Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Good evening all,
I’m grateful that yesterday was my husbands birthday and his brothers came over to celebrate. I’m grateful that sobriety gives the the flexibility and grace to roll with the unknown, unannounced punches :laughing:. I’m grateful that it’s almost the weekend! I’m grateful that the morning temperatures have dropped just the slightest bit- maybe cooler weather is coming after all. I’m grateful that I have a home, a family, and to borrow a line from @anon74766472 , I’m grateful I have enough.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Really grateful today for health. After not feeling well for the last couple days im so grateful for my normal generally good health. Im thankful i stopped drinking and didnt add that to the mix of being sick and tired from not sleeping well. Im grateful ive chosen to stop and focus on my health…mental spiritual and physical and that i stay very protective of that. :heart::pray:


Tonight I’m grateful that Keely is showing signs of improvement. I believe she’s going to be coming home soon. :heartpulse:

I’m grateful for the doctors, nurses, and techs who have been working round the clock to help her be well.

I’m also grateful that the nurses let me know we could go and wave at her through the windows of her hospital room. And grateful they didn’t run us off when we brought friends and posters and balloons out there to cheer her up. :relaxed:

I’m grateful for my kids who always rally around each other when one is in need. I’m thankful beyond words for my little tribe.

I’m grateful for my extended family who are so loving and compassionate. They make life better with their kind hearts.

I’m grateful that I’m getting through this rough patch without relying on alcohol. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that I’ve truly been present for Keely and my family.

I’m grateful for all of your stories and how they get me through my day. I found myself laughing out loud at some of the memes I saw today. Thanks for that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through another day. I’m grateful that @beachmouse gave me my 50th like on a picture the other day and I got to earn a new badge. I’m grateful to have a face to put with @Sunflower1 good for you opening up to us. I’m grateful to be able to honestly say I am commited and determied and responsible for something(recovery) as these are qualities I always wanted to have but my addiction and actions didn’t show that. I’m grateful that I am nice and full and comfortable safely watching football from the couch. I’m grateful that I have nothing planed for tomorrow, going to attempt to fully live in the moment. I’m grateful for forgiveness towards myself and others.
God bless you all, good night. :v: & :heart:


Tonight I’m grateful to read all of these posts. A lovely bedtime story! (I need to catch up on some other threads it seems!)

I’m grateful Day 1 of another lockdown is happening on Day 444 of sobriety. Am not at all preoccupied with how to maintain a full wine rack…

I’m grateful I stuck to my own work-from-home sched. Closed the laptop, walked the dog girl, made a nice little dinner! Read for a bit. Beautiful.

I’m grateful i’m tucking in sober and tired. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today I am grateful for choices each day that I rarely had while drinking. It limited what I could do or felt like doing in the morning and at night. I am learning more and more that the way we start our day can truly determine how the rest of it flows. It’s repeated by clients I speak with as well, so not just me. When I wake up feeling good, giggling at the cats and dogs, writing all that I am grateful for, setting my intentions for today, and walking with a book, I am setting myself up for success. What follows is a day that flows, that is thoughtful yet flexible, with health and self care at the forefront. Before bedtime these days, cleaning up before sleep looks much different (i.e. dental floss is actually getting regular use, and I have become one of those women I have always admired on tv who puts on lotion before reading her book in bed - silly but true). If I want to wake early and grocery shop, I can because I am not hungover and haven’t spent a ridiculous amount of $ on booze. The freedom of choices is a wonderful thing and I could not be more grateful. Grateful as well to read that @ShesGotMoxie 's daughter is doing better and slated to go home. Wishing everyone a peaceful day and night.


Good morning all,
@I.cant.We.can thanks for the shout out, posting a selfie was kinda scary! Actually, thank you to everyone for such a warm reaction! I have made an agreement with myself that this thread is my hub- the one I use my hearts on mostly, and respond to mostly, because I get overwhelmed on here, and especially with the thought of leaving someone out and hurting them.
I’m any case, today I’m grateful that work starts later than normal so I got a little extra sleep. Grateful it’s Friday! Grateful I got to see my kids and husband before leaving for work. Grateful for you guys and this thread!
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I felt the same way on the check in thread. It eventually started to cause me a ton of anxiety and it was super overwhelming. What was happening for me was for the first time ever I felt like I belonged somewhere and that I was a part of something, that I genuinely “fit in” while being authentic. Whenever there was a moment that started to feel threatened I would panic. For example, if someone was causing drama or if like you mentioned I couldn’t keep up with the thread, or I missed a milestone. Once I realized that it was actually an ego driven response in me that was sneakily being cloaked as wanting other people to be happy I nipped it in the bud. In reality of course people want acknowledgement for a milestone, but imagine the difference between “acknowledgement from someone who feels obligated to do it for fear you will get upset” compared to “acknowledgement from someone who is chilling with their coffee and happens upon your milestone. CONGRATS!!!”
It feels different coming from me now so for some reason I think it feels different when people recieve it. Hahahah. Maybe I am crazy… nope I am definitely crazy.:crazy_face:

I am grateful for your honest shares and that this morning your share allowed me to reflect on some growth I have had.



