Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful to enjoy this wonderful weekend :pray:

I’m grateful for people appreciating life :pray:

I’m grateful for making a decision to form a daily meditation habit :pray:

I’m grateful for Buddhism teachings :pray:

I’m grateful for life in it’s all wonderful aspects :pray:


I’m so grateful for 41 days sober and so grateful for this forum! I know I probably say that too much, but its true. I can’t figure out what exactly makes it so wonderful here, but whenever I visit I leave feeling grounded and dare I say, safe. For tonight I’m grateful to be sober and to have found Sober Time. :hibiscus:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free heading into my last night of work.

I am grateful to be able to visit this thread when I am having a difficult time thinking of my gratitudes, it quickly reminds me of things that I too am grateful for when reading your posts.

I am grateful for ice water and feeling hydrated. I don’t feel nauseous or have a headache… all of that wouldn’t be true had I drank.

I am grateful for my health and I am constantly reminded that tomorrow isn’t promised so it is important to live a full life while you can and to be kind to others. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful I’m not lost like I use to be when people change their avatars. I still see yez. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’m grateful for the company of the trees today. I took some stuff on my mind to the forest. Like the whole part where we’re in a state of covid emergency here again, and how I’m working from home (which is okay). But the part where single people only get to have 2 close contacts? Hmmm. Maybe til Christmas. But the trees told me not to worry about 3 months from now. Just today. And today, we had nothing to worry about. Same trees were pretty good at talking me out of drink in early days, so I’ll take their word for it.

I’m grateful I got my errands done so I can hunker in for a bit. I’m grateful I have access to the things I need. I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful for solitude and the company of others – even virtually. I’m grateful for music and silence. For clean floors and also for the dog girl’s hair is shed everywhere. Just one of her ways of spreading love…

Selfie day around here (sans toque below), and the dog girl wasn’t gonna miss out. I was about to put this on the pet thread, but she made a strong case for her place as one of the gratidudes - along with Paula, Dora, Luna, Daisy, Mr.Scruggs, Miss Lupe, just to name a few! She and I – both – are grateful for all of you.

And always grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful that I went with my gut and messaged my gf today. I hadn’t heard from her in a couple of days and it felt wrong.
I am grateful she was able to relay enough information that I could understand she is very sick. She has been battling stage 4 lymphoma, just went through her last ever round of chemo and now was taken to ER today and tested positive to COVID.
I am grateful that I don’t need to escape my feelings anymore. That I know what to do when I feel scared. I am grateful that instead of trying to choke back tears and fight them… I find some twisted comfort in the heat of them burning my cheeks. I am grateful that I came here to type out words instead of redirecting the fear that l feel onto my skin.


I am grateful for your tears and your words. They are beautiful and powerful and honest.

Pretty much exactly like you. :orange_heart:


Grateful i am sober. Grateful all that I worry in the early morning is if I am tired, not hungover, bloated, thinking about what I texted last night, when I victimised myself and ‘had’ to numb the pain over it.

Cat poop warning:
Grateful a bit relieved that Dora is a.bit better this morning with the food I picked from my mixture :roll_eyes::see_no_evil:

Grateful I can feel gratitude.
Happy that probably I’ll go to the cinemas this afternoon with my friend.

Grateful I am at peace. Grateful I have enough.


Grateful to see you and the dog girl right where y’all belong. In the woods and with the gratidudes.
Although Benson’s feeling are hurt I’m sure he’ll forgive you. I told him you’d give him an honorable mention.


Oh my goodness, my thoughts are with you and your sweetfriend. I can’t imagine what she’s going through and she is fortunate to have your love and support. :heart:


I don’t think that’s twisted at all and I feel it too. We were twisted never feeling and experiencing these feelings. Burrying them under substances and hurtful acts towards ourselves. At least we feel now. We dare to feel. Hugs friend. All strength to your friend and you.


Today I’m grateful for 10 hours of sleep, I needed it. Grateful for three playful cats waking me up by chasing each other through the house, roaring for breakfast, hopping on the bed and me to encourage I have to get up to play with them and feed them :rofl:

Greatful for cool morning, sunshine, lovely blooming flowers, humming bees, delicious breakfast, my husband doing some chores :+1:, a wonderful concert on TV (Bruckner), a good talk with a retired colleague, lots of laughter with the cats (see cat thread :blush:) and it is only 11 a.m.!!! Grateful this is a happy sunday morning :pray:


Good morning beachmouse! Thank you for reaching out … I have just béen a little busy and off my normal routine this past week. All well and hoping to get back to norm now :blush::pray::heart:


So nice to see you here again. I know life can be busy. Thank you for the update. Take care! :cherry_blossom:


:cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom: I love :sparkling_heart: Sunday mornings. So grateful for them :blush: :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:
I am grateful to have 60 days sober this morning. :sunrise_over_mountains: I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life starting with sobriety but going throuh many many things like health…work…home…my beautiful elderly dog…food…and so much more. :paw_prints:
Im also grateful for the clarity and insight that comes from stopping drinking. For the ability to discern my feelings and determine what are healthy boundaries and relationships. Some are and some are not and I’ve learned that I don’t have to be dragged along or into those that aren’t…family included in that as well. :upside_down_face: Its good for me to remember this as fall starts and the holiday seasons begin. I am currently reconnecting with immediate family I haven’t spoken to for probably 5 years and I need to keep in mind I have a right to maintain my personal emotional health. :cherry_blossom:
And as always I’m grateful for my faith :pray: that I am learning and trusting to go to more and more as a place of serenity and connection to God. I have an 1st year anniversary of an overdose death coming at the end of the month. Although Im still so sorry and hurt that he didn’t make it out of his addictions I have found a lot of comfort and peace in my faith. :heart:
And I’m grateful for this forum and thread. For the support and community offered here and the chance to share in the gratitudes.
Have a wonderful Sunday all :blush::cherry_blossom:


Good morning all,
I’m grateful I’m up extra early this morning- just me and the dogs, and of course the strange rabbit Cosmo Kramer. Grateful for coffee and quiet to read through here. Grateful to see Emm and dog girl :wave:, grateful @Its_me_Stella came here to talk to us- I’m sorry to hear about your friend, and pray she gets all the care she needs. I’m grateful to see messages of what I consider victories, feeling the feels, maintaining your safe space from what could cause you problems. I’m grateful for the people rallying around @Runningfree, I’m one of them doing what I can to send you strength and love, and we will be here when you come back.
I’m grateful for sunshine, work in the small garden we have, colorful flowers, green trees against a blue sky, and hummingbirds.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Im grateful for a restful night’s sleep and waking up to my seven year old, who sneaked in our bed. He decided today was a good day for his chocolate milk in bed with cartoons - and I couldn’t agree more.


Today I am grateful for 44 years of ups and downs leading me to where I am now, which from where I sit with my son and fur-babies all close by is pretty darn great. I’m grateful to have had an amazing day yesterday with my friend outside at a cafe and on bikes, followed by listening to live music. I am grateful to see my extended family tonight, especially my nephew who is home from the navy. I am grateful the girl who passed out from dehydration into a swarm of planters and sharp things at the cafe yesterday seemed ok except for mouth injuries and some embarrassment. I am grateful there was a nurse closeby as well.

@M-be-free49 lovely to see you, dog girl and the loving trees!


I’m so grateful the first thing I saw coming on TS this morning is Lisa’s 2 year soberversary thread.
Right on top :pray:t2: God she is so worth it. :pray:t2:
I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
Im grateful for my new Guatemalan coffee beans and the way they smell when I stick my nose in them before I grind them. And I’m grateful for the memories of my 2 mission trips to Guatemala working for God. I’ll be riding those memories for a few weeks with these beans.
Im grateful for Daisy on my lap.
And grateful Mavy and I wake up at the same time in the morning with him walking on my chest and throat. I’m grateful I slept in til 7.
I’m grateful for my new Pilates Reformer coach at the fitness center. She is just what I needed to give me a boost in my reformer workouts and show me some new things. I can’t wait for my next private.
I’m grateful I broke down and splurged on myself the other day and ordered a cashmere hoodie. I’ve never spent this much money on a single article of clothing. Especially a hoodie. But I love it. It fits perfectly. And it’s so soft and warm. I’m never taking it off. I reckon my favorite bottle of Insignia or Hillside Select cost even more and where are they now. :grimacing: I’m grateful I haven’t bought another one already but I know I will.
I’m grateful I got a wife who will launder it carefully for me and I will never have to worry about washing it.
I am grateful for some of the material (no pun intended :upside_down_face:) things I can buy. Sometimes I feel it goes against all this gratitude stuff and being grateful for what I have and “it” being enough. But damn I’m worth it sometimes.

I’m grateful I can pray right now for healing and strength for Chelle and peace for her and her friends during this difficult time. And that she can get the healthcare she needs. And for continued healing for Keely. And there’s a TS friend out here Lord, Jen, who desperately needs your help and guidance to show her how much you love her and that drinking will not help her situation. Peace and love especially for her husband that they can work something out. Show them how precious and beautiful their life is. In your holy name Jesus. I pray :pray:t2: Amen

Sharing together, we enhance the joys and diminish the burdens of life in recovery.


I’m grateful for Google and can’t wait to listen to Ken D on my next power walk. I love good comical recovery speakers. They inspire me so much.
I just finished Adam T. Insanity is not doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. At least you got hope there. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again knowing you’re going to end up where you always end up.
Thanks you.