Daily Gratitude List

Today I’m grateful for:

  1. my appreciation for a variety of foods, especially healthy and nutritious foods. I love fatty-fried-rich-decadent-not-as-healthy food, too, but it would be a lot more challenging to work toward a healthy diet if I was a strictly meat and potatoes fan.
  2. a light at the end of the tunnel in this pandemic. There is hope with the vaccines now, and that keeps me going after over a year of seeing my family. I moved closer to home, within a day’s drive, with the intention of being available to my aging parents and my brother’s young family, and the virus screwed up all those plans! But we will see each other soon.
  3. a return to reason in governance of our nation. The relief I am beginning to feel is palpable, I am not retraumatized by daily news reports anymore, and I am cheering on our new administration. So grateful.

Always grateful for my TS crew! Grati-dudes and TS amigos across the forum, thanks for being here! :heartpulse:


I’m grateful for you and your 400 days, too! So happy for you, Eric! Congrats!!!


I’m grateful for this quiet, cold morning. Like a buffer that surrounds me from the things I can’t control, a shelter before I head out into the day. Bundle up, M, it’s cold outside, and there are storms at work too…

I’m grateful I’m learning to keep better check on my bucket of energy - physical, mental, and emotional - and rein things in when I need to. Some of the best advice I ever got: go to sleep at night with enough energy left in your bucket to do another day when you wake up. And get enough sleep!

I’m grateful that finally, 50 years old, I only want to break my own records, set new personal bests. And leave enough time and energy to play, too. How else am I gonna put energy back in my bucket?

I’m grateful - no, beyond ecstatic - to put this shitstorm of a week behind me. I’m grateful to be sober after a week like this. I’m grateful for the gifts of sobriety. I’m grateful for what it teaches me about myself, others too.

M and D? remember Mom’s low-fat low-sugar muffin-making craze? and how Dad would slice open the hard little things, layer them with butter (fat) and honey (sugar)? Something makes me smile every day.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Greatful being still sober.
Grateful that the wallpaper is finished. Took him only 2 hrs.
Grateful I had a good and somewhat productive day at work.
Grateful for some early spring days.
Grateful that I have a friend giving me a ride tomorrow.

Grateful that politics are being removed from the forum.

Grateful for this place.
Have a good weekend! Grateful for having found this place.


Wow, Éric, time I passing so quickly. Was only yesterday you celebrated your 1 year? :hugs::tada::confetti_ball::sunflower:


I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober and be better today than I was yesterday
I’m grateful for my recovery
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful for my friends
I’m grateful for TS
I’m grateful for twelve step groups
I’m grateful I slept well
I’m grateful that its chore day gotta clean the house and do laundry
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


I just wanted to let you know your sound bytes are taking up more space in my journal, my daytimer, notes under magnets on my frig…

…but I’m not complaining! Grateful over here. :smile: :pray::orange_heart:


I am grateful for my sobriety and no longer
needing to arrange my life around my next drink.

I am grateful that I have a day off tomorrow to catch up on some rest and relaxation.

I am grateful for my cat Will who always seems to sense my moods and come by to cuddle when I need an little extra cat love :heart:


Today I am grateful to be alive and sober. I’m grateful to have a loving family, an awesome chika in my life, food to eat and clean air to breathe. Grateful grateful grateful.


Today I am grateful to be celebrating my 5th sober Friday… It still amazes me that I am choosing this new life.

I am so grateful for all the people I have met. For being an introvert its amazing how many sober friends I have recently drawn into my life. Its like they are hidden until we start asking for them to be part of our lives.

Peace and love to you all♥️


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful to be clean and sober and warm in bed. I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for relaxing music to fall asleep with.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s.Sending you a big hug. Ya you!!


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze to fuck my feelings up anymore.
I’m grateful I woke up on a Saturday morning early with my alarm and no hangover.
I’m grateful I got my Pilates reformer workout in yesterday and I get to do my 3 1/2 mile walk today.
I’m grateful for another milestone. Now at 401.
Also grateful to be past the milestone.
I’m grateful I have faith in God.
I’m grateful I’m sitting here in my chair with the heater running and my Grammy’s blanket on my lap.
I’m grateful for the days I have hope.
I’m grateful I feel pretty pretty pretty pretty good this morning.

