Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Have you ever seen the film “The man who fell to earth”?


:man_shrugging: On it. Google.

Grateful for Google. Nope. I don’t do science fiction. But I will do this one. Thanks. Been looking for my next movie.


Today i’m grateful that i visited dentist and bought medications to treat my tonsillitis. Grateful to be sober. Grateful that i was honest with my mother, which is new and hard for me. Grateful that i do psychotherapy and give myself a chance to get along with mother, also to reflect on what’s happening to me and be more aware. Grateful that i have friends from AA, because it is not so easy to find friends when you’re 30, people you can really share personal stuff with. Somebody struggles to find friends, but i was lucky to come to AA, and though sometimes i think “what if…” and imagine another life for me, the one i have fits perfectly into this world, like a jigsaw. And most of the time i have no regrets. And i’m grateful to god for that, grateful to the AA and TS communities.
Grateful that i danced in the kitchen today also🙂


Today I’m grateful

  • that I managed to do a lot of homework
  • that I found a song helping me relax
  • that I didn’t overindulge in technology
  • that I talked to coworkers after work for over an hour
  • for the fact that I can clearly see my social skills improve
  • for public transport
  • for free education
  • that I didn’t wallow in self-pity because tonight was horrible at work
  • that I’m open to learn
  • that I’m very close to accepting everyone for who they are

Grateful for pockets of hope amidst the flatness of everything. The company of my beloved dogs who fill my heart with love and thankfulness. That my friend got her own dog finally and she is a healthy and sweet dog child . Enough money for a full fridge. That I still have a lot of life ahead of me. That my boyfriend is staying over tonight. That we both have knowledgeable therapists. That I’m learning more about how I can change in a way I would not have thought possible.
That I have the belief this fucking depression will go away again, eventually. That there’ll be brighter times again for me.

For this thread. Wee piece of heaven it is. :comet:


Tonight I’m grateful for music. Grateful to my mum and sister for introducing me -unwittingly and unknowingly, for I just played all their records when I got the opportunity- to a wide array of 60’s and 70’s music until I started to find my own records and way in the early 80’s.
Grateful to my friends from that days, the radio stations I listened to, cassette tapes, cd’s, minidiscs, and finally the internet with its downloading, youtube and spotify. Grateful my taste and likes kept on expanding into the great array of styles and influences I love now. It gives me so much solace. And instead of losing some its power and impact because of listening to it sober and clean actually music has become even more endearing to me since I quit using. Which is something I didn’t expect. Music soothes my soul in ways nothing else can. So grateful for having music in my life.
And very grateful to this thread and all the gratidudes that occupy it. You make me think about gratitude each and every day, even when I don’t post every day or even every week on it. I still think about gratitude just because of the existence of this thread. Which exists because of all you lovely folks. Very grateful to you all. Love.

PS And grateful to Brian for luring me back in tonight. Yes you! @I.cant.We.can


Today I’m grateful that I can care for my mum. she caught a norovirus and was very week and exhausted when I came to her house this morning. She is 91, still living alone. I did garden work, supported her with tea and dry bread, washed and cleaned everything, helped her to get up etc. It was an intense day and I’m grateful I’m there for my mum. I’m grateful for every day she is still here :pray::sparkling_heart:


Ooh epic, I can tell straight away they’re home grown, a dream of mine, good on you! :hugs:


scrugs looks awesome and what a great name


Love the Scruggs :heart:
Does he have a funny underbite :joy:


Good evening all,
Today I’m grateful that I am sober and here for my parents. They’ve had so much go on in the past few years, and I haven’t always been there like I should have. I’m grateful that when my Dad called yesterday to talk about his best buddy- a border collie named Archie- I was able to pick up the phone and talk to him. I’m grateful that I can send love and support to them today- they lost Archie . And I’m grateful that I will be here and sober when they are ready to talk about it. I’m grateful that you guys will understand how important and how loved our pets are. Archie was a wonderful dog, and really watched over my Dad- stayed with him when he was waiting for the ambulance to arrive right before his quadruple bypass, keeping the other dogs off him while he healed……they really loved each other immensely. I’m grateful that they found each other in life.
Now on to lighter things! I’m grateful to see beautiful, happy sunflower pictures! I’m grateful to read that singtone also struggles to find gratitude sometimes lol- it means I’m not the only one! I’m grateful for hot Kava stress tea in my Harry Potter Gryffindor mug!
And always for you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


The last couple of days I’ve felt grateful for sunshine. Just had some moments where the light hits just right and it’s beautiful. Hard to not feel grateful when witnessing that kind of magic.


Today was like pacman (I am old) and Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde, the ghosts, in this case gratitude crushing ghosts, chased me almost relentlessly. Grateful my cup o’ gratitude was full from the weekend. Monday tried hard, and I didn’t set any high scores, but i’m still grateful, still sober.

I’m grateful for the laughs with a colleague, they really do help when the stress starts climbing.

I’m grateful for all the people on this thread caring for elderly parents and posting about it. Grateful I am not alone as I bear witness to change in my mom. It’s still so hard to understand, let alone accept, how quick and sweeping the changes were to the physical and emotional landscape I called home, to the people who were home.

I’m grateful for all of our pets, our connections to them, and our shared understanding of how meaningful they are.
Rest in peace, dear Archie. You sound like the perfect kind of best friend. :heart:
And nice to meet you, Scruggs!
I’m grateful I could pick out @Mno in his sober selfie by his cat t-shirt! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’m dearly grateful for the dog girl.

I’m grateful I caught a glimpse of my reflection today and felt proud of my eye wrinkles! my smile lines. (see above re: old :laughing:). but seriously? I’m grateful I’m ok with my age, my stage. I think it’s because I’ve done a lot of growing up in sobriety. And that’s ok, sobriety leaves more room for goofy fun, too, you know? Maybe I’ll see if they still have pacman and tetris on some retro game app. I think I have a high score or two in me yet…

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Im grateful this morning for work although i have to admit i seem to be committed to looking for another job as im not really happy in the one i have now. But im grateful i can recognize that and work toward a different job without being hungover and useless and just conplaining. I can take the initiative to just realize it may be time for a change and the current company and i arent a good fit.
Im also grateful for waking up healthy so i can consider my options and have choices. :heart:


This morning I am grateful for a healthy night of sleep and waking without a hangover this morning. I think we all agree that never gets old. I appreciate technology now more than ever allowing me to so easily bring books and music anywhere anytime. I know this is not “new” but I have found the desire and comfort in it to be extremely helpful in new sobriety. It inspires me to think, research, write and reflect in ways I had not in the past. I am finding more and more with which to relate and as opposed to more and more opportunities to isolate. I am all for putting the phones away, turning off the tube and hanging out with the trees as much as possible, but I am definitely finding new appreciation for knowing how my sleep quality and heart rate variability is being affected with changes in behavior. It’s amazing what we are able to learn about ourselves through technology. I am grateful to live during a time with all of these advances but to also have lived when the yellow pages were a daily source of reference so as to appreciate it all! I am ever so grateful to use technology to access TS and the gratidudes. Peaceful days/nights for all of you!!


Good evening all.
Today I am grateful for my 50 years of life experience. You may have picked up that I have been in something of a funk for the last couple of days (I didn’t try too hard to disguise it :joy:), but today I am pretty much back to normal because I put some of those life lessons to good use.
I made self care a priority, even though I didn’t feel like it. I made myself sleep well by going to bed super early. I ate well despite wanting to eat junk. I drank lots of water. I popped a vitamin B complex supplement. I exercised. I went to see my best friend, the jungle, with it’s monitor lizards and monkeys. I worked on my conscious gratitude, which really helped, and I decided that I needed to exercise conscious compassion - which was the final piece of the jigsaw. I am so grateful to have learned these lessons and to have the clarity of thought to make myself do them when my brooding conscious mind couldn’t see the point and just wanted to go to the airport. Grateful that the pub wasn’t an option this time.
Grateful for your shares. They helped me out of a hole yesterday, and they have sustained me today.
Grateful that my parents celebrated 52 years of marriage on Sunday. They gave me such a solid start in life by the sweat of their brows. They literally had the clothes that they stood up in when I was born, but they never let me go without anything. Least of all love.
I love this thread. I had no idea what I was going to write about when I sat down, and now I can’t see my screen through the tears of gratitude.
Have a great day, all.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful for the fan in my room and the white noise that really helps me sleep. I’m grateful for music and excersise. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful to God thank you for loving me and know I love you. I’m grateful that my parents and I can have these visits with honest and real communication. I’m.grateful for the courage gained through the serenity prayer to have these conversations and work on ammends. I’m grateful for all of you.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are totally awesome, smile. Ya you!!


Good morning Brian.
Grateful to see you this morning.
I’m grateful I’m sitting here chuckling as I see your avatar watching over me as I write this. :joy:
I’m grateful to God for another morning hangover free and sober with Daisy warming my lap. And the dogs in their places. I’m grateful I can hear the purring and the old dog girl snoring and I can feel the purring.
I’m grateful for cat zoomies.
I’m grateful I broke down and got some new Housecleaners coming today. Im grateful I can afford it. And actually it’s kinda of a way I’m asking for help. I really just can’t do it alone. My back would be laid up for days from doing the floors. It happens every time. And I don’t like strangers in my house. I’m grateful I’m going to try and see how it goes. At this age I’m worth it. It probably cost the same as a couple of bottles of good red wine.
I’m grateful I can share that with y’all.
I’m grateful I got a good workout at the fitness center yesterday. And ALL the TVs had my favorite news channel on :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:. I was thinking about what I wrote before and how great it was to block it out and concentrate on my workout. But……. I was the ONLY ONE there! After awhile I just thought…… there’s a remote sitting on the desk see if it works. I casually and easily changed all the TVs to ESPN. And fully enjoyed the rest of my work out. I’m grateful if it wasn’t so easy to do I wouldn’t have bothered. I mean I don’t want any news on tv when I’m working out.
Anyway. I’m grateful I did that because it was a big deal for me. The old me would have plowed through it, apparently unnecessarily.
I’m grateful I’m going to look into private reformer lessons at the fitness center.
I’m grateful I have no idea what this day will bring and I’m cool with that.
I’m grateful this is the shit I come up with when I’m struggling to find things to be grateful for.
I’m very grateful for the book I’m reading. Again. Same book. But the author is opening my eyes to other forms of recovery. Seems like there’s more out there than I thought.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for my life.
Good morning Jules. I see you too. :crazy_face:
I’m grateful for that cat pick of yours the other day. I had to immediately show my wife. He is so adorable. Probably gets it from his mother :wink:
I’m grateful to wrap this up for the morning.
Love you G-Dudes
Focus more on the rainbows in your life, and less on the storms.
Inspire your beautiful soul.


Day 37 and grateful for the Meeting Guide app I learned about here. Grateful for the post-work meeting I found because of this app. Grateful I didn’t buy booze after work to help me forget about what I saw at work. Grateful I’m still stuck on step two. Grateful that I know I REALLY need to figure this step out if I have any hope of staying sober. Grateful for this day and my continuous choice to not go to the store to buy booze, not drink bought booze, and not pretend to be a victim of my actions of buying and drinking booze. Grateful for AA.


Good morning.

Today I am grateful to be alive, and able to share my story. I am grateful that the day has arrive for me to go to the recovery house to speak and that even though feelings of being unworthy started to raise humility quickly took over. My story is valuable too. I am grateful for my cozy home and the warm colors that flood from it, all the energy that my crystals fill it with, the clean air my plants provide it. I am grateful that I am in a place now that I clean everyday instead of no-day. I have become house proud and it feels good to be able to be present in my home. For many years I lived in meth labs or I squatted or my home was not vacuumed for literally years. When I am in active addiction my whole world turns upside down it is so nice to enjoy my clean home. I am grateful for the growth I am feeling inside. On Friday I recieved a call that my blood work came back irregular a Dr was not able to go over results with me until Wed of this week. 2 years ago I would have spent those 6 days obsessing about what was wrong with me, I have learned I have no control over such things and to just let shit go. I very grateful for that, for this woman who has been riddled with anxiety most of her adult life it feels like a super power.