Daily Gratitude List

I am grateful to be sober, hangover-free, and someone who no longer drinks alcohol.

I am grateful that I got 7.5 hours of sleep and I am up early to get a walk in before my shift.

I am grateful for God and for my family. Even when times get rough I know I am never alone. :heart:


There it is right there, atm I’ve never been so alone physically but mentally, emotionally and spirituality I couldn’t want for better company.


I’m grateful I’m not poisoning my body anymore.
I’m grateful I started this journey to a healthier, better version of me
I’m grateful for this forum
for a new job opportunity
for clean water, sparkling water, tea
I’m grateful I was able to run 10 miles today
And I’m grateful for all the nourishing fruits & vegetables
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food” - Hippocrates


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful that I feel better and get to go back to volunteer tomorrow. I’m grateful I did some groceries today. I’m grateful that my housemates and I get along most of the time and that we give eachother space and respect. I’m grateful for my family and the nice phone call with mom today. I’m grateful to be in bed clean and sober.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Thank you: It amazes me how much has shifted for me since I joined this thread. I am thankful for this thread and those that keep this beautiful song alive. Since I started posting my life seems to have finally found alignment. I am more at peace today then ever before.

Thank you: I want to wrap all of you in a hug and share my joy with you all. Your stories and gratitudes light me up and it is one of my favorite ways to wind down my sober night.

Thank you: For allowing me to share this space with you♥️


Now that looks wonderfully delicious. The vibrant colors just scream “healthy…vitamin-rich-yummmmmmm”


I’m grateful for your descriptive share (yesterday?) of what sounds like a healthy marriage
I’m grateful for all the gratidudes
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


I’m grateful this morning for a clear mind. I have a job where I need to actually think!! On bad days, I couldn’t. Fuzzy mind…obsessing…clicking links on alcoholism on my computer…just a damn mess. And, on days like that I felt like I was stealing from my employer as I was unproductive. Add that guilt to the list of bad feelings. But, NOT today. Up and dressed and ready to go. VROOOM!!


Today I’m grateful to be sober. I’m grateful I can go to difficult places in my mind and my heart, that I can share these things here, that I don’t need to drink to numb things anymore. Or worse, drink to feel alive.

I’m grateful for the gifts of sobriety – its own “buzz”. The relief of being able to feel my emotions, the glee with the first sip of coffee, that feeling of being more content with life - my life - when I exhale.

M and D? I know some of the stuff I put you through was my doing, and some of it was just life. No matter which – you were always ready to let it go and just love. Could I be more grateful?

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful I’m not a drinker.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze anymore. For any reason!!
I’m grateful for the joy and smiles I get first thing in the morning from my pets.
I’m grateful Maverick playfully fights with me and even gives me a bite or 2 each and every morning when I try to get water out of the RO water tap.
I’m grateful for Daisy’s grumpuss face and chirp and the way she tries to trip me every morning.
And I’m grateful to see what plastic bag, pasta bag or chip bag, Beatrix will be chewing on in the pantry and what shelf she will be sitting on as I’m trying to get the pet food out.
And I’m grateful Alice is hiding out in the dark in the master bedroom waiting on room service.
Grateful the dogs are patiently waiting for me to make coffee, take my meds, feed all the dang cats, and finally feed them.
And I’m grateful when the whole routine is done they all go to their separate spots. Like OK. We’re done here.
I’m grateful it’s ALWAYS a joy now feeding them every morning. This was never possible with a drunken hangover.
Without gratitude this was never possible even without the drunken hangover.
I’m grateful for the peace and quiet of the morning with Benson on my lap and Minnie on the couch taking their after breakfast nap :zzz:
I’m grateful through all this peace and quiet I can here the Ravens outside cawing up a storm. They are probably wondering why the bird feeders are empty again.
I’m grateful for my first hour of the day every morning including my Bible reading and devotionals before I get to my gratitude list.

its up to you to see the beauty of every day things
Not my words. I don’t know who the hell said it. But it sounds good to me.


Real quick like, so I can stop distracting myself and get my chores done like a good girl…today I’m grateful for:

  1. Laughing uncontrollably with my husband about the silliest shit - I don’t even remember off hand what it was but we were struck by the giggles for at least a few minutes yesterday…totally lost! It’s my favorite high.
  2. Leftovers and not having to think about dinner for a day or two.
  3. Long talks on the phone with loved ones, the kind where my husband says to me afterward, “Did you enjoy your 4 hour chat?” It’s rare for me, I’m not really a phone talker type, but when it happens I come away feeling uplifted.

Always grateful for you grati-dudes and the rest of my TS amigos. A special thank you to the mods, I would NOT want that job and they are amazing humans. These folks come to mind: @SassyRocks @Eke @siand I am so grateful for the work you do to keep this forum civil, on point, and recovery focused. You’ve had your work cut out for you lately. :heartpulse:


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for the call from a friend asking if I want coffee. I’m grateful for TS. I’m grateful for the nice message feom my sister this morning. I’m grateful for all my family. I’m grateful for my friends. I’m grateful for my fellow gratidudes. I’m grateful its nice out today so I can walk to Wayside soon. I’m grateful I’ll get to listen to music on the way.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. i believe you can. ya you!!


Your post was a real visual for me! I wish I could draw comic strips, because your routine and your cats actions cracked me up…Mmm Maybe I will work on one anyways:-)


Well that’s lovely. I am grateful to read this, thanks Rosa!

As I’m here, I’m also grateful for everyone who keeps the forum such a positive, wholesome and kind place. Even when tensions do bubble over, there’s still a lot of love and support going around! :pray::sparkling_heart:


I am grateful that I am sober and don’t drink alcohol to “escape”.

I am grateful that eventhough I am tired I am getting through the work week okay and a nice break will be coming next week.

I am grateful that my boyfriend’s Mother got good results (benign) from her biopsy. :heart:


Thanks Maggie. I’d love to see that comic strip. I’m just so grateful I can enjoy them so dang much. I wish I could have a do over with the other ones.
But the past is in the past. Not that I was mean and awful to them or anything. But these six guys are getting the best of me.


I’m grateful to be finishing up Day 9 with zero cravings. Been there, done that. I will keep it up. This app and the people offering wisdom and support make it a life saver for me.

I’m grateful that I approached my boss, who is retiring in a year, and assertively requested that I be put on a particular project. I knew she would have objections, not because she isn’t supportive of me or doesn’t think I can handle it . . .it is because she is rather a controlling person. Having her delegate tasks as she phases out is going to be a shit show. But I made my case and she said I can be the departmental rep on the project, but not until she leaves. Yup, gonna hold on with both fists until the last day. But, I am grateful I was able to appropriately bring up the topic and respond to her objections.


I am grateful… I spent years escaping my pain, trapped in an illusion of seperatness, apartness, to keep myself safe…I thought.

I am grateful…that I now recognize there is much of my past I could not control, but that now I have the power to think, feel, choose, and to take responsibility for myself and my life

I am grateful…that I can see life’s beauty, gifts, lessons…Both dark and light.

I am grateful…that I can release my emotions instead of keeping them bottled up so no one can see

I am grateful…that I can now love myself and I can grow, change, move forward. To accept that I deserve to feel and deserve to lets others hold me when I crumble. I am not alone.

I am grateful… that I can handle any situation life brings.

When you look back at your past, look tenderly and gently at all you have been through. Look with the eyes of the soul. See that each experience was necessary to bring you home to your heart ~Melody Beattie


I’m grateful to God thank you for helping me get through another day clean and sober and safe.
I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful for Wayside, twelve step groups and my sober living house, they give me a lot of purpose and its just simply a better way of living than I have in a very long time.
I’m grateful for my family and all the understanding and love they have given me.
I’m grateful that Dylan moved in here three weeks ago.
Never could have guessed that at 42 years old, this white guy from the country(me) would be a recovering alcoholic living at a sober house being grateful for having a 25 year old black man from the city(Dylan) as one of his best friends, and one of the best people I know, its a strange world.
I’m grateful to be climbing into bed clean and sober.
I’m grateful to God.

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. You are great. Ya you!!


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze anymore for anything.
I’m grateful I got 400 days sober.
I’m grateful I got 400 hangover free mornings.
I’m grateful I had Daisy on my lap purring up a storm for my 400th morning.
I’m grateful for the quiet morning. It seems even quieter this morning.
I grateful for Minnie’s rhythmic breathing.
I’m grateful I got a flank steak marinating for tonight’s dinner.
I’m grateful for all my blessings. Especially the ones I don’t think I deserve.
I’m grateful I can turn to God for strength and comfort.
I’m grateful for music.
I’m grateful I had the best parents in the world.
I’m grateful I had the best sister in the world. She’d be so proud of me.
I’m grateful that even though I drank for 45 years of my 61, that I am worth being sober in these bronze ages of my life.
I’m grateful my wife and kids and pets are all good.
Happiness is having an appreciation for all that is around you.
Jo-Gaia’s Blessing