Good morning family.

Grateful this morning that my back feels a bit better, that my kiddo got up on her own and that we are almost ready to head out on our busy day.
Grateful all my dogs are in decent health and from where we stand now it looks like I will have at least a year more with them all.
Grateful for financial assistance.
Grateful for music and books
Grateful for warm blankets and super soft pillows… ugh it’s early but I am grateful that I had a decent sleep while I was sleeping.


We continue to express our people-pleasing, ego driven, competitive, etc, defects even on ts. I have also felt overwhelmed or guilty on the check-in thread. Now I see it as a place for me to practise humility and boundaries.

Grateful to be sober and for thoughts of alcohol to be so far from my mind
Grateful for a husband who forgets tiffs quickly
Grateful for healthy kids who want to spend time with their folks
Grateful for a job that I enjoy
Grateful for a library with an increasing number of English books
Grateful for online study group to motivate me


I’m grateful for fireplace season. My coffee. My cat. And my willingness to get on with my attitude of gratitude this morning.
I’m grateful to see Stella is up before me so it’s easy to find the thread.
I’m grateful it’s almost always easy to find this thread these days.
I’m grateful for the update on Keely and pray for her continued recovery.
I’m grateful my children are all grown up and they have great spouses that love them. God bless all you moms and dads with children now. I can’t imagine some of the shit y’all must be going through these days. What with this pandemic and all. I’m grateful I guess we all had or have shit to go through with our children. And I reckon we just do it.
But God Bless :pray:t2: you all.
I’m grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
Im grateful our best friends called yesterday afternoon and I didn’t have to think if I was too drunk to answer the phone. I’m grateful I’m never too drunk to answer the phone. I’m grateful they had a nice trip to Hawaii. Fuckers :grimacing:.
I’m grateful for all the things I can do now and never have to think :thinking: have I had too much to drink? Will someone know I’ve been drinking? Well actually that last one never really bothered me because I was always drinking. Im grateful I’m not always drinking.
I’m grateful for my new life.
Im grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for all the little different routines I have with my pets at different times during the day. As Daisy is keeping my right thigh nice and warm this morning. As she should be.
Grateful for y’all.

I’m grateful for music.
The beautiful thing is, music can be like a time machine.
One song-the lyrics, the melody, the mood-can take you back to a moment in time like nothing else can.

Credit :man_shrugging: Not my words but I like them.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober.

I’m grateful for my recovery from drugs, alcohol and nicotine and that my recovery continues to change, entertain and challenge me. I’m grateful my sponsor is taking me to an AA roundup tomorrow. I’m grateful for all my family and miss them, it’s hard not living in the same area and I don’t have transportation. I’m grateful for my friends, TS and all you gratidudes. I’m grateful that the weather looks perfect for a walk to get coffee and breakfast and enjoy some music on a little hike. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are awesome, keep up the good work. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for this thread and all of you guys.

I don’t often post in this thread, because I feel that my gratitudes would pretty much be the same everyday, but it is one of my favorite threads to read. I check it every time I log in.

I also can commiserate with everyone about the check-in thread being overwhelming. I feel like I always miss a milestone or an important post and I don’t see it until days later. I worry I might upset someone by not responding or saying congrats.

I’m grateful for this community and finding a group of other people who are the same as me



That’s a really good point, and something I hadn’t considered before…… thank you❤️


I’m grateful for fireplace season, too. There’s just something about a fire in the hearth that’s overall soothing. :relieved:


Congratulations on 20 months, Brian!!! That’s awesome! :hugs::purple_heart:




Lol! Oh youuuuuu.


Im grateful for no headache today and a sense of peace.


Good afternoon! I guess I’m grateful we don’t really have much of a fireplace season, but it would be nice to dust off the ole firepit once in a while…
Grateful for my career
For my wife and family
For a fridge full enough and AC cool enough
For my sobriety and all of you!
Have an awesome day!