Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful for this weekend’s rest :pray:

I’m grateful for today’s 2 hour meditation session :pray:

I’m grateful for the amazing variety of musicians and music, that they perform :pray:


I’m grateful for all the amazing people I’ve gotten to know here on TS and that they feel comfortable sharing hard things here. I’m looking at you @Its_me_Stella love you and sending you big hugs. I’m grateful I feel safe to share here, too. :heartpulse:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and that it continues to be my most valued responsibility. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to be on the couch watching sports. I’m grateful I feel a little better after sleeping in as I had a fever and upset stomach last night. I’m grateful that I got to hear three really good speakers at the roundup yesterday. I’m grateful that I treated myself to an AA t-shirt and a nice leather cover for my big book. I’m grateful that I can relax today and let someone from my homegroup know I won’t make it tonight for the meeting. I’m grateful that I can afford to order in something to eat later. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good. Ya you!!


Today I’m grateful me and my sister were finally able to give ourselves some peace of mind, and our mum a final resting place, nearly 8 years after she died, by scattering her ashes in an area where her mother came from. And a beautiful area it is. The specific place is under a Rowan tree on the edge of some solid ground, reeds and open water, only reachable by boat. Just a perfect spot that we found by coincidence or so it seems.

Grateful I do feel some peace about the whole affair, grateful it feels possible to move on now, grateful I feel capable of processing more and dealing with all that happened during my youth. Grateful I feel more connected to my sis than I did before. Grateful we got to do this together and we both feel good about it. Grateful my sis feels some closure. Grateful the weather was so beautiful, against the predictions. Grateful to be alive. Grateful to all of you here. Love.


I’m grateful for so many things. Keely is home from the hospital, and although she’s weak and still on O2 for a while, she’s doing really well. I’m thankful I’m able to stay and take care of her while she’s recovering. I’m grateful for the continued prayers and healing thoughts y’all are sending. It means so much to me that she’s been likened to a loved one by several of you. Your kindness makes my heart happy. :revolving_hearts:

I’m grateful for 39 days of sobriety. Wow! It feels good saying that! I was super happy to read about @SoberWalker and @Lisa07’s milestones. You are both such an inspiration to me. All of you are. I’m grateful to learn from each story I see here. :purple_heart::blush:


Today i’m grateful to be sober. Maybe just for that, because things are just ok, and i feel a little sick and look not so good, still smoking cigarettes, cleaning the house. Stressed at work. But i am sober and i can find joy smelling cold autumn air from a sunny window. I am stable. Grateful to live this day as it is, and that i finally give up waiting for too much to happen in my life. Grateful for the power i had today to clean and cook. Grateful that i go to bed knowing i’ll wake up sober and will be able to do my work tomorrow. This is a kind of quiet joy i missed so much.


Good afternoon.

I am grateful to have been able to speak to my girlfriend, hear her sweet voice and little laugh. To know she is at home for now and that makes her happy. I am grateful for personal growth and how that feels. Sometimes I feel like I am walking with two left feet and yet I still make it… every step I take has to be placed very purposefully so I do not trip. I am grateful for DBT therapy and having been taught “opposite action”. As my mind and body were telling me to cause harm I used skills I learned and sat down to a meal, treating my body with love and kindness. I am grateful for my daughter and her very logical mind she saves me from making emotional decisions all the time. I am so grateful for TS, a safe place that I can come to spill my shit and am always surrounded by love and support.

Thank you for being here. :orange_heart:


I’m so grateful for taking the day off! Sleeping in, reading books, eating what I want, watching tv. Today I did whatever I wanted and I really needed it!


I’m grateful tonight for the slow day I had, taking some time this morning to just get my desk sorted, look ahead at the next few months in a rational/planning way, not a “what if?” kind of way. I’ll admit I was feeling a little glum about being back in a state of emergency, but sorting out what’s in my control and what’s not sure helps.

When I took a look at my work week ahead, I could’ve worked a whole damn day this weekend. I’m grateful I didn’t; I took care of myself and my home and my life. I’m grateful I’m going to bed now so that I can feel solid when my work week starts tomorrow.

I’m also grateful I fixed the nasty clog in the sink all by myself. Googled it first, and went with the baking soda and vinegar remedy - having never tried it before. I didn’t have regular vinegar, but the part of my mind that said “don’t use the nice balsamic” was overshadowed by the “it’s just one cup, and way cheaper than a plumber”. And it worked!

Grateful that being sober has shown me what we can face and do - big stress and small. Grateful that gratitude shows me the abundance in my life, no matter what is going on.

Always grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to be expanding my support network slowly but surely… ST was and still is a big part of that, so thankyou. :seedling:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to be up early this morning sitting with my cat Blanket :cat:

I am grateful that fall is here… :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::jack_o_lantern: it is my favorite season followed by my second favorite season winter :snowflake::snowman_with_snow: (everyone thinks i am weird for this)… i just love a fresh snowfall.

I am grateful for my family and my health.


Grateful i am sober and can make decisions based on a somewhat clear mind.

Grateful I slept well tonight.

Grateful I stuck to my morning ritual.

Grateful for the girls. Grateful I act on things. Don’t postpone them. Nearly all my plants had to go today. All toxic for cats :flushed:
I think they slowly intoxicated themselves by chewing here and there.
They fasted 15hrs and I cooked them rice with chicken. Paula finally gave in and ate. Dara is still a bit reluctant. Today, I need to supervise the box to know who does what. Difficult to tell from only the results. Anyway, I feel better doing what I can to make it safe for them here.

Grateful I have enough.


This morning I am grateful to feel ready and ok for Monday, no “case of the Mondays” this week at least. Happy to have had a fulfilling weekend with friends and family, that included a lot of physical activity. I am so grateful to have seen my nephew home from the navy and doing so well. He has always been a standout kid and I enjoy hearing about how he lives his life. I am grateful my son and I shared such a lovely celebration lunch yesterday. I am grateful that some serious, but diffucult steps were taken to help another friend of mine deal with some serious mental health concerns. I hope she will let me be there for her, but most importantly hope she finds peace. I am grateful that Bonnie, my bicycle, is in the shop for a “wellness retreat” and will be ready to rock and roll through the fall! I am grateful my friend undergoing chemo feels like riding on our city rail trail and we can continue to share our experiences, ups and downs on that magical pathway. I am grateful as always for gratidudes and TS for being a MAJOR reason this gal is sober today.


I’m grateful my youngest went back to sleep last night and allowed me to sleep. I’m grateful my sleep is improving. I’m grateful for the transformative sound bath this weekend. I am grateful I feel healthier today. I am grateful to be up before my alarm. I’m grateful for my coffee. I’m grateful for all the good decisions I have made in my life and even that not so good ones that allowed me to learn and grow.


I’m grateful when I come on TS I see this beautiful picture of my mom and dad under a big oak tree at Green Pastures in Austin. My dad loved trees. And my mom could never get enough of her only son. Who moved far far away. I had some things on my mind to be grateful for and after seeing and really looking at their pic this morning I can’t remember any of the other stuff 🥲
I’m grateful they were always so proud of me. Even though mom is up there somewhere thinking and hoping I could still go to college some day and get a degree. I never did but I’m grateful I know they were still proud of me.
I’m grateful I have no regrets.
Wow :hushed: where did that come from?
I’m grateful I didn’t drink yesterday.
I’m grateful I had a great Sunday. Football. Bread starter. Lunch in. Dinner in. Emmy awards in the evening. TS pals. Memes. Even a very late evening afternoon walk with the Ol Burner. I’m grateful we snuck out without Minnie seeing us. And snuck back in the back without her knowing. Poor old girl. It wasn’t hard to do. 🥲
A Sunday like that would have usually started with Bloody Mary’s at kick off time. 10 am here. And I never would have made to the Emmy’s.
I’m grateful for Ted Lasso.
I’m grateful Ted Lasso won a bunch of Emmy’s in the comedy category.
I’m grateful for the Ted Lasso show. It’s just a nice fun heartwarming good kind show. Not enough of that going on IRL these days.
I’m grateful my wife isn’t going to Phoenix for jury duty this week, we can plan and get some things done. One more Friday to call in :crossed_fingers:. This is really killing her.
Speaking of my wife. I’m grateful I never have to pick bugs out of my wine glass while sipping on the deck :rofl:
I’m grateful for this sober forum. And y’all. My friends.
Oh, and grateful for Benson on my lap.
Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.


OK my gratitude for today is easy and simple, I’m grateful for my lovely warm bath I’ve had first one in awhile, being able to turn a tap and have hot water is such a luxury some don’t have this so today I’m grateful for that, thanks to ts for my warm welcome back. X


Today I’m grateful for a good monday. Grateful I slept in a bit, my husband also did! Very seldom :heartpulse:
Grateful for my lovely cats, for my office at home, for some good ideas, for nice talks and emails with colleagues. Very grateful for dropping out of a project before it starts over after 2 years of pause - we don’t want to contribute any more. Grateful I am honest and can say, that times have changed and so has my focus in life. Grateful for good food and rainy autumn days :pray::hugs::sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for how easy it is to book a covid test that I go for tomorrow since i’m still not feeling my best.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Today I am grateful

  • that someone helped me by changing my Netflix’ e-mail so that I can’t access my account.
  • that I got my shit together today, despite me being in active addiction this morning.
  • that I’ve kept my calm when my very new bicycle broke down and turned out to be a piece of junk.
  • that I did a good job at work today.
  • that I had the guts to ask my boss whether a promotion in the future was an option.
  • that I still have not gamed despite my fuck it attitudes leading to multiple relapses in other addictions.
  • that I have hope.
  • for my ability to think in solutions instead of problems which I couldn’t do 2 years ago.
  • for the fact that I didn’t take out my anger on my bike when I was unable to fix it.
  • for TS.

Good afternoon all,
I’m grateful to see so many people on this thread. Reading through so many lists to catch up really makes you realize how much there is to be grateful for. I’m grateful that I had a pretty good day at work today, and got to come home early. I’m grateful that I got a workout in- well, more yoga than actually working out but it’s what I needed today. I’m grateful that I finally figured out to put a towel over the monitor on my indoor bike- I have been becoming increasingly distracted by the number of miles and calories burned, and I don’t want that to be the focus and purpose of exercise. Well that sounds dumb because of course that the reason for exercise, but I don’t want to think about it as much as I was.
I’m grateful for delicious lemonade. I absolutely love a good, tart lemonade. I’m grateful that there is nothing big going on in my life, and I’m able to find things like lemonade to be grateful for.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart: