Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Sounds like you are finding your truth and your beauty and it’s amazing to witness. Sometimes things must burn to reveal all the purity and glory underneath. You are on an amazing journey.

Im grateful for my 299 days of recovery. Its been extra challenging as of late and I’m grateful im able to lean into it. I’m grateful i was given a much nicer phone, im gratful ill be able to turn it on here soon because this phone really struggles with this app for some reason and i often quit mid post.

I’m grateful for my sense of self and that im currently really exploring it and working to learn about it.

Im grateful that i understand that all things are temporary, that this human experience is a quick one. Grateful for the perspective this gives me.


Today I’m grateful yesterday was a good day. Today I feel sad, alone, overwhelmed by the outlook of all the work and doing it alone. I miss my ex, we always discussed things. I’m grateful I had a partner for so long to discuss daily life before things went bad. I’m grateful we had good times.

I’m grateful I talk with my therapist about all this. About how hard it is not to call or text my ex on days like today. How senseless and counterproductive it would be. Working on this co-dependent stuff is hard. I’m grateful I recognize this feelings for what they are and don’t missinterpret them as real. They are not real, they are echoes of my fear of loss and abandonment. This doesn’t make it easier. I’m grateful the day is over and I’ll go to bed soon. I’m grateful for good times today too: Snuggling cats, some paperwork and chores done, drove over to my late mum’s house for a check and had a nice talk with the neighbours there, ordered yummi food. Simply adulting. I’m grateful for adulting, holidays are over and I have to get back to normal.


Good morning.

I am grateful for the will of my HP, I am grateful for its strength, love and guidance. I managed a hatha class this morning, I am grateful for my body and her sheer persistance to see me through another day. Thank you body. :heart:

I am grateful for a change in perspective and that when I stepped on the scale and saw my weight was back down to what it was before I started at the hospital I felt concern. I am grateful I dont want to die anymore, I am grateful that I love my life and that I am willing to do as much as I can to stay alive. I am grateful that I didnt lose this weight intentionally, I am grateful I feel compassion for myself as I have been so ill. It would be very easy for me to spiral into a tailspin of fear, and self judgement but I dont live their anymore. I feel nothing to be honest, except like I said, some concern. And I have faith today, I know everything will be ok. I am grateful for faith.



I’m grateful pain ebbs and flows
I’m grateful for music, walks, cold swims, workouts, dancing, and long talks.
I’m grateful I’m never alone in this world.
I’m grateful for setting intentions.
I’m grateful for books.
I’m grateful people share their stories.
I’m thinking I should start to share more too. Especially in my day to day life. I keep myself guarded and it’s lonely. Maybe it will help others feel less alone or that life is messy for all of us.
I’m grateful that my break up didn’t swallow me whole. It cracked me but it joined the cracks that had already formed.
I’m grateful that cracks bring light to dark places.
I’m grateful I’m starting to see the parts of me that I need to let go of.
I’m grateful for my friend who suggested a book that just happened to be exactly what my soul needed.
I’m grateful that the universe is always guiding me if I listen.
I’m grateful I listen more and more these days.
I’m grateful for love, for flaws, for imperfections, for heartbreak, for simplistic beauty, for genuine smiles, for my tears, for laughter and for all the things that reveal the human spirit :yellow_heart:


I’m grateful to see you!

I know we celebrate our milestones, but it’s not a contest - and certainly not a shame contest. At least not to me and plenty o’ others on here…

I dunno if I’m breaking forum rules here to quote a fellow Gratidude without first asking, and I hope I’m not taking anything out of context (flash-backing to uni paper writing and citation days, sigh/lol) but these words landed in me exactly when I needed to hear them, for which I’m grateful:

I’m also grateful to see @1in8billion. Thanks for checking in, friend! :orange_heart:


Some more gratitude…
I’m grateful for being able to work from home. I’m grateful for the socked-in foggy day it was, and that it matched my quiet mood today.

It wasn’t a bad day, but I had a few tears and good reason for them. I’m grateful I can cry readily when I need to. I can’t expect to laugh as readily as I want to if I don’t also give my sadness its expression…

I’m grateful I talk to myself a little more kindly. The nasty negative-speak gremlin has been spending some time in the corner lately. :wink: Still taming that fellow…

I’m grateful for @erntedank’s words “recognize this feelings for what they are and don’t missinterpret them as real”. Yep. You said it. I gotta live by it! Grateful to you.

I’m grateful I can make a decent gf meal out of my wee pantry and the aging contents of the veggie drawers when I need to. Some days aren’t for grocery shopping.

I’m grateful I’m getting better at saying no in all manner of ways! Grateful to learn about boundaries. That they don’t have to be in conflict with kindness.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


You’re welcome, I’m grateful for you too :hugs:

Also grateful to be eating good homemade food; grateful to have some friends again (after a period of self-isolation); grateful that I challenge and extend my comfort zone; grateful to be living in a beautiful new home now; grateful that I’m certain about wanting sobriety; grateful to be physically healthy; grateful to be on good terms with family; grateful to think very philosophically about life :thinking::upside_down_face:

I like that quote from @Bootz about ‘even the backward steps being necessary’ in a way. The journey is the destination… That’s true gratefulness…


Heyy, I’m grateful to see you here Callie :hugs::heart:


Grateful to have a boss who is kind, patient, and looks out for me. Grateful she messaged me to tell me the buses stopped running because the world is covered with ice and to stay home because it’s unsafe, just as I was heading to the bus stop because apparently I didn’t sign up for transit alerts after all. Grateful I can work from home so I don’t have to use PTO, it’s certainly a privilege others don’t enjoy. Grateful I get to put my pajama pants back on. Grateful to score a couple bonus moments of quiet snuggling with my doggo before logging in.


Good morning sober fam,

Today i am greatful for…

My sobriety, 255 days of freedom
Boscoe, hes so soft after the haircut
My hubby whos amazing, loving and supportive
Led a 2nd step mtg last night and lots of ppl shared
Progress not perfection
Paved roads
Modern conveniences
Its payday this friday
Hot coffee
All of you

Light and positive energy your way


I’m grateful I can have a day like yesterday where I can totally waste it trying to get over a headache.
I’m grateful I didn’t try to workout or exercise anyway.
I’m grateful I feel better today.
I’m grateful I can see Minnie outside the sliding glass doors so I can keep an eye on her.
I’m grateful I can see the morning clouds rapidly change colors.
I’m grateful for the desert.
I’m grateful I got my big list of things that need to get done around here and doctors appointments.
I’m grateful I got it started Monday with the phone calls and blew it off yesterday since I wasn’t feeling well. And I can just pick up where I left off today.
I’m grateful Minnie enjoys sitting out by the swimming pool in the chilly desert morning. And I’m grateful Benson rather just sit here on the couch next to me.
I’m grateful I can see my chiropractor today.
I’m grateful for beans. Black, pinto and refried anyway. And the :coffee: bean.
I’m grateful for gratitude and gratidudes. Ya you :heart:


One Bite Wisdom


I am grateful that even though I didn’t sleep more than maybe an hour, I am still clearer minded than after a night of drinking.
I am grateful for TLS, forever and always grateful. No matter where you are in the journey, the support, acceptance and education is there full and strong.
I am grateful for no more upper right quadrant abdominal pain. Scary stuff and I hope it’s gone for good.
I am thankful to be getting to a point where I no longer focus on blaming my parents for basically weaning me from bottle to alcohol bottle. Focus on this point. Nothing can change the fact that happened.
I am thankful that Eric is working at eating healthy. Sometimes I worry about his arteries. :rofl:
I am grateful for the forum and my renewed commitment to “take what I need, give what I can and leave the rest.”
I am thankful for feedback on posts. No one wants to be talking into the void.
Thankful that my kiddo seems to be on the right path with the right meds and people. I am thankful that both of my kids are covered underTricare and it’s not a concern I have to worry over.

Have a great day!


I am grateful to be sober.
I am very very very grateful that Dora and Paula are doing great all fluffy and keeping their personalities :crazy_face: their pictures made my day today.
I am happy that I can work from home on Monday when my new fridge will arrive.
I am grateful for some nice contacts and chat at work today.
I am glad I walked home. Fresh air.
I am grateful I figured out what working on my sobriety means for me. It was so abstract for me. I now have more of an answer what it is for me.
I am grateful I have enough.


Good morning, Im so grateful for my life.

I am grateful that the universe speaks through me and I trust my life in its hands. I went to a health food store yesterday to pick up some vitamins, I found them but continued to look around aimlessly. The woman there asked if I needed some help. I looked up at her and said ," Do you have any liquid gold?" I had no idea what I meant, what I was looking or asking for but apparently she did and she returned with a bag of bee pollen. I bought it and then researched the benefits when I got home. I am grateful.

I am grateful that twice in the last 12 hours I have been able to detour myself from purchasing big ticket items. I need a meeting, that is becoming very apparent. I am grateful there is a simple solution to my incurable disease.

I am grateful for rituals, for crystals grids, and for snoring dogs that wake me throughout the night. I threw that last one in there so it doesnt turn into a resentment. Im feeling pretty exhausted this morning, Nuggie needs breathe-rite strips.

Im grateful to see Dazer in a circle typing above my head. I hope he has a great day. :blue_heart:


I’m so grateful to see Paula and Dora.
I’m grateful I knew you’d share.
Thank you :pray:t2:
I love the Christmas hat on Paula.


Today I’m grateful I digged myself out of the sad, whiny mood in the morning. Fuck nightmares. Thanks to people I can call and talk to. I’m very grateful for a talk with my couselor. She will help me to avoid co-dependent communication-wants with my ex and deal with this feelings and desires. No contact until the finances are settled.

I’m grateful I was adulting again. Chores, paperwork, appointment, calls. I’m grateful I declined an invitation for today’s evening. I’ll be up early tomorrow for an apointment and go to bed soon. There will be other occasions to meet them. I’m grateful for my old boy sleeping beside me. I’m grateful for some blue juice I really like, it’s my reward for today :pray::yum:


Grateful for today. It wasnt close to perfect…it sucked…but… i am sober


I’m grateful for my heart
I’m grateful I can always choose love
Even when it hurts
Especially when it hurts
I’m grateful for soft blankets
I’m grateful for mango tea
I’m grateful I have a safe home with all the comforts I don’t appreciate or notice enough.
I’m grateful I’m healthy
I’m grateful that I’m alive, living this imperfect life
I’m grateful I’m awake to it
I’m grateful I’m sober
I’m grateful for all my growth
I’m grateful for you all :yellow_heart:


I’m grateful today was a good day. A long day, but a good day.

I’m grateful I get to define what a good day is, and that I’m learning to measure it differently. It doesn’t have to be because I earned my worth, or because everything went as planned. It can be a good day because I decide it’s a good day.

I’m also grateful I can see myself detach, at least somewhat, from storms (mostly work but often personal) I would throw myself into in the before time. To be/stay engaged in things and not attached to the outcomes. fuckkkkkkk… t’ain’t easy, but there’s no other way.

I’m grateful I felt total relief today when colleagues were talking (group chat/msg) about dry January and how hard it is. Grateful I get to sit that out and do one day at a time. Grateful I’m not counting down until Feb.01. That would be a nightmare.
Grateful I realized that when I’m engaged in my life, alcohol is irrelevant. Kinda like gluten for this celiac. Or goodyear tires. I just don’t eat 'em. You go ahead, I’ll pass. :wink:

I’m grateful for sleeeep. Sweet sober sleep.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Yeah, I’d be grateful too Billy and @Lorelai to get in on the group Gratidude hug for @erntedank ! :orange_heart:

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