Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Good morning.

Today I am grateful to be alive, and able to share my story. I am grateful that the day has arrive for me to go to the recovery house to speak and that even though feelings of being unworthy started to raise humility quickly took over. My story is valuable too. I am grateful for my cozy home and the warm colors that flood from it, all the energy that my crystals fill it with, the clean air my plants provide it. I am grateful that I am in a place now that I clean everyday instead of no-day. I have become house proud and it feels good to be able to be present in my home. For many years I lived in meth labs or I squatted or my home was not vacuumed for literally years. When I am in active addiction my whole world turns upside down it is so nice to enjoy my clean home. I am grateful for the growth I am feeling inside. On Friday I recieved a call that my blood work came back irregular a Dr was not able to go over results with me until Wed of this week. 2 years ago I would have spent those 6 days obsessing about what was wrong with me, I have learned I have no control over such things and to just let shit go. I very grateful for that, for this woman who has been riddled with anxiety most of her adult life it feels like a super power.


Good morning! Iā€™m grateful for community that accepts and supports my sober self. Iā€™m grateful for the opportunity to grow and expand. Iā€™m grateful my head feels clearer today. Iā€™m grateful to tie up loose ends. Iā€™m grateful for my kids and partner. Iā€™m grateful for all the reminders to take it 1 day, 1 hour, or 1 minute at a time.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful that in this moment everything is okay.

I am grateful for my house, my cats, my family, and for my job. :two_hearts:


I love my white noise fan too. :slight_smile:


Today Iā€™m grateful my mum is ok again. Iā€™m absolutely stunned how resilient this woman is. Back on her feet and full of energy in 24 hours. I donā€™t recover from a norovirus this fast ā€¦ Thank God sheā€™s well again.
Grateful the annual on farm inspection today turned out ok.
Grateful for the joy my cats bring me, the fun and the cuddles :sparkling_heart:
Grateful I had some good moments with my husband today.
Grateful for my nice and cosy bed and my old boy leaning on my side, becoming longer & longer as he purrs himself to sleep (me too, soon) :hugs::pray::blush:


Sorry, for not having the energy to read. I hope you are all doing fine.

I am grateful, very grateful that going to the vet helped. Actually I think Paula had digestive problems since I got her. I see this now. This morning her poop was much better and I think her stomach is not so big anymore. Giving her the meds was a battle. Dora actually like it the prebiotic stuff. Well, she eats anything anyways.

Grateful being sober.


The last almost 2 years since I quit my job in the night club and decided to pursue sobriety have been the happiest years of my life.
Grateful I found a closer preschool for my daughter to attend. Itā€™s cheaper too so we can go back to our fancy gymā€¦ Iā€™ve been having withdrawls from those work out classes. But grateful to know how good they are for me.
Grateful for realizing that although my SO has never made my heart go litter patter (lol) I have been the happiest I have ever been so maybe I should just be grateful.
Grateful to have my bills all paid. Even the next 3 months of bills are stamped and ready to mail for once.
Grateful I have free time to myself.
Grateful I found a good book to read.
Grateful for this new meeting place I found that has meetings every hour! Itā€™s awesome.
Grateful the meetings were so good my friend is feeling better about her sobriety.
Grateful for each breath.
Off to read my good book, talk to you all later! :revolving_hearts:


Wow @boots! Thatā€™s amazing!! I am taking notes over hereā€¦ I definitely miss running! Such a great feeling. What kind of dog is Scruggsie?


Iā€™m grateful that I have the opportunity to read how everyone is doing.
Iā€™m grateful that I am in a position to help my friends because I find myself with extra time.
Iā€™m grateful that when work is stressful, Iā€™m learning new ways to react that isnā€™t drinking (Iā€™ve definitely become more sweary).
Iā€™m grateful that I can share these thoughts this with others so thank you.


Today Iā€™m grateful

  1. that I called my optician which Iā€™d been procrastinating for months.
  2. that the optician fixed my glasses for free.
  3. that I called my physician which Iā€™d been procrastinating for months as well.
  4. that the physician had room for me in between school and work.
  5. that I called my book supplier to return some books even though they didnā€™t pick up.
  6. that I managed to do at least a bit of homework.
  7. for the great day at work.
  8. that I didnā€™t have school in the morning.
  9. that Iā€™ve found a lot of relief after making my phonecalls this morning as Iā€™d been procrastinating all of that.
  10. that I didnā€™t overindulge in technology use.

Iā€™m so grateful to have this community!
Iā€™m grateful to be alive
Iā€™m grateful beyond measure that no one else was hurt during my ā€˜days of destructionā€™.
Iā€™m grateful for be not being judged.


Good evening all,
Iā€™m grateful for laughs with my kids today- they really are just about as weird as I am haha! Iā€™m grateful I got a workout in- even managed the whole hour even though I was telling myself ā€œ ok, weā€™ll stop after this songā€. Somehow song by song, I made it. Sound familiar my ODAAT family! Iā€™m grateful for sunshine, and flowers, and my houseplants. Iā€™m grateful for my husband.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Iā€™m grateful for this day. It was a good day.
That I could talk though a conflict with my partner in compassion but without losing my own perspective. For my ACA book and that I got to read it today. That I got to do some light weightlifting. Havenā€™t been able to in weeks. That the anxiety and self loathing and depression that have run me ragged recently have let up a bit today so I got to feel like myself a bit again!!
For a kick-ass busy as hell work shift, friendly customers and me in charge.
That the person who threatened me at work last week so that I had flashbacks of sexual abuse I had buried and anxiety attacks for days after didnā€™t show up again. And I felt more secure again.
That I put the effort in to finally estalish a hand care routine for myself so that right now, for the first time in years, my hands arenā€™t killing me after a shift. This is a big deal.

For my sobriety. For my recovery. For my partnerā€™s recovery. From an addiction that damn near broke me alongside with him. Fucking hell.

To come home to my family. To have a home! To have a life. To have hope. To have a body thatā€™s healthy enough to carry me. To be a good enough person to not suffer from envy, hatred or rage.

Thank you HP. Thank you all beautiful people on this thread. You bring sunlight into my life.


Yesterday I said I was grateful for the sun, and this morning I woke up early and had to dive right into some work. From where I was sitting orange warm sunshine shone through the window right onto my heart. Sometimes when we express gratitude for something, we keep seeing it show up over and over again. Almost like it was always there :wink:

Today I am so grateful to be sober. I had a feeling of wholeness earlier after teaching a yoga class. Itā€™s not like it was the best class ever, in fact, I was unsure about some thingsā€¦but as it was wrapping up and I had a few moments of quiet, I just felt very whole and very sober and very full. Iā€™m grateful for moments like that. Interestingly, after class I talked with one student about practicing gratitude and the benefit it can bring to our lives. Grateful for connection. Grateful for conversation. Grateful for what my experiences have taught me.


Iā€™m grateful to God thank you for helping me have a productive clean and sober day. Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™m home safe in bed. Iā€™m grateful for netflix, just reinstalled it a couple days ago after a few month months of disney instead. Iā€™m grateful my new sponsee texted today and that I got to sit and do step work with another one. Iā€™m grateful I get to see my sponsor tomorrow. Iā€™m grateful that I can afford to take the bus on days where Iā€™m sore, like I did today. Iā€™m grateful for all your posts you wonderful gratidudes, keep it up. Iā€™m grateful that this thread is titled gratitude list, but for myself and many others, we are taking it even further, hopefully like myself you are noticing the benefits.
Good night and God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Donā€™t forget to take a moment to just smile and breathe, it feels good. Ya you!!


Tonight Iā€™m grateful that this day (meeting hell) went well. I do wonder - did it go well? Or is it more that I can be well in the midst of stressy meetings? Maybe itā€™s percolatingā€¦ that I neednā€™t react to everything out of my control, or have my feelings rule my actions. Nice. Grateful for this shiftā€¦

Iā€™m grateful for the trails around me, the trees, the calming effect my after-work walk through forest and neighbourhood has on me. Especially tonight in the waning Fall light. The ducks quacking away. I do feel like a particular stretch of my trail takes care of me. Grateful for it.

Iā€™m going to add hope to my post tonight. I hope @ShesGotMoxie 's daughter gets the very best care possible. That she makes a strong comeback in no time. Iā€™m grateful for all the healthcare workers for doing what theyā€™ve been relentlessly doing. Iā€™m grateful for my loved ones, and dear ones, always - but in these unpredictable times too. Iā€™m grateful for those who take care of my loved ones and dear ones.

Iā€™m so grateful Iā€™m sober. Iā€™m so grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Good evening, all.
Iā€™m grateful for the beautiful posts that I have read on here already today. I really do love this thread.
Grateful to be sober and clear headed.
Grateful that a photo popped up on my phone today and really made me think. It was from a year or two back. I was absolutely wasted, with a ridiculously incoherent smile on my face. I was bloated and bursting out of my shirt. I was so deeply ashamed when I saw it. You know, one of those moments when you are all alone but are cringing and humiliated anyway?! I sent it to my wife. I think it has increased her gratitude for my sobriety. It has certainly strengthened my resolve even further.
Spent a lot of time thinking and talking about gratitude today. Itā€™s almost better than being sober, and being sober is outstanding. Iā€™m starting to wander into conscious compassion too. That has a similar impact on my emotional state.
Have a great sober day, all.


Good morning gratidudes! Today I am thankful for a new day with no worries of an upcoming meeting. Thankful for great coffee accompanying my gratitude and intentions for the day. I am grateful for a quiet, peaceful neighborhood where, from my perception, its residents have worked hard to maintain modest and simple homes and everyone is grateful to have what they do. Gratitude trumps wanting more and I appreciate that I live among great humans. I am grateful for my closest friendā€™s new PE position at her kidsā€™ school. It is what she was born to do and those kids donā€™t know yet what an amazing educator they have in store for them. I canā€™t wait to hear all about it! I hope everyone has an excellent day/night!!


Grateful being sober. I am blessed to be. I just saw the man I wrote the other day about I think back in town. He was begging me for money and didnā€™t recognise me. He was not suspicious that I knew his name and where he lived. I is living actually in a community where he is tested each day for alcohol I guess. Probably he doesnā€™t show up atm. I have no idea. I am a bit shocked right now tbh. Knowing that he has a little girl of maybe 1.5 years again that was taken away from him and his alcoholic mother.

Grateful I donā€™t drink.

Grateful I find joy in little things like finding new trails, short cuts or alike.

Grateful the girls are doing good. Poop is not stinking anymore. I cannot be happier :see_no_evil:


I got home a week ago from 3 months in treatment and Iā€™m so grateful for the treatment team that helped me and for my family for having faith in me. I feel stronger and happier than I have in a very long time. :two_hearts: