Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful Kelly doesn’t have jury duty next week. 4 Fridays on call down. 1 to go :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

I’m grateful to read Jules got 40 days.
@beachmouse enjoy your mom time :pray:t2:

And Brian with 20 fucking months clean. You da man Brian. Go Bills 🦬:boom::boom::boom:


I rarely use the word “chortle”. But I chortled tonight, reading all of our posts! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I’m not gonna call any of 'em out specifically, but lets just say my heart is warmed and my laugh lines well used!

I, too, am grateful for this safe haven of a thread. I get overwhelmed by the check-in thread too. I don’t post daily on it, but I do try to show up and share some hearts. I’m mindful that in my early days, it meant so much to me to get a like from someone who had… can you imagine, triple digits of sobriety? Sometimes I think of TS like “bridge financing”. Here - put down your glass or whatever you’re holding and pick up your phone or other screen, let the dopamine flow when you get some likes!, but by the time you realize your TS use might be a bit unbalanced, you’ll be sober a few weeks or more, and that’ll bridge you into rolling up your sleeves to actually do some real work…
At least, that’s how it was for me.
Now? Probably still some ego there, but it feels a bit more like valentines day when I was 8. Everyone in class gets one of those “glue-still-wet” creations :heartpulse: :wink:

I’m grateful this morning that I was ready to see the frost on the ground, my breath in the air. Feel the sun on my face as I walked the dog girl.

I’m grateful I brought my tomatoes in last night. So many of them! I used some of my dear dad’s seeds. They were still good!

I’m grateful for toques. Oh I love toques! Toque season soon. But I’m grateful not quite quite yet.

I’m grateful for the weekend. It will be a good one, I can feel it.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Here’s a gif you can save for use later


It’s like you were there! :laughing:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to be heading into some time off soon so I will be able to spend some time with family and catch up on some house stuff.

I am grateful for TS, AA, ITR… and so much more… thankful to have a place to reflect and read others posts it is always uplifting. Thank you. :two_hearts:


Today I’m grateful for my partner caring and taking care of me, listening and connecting, making me laugh, running me baths, making me dinner. I’m very lucky, today all my gratitude is for him.


Grateful for coffee. Grateful I’m healthy and able to work and provide for myself and my Queens. Grateful a colleague extended a hand to me, to be better friends. Grateful for a clean, small, well equipped home. I’m grateful I’ve been more stable and more myself this last week. Been less in pain. Maybe I’m out of the worst for now. I’m grateful for every hour I can employ my head, body, take charge of myself, feel like a person. I’m grateful I can be so grateful and do not take many things fo granted.

I’m grateful for our friend who posted on the other thread about losing his pet friend in the near future. While I’m crying because I can feel his pain, I’m grateful for the great love this friend doubtlessly has in his life thanks to his wonderful pet pal. :heart::pray:

I’m grateful I got to do some weightlifting this week, just some to ease in after the long break. I’m so grateful to have a human body that is capable of feeling relief, pleasure and strength. That is not by default set on pain, worry. And thereby supporting my mind which isn’t as firmly oriented.

I’m grateful for other’s happiness. My mother applying for a new job at her age. My grandma using her walking aid and feeling better. My boyfriend with his one month chip. My colleague with his ep. My friend with her brand new dog. My other friends with their new human babies.

I’m grateful, so grateful for every measure of peace in my warworn heart, head.

Thank you gratidudes and gratidudettes! Have a blessed day. We are the lucky ones.


I’m grateful for all here in this thread. Even if it means they don’t show up in the daily check in thread very much no more. Promised to myself I’d post there daily until I reach quadruple digits. Of course I can always change my mind. But I still like it there.

Grateful for the check in thread as it has been my virtual home for over 25 months now. Giving me an anchor, some place to return to. Grateful I learned I don’t have to read every post and like 'm all. Grateful I’m learning it’s not so bad to miss out on some stuff. But also grateful for this grateful thread, to read everyone practising their gratitude, teaching and reminding me to practise mine.

Grateful tomorrow my sis and me will scatter the ashes of my mum together. For sis it will be closure, or so she hopes, for me more like a beginning of truly dealing with all that happened in my youth. Dealing I never did because I hid in smoking and drinking. Very grateful I don’t do that no more. Never again. Grateful for this chance at real life I got.


