Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

It doesn’t sound dumb at all. I have to be careful with my watch. I’ll focus on going longer if the watch doesn’t say I’ve burned enough.


That’s exactly what I caught myself doing. Now I’m going to try to use myself as a guide- can I go longer or more resistance, or am I tired and need to rest. Today was the first day with the towel trick and I gotta admit I felt lost haha!


Im grateful tonite for sobriety. For being able to be patient :flushed: at least mostly amd being able to think in a logical way. To realize where i am not serene and work toward fixing what i can in that. I am grateful to God. :pray::heart:


Oof! busy Monday, but it gave plenty of reasons for gratitude…

I’m grateful i stuck to my routine yesterday and this morning. Early to bed, early to rise! (…makes M healthy, wealthy, and wise!) Well, I dunno about that, but it sure makes me feel on top of my game.

I’m grateful work was busy but fun, lots of zoom laughs and support from colleagues. I’m grateful I wasn’t triggered on one of my calls, by one of the zoom participants working from their kitchen table (i hope?) with a huge and fully stocked wine rack/wall behind them. Gak. It was early! It looked out of place with all our coffee mugs. And yucky.

I’m grateful for democracy, and the federal election today and that I was grumbling about it and the line up to vote (during a new state of emergency). First world problems, M…

I’m grateful for this community. I’m grateful to see @Runningfree and i just know her big smile and powerhouse spirit is gonna pull her through this. I’m grateful for @Peace’s calm and knowledgeable replies to us all. I’m grateful for the kinship I feel with @Mbwoman and the situation with our dear moms. I’m grateful @JasonFisher puts words to how I feel about nature. I’ll be grateful when @I.cant.We.can shares his covid test results. I’ll be grateful to see our pal @Singtone when he comes through the door. He’s probably just busy - and no pressure - but we’ve saved your seat… :wink:

I’m grateful for the walk tonight, the cool air by the river and warm setting sun on my face, the beautiful light and smells of fall leaves.

M and D? but of course…

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Hello I’m Becca
I’m 7 months 10 days clean


Now that’s sumthin’ to be grateful for! And proud of too!
Congrats, and welcome to our community. Make yourself at home! Or just pull up a chair and help yourself to a coffee. :wink: Glad you could join us. :orange_heart:


Welcome Becca. Great to see you. Congratulations on your 7 months and 10 days clean. That’s awesome work right there. This is a great community for continued support from any addiction. And this gratitude thread is my biggest and best tool with some great friends here.
I hope to see you around.


Good morning I’m grateful for waking up clean not feeling so much regret, I. Grateful I had a rested sleep im grateful I have this moment.


Grateful for coffee this morning :coffee:. and sobriety. :heart::blush: and dogs. :paw_prints::sparkling_heart: and God. :pray:


The radio says it’s international gratitude day so I thought of here. I’m sober today.:blush:


Welcome @Becca210 and congrats on your sobriety. I am glad you are here and look forward to seeing you around. This is a great community full of inspiring people.

This morning I am grateful for a morning to take care of things around the house in an easy going manner as the next 3 or 4 days will be full.

I am grateful for uneventful days and audiobooks. I am grateful for the rain and for the prospect of a nice long bike ride this weekend - may just make an entire day of it.

I’m grateful for TS and you guys as always and hope a great day/night is had by all.


Grateful i am sober.

Very grateful and that’s about it for today that the girls don’t have diarrhea anymore. So, no toxic plants eating might have helped. I might have circled between vet and home, (telling him that they live indoors not being asked about any plants) changing their diet, treating the symptoms but never the cause. I think these were chronic intoxication symptoms.


I’m grateful the kids slept through the night, I’m grateful for my own deep sleep. I’m grateful to be almost dont with my huge work project. I’m grateful for cool misty mornings and time to stretch and get ready in silence and peace before the day begins


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful I went to bed early to read my book, and sleep, and get up before my alarm at 6.
I’m grateful my trainer emailed me early this am and canceled our training session this morning at 8, because I don’t want her training me if she is sick.
I’m grateful I have dog and cat and coffee and iPad sitting in my chair with the fireplace on.
I’m grateful I’m thinking about getting my ass up and going to the fitness center to work out anyway at 8.
I’m grateful to have this flexibility in life at this stage.
I’m grateful for the BBQ we got last night. Even though they never got my pre order :grimacing: so they made it up and delivered it later to us :grimacing: and it tasted like shit :face_vomiting:. I’m grateful it’s only a meal. The collard greens were great and so was the corn. No dishes to clean and I didn’t have to cook. So I’m grateful for that.
I’m grateful for all the huge milestones we’ve been celebrating the past couple of weeks. I’m grateful I get so excited for everyone. To me it really does feel like Christmas and it’s not even my milestone.
But I’m grateful for my milestone every fucking day I don’t pick up. I’m grateful for every day you all don’t pick up. Because. Well. Fuck addiction!!
Let’s not pick up today folks. Let’s not let the fucker win!!

I use to drink alcohol to drown my problems. Unfortunately my problems were damn good swimmers.


Good morning fam-dam.

Today I am grateful for time and that I have been gifted with some. I have been trying to use it as wisely as possible filling my days with memories of my mom and dad, sunsets, making friends, deep chats with my kiddo, snuggles with the dogs.
I am grateful that my memory is coming back a little since I stopped using. At one point I couldn’t remember the face of my newborn baby, I didn’t recognize her as mine when I looked at photos of her about 5 years ago. I knew it was her but I couldn’t recall any moments with her. Now I can pull up a couple so I really hold onto those.
I am grateful for my child’s constant effort to live outside of her comfort zone. I am teaching her how to smile, and that neuro typical people like to hold hands and have a cuddle so she is really working on these things. Offering them on her own “coming in for a cuddle mom.” Then lays directly on top of me in her very awkward way. :sweat_smile: We will work on finessing this later on.
Very grateful to be able to feed my family healthy food and keep our house warm as it gets colder outside. Looking forward to getting our wood stove going soon.
Grateful that Eric has no regrets and that I have been able to nullify mine in the first year of my recovery.
Grateful that my gf has funding to get the antibodies infusion to fight COVID, she is truly a warrior. :heart::pray::heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for Netflix and Disney+ as I’ve been self quarentining for not even three days and watched alot :confused: I’m gratful to realize that maybe I should pick up a book especially my big book. I’m grateful to be leaving shortly to go for my covid test.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


Tonight I’n grateful for the anxiety attack I got when I needed to do the dishes before cooking tonight. I’m grateful it made me realize I had a relapse in procrastination - and not just in doing the dishes. Grateful I had this realization now, and not some weeks later, and I can easily get back to doing stuff right here right now. Grateful I did do the dishes, cooked a good meal, and did the dishes from cooking, straight after I ate, so now I have a kitchen that’s cleaned up and ready for more action tomorrow.
Grateful I know other stuff that I need to do, grateful I still have it all in my own hands, and grateful I haven’t gone down the same rabbit hole as so many times and years before.
Grateful to this thread and all of you occupying it for makes me think about my own gratitude. Grateful I’m sober and clean. Grateful for my snug bed waiting for me. Grateful for my kitty. Grateful I can make some useful meatballs. Love.


Those look DELICIOUS!


They’re never the same each time I make 'm but you’re welcome to have some when you come over here! :blush:


Hmmph. I’m digging deep here…
I’m not feeling too grateful. Mad, sad, a bit scared. And add some lonely to that too, because my first pick of people to turn to when I’ve been in these states isn’t here anymore. So there’s that too…

But this is when we need gratitude the most, yeah?

I’m grateful for my little home.
I’m grateful that when I feel scared or worried, I realize just how much I don’t feel that way normally - how I take the absence of these for granted.
I’m grateful for my old friends (afar) and that I’ve made some new friends and acquaintances and neighbours where I live now. I’m grateful that I like where I live, that it feels like home. That wasn’t the plan. I was starting to get even more settled here, being part of the nordic ski club, making friends at yoga, walking with neighbours and dogs, but the whole pandemic thing has kind of put making some these connections on hold again for a bit. But not forever. I’ll just take it one day at a time.
I’m grateful for the careworkers at my Mom’s residence, that many of them know me and help Mom call me because Mom can’t anymore. I’m grateful she’s safe and we can still talk.
I’m grateful for anyone working in our hospitals and health centres and all of it right now.
I’m grateful I’m sober, because at least me drinking too much isn’t added to the list of things that’s stressing me out. I’m grateful I’m sober because it helps me see what it’s my control and what’s not.
I’m grateful I’m choosing to go to bed sober, and now.
There is still beauty in every day, and I’m gonna find some in tomorrow too.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart: