago. I found it toxic to be empathic and be on Facebook. It’s not for me.

I’m grateful for the quiet time when I allow myself to think about my life and those in it. I’m abundantly blessed.

I’m grateful for people who are newly joining this community. It makes my heart happy to see them here, working on making a better life. :purple_heart:


Day 4 of my sobriety journey :smiley:

Today I am grateful for this new productive, inspirational motivating positive daring energy I am experiencing. I feel as though I am about to birth something amazing soon(figuratively speaking) . I’m loving how focused I am and how clear I can hear the spirit of God speaking to me. I’m preparing for something big. So today I am grateful for this beautiful energy. Sending great vibes and strength to anyone who reads this and many blessings happy Sunday :heart:


Day 4 of sobriety. Grateful for this last chance my wife has given me. So grateful to Aa and all the support I get there. Grateful for my sister’s ongoing support. Grateful for starting to use prayer and being brave and honest when kneeling for prayer. Never had belief and not sure who or what I’m praying to but I do feel listened to. Now also grateful for the hedgehog that just scurried past :blush:


I’m grateful my kids and spouse. They are my motivation and biggest blessings


I am grateful for another weekend of spending time with those I love and being fully present.
Re-noticing beautiful little quirks and mannerisms that make me smile.
I’m grateful for finding myself quicker to laugh and easier to see the great in the everyday.


I’m grateful for having David Bowie back in my life. I can’t seem to get enough of him these days :pray:t2:

Welcome and grateful for some more new posters here. Congratulations on day and 4 @Littlehummingbird24 and Pete.

And welcome DJ @DJ1001 i had a cat named DJ once. Grateful blessings you got there for motivation.

And Stephanie, lots of nice benefits like that when we’re sober.

The more gratitude the stronger we are to beat the beast. Hope to see you around.


Thank you :blush:


Thank you and I love a bit of Bowie too