Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Today I am grateful for what appears to be a positive transition to new work hours. They will be “normal” day time hours allowing for many positves to re-emerge at home. Dinnertime will certainly be a much better experience although we have certainly been making it work (I work from home). I’ll be able to do some things in the evenings that I hadn’t this last year of being on 2nd shift. I am very grateful my boss was able to facilitate that move for me and that she is getting to know me better. I am also grateful that if I decide to date again…sigh (still nervous about that)…I would be more able to do so. The downside is I will be paid less. I am grateful for the other flexible work I have allowing me to make up the difference. There are pros and cons to everything. I am grateful to weigh the options and find what fits best for my family (but I just bought 2 damn cars, so there’s that…sigh again…not complaining at all, just figuring it out). It will all work out and always does IF I STAY SOBER. if I drink, it will all fall to shit again and I know that for a fact, Lord knows I have tested it enough times. Grateful for you all and for your shares and inspiration.


Grateful for seeing my defects and making amends


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a day off today. I have a lot of errands to run, and I know I’ll be able to get everything done because I won’t be drinking. I’m grateful that the feeling of anxiety that used to come with time off is gone now- I used to worry about how much to drink, when to start, blah blah blah, then when I stopped I would worry about how to fill the time so I wouldn’t have time to think about drinking. Now I use the time to rest, and to get stuff done that will help me in the future. I’m grateful to see you make yourself find gratitude Emm, sometimes it can definitely be hard to feel. I’m grateful for my home, my family,my dogs and bunny, a job that pays the bills and buys good food for our bodies ( unless I’m cooking it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), and for sunshine. For music, Audible books, and recovery podcasts. Always grateful for you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Grateful for 45 days sober and knowing I’m a drunk. Grateful I can now see that I’ve been holding my breath, living in fear because of my drinking. Grateful to have a meeting today with a job retention counselor at work to explore not changing jobs but careers, which has me very insecure about my education, or lack thereof. Grateful for a gardening class at the local botanical garden. Grateful for this day and that I’m choosing to not drink.


Grateful i can vote even if I rarely like the outcome.
Grateful kittens are doing fine. Grateful I accept that I am not doing so good and won’t force it.
Grateful that I didn’t mind the comment from a colleague about my recede from the job interview.
Grateful for this nice, quiet warm September afternoon. Grateful for the fresh air.

Grateful I can let go of some shocking news here where a guy shot a worker in a station in the head as the latter told him to wear a mask. He later told the police he wanted to set a sign.

Ahhh, and I am grateful my friend will join me in the cheese seminar end of November in Austria. I am looking forward to making my own cheese :cheese::blush:


Today I am grateful:

  • That I’m sober
  • That I have a kind and supportive partner and an attentive and loving dog who know when I’m not feeling well
  • That my head is clear and I feel alert
  • That I have plans in the near future to look forward to with family and friends
  • That my plant children are all doing well and some new pretty planters are arriving today
  • For TS and all of you, tending to our recovery together.

I’m grateful………………….long pause.
For some reason I must of dug deep and brought up in my mind how grateful I am that when my daughter OD’d on H. so long ago her dealer was there and she didn’t die. Fucken aye…… I seriously don’t know where that bit of gratitude from so long ago came from. But I’ve never been more grateful for anything in my whole life. Except of course the miracle of her recovery. And my sons recovery.
I’m grateful on days that we have to dig deep for gratitude we can always find something we are grateful for.
I think I’ll call it quits and ride on this gratitude for the rest of my day.



Im grateful for my home and my dog. For a place to retreat into and maintain my serenity. To be able to relaxand breathe. And be myself and enjoy life and the companionship of my dog. :paw_prints: . to be able to stay grounded…not look at the phone or watch tv or hear about news or interact with family if i choose not to. To have a home life that feels like a safe and comfortable place to be. I am blessed. :pray:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I got my results back a couple hours ago and it’s not covid. I’m grateful that I got my laundry going and had a warm shower. I’m grateful that I didn’t cave and won’t cave to the nagging thoughts that creep in when I’m laying around isolated, bored, sick and sore. After years of literally cripppling addictions I know I can’t just take a pill or drink to ease the pain, i’ll go full blown over the top OCD Brian. I’m grateful that I have a whole bunch of tools to fall back on thanks to this place, twelve step rooms, faith, treatment facilities, family and friends. I’m grateful that I can take my time as others have mentioned and dig deep for gratitude when needed. I’m grateful that the amount of time I have been doing this hasn’t actually changed my gratitude or made it any harder or easier, its still just gratitude for that day, week, year, moment, that’s up to me or you. I’m grateful for my mom who keeps calling, e-mailing, facebooking, to see how I’m doing, I think she’s more anxious about my test results than me, I already replied to her. I’m grateful for music and that for a few weeks now I have been recieving and sending out random dance break text messages with songs like, technotronic-pump up the jam, some of the videos are hilarious to go back and watch. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful again for all my family, friends and all you gratidudes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are totally amazing. Ya you!!


I am grateful to be sober and tucked into bed early to watch a movie. :clapper:

I am grateful for the tapestries and lights I have in my room because they are relaxing and cozy.

I am grateful that my Mom still remembers who I am as one day she probably won’t. Very thankful to have my sister and Dad so that we can navigate this difficult time together.

I am grateful for my fiance’ and his understanding nature. :two_hearts:


Grateful to be able to come home and relax. To hear the wind moving through trees and feel the cool air.


I’m grateful it was easier to find things to be grateful about today.

I’m grateful I showed myself some kindness today.

That I didn’t rush my morning, that I paced myself at my home desk, took my breaks.

For the stretch of trail this morning with the beautiful colors of leaves.

For the hours I protected away from zoom work mtgs - just to work with comforting music on in the background!

For the spontaneous chat I had on the phone with a work pal, while walking the dog. We always find lots to laugh about.

For the yummy salmon I cooked for dinner tonight. Needed a treat, and that’s a way better treat than a bottle of vino or 19.

For Mom’s home calling me tonight and handing the phone to Mom. I’m not sure, Peace, that Mom knew exactly who I was - but you know what? I know somewhere in there she does. Your Mom will always know you, too, on some kind of atomic-mom-love level that dementia can’t mess with…

I’m grateful I’m going to bed now, will get some good rest. I need that too.

I’m grateful to know that even when I feel utterly alone, I’m not. None of us are.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Google “Boogie Wonderland” by Earth, Wind and Fire. (It’s old, but my fave spin instructor has eclectic music tastes!) Tell me it doesn’t make you wanna dance!


Nice, just added that to my playlist. I am happy to hear you got to talk to your gratimom. Mine forgets my name often after her brain surgery a couple years back now. We still find a way though. Amazing the things people can deal with. I’m grateful for you dear one. Take care.
I’m grateful to God.


Grateful i am sober. Just in this second I was thinking about my upcoming milestone and am astonished. Thinking back to times when not drinking for 3 days in a row was such an unthinkable project.

Grateful I can go to work. Grateful I earn my living.
Grateful I have enough.

Grateful for this thread.


Good afternoon, all.
Grateful that you’re all still here after my little sabbatical. I thought about you often.
Grateful that I can go easy on the gratitude today. I think the volume on this, and all of the other threads that I was trying to keep on top of, got to me in the end. Grateful that stepping away is an option, and that coming back is too.
Grateful that I don’t drink, or even think about drinking anymore.
Have a great day, all.


Today I am grateful to learn of the dance break idea from @I.cant.We.can - I see a lot of that in my future. I am grateful to send a high five to @Singtone - nice to see you. I am grateful for little things that in fact are not very little at all. My son took the trash to the street for pick up, and others who I am utterly grateful for, will dipose of it elsewhere. While I would like to reach the point where I have very little trash, and compost and recycling far exceed it, I am so grateful for that weekly service and for those who make it all happen. I will never take that for granted. I am grateful for my new schedule starting next week and for the opportunities it will bring. It’s not new to me to work a 9-5, but this time, I’ll he doing it sober and from home and feel like it’s just what I have always needed. I am grateful for the new chess set (I don’t know how to play yet, but my son does) amd dominoes and my son’s excitement to play with his super lame mom. New opportunities await! If anyone has sobriety/recovery podcasts to recommend, I’d love to hear them. I am grateful to all of you as always!!!


@M-be-free49 thanks for saying that. I am sure you are right somewhere in there our Mom’s will always be able to still feel our love on some level :two_hearts:


I’m grateful for a pretty good nights sleep.
I’m grateful I’m not hungover.
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t have to drink.
I’m grateful for Benson on my lap.
I’m grateful for the iPad photo memory that was generated last night. Mostly of my kids when they were little. 🥲
I’m grateful I can save and text them to the kids. They enjoy it so much.
I’m grateful for y’all.

If I’m always reacting, I’m never free.
Courage To Change


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I was able to get to my appointment today and schedule another for next week. I’m grateful that I can accept that I am not qualified for the funding for school and won’t start untill next fall if I get in anyway. I’m grateful that I was able to book a time to take a safe food handling course next week. I’m grateful that I’m back at the treatment center to visit and attend a meeting after dinner. I’m grateful for dance breaks, music, excersise, humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Keep up the good work, you got this. Ya you!!