Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Good God am I ever grateful I dont suffer with hangovers anymore. This flu is still kicking my ass with round two all last night.
I am grateful that another NA member was willing to fill my spot as panel leader at detox tonight.
I am grateful my sponsee is still going to go do her first panel even though I wont be there.
I am grateful for the 12 concepts of Narcotics Anonymous as they guide our service structure. I remember when I made my first personal NA literature order and I basically ordered one of everything. I ordered a Step Guide, a Traditions guide and this tiny little book called “The twelve concepts of NA Service”.
I remember the literature chair chuckling at me and she said “not many people have read that…”
I thought to myself " Im not many other people…"
This is the introduction paragraph of the book…

I am grateful for these programs of recovery and for our predecessors who were open enough to manifest their vision.
I am grateful that my daughter is covered under her fathers medical.
I am grateful for pedialyte and gingerale.
I am grateful that flus dont last forever.


I am grateful for my dog. If we all could love unconditionally like her…the world would be a better place.


I’m grateful I was able to do a bit in my garden today, just tidying up and a bit of weeding. It was nice to get out.
We chose the house mostly because of its garden but over the years it’s moved down the priority list. I am going to sort the garden this year. It’s lovely when its looked after.
I’m grateful I managed to do some jobs that I haven’t had time for - feels good that they are ticked off.
I’m grateful that drinking isn’t on my agenda, that it doesn’t take up my thinking. Grateful that I don’t have to nip to the shop every day, after I’ve argued with myself all day.
I’m grateful all that has gone :sparkling_heart:




I’m grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to habe made it thru the holidays and that the new year brings an opportunity for fresh starts.

I am grateful for my home and my 3 little cute fur babies.

I am grateful for the cool crisp winter air.

I am grateful to be here with everyone :heart:


Im greatful to be part of a team making a real impact in our community. Nearly 200 households were basically evicted from their apartments because the city condemned them right before christmas. I am responsible for putting together the budget on how much it will cost to get these people housed again. Its not cheap thats for sure. Alot of these people are harder to place due to prior rental history or credit scores etc.

Im greatful some donors have come forward already and contributed to the effort. Im greatful others are interested.

Im greatful to not be homeless and to love my job

Im greatful that even though i had to work late and miss getting my 8 month chip from my sponsor its no sweat off my back. I didnt miss the meeting because i was drinking. I didnt miss the meeting because im unreliable. I missed the meeting for a better good. My ego doesnt need the round of applause for making it this far…after all theres always the next milestone :slight_smile:


I am so grateful as I celebrate one week clean today. I have not had a week sober in 25 years, overwhelmed with emotion. Grateful that I found this community when I was hanging on by a thread. Greatful to read your stories and laugh and cry and celebrate with you, even though we’ve yet to meet. Feeling very humbled.


I’m grateful tonight I didn’t have to suffer alone :yellow_heart:


Oof, today. I’m grateful it’s over.
I’m grateful I don’t drink on hard, sad days. I’m grateful I know situations and moods that come with them both pass.
I’m grateful I have my senses to notice the good things too, even on hard days. The sun shining and the sparkling snow. The taste of my coffee. The calming sound of silence. The laughs shared with a colleague in our text string off/on today.
I’m grateful I’ll have a bath now and tuck in.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

I’m grateful to see @Peace! Hello, friend.
I’m grateful too, @PinkyP, that I don’t nip to the shop after arguing with myself all day. Perfectly put.
I’m grateful for @Jenny1972’s 1 week!
I’m grateful for @Cjp’s service to her community and also… (drumroll)… 8 months! I’m grateful you let us celebrate you and your milestones! (I’m pretty sure that’s @Dazercat in the white hat, lol :laughing:)

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Good morning gratitude.
I’m grateful to read all the gratitude here, for good days and bad days, for health and illness that shall pass, for helping others and being loved unconditionally by pets, for all those enjoying snow and cold (I’m envious!!! I love it, sadly no winter here in sight). Congratulations on 8 months @Cjp and on 1 week @Jenny1972 :coffee::teapot::custard:

I’m grateful for good sleep, only mediocre nightmares, cats waking me up. I’m grateful I’m not hungover, otherwise I would not be excited to do chores and make the house really neat. A friend will come over for lunch and we are having steak. I love to share a good meal. I’m grateful I’m generous and in general a cheerful nature.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for electricity, food, three days off, water, heating.
I am grateful I can get out here everything what is heavy on my heart and don’t feel like I have to justify myself for it. It makes me sad that I don’t have this irl atm. Acceptance.


