Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful I’m up too early hangover free and sober and enjoying my quiet time with God and my devotionals. I’m grateful for how still and quiet it is when Minnie is down the hall and I can’t here her breathing. I’m grateful she’ll make an appearance in a few minutes.
I’m grateful for that first glug of coffee when it’s just the right temperature and it goes down and warms my soul.
I’m grateful for a completely clean house today. The house cleaners were amazing and it only took them 3 hours.
I’m grateful I got 6 fur babies that will remind me what’s important. Them or a clean house.
I’m grateful when we were down to 1 cat and 1 dog it just wasn’t working for us. And it gave us the ability to take my sons 2 rescue kitties when he had to make the really hard decision to let them go. He never would have let them go to anyone else. It was a trying time back then. He’s a good dad. And he still gets to see them.
I’m trying to be grateful I didn’t do shit yesterday. No workout or anything physical. It’s ok to take 2 days off in a week from exercising and shit.
I’m grateful I did calmly handle and fix a big clusterfuck with the airlines for our trip to Austin in November. After being on hold for ever. And then having to start all over a couple of hours later. I’m grateful I calmly walked away from it and calmly got back to it later. I wasn’t even cussing them out. No I wasn’t :slightly_smiling_face: I’m not joking. :joy: I wasn’t !
I’m grateful how I react now and/or my lack of reaction to problems.
I’m grateful for you all :pray:t2:
And dear Lord I pray for the healing and health of Keely and that her health care workers use their God given talents to make her well. And for her mother’s peace and calmness during this difficult time. In Jesus’s Holy name. Amen.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 3:5


I’m grateful it’s all about the poops. :joy: :poop:
Welcome to the club Franzi.
It IS a big deal.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and my improved mental, physical and spiritual health as a result. I’m grateful that I slept well and long. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Never underestimate your value, you rock. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for my health. I grateful I’m so committed to attending a meeting today. I’m grateful I feel better today. I’m grateful for this community. I’m grateful for the opportunity to grow, evolve, and blossom. I’m grateful to open a new door to infinite possibilities


Today I’m grateful for success. I don’t know exactly how it’s called in english. I did some heavy farm work all alone and now my acres and my meadow with fruit trees are all mowed :pray::muscle:
Grateful for healthy food, for a hot shower, for cats leaning on my back whilst I fall asleep exhausted.
Grateful to pick up my husband from the train station and having a nice evening conversation.
Grateful for food delivery service!
Grateful I will complete garden work at my Mom’s tomorrow before rain sets in. Grateful for this wonderful autumn period of sunshine and cool nights :sparkling_heart::hugs::blush::pray::heart_eyes:


I am grateful to be sober, hangover free, and up early for prayers.

I am grateful to be sitting on the coach with Blanket and Will :cat::cat: mentally preparing for the work week which starts tonight.

I am grateful to have all of my ingredients out and ready to go to make a banana and peanut butter smoothie for tonight.

I am grateful for my sponsor and for her wisdom.

I am grateful for all of you and your thoughtful shares. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful it will all be okay, because it all always just is.

Grateful I had a not-rushed morning, and that when I arrived at work, those of us there (we are on a rotating home/office sched) actually took a coffee break – chatted and visited. Not to get political, but we’re all worried about the state of covid in our province, the mismanagement. I took zoom meetings from home this afternoon. The wind was strong as I drove, pressing on all sides of my small car. The sky was shades of grey scale, clouds colliding vigorously. I walked the dog girl (and the dog of a neighbour who is isolating) quickly in the rain after work, all of us navigating the deadfall that crisscrossed our trail. Home to watch a news conference, and we’re back in a state of emergency and a lockdown. This is needed and responsible. Still, I’d take a virtual hug or two…

I’m grateful for my health.

I’m grateful for my wee home that I love being in, (and yes Capricious Capricorn, taking care of).

I’m grateful for my job, that I can work from home.

I’m grateful that working from home meets so much of my introverted needs. I’m grateful I have neighbours, colleagues, and friends I can reach out to when I need connection – oh, and the gratidudes, of course. Connection in real life and – thanks to technology – virtually.

I’m grateful I can afford healthy groceries. A pass for zoom yoga classes.

I’m grateful for all the creature comforts I have. My fave coffee beans! Ordering books to be delivered to my door! Lavender-cedar bath salts. I lead an indulged life.

Turns out I don’t have a damn thing to complain about.

I’m grateful to be sober. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I feel so grateful today!!!

I am grateful for the school program that I have my child enrolled in. I am grateful for my recovery and the fact I am in a place emotionally, mentally and spiritually to homeschool her. She requires quite a bit of support around her schooling as she has learning difficulties and I am so damn grateful I am able to provide her with that today. As much as having chronic pain sucks I am grateful that it means I am home with her all the time. It means that she has a stay at home mom who can focus 100% on her and that is exactly what my child needs. I can’t express how grateful I am for that.
I am grateful for humility, faith and trust. Those are the three things that got me through my share last night. I am grateful for creativity, art, music and cool ideas. I am very grateful for all the fun I have with my parents, we are a crazy bunch. Grateful that I get to spend a whole day traveling with my kiddo on Friday, have dinner with the ex and then a late ferry home. But today I think the biggest thing I feel grateful for is the realization I had a week or so ago in regards to how tightly I was holding onto control of my ED. Since then I have just come to a place of acceptance and have just let myself be. Although I am so far from good, I can feel balance inside. I am so grateful for that.