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles


Today I’m grateful for sleep, and coffee. I’m grateful that my Dad is doing ok- he’s in the hospital currently after a scare with his heart. Liver biopsy was done faster due to this (which I am grateful for) so a cancer diagnosis will also come faster. Heart bypass is needed also…
I’m grateful for the talk I had with him, my mom, and my older brother yesterday. Lots of laughs.
I’m grateful the sun is shining today.
I’m grateful I’m sober.
Everyone have a great day :heart:


I’m grateful to God
I’m grateful for my recovery
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful for my friends
I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for my fellow gratidudes @RosaCanDo congrats on five months
I’m grateful it’s Saturday so I’m off to wayside to enjoy a few meals some company and go to AA after dinner and get a one year medallion
I’m grateful my friend Kevin got me the medallion very nice of him
I’m grateful that I will talk with Mom on the phone today
I’m gratefulI that I have this place to spit out that long post last night I’m still tired even after a good sleep
I’m grateful for a warm shower and coffee in a minute to help wake me up
I’m grateful for that I said my prayers and read my daily readings. todays Narcotics Anonymous reading is titled I can’t we can
I’m grateful that @Mno and @M-be-free49 and others liked my prayer and that I had the courage to post it
I’m grateful to God
God Bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. it’s a good day to be happy so smile. ya you!!


I’m grateful for this cold, quiet, weekend morning - and the good sleep I just had. I woke up too early, but had no problem going back in for the sequel!

I’m grateful I woke up hangover-free, shame-free, happy about the day ahead of me. Not just trying to get through it.

I’m grateful for the sun. I’m grateful for the parka I have (the size of a small house, pretty much). It’s beyond cold, and while my mental health loves its time outside - “one day at a time” is teaching me that I can withstand a cold spell, and even be grateful for this hunker in time. Not just trying to get through it.

I’m grateful I’m slowly learning not to run away from the hard stuff - the stuff that makes me sad or mad. I may not love it, it may be hard, but sobriety teaches me - the only way out is through.

I’m grateful for technology. Whether because of a pandemic or a cold spell, it’s hard to get cabin fever when I can stay in touch with so many dear ones, stream all my programs and tunes, cue up a zoom yoga class on a saturday morning. And of course play goofy word games!

M and D? Yep, she’s a fine day. :wink:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m thankful for the telemeeting I got to this morning. It’s the perfect way to set my intention for the weekend.
I’m grateful for my sponsor and his broad range of 12-step work that can help me sort through my difficulties so they feel less baffling.
I’m thankful for yoga. If you have younger kiddos, I highly recommend Cosmic Kids. Excellent way to introduce mindfulness. My son loves it.
I’m grateful for our woodstove and a shed full of wood to get the family and I through the polar vortex.
I’m thankful for warm cuddles on extra chilly days.


I am grateful reading all your posts and sharing it with me (as I read it :roll_eyes:)
I am grateful for DIY YouTube videos explaining almost everything for dummies aka me.
Grateful I had several inside motivation to get some things done.
Grateful I have no time limit in my new apartment.
Grateful I managed to hang three lamps.
Grateful for Yoga. Grateful I did two short sessions today.


I just wanted to say - I’ve been meaning to say - I’m grateful for your presence here, on this thread and on TS. When I joined it, I don’t think you were posting that much, and a couple people were sending you “missing you” posts.

Now that you’re back, I’m grateful for your posts on the check-in threads and elsewhere - your perspectives, insights, and thought-provoking (in a good way) comments (and questions) most always give me something to chew on, add to my own toolbox.

It’s a weird thing - counterintuitive to me - but I think our shared vulnerability, (calculated of course - this is online and there were hiccups this week!) makes us all collectively stronger, more courageous. So thank you. :pray: :orange_heart:


I am grateful to be sober and no longer a drunken mess trying to hold it together while poisoning myself day in and day out.

I am grateful for exercise and the ability to shift my diet so that I can reach my health goals.

I am grateful for coffee, tea, water, bubbly water, and all the other refreshing sobriety drinks available to us. :heart:


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. my comfort programs - shows, movies, miniseries that are my go-to for every mood when I need something to occupy my mind. Or even just to have on in the background. I read somewhere that these types of comfort programs are especially helpful in times of uncertainty and for people who have a past that includes trauma because they are predictable, reliable, and we know what our emotional response will be in watching them. Lines up for me!
  2. the fact that I identify as a “maker.” I’ve always been a crafter, have dabbled in woodworking and furniture refinishing, I am a pretty good home cook, and I get a great sense of satisfaction from making things. I’ve been sitting here staring at the old hand-me-down dresser that once belonged to my grandparents that’s looking worse for wear after several moves and lots of rough handling. I love the hardware on it and it’s a sturdy piece, now to think about how to spruce it up. I am grateful I have the time and energy to do these things now that I’m not drinking.
  3. I’m grateful that my hands and issues with arthritis are cooperating so that I can knit all day without pain, as long as I stretch my hands and take breaks.

Grateful for TS and my amigos here! :heartpulse: