Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today and helping me stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for a warm home after my thirty minute walk in the -11º weather. I’m grateful for a little music therapy during the walk. I’m grateful its meditation time.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are incredible. Ya you!!


Good evening all,
I’m grateful to be home relaxing. I’m grateful to have a car because I’m pretty sure if I had to walk in -11 degrees I would become an ice sculpture :cold_face:. You have my respect Brian! I’m grateful for my home, and my family. I’m grateful for hope and love and forgiveness.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I am grateful that I am going to bed sober. It still feels a bit odd to not be stumble bumbling off to bed and leaving chaotic mess to find in the morning. I am grateful for a neat kitchen and bathroom. It’s a pleasure to wake up to a neat house.
I am grateful for my husband and his help preparing for my business trade show. I am grateful he is sober with me and we are standing united to maintain our sobriety. That feels odd too but it’s an oddity I am grateful for. Our relationship has changed as we walk this sober journey. It feels oddly like a new courtship and yet comfortable as my holey sneakers.


I can imagine this so well.



@TigerMatriarch i feel the courtship comment so hard. Me and my husband started this journey together as dry january but we like our new rhythm and communication better


I’m grateful for the random kindness of strangers, sobriety, my kitty, and the half package of JimJams that I just snarffed down. :laughing:

So the story is this. I went out to Ikea to look at some possibilities I could use in my home organization. I didn’t expect to be there more than an hour. At the end of looking around, I found a floor model of something (already put together) I could use in the clearence section, so I bought it and took it out to my car.

Well… It just barely didn’t fit.

In another life I might have had a melt down somewhere along the way, but I calmly tried a bunch of things, then finally sat on the thing looking at my car and trying to think of a new stragagy. A kind stranger came up to me at that point and said his wife had suggested he come help me.

He wasn’t able to get it to fit either, but he did have a bungie cord that he was willing to give me to strap the thing in my trunk. After that it was just a matter of trying to figure out how to keep my trunk closed on the way back, since it wouldn’t close on its own. I thanked him for his help and eventually bought some tarp rope to keep the trunk shut.

I was cold, tired, hungry, and it was well past the time that I was supposed to have taken my medication (which I didn’t pack because I didn’t expect to spend 2 hours trying to get something home–part of which time included the drive because I couldn’t use the freeway and I drove with my hazards on); however, I kept my cool externally and internally the whole time.

My first thought when I walked into my kitchen was “god, I could really use a drink…”, and in another life I would have done just that, but this was an old thought and nothing I actually felt the urge to act on. I’ve been avoiding sugar this past week, but I decided the four JimJams in the cupboard were about to be my dinner and I have zero regrets because cookies were exactly what I needed.

I now sit here with my old lady kitty telling you about this because while the experience was definitely exhausting and not something I would like to repeat, I was blessed to receive the kindness of strangers and I got an opportunity to see just how far I’ve come, and that’s worth sharing.


Thanks Alison.
Congrats on you 71 days. I’m glad your here.


That is so amazing. Your mom made her so full of life :heart:


Today I am grateful for:

  • my higher power, which gives me goals to strive for, and guidance along the way
  • Talking Sober, which gives me a community that understands me, and
  • the chance to wake up today and make a difference

Wishing everyone a constructive day :innocent: Take care folks!


It’s perfect @Its_me_Stella! What a beautiful gift for a beautiful person. Your mom is very loving and talented. I’m glad she’s in your life daily. :heart_eyes:


Good day to you all.

I am grateful for having a good day, although I haven’t much at hand I am not bored.

I am grateful to be one of 10% of the world population that is not drinking alcohol.

I am grateful for not taking the poison called alcohol.

I am grateful to see clear that this poison is making me mentally and physically weak.

I am grateful I am not living the nightmare called alcohol anymore.

I am grateful I have learnt coping skills to deal with cravings.

I am grateful to use common sense and intelligence to fight those cravings.

I am grateful not confusing my self anymore with fantasizing about drinking.

I am grateful that my Self image significantly changed the last couple of months.

I am grateful this Self image changed in a positive way.

I am grateful for feeling Strong and Smart instead of weak and stupid.

I am grateful that I don’t need a drink to express myself.

I am grateful for being Independent, Resilient, Strong an Energetic.

I am grateful for reminding myself of all this gratefulness.

I am grateful to be humble and share this with you.

I am grateful for this threat to write it down.

I am grateful for all your beautiful stories.

Thank you :pray: :blue_heart:


I was reading someone’s relapse post and I was immediately transported back to my old wine hangovers. Waking up and feeling nauseous and like shit. I’m grateful I haven’t had to wake up with one in a very long time. I’m grateful I’ve got a good memory, even now I feel physically sick thinking of them. It’s motivating to never want to feel that again.
I’m grateful for my beautiful dinner last night.
I’m grateful the service was perfect. I’m picky :grimacing:
At one point our candle burned out and I felt sad because I liked the little flicker at the table. And our server noticed and came over with a new one. Little details matter :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I was also gifted a birthday cannoli, even though it wasn’t my actual birthday.
I’m grateful I got to celebrate with my best friend.
I’m grateful he didn’t drink.
I’m grateful I was present for every minute.
I’m grateful I was treated to dinner. :yellow_heart:
I’m grateful I enjoyed the meal with zero food rules. I didn’t order a salad. I ate several fried things. And guess what- I enjoyed every bite. :heart:

I’m grateful that even though I didn’t sleep great - dessert coffee- am I getting old?¡ :scream_cat:That I feel rested and happy.

I’m grateful the rain stopped. I’m grateful for the cool crisp air.

I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made here. You guys know me better then 99% of the people in my life. And we have never even met. I’m grateful for my little sober tribe and the beautiful color you all add to my life. I’m grateful for the gift of sobriety that I’ve given myself. :yellow_heart:


I’m grateful for hangovers. Ya that’s right. The insanity of hangovers, and still I continued to drink. I probably got headachey hangovers 90% of the time the last ten years of my drinking. Yet it still didn’t stop me. Well, 45 years later it did. The insanity of hangovers was my driving force at the very beginning of my sober journey. I’m grateful every morning I wake up now. How cool is that?

I’m grateful for gratitude. Not only did I wake yesterday thinking gratitude on my way to the bathrooom in the dark. TMI? But I was GratiHappy all day long. I’ve heard “you got to create your own happiness sometimes,” :grimacing: but yesterday was like GratiHappy all day long. It didn’t matter what or when or how I was doing something yesterday. I was just grateful doing it, whatever it was, and happy all day long.

I’m grateful gratitude is such a powerful weapon.

I’m grateful I even called people on the phone yesterday. And they are like what’s wrong? We talked yesterday. My sister. My daughter cautiously answering yeah……. I Just wanted to tell you about my sister real quick………

I’m grateful I asked my daughter how her pain was? It’s uncomfortable for me because I don’t know what to say. Ever! But I’m learning I can just listen. And acknowledge and emphasize. I don’t have to say shit. It’s probably better that way anyway.
#Fuckchronicpain! :wink: Add that to ya list. With that said, I’m grateful I got just a little pain in my back this morning. Pretty minor.

I’m grateful for my sober deck dog selfies yesterday. And just enjoying my sunset sober with my dogs from my deck. It may not be the Pacific Ocean, from high up on the cliffs. Or on the beach. But a sober sunset is a gorgeous sunset wherever I want it to be.

I’m grateful Minnie doesn’t snore like a linebacker :sweat_smile: Got my wife for that. :crazy_face: careful buddy. Actually Minnie snores like a beautiful white noise machine. I should record it. I’m grateful since I lost 40-50 pounds and I’m sober I’ve been told I hardly snore at all anymore. Ahh… the blessings of sobriety. Too many to count. No more getting punched or shoved in my sleep.
Love you guys.

Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10


I’m grateful to see the sun :sun_with_face:. We hardly see the sun in the winter months because of cloud cover caused by Lake Superior.

I’m grateful that i live right by the mightiest fresh water lake of them all. When you’re on the shore of her it’s like looking out into the ocean, no land in sight.

I’m grateful for the beautiful area that I call home, born and raised here. If you ever get a chance you should visit this area. If you love snow come here in February during winter carnival and see the ice sculptures. We have some really good skiing here too. Hundreds of miles of snowmobile trails. If you love summer the camping, boating, 4 wheeling, hiking, beaches it’s all amazing. The colors in the fall are phenomenal, second to none. I’m grateful for this place… excluding shopping, our shopping sucks.

I’m grateful for you all like my family in my home… i need you guys.


I love this part! I never looked at it that way. Thank you for sharing this :ok_hand: :blue_heart:


My husband and I vacationed on Lake Superior in Michigan’s UP last Fall. The lake was wild and angry but with powerful beauty. We almost didn’t come home we loved it so much.


I am grateful for quiet mornings with coffee and well written stories.
I am grateful that I recognized that I have been struggling with alot of pain lately.
I am grateful to have some skills to practice instead of being short fused and sharp tongued.
I am grateful that although this flare up can fuck off any day now… I know it won’t last forever.
I am grateful that I didn’t push myself to drive to a meeting although I really felt I needed one.
I am grateful the connection I had with my daughter distracted me from my thoughts enough until I went to bed.
I am grateful I have therapy twice today because I sure feel I need it!!!
I am grateful I have money to get groceries.
I am grateful I have a car and enough money to put gas in it.
I am grateful that I have the designation for a disability parking pass. I have never swallowed my pride and ordered one though. Days like today it is needed… I should get on that.
I am grateful that I am starting to let go of the feelings of being judged for my illness but I am not 100% there yet. “Invisible disabilities” are hard and people are cunts. :wink:



I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can accept today my physical struggles. I will adapt and accept.
I am grateful I have a friend here.

I am grateful I don’t drink.
I am grateful my job demands me to make phone calls which I really avoided all my life. It is getting better. No natural but I won’t avoid it to the point I rather don’t get the information. I am grateful for my cats. I am so very grateful that they are doing okay.

I am grateful for our social system. Security (some at least) doesn’t come for free and with this pandemic it is so very touchable that only taking won’t work.

I am grateful for this place. I am happy to see everyone growing in their recovery. You are so positive and an example for me when I lose track.


Ah I’m grateful to be 25 days sober today.

I didn’t really deal with hangovers much, unless I really went to town with the whiskey (damn my high functioning liver lol) so I’m generally not grateful to be waking up without one but I am grateful to be waking up clear headed and energetic.

I’m grateful for my little dog, who does indeed snore like a full grown man! (I think it was Stella who was talking about that but I’m not positive, sorry!)

I’m grateful my shop will open in one week! It cannot come soon enough because yikes I’ve destroyed my savings and need an income. But if this is the price of following my dreams then so be it. I’ll eat ramen every night until I make sales and I’m already saving at least $25/day not drinking which is a nice bonus.

I’m grateful I am clear enough to talk back to my negative self talk and keep a calm demeanor. Spinning out into anxiety and using it as an excuse to drink is so exhausting.

I’m grateful to realize I don’t have to write a novel right now and I can just say I’m grateful for my life and my sobriety and you all here and not feel like I’m not giving enough.


That was a driving force for me in the beginning, too. I’m grateful I never need to worry about shifting my time around a hangover again.

I’m grateful to have been awake early to go and get Chicklet #2 and take her out for breakfast. She asked for “nuffins”, so muffins she got. :yum:

Back home, she’s explaining all the hard work that goes into running a farm. :joy:

I’m grateful that I’m willing and able to care for my granddaughters and support the kids’ careers. I’m such a lucky lady.

I’m grateful that I was able to dig deep and find some indifference to put towards an issue that’s been bothering me. There are things about myself that I really like… I’m not vain in the least, I’m honest, I’m real, I’m caring, I am fortunate but humble, and I always try to see things in others that I can love. But it’s hard for me to have to deal with others who aren’t so honest and caring, so I’m trying to block that out. It didn’t go so well yesterday, but I’m grateful I got it going for me today.

I hear you about the invisible disabilities. @Its_me_Stella I was telling my son yesterday that it’s a damn shame most people would have to feel the physical pain before believing someone is actually suffering. Do what you need to do for you. :purple_heart:

Edit: I’m also grateful that I’ve saved over $1,600 on alcohol in the past 5-1/2 months. I was utterly ridiculous. :disappointed: So glad I don’t drink anymore.