I am grateful for yesterday, today and hopefully tomorrow…
I am grateful for the people who take me and my worries, anxiety’s, things that bother me, seriously.
I am grateful for life.
I am grateful for all of you.


Good late afternoon, all.
Today I am grateful that I could get lots done in work. Being on top of things is good for my mental health. It was a busy but productive day. So much more productive for being sober and clear headed.
Grateful that it’s a beautifully clear evening.
Grateful for all of your shares, but also grateful that I don’t need them as keenly as I have on other days. Still like ‘em though.
Grateful to feel settled and calm.
Grateful that it is Thursday for me. It’ll be weekend this time tomorrow. Weekends rule.
Have a great day, all.


This morning I am grateful for our kitties and pups as this household wouldn’t operate with the same joy without them. One kitty didn’t come around during feeding time and usually he is the first in the kitchen and actually wakes me up knocking everything off of my nightstand. As aggravating as that can be, when I couldn’t find him, I panicked. Turns out he was “busy” (since we’re on the topic of cat poop) and when he appeared I felt more relief than I can describe. Turns out these guys are truly our family and I am so incredibly grateful for their cuteness and quirks. I’m grateful for the rain and for access to the gym during days like this.

I am always grateful for you all, your thoughtful shares, this forum and community. Happy Thursday!


I’m grateful for another day.


I’m grateful to God to don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful to God I’m not a drunk.
I’m grateful it’s cool enough in the house for my first fire in the fireplace.
I’m grateful for my cat warming my lap; and my coffee.
I’m grateful it’s hoodie season.
I’m grateful Daisy was extra frisky with me on my lap this morning and now she’s settled in.
I’m grateful I can clip the nails on my cats anytime I feel like it now, because I’ve never had too much or anything to drink.
I’m grateful I manned it up and I’m getting a private Reformer lesson Saturday at noon. I recognize I’m getting stale and uninterested in using my reformer and I’m hoping a few private lessons will give me a boost.
I’m grateful I came across Adam T AA Speaker Hilarious Recovery Share 2013. It was a fun 3 1/2 mile power walk listening to him.
I’m grateful for powerful motivational AA speakers. They really motivate me to continue on my path of freedom from booze.
I’m grateful Stella was the speaker at her meeting last night and I’m sure she brought her message of hope to others as she always does here.
I’m grateful to hear Keely was in stable condition last night and continue to pray for hear health and her mother and family. And all her healthcare workers. And all healthcare workers everywhere.
I’m grateful on the mornings I think I don’t have much gratitude, like today, seem to be mornings I go on and on about what I’m grateful for.
Gratitude is a beautiful thing. And so are you. Ya you!

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


I’m grateful that I successfully navigated 2 triggers last night with ease. I’m grateful the my first babies for keeping me company when the kids woke up all night. I’m grateful to be clear headed and fully functional to handle to take care of the kids when they had a rough night. I’m grateful to work from home. I’m grateful for a warm shower. I’m grateful to feel like my mind has shifted and I have a stronger directive and clearer motivation this time. I’m grateful for the present moment


Grateful being sober. Grateful for coming in for this thread.
Grateful for having accomplished 3 days of my new morning routine. I do shower starting cold as it takes a bit of time to warm the water :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, then some yoga and then guided meditation. The funny thing is that the girls sit or lie down and listen as well. Apparently they like his voice as well.
Grateful for a quiet evening ahead. Grateful it’s Friday tomorrow. I am a bit stressed about the interview on Monday but I’ll see that.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I can check in here anytime. I’m grateful for music, excersise and laughter and how they work together well for me.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You can do this, I believe in you. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for our public transport system that takes me to and fro therapy in another town. Grateful for therapy helping me deal with my stuff. Grateful for being sober so I could go and do therapy in the first place. Grateful I’m home, now the public transport through the whole country has come to a standstill due to unclear circumstances just as it is unclear how long it will last till it will run again.
Grateful to all of you that together make this place what it is, a safe place for me, a place that helps me live my life sober and clean. Grateful I can feel love. Love you all.


Today I’m grateful for a rainy day to rest and relax. Grateful everything went well today, nothing special, no drama :blush: Grateful for my beloved cats, today husband and I watched them together enjoying life and play around :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Grateful for early bed time. Good night folks :pray::sleeping:


I am grateful to be sober, hangover free, and up to get a walk in before work after 8hrs of sleep.

I am grateful to be working with some quality coworkers tonight, which means it will be a good night no matter what happens.

I am grateful to have my bills paid, to have food and drinks in the fridge, and to have a roof o er my head. :two_hearts:


Day 39 and grateful for my weekly woman’s group meeting tonight. Internally I get so intense and hyperfocused on staying sober but then I get to this special once a week meeting and my ladies help me see things as ridiculous and funny. We don’t minimize the intensity of our disease, but through our shares, see that addiction is addiction is addiction - regardless of who is experiencing it, and for that I’m grateful. :blue_heart: