Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

It’s the hardest decision to make and ultimately, it’s a selfless decision. That doesn’t make it any easier but I’m grateful that you found peace in your choice.

I have been keeping you in my thoughts @Its_me_Stella sending you lots of love, well wishes, and good energy :heartpulse: take care of yourself through this.


Sweet girl :heart: My heart goes out to you. Sending love :two_hearts:


What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful love, one that only comes from our furry friends. You’re such a wonderful dog mama, amiga. Sending so much love :heartpulse:


My heart hurts for you, it’s so hard saying goodbye. If I was a dog, I’d think that was the best day ever too. Sweet dreams Annie. I am sending you a heart hug @Its_me_Stella :busts_in_silhouette::revolving_hearts::rainbow::paw_prints:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful that I can access the forum again- I couldn’t since yesterday and I really missed it. I’m grateful that my husband got the job he was hoping for, and it will bring some changes ( hopefully good🤞). I’m grateful that we have this place and each other to turn to when we need it. @Its_me_Stella , I am sorry you are hurting, and I hope you feel some peace with the choice, I’m glad she got to go peacefully in her sleep.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through today and please help me rest well. I’m grateful for recovery, including mine. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I stopped myself earlier today from loading funds onto my credit card that I got in December just so I could play poker on a gambling site, day one no gambling complete. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for online twelve step meetings and could use some recommendations for ones that take place at this time, 10:30 or 11 p.m eastern standard time daily, my work schedule makes me unavailable for all the usual meetings I was attending in the evenings. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayer and meditation.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


Today I look out the window from bed and I’m grateful for a beautiful dawn. Cloudy, grey and beautiful. Grateful for my cats snuggeling in bed and looking out of the window, I love to watch them. Grateful I live more or less like a chicken atm: up at dawn, tired and heading to couch and bed when it’s dark :grin:
Grateful for another day ahead of me where I can do what I love. And some chores :wink:
Greateful I feel kind of goofy this morning. I like making fun of myself and the cats.
Grateful for my cozy home, for heating, for tea, a warm shower and all the facilitation modern household equipment brings. I would still marry my dishwasher, I’m so grateful for dishwashers :pray:
I’m grateful my husband called and his seminar week is good so far. The last one had lecturers talking blabla which is annoying when you attend a master education. Our time is too precious to waste it on blabla!
Grateful the catfood arrived and there’s a variety in catfood in the house again. Grateful to enjoy life sober!


Today I’m grateful for early nights and early mornings. I love getting in bed at the end of the day, I look forward to it. I usually catch up on here, join a meeting or read my book. This Naked Mind arrived on Mon so I started that last night. Early mornings include lots of tea and more TS, waking up slowly, I hate running around in a mad flap in a morning.
I’m grateful that I made a decision yesterday to rearrange a weekend trip to see a friend. I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of weeks and really wanted to postpone but didn’t want to upset her. It’s too early for me, the whole weekend would be geared around drinking and even tho I’d go with the very best intentions, I don’t think I’m strong enough to manage it. So, I have told her we’ll rearrange. Tbh, I’m going to suggest a day long walk and then we can both return home after. I felt so much better after I told her, I felt like a big weight had been lifted. I’m grateful I put myself first.
Have a great day x


Today I am grateful for another day of life and being clean and sober.

Today I am grateful for the health of my family and mine

Today I am grateful that it does not discourage me.

Today I am thankful for a call from a recovery friend.

Today I am grateful that I fulfilled my sports routine and continue to eat healthy.

Today I am grateful that a job offer has been finalized and I really need it.

Today I am grateful that I had gestures of love with dad and mom.

Today I am grateful that I feel calm today.

Good day friends. just for today I have not consumed


G’morning y’all :sunny::yellow_heart:

I’m grateful I was smiling while making my bed this morning. Every day I have the chicklets, they try to destroy it. Toddlers love a made up bed. I’m grateful I make my bed every day. The times when I haven’t, I’m mopey. It feels good to walk into my room and see things in order (most things :wink:).

I’m grateful my oldest daughter found a psychiatrist she likes. Since Covid began, there’s a tremendous shortage of good mental health care. She’s suffered from OCD with overwhelming, irrational fear for years. I’m so grateful she’s finally getting help. :heart:

I’m grateful that life seems to be heading in a direction that feels normal for me. I’m still trying to figure that one out, because I’m not sure what normal is. I guess I’m grateful for coming into my own sense of normal. :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful for meditation. I’m even beginning to be able to practice it unguided. I’ve never been able to do that before except with walking meditation. It feels good to be able to take as little as 3-5 minutes and get myself back on track. Intrusive thoughts have been a bitch for me in sobriety. I think meditation is my love language. At least one of them… God knows I can express myself in a myriad of ways.

I’m grateful for my home, my family, music and books, poetry and laughter. I’m grateful for y’all. :purple_heart:


I am grateful that I feel so much lighter today.
I am grateful that therapy starts at 9:30 instead of 9.
I am grateful that some positive things have happened because of this pandemic such as meetings of NA have been opened up world wide via ZOOM.
I am grateful that there are a boatload of meetings in BC for Brian to attend at his preferred time.
I am grateful that FOUR members took multiple years of recovery last night and one member was “coming back”. What a great meeting.
I am grateful that all the chairs were filled last night.
I am grateful our meeting rooms are back to full capacity.
I am grateful that Eric and I are not the only sober twin-not-twins on the forum. :sweat_smile:
I am grateful that I am laughing today, its been awhile, it feels good.
I am grateful that my sponsor called me when she got some distressing news from her Dr.
I am grateful that sponsees are just as important to sponsors as sponsors are to sponsees.
I am grateful that I feel secure enough in who I am to be open and honest with my Dr about my meds.

Thanks for my recovery.



Good morning Moxie and Stella. :hugs:

I’m grateful we got Alice to the vet yesterday as we are getting socked in today and I don’t think we are going anywhere. I’m grateful I don’t have to go anywhere today. I’m grateful Alice ate this morning. I’m grateful the new veterinarian we had was very nice and I’m grateful to get a different doctors view on Alice’s issue. I’m grateful my wife knows what’s going on with Alice and she can give her all the meds and I can be the big strong questioning silent type.

I’m grateful my wife is so happy to see the snow and hopefully Alice will let us enjoy our snow day.

I’m grateful to be reading Living Clean. I’m grateful to read I’m normal :wink::thinking:. I’m grateful I think I know my strong points in recovery and that is what I tend to share and I can only share my experiences and share from the heart. I’m grateful I reckon I can share some of my experiences that also worked through my recovered children. I’m grateful I spend a lot of time on TS seeking out new people. I’m grateful I read that is normal. And if that keeps me sober today, then I will keep doing that.

I’m grateful to God and the miracle of recovery that my children are not in active addiction anymore. And grateful I haven’t felt like the “other shoe is gonna drop,” anytime when we least expect it. I’m grateful my kids all have spouses they love and homes and their own life. Far away from me :grimacing: :joy: I’m grateful I wish we were closer but we are not distance wise, but we are very very close family wise, text, talk, and just grateful how close we/I feel we are to them. And that’s what’s really important.

I’m grateful, hopefully the only shoveling I’ll have to do today is for my dogs. I’m grateful they were able to go out in the snow and run back in this morning. I’m grateful they were kind of funny doing it and Benson was like fuck this :rofl: when he saw the snow and ran back to the house before going. And told him to get his ass back out there and he did :joy:

I’m grateful for you all.
I’m grateful for the new people that join in on this wonderful thread of gratitude. It works. It you work it and you’re worth it. I’m grateful for you old fucks like me on here too. You keep me sober! Thank you :pray:t2:

Gratitude brings about a healthy outlook and helps someone realize life’s difficulties can be faced with dignity, and it is a fundamental element in recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction.
Life Skills South Florida .com
Dignity :thinking: Never thought of it that way. I’m grateful for dignity :pray:t2::heart:


I’m grateful to have 100 days today.
I’m grateful for my best friend allows me to use his car everyday.
I’m grateful that I get to be of service today.


Congratulations Alison, on your 100 days of your new life!! God Bless :pray:t2: I’m so happy for you :pray:t2::heart::hugs:


I’m grateful for:

Surviving my relapse.

Being 27 days sober.

Clean water.

A warm home.

My bed.

My two cats, it’s impossible to articulate how much I love them, they give me a reason to stay alive every single day.

My dad, for always trying to help.

A great CA meeting last night.

Having the courage to finally ask someone to be my sponsor.

Him agreeing to be my sponsor.

Not having any nightmares last night.

Thank you.


@PinkyP congrats on protecting your sobriety :tada:
@PaigeTurner congrats on triple digits :100::tada:


100 days, that’s amazing. Great job, well done :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful that when I’m upset I sit with my feelings now. When I use to get upset I would lash out. Immediately putting up more bricks in my wall I spent years constructing. I’ve learned that I usually play a key role in why I’m upset. Not always but at least part of it. I’m able to acknowledge my part in it, apologize, and maybe … most importantly… change my actions going forward. I’m grateful it makes me feel seen. I’m grateful it helps me grow.

I’m grateful for the hot weather. I’m grateful for my February tan. I’m grateful for walks. I’m grateful for chats with my best friend. I’m grateful that anything positive is possible. I’m grateful for miracles and magic. I am grateful that I am love. I’m grateful that when I give love I am also able to receive it.

I’m so grateful for my sober life that sometimes it makes me cry. I’m grateful that I hit a low point where the life that was caged inside me broke free and I knew something needed to change.

I’m grateful for 149 sober days of freedom :yellow_heart:
Love you all


Thank you. I do appreciate being appreciated.


Merci beaucoup!


Thank you very much!