I am grateful for people on here encouraging me to post a pic of me. It’s somehow removed the shame I felt, and now I’m telling everyone I’m aiming for sobriety. Even a guy I was looking at his car to buy. He said the beer fridge comes with it and I said ohh I’m hitting sobriety and he laughed and said great, the milk fridge comes with it.
The garage fixer guy and I were chatting about my last job investigating child abuse and he expressed how hard that would be and if I’d ever feel like drinking alcohol after work and I replied yes I did to help stop the stories in my head, but now I’m aiming for sobriety. Both strangers were happy for me and maybe a part of them felt they wanted sobriety too.
It’s just not something to feel shameful about now. I struggled and struggle with life and never grew up with someone to talk to about it, abandoned in my mid teens. Instead all I wanted was to die and then men exploited me but I found some comfort in that and then the drugs and alcohol. Most would think I never had a problem, but using a substance to avoid and medicate my problems away even if it was once a week or daily, is the problem and my reason for sobriety.
Im grateful I can see that, feel it, share my story, and not be ashamed. :butterfly::butterfly::butterfly:


Grateful for 3 months of sobriety!


Today I am grateful for a lovely weekend ahead as my friend is visiting and we will be bike riding today and listening to music tonight. Tomorrow brings connections with friends and family as well and my (favorite – shhh :wink:) nephew is home from the navy and will be surprising my mom at our get-together.

I am grateful for @M-be-free49 and Google teaching me the word “toque.” My ego wants me to be ashamed and embarrassed to have had to look it up, but I am choosing to be grateful. :grin:

I am grateful, yet again, to be the parent called to pick up the teenagers after the football game. That will never get old because I am sober and proud to be relied upon at 10:30 on a Friday night. And just for today, because I have no idea how this will be in the future, I am glad my son et al are sober and content to hop in the car with mom at age 16. I was the absolute opposite and avoiding parental units (as my brother used to say) at all costs to protect my binge drinking ways. Sigh of relief for now.

@KellyKelly I’m so grateful you are hear and sharing your story. I can relate to some of what you share and it feels less lonely hearing other’s stories. Glad you also have a place to share.

I’ll sign off as I am getting yappier with every sip of coffee, but send peace and love to the gratidudes!


Im grateful for 1 week of sobriety and the peace and gratitude Im experiencing again after such a long time feeling neither. And aim grateful for this online group - it is helping me a lot. :heart:


Thank you for your post! I’ve just completed 1 week of sobriety after a long hard relapse! This was a great reminder as I woke up sober, alert,happy,and shame-free today! I am grateful for people like you that remind me what life is all about! God Bless​:pray::heart:


I’m grateful today that I have an opportunity to look at a house in Fl. My siblings are all there and we think it’s best that I be closer to them. Fingers crossed!


Hola amigos :wave: I’m grateful to make it back to this thread. Grateful for lots today. My husband is also my best friend and we laugh at each other’s jokes no matter how bad they are. We wake up and decide our grand plans for the day are not necessary and we can take it easy instead. I’m grateful for loud music. And for my Miss Lupe who still acts like a puppy at almost 10 years old. Happy Saturday :heartpulse:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for warm showers and a shave. I’m grateful to be in the car with my sponsor on the way to a convention.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


I’m grateful I slept in this morning. Kinda.
I’m grateful sleeping in will work nicely with my noon private Pilates lesson. I was wondering what I’d be doing until noon to kill time. I’m grateful my day will be a little later but it will work nicely.
And I’m grateful I don’t have to make lunch or cook dinner tonight.
I’m grateful to the God given strength every day that I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t want to drink.
I’m grateful I know EXACTLY what will happen if I have A DRINK.
I’m grateful for how loud Daisy was purring on my lap.
I’m grateful for my merino wool fingerless gloves that I wear in the house in the morning because my hands are so fucking cold every morning.
I’m grateful Alice’s blood work came back and her kidney levels are still slightly elevated but aren’t any worse than a month ago and we can continue with her onsior for her arthritis pain.
I’m grateful, so grateful we don’t have to decide, today, whether we give her arthritis meds and wreck her kidneys. Or take her off the arthritis meds and let her be in pain :grimacing::cry:
I’m grateful I love our vet.
I’m grateful to learn from everyone here, and on TS, that we all have a common goal. Don’t pic up!
And I guess quite a few other things.

We learned about gratitude and humility-that so many people had a hand in our success.
Michelle Obama


Congratulations on your one week Katie. Thank you for commenting on my post. I’m grateful I got to read that post again. It’s a great reminder for myself, that if I’m not grateful I will not last. I hope to see you around.


Grateful to you Margaret as I looked up toque now too. Means something totally different in Dutch. Sure made me chortle reading @M-be-free49’s post earlier but couldn’t be bothered earlier to find out what she really meant by it.


Grateful i am sober.
Grateful I got a bit calmer now as both girls have diarrhea again.

Grateful for another day. Grateful I have enough.

Grateful for a wonderful and intense chat with someone on the train this morning.

Grateful for a calm and relaxing day tomorrow.

Grateful for all the cuddles.