Gooooood morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

This earworm:

My sobriety, 250 days free
My hubby who i woke up playing my song…oops
Boscoe and his shagginess
Woke up motivated and energized and definitely not hungover
Im excited to go to work and make progress on a very important budget
Its Friday!
Im humble and greatful
AA fellowship
Sober ladies
This forum…oh so much
Celebrating others sobriety milestones
Better mental health
Commitment to better diet
All of you

May your day be full of light and love


I am, again, so grateful for public transportation. Driving in this snowy icy weather is terribly stressful for me, and I am happy to leave it to the professionals while I sit here and read all these wonderful posts and reflect on how gracefully you all handle the good and the bad life sends your way. @erntedank we’ve got plenty of extra winter up here–I’m happy to send some your way as soon as I can figure out how.

I’m grateful it’s Friday, and I’m grateful it’s gloomy even though it’s a bit sleepy because sunshine this time of year means cold. :cold_face: I’m grateful I picked exactly the right date night last night–ordering in pizza and snuggling on the couch instead of venturing out into the world, and I’m grateful for Pizza Luce’s delicious vegetarian options. Im grateful for me and my willingness to experiment and try new things, and for setting my goal of vegetarian meals this month even though my bfs not super pumped. I’m grateful to be in a place mentally and emotionally where I can speak up about the goals I want to set and get after them when before I would unreasonably felt fear and risk to the stability of our relationship. I’m grateful my bf sticks with me even though navigating my neuroses must be exhausting – it is for me anyway! Lol


Im grateful to see you thank you for the acknowledgement :hugs: im still lurking around :sunglasses:


I’m grateful for my Serenity Prayer Pen. It was given to me by Sally. In honor of her son. He didn’t make it. :cry:

I’m grateful, like an addict, I bought a bunch of literature early on. And I actually do have a Paths To Recovery Workbook. I’m grateful I didn’t order another one. I’m grateful my new serenity pen and that workbook are going to get some time together this year.

I’m grateful I’ve already learned I got a fucked up idea of what love is. I’m grateful to learn love is a feeling. Not a fucking expectation. I’m grateful if I do something for or maybe “because,” (is a better word,) of love. That’s ok! And that’s where it stops. I’m grateful I know I’m not always like this. I’m grateful to learn I have definitely used this to try and control people. And I’m trying to accept that and move on. And that’s ok.

I’m grateful I’m unique and nice too :wink: I really love that GS
I’m grateful I’m not perfect :grimacing:
I’m grateful I don’t have to be perfect.
I’m grateful to admit again and again. I’m powerless over alcohol. Mine. Hers. Yours. Everyone’s. I’m grateful I know this and some times it is good to write it out once again.
I’m grateful I know alcoholism is a disease and I can accept that. And I’m grateful I know I can still take it personally. I’m getting better about not taking it personally. So since I’m not perfect. I guess I’ll have to go with progress.
I’m grateful for my progress.

I’m grateful for my unconditional love of others too.

I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it’s right in front of me if I’m paying
attention and practicing gratitude.

Brene Brown


I am grateful for my partner in life. Not a day goes by where she doesnt blow my mind. A true gift and blessing.


Grateful for this safe space and my sobriety.


Grateful for another day at home. I completely blitzed my kitchen, there is nothing in there that I didn’t clean.
Grateful for Alexa and the diverse music she gives me. I love finding new music. Had an hour or so of Motown then one of Canned Heat and Howlin Wolf. Grateful to be in on my own with the music turned up.
I’m grateful to be in bed now, sober and happy :sparkling_heart:


Grateful for sobriety and the structure that going to work provides.

Grateful that I am realizing that I likely need to make some changes in my life relationship-wise and thats sad but I know that I will survive.

Grateful for everyday left with my Mom becasue each day is a gift.

Grateful for my family and for TS. :heart:


Ah, grateful for the weekend!
I’m grateful today was a better day. But even if it wasn’t, these are good words to live by @Cjp! “I’m grateful for sunshine, I’m grateful for rain, I’m grateful for joy, I’m grateful for pain.” Heartwarming.
I’m grateful for the haircut today (I cleaned up!) and the chat with my hair person. She’s a gem. And a total normie. She and her husband simply forget alcohol exists, for, like, weeks/months - until they’re at a dinner or event or something. Could take it or leave it. Mostly leave it. I cannot relate.
I’m grateful I know, especially weeks like this (first week back, short but longgg) that if wine is an option, I will always say yes.
I’m also grateful, during weeks like this, that I don’t actually want it. Too many new tools to use. To practice. Like yoga, though, the practice is the journey. Is life.
If that didn’t make sense, it’s probably because it’s past my time to go to bed! I’m grateful I get to go there now. Tired and sober and content.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart: