Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Today i’m grateful for sobriety. Grateful that i finally understood why i felt sick for several days - because i have a cold. Grateful that i just do what needs to be done and have a clear conscience. Grateful for having friends, mother.


Grateful to have enjoyed a quiet relaxed Sunday in sobriety. Im glad to have been able to putter around home a little…read (which i never usually seem to find time for)…and catch up on some TV. Im so very lucky to be clear headed and happy in life. :heart::pray:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a little sleep in this morning, and a very nice nap this afternoon. I’m grateful that there is also the foodies thread that I love to look at ( I’m a terrible cook so I love vicariously through there)- BLT looks awesome @Dazercat! I’m grateful that I no longer feel like it a mad dash to get any and all things done in the morning so I could feel justified in drinking the rest of the day away. Now I can spread out chores or things I’d like to do throughout the whole day, and it’s so much easier. I’m grateful for Pumpkin Spice flavored stuff- it’s about all the Fall I get here in the desert haha! I’m grateful for my family.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful to have a good side…


This makes me smile so big.

I have now read this part 5 times in a row.



I’m late to the party - but I brought a fresh plate o’ cupcakes ! :laughing: :cupcake:

Huge congrats to you on your first month! That’s massive work. I hope you are proud of you like we’re proud of you! :orange_heart:


Thanks a bunch, Emm! I love cupcakes! :kissing_heart::relaxed:


A good good day. I’m so grateful for these kinds of days. These are the days I longed to find in a bottle. These are the days I can only have sober.

I got out in my little garden early. I’m grateful for the carrots aplenty - yum! And for the bumper crop of tomatoes it appears I’m gonna have. I’m grateful for those times when I lose myself mindfully in some kind of task or activity, no sidebar comments from my inner voice about what I “should” be doing. (And no thoughts about pacing my cider/wine glass refills, thankfully.) Just doing what’s at hand…

I’m so grateful for the friends we have here in this virtual space, too. Funny - just last week I was wondering why my mini sunflowers were blooming so late this year. I know why! I said to myself today. They waited for Sunflower’s one year sober celebration! :sunflower:

I’m grateful you all let me bake you virtual goodies. Trust me, you don’t want the real thing! I’m grateful we share our milestones, our wins and woes. Your posts not only make me stronger in my sobriety, but expand the bandwidth of my gratitude enormously.

I’m grateful I feel rested for the week ahead. Like I had a break. Old me would have wasted a good portion of the day thinking I should work, but then pouring a glass instead. And not resting or working or indulging myself in the fun pursuits of my days, my life.

New me? I had a break. I’m grateful. I’m grateful I’m tucking in a good tired and happy. I’m grateful for the dog girl’s snores, and the sound of rain that waited to fall until I came indoors. I’m grateful there’ll be coffee in the morning, a work week ahead, and all kinds of opportunities to discover all I have to be grateful for.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful to have been invited to be a part of an NA book study with a bunch of other women. Grateful that I know my limits now and am not afraid to voice when something will not work for me. I am grateful that I have learned instead of ruminating in a bunch of unknowns and “what ifs” to ask questions. I am grateful that I feel worthy of knowledge, that I feel deserving of information and that I am not afraid to show that I don’t know all the answers. I am grateful to have so many strong women in recovery guiding my life right now. I reach out almost everyday, and that has helped build a solid foundation to my recovery. So grateful for my first sponsor who took me step my step through how she was taught recovery 17 years ago and explained why it worked. I am grateful that my child is so supportive of my recovery. Super grateful for what’s app chats with long distance friends. Grateful you’re all a huge part of my recovery story.


Today I am grateful for human connection :heart:

I had two random long conversations with strangers at the park. They approached me because of the cockatoos. They were in awe at how friendly and comfortable they are with me. .
They continued the conversation about other random things… We talked for ages.

It was nice :grinning:


Good afternoon, all.
I am struggling to feel grateful today, which is why I am here. Your messages have helped me a lot. Thank you.
Today is the kind of day that I have to force myself to find things to be grateful for. I go simple on days like this.
I am grateful for my beautiful family. I don’t know what I would do without them.
Grateful for my job and the life that it gives us.
Grateful for our apartment, our clothes, our creature comforts, the food in the fridge, running water, air con, a comfortable bed, our car, my friends, and my parents.
Grateful for all of you and your honest posts.
Have a great day, all.


Grateful to be alive and sober today


They are beautiful sunflowers!


Today I am grateful for true rest and time away from the work week to refill my tank. I am grateful I didn’t refill my tank with booze and feel good today. I am grateful for a little time to tidy, walk and workout before work. I am grateful for learning a lot about instant gratification vs delayed long-term gratification lately. Days like today that feel a bit more in the mundane side would have sent me quickly into seeking the quick fix, even if it’s something like shopping in a store when I don’t need something or to spend the money. This is not the life or behavior I want to continue. I am grateful for the intention of finding the simple pleasures of the day as I know they are there. Grateful for you all as well, of course and wish a peaceful day/night to each of you!


Grateful to be sober today and giving time to others


Grateful being sober. Saw someone from my old f2f clearly not sober at all in town. Grateful I took the exit when it was possible for me.

Grateful for my half annual dentist appointment. Cleaning teeth, not having gum problems like in active addction. I am always scared as my teeth are not good and all the more grateful when everything is fine for another 6 months.

Grateful I took Paula to the vet, hope she will doing better. Got medicine for her and well one portion is now everywhere but not in the cat. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Grateful that she still likes me. I’ll come back to that in some days.

Happy I got out of bed as planned earlier this morning to start a morning routine. Not long but it’s nevertheless a challenge for me.


Hi Franzi :wave:
Sorry, but I’m grateful I’m having too much fun picturing you giving meds to Paula and the way you described is priceless😉 thanks for the morning smile.
I’m grateful to be up early sober for 620 days but who’s counting? This guy! Good thing I have a counter. Beautiful thing I’m not hungover.
Grateful I didn’t get hammered yesterday for opening weekend of football.
Again. Grateful I’m not hungover this morning.
Oh Sunflower,…… I have forgotten about the
“Mad Dash” To get things done pre or post drinking so I would have more time to drink or justify my drinking. Another crazy exhausting trait to put in the dumper.
I’m grateful I just enjoyed my Sunday watching football, cleaning a bit here and there making meals and even going for a walk when Hulu fucked me over. :grimacing: All at my own leisure.
I’m grateful for the book I’m reading. I did not want another recovery book to read. I’m sick of them. I wanted fiction something I could escape in. I’ve tried several. But I’m totally engrossed in The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober. On week nights I’m going to bed earlier and reading. Thanks Margaret. And I’m grateful I haven’t miss my blood thinner pill since I got nudged to get that pill minder thingy. :pray:t2:
I’m grateful for my iPad. It randomly and unexpectedly puts memories together for me and there’s a pop up. And this morning I unexpectedly started balling my eyes :sob: out because of this video from “this day 2012” of my son and my wife and me up in the mountains. I’m so fucking blessed to have such a wonderful son. And now I miss the shit out of him :cry:. Fuuuuck. I need the tissues.
I’m grateful for the range of emotions I’ve already felt this morning because I’m alive and sober and not hungover.
I’m grateful for my life and all my blessings. Every day I see new ones past present and future.
Grateful for TS and especially this thread.

Tears can be trusted more than smile because you can easily smile at anybody but you can’t cry for anyone without true feelings.
Quoting .com


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family and look forward to my parents arriving for a little visit in the next couple hours. I’m grateful for all the staff at the treatment center who have been working with and supporting me for what seems like forever but has been almost daily for 16 months now. I’m grateful for all my fellow clients I have met there (wow…its hundreds now) that have challenged, entertained, taught, supported and became friends with me. I’m grateful that I no longer attempt to become friends with all of them because that people pleasing and approval seeking behaviour was exhausting and I still have to remind myself of that. I’m grateful for the returning addict who came to the meeting last night, took my number and asked me to sponsor him, so I said yes because that’s what my sponsor tells me to do. I’m grateful to see @Dazercat getting ready to post about daisy on his lap, Kelley enjoying a sleep in, his coffee and maybe something about football. I’m grateful for each and every one of the posts on here, I read them all and have for the last three of these threads now and appreciate all of you GRATIDUDES. I’m grateful for @M-be-free49 pictures of her wee garden, @DuncanNZ the OG gratidude and his A+ work at uni @Mno and his gratitude beaming with love @Its_me_Stella all her working with others and raising a daughter she can be and is so proud of. @1in8billion @Peace @Sunflower1 @Singtone … wow there’s so many of us now,(awesome) I don’t want to leave anyone out, speaking of people pleasing. I’m grateful that myself and my friend Eric have mentioned and I’ll say it again, this is my most valued and important tool, Gratitude can, has and will change your mental health, and spirituality two key components, in my opinion to live a happy, healthy and productive life worth living.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


I am grateful to be sober and having a lazy day watching tv in bed with Will :cat:

I am grateful to have today off to catch up on some rest and process some difficult feelings related to watching my Mom struggle with dementia.

I am grateful for my family, my coworkers, my health, and for so much more.

I am grateful for all of your shares. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful I feel good today. I’m grateful I got myself to attend a meeting. I’m grateful to find this community. I’m grateful that my husband wants to make changes for himself as well (on his own will). I’m grateful for my family.