Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Im so very greatful

Me and a lady from my ladies aa mtg were going to hit up a dual diagnosis meeting. Only one other person showed up. We had to call to get into the room. So we were just 3 alcoholics who struggle with mental health discussing where we are at with life. We talked for an hour and finished with the lords prayer. Im greatful we salvaged the time. I feel so beyond hreatful.

Now im picking up takeout and going to go save Boscoe from lonliness.

So greatful


Heart full of gratitude for 6 months with a clear mind, calm heart, steady hands, healthy sleep, self-awareness, personal growth, and fully present for my husband, children, family, friends, sports, work…fully present for life :heart:

Thank you all for helping me get here…:pray:


And the milestones just keep comin!
Congratulations on your 6 months of the new and improved you Anna.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I was lucky being born here. It’s pure luck.
I am grateful I was discovering this morning laying in bed that I don’t really regret how my life was. Obviously, I am grateful for human memory.
I am thinking a lot about my teacher training atm. Normal maybe as it’s about to start the second big part, the teaching. I am grateful that my thoughts are shifting towards questioning my intentions. Not in a judgemental way. I am always judgemental (precautionary) towards myself so that I am prepared for someone else. Stupid. Stupid. Anyways. I can be more gentle today, walking down this path.
I am grateful that I got my insulinpump, sensor, loop setup working after discussing with a friend and endless trials.
I am grateful tomorrow is off, another day before reality will hit me after 6 weeks of vacation :grimacing:


That is awesome. Congratulations!! Look out I’m right behind you hope I never catch you though. I am very grateful for you and everyone here who are so kind and so supportive and inspiring :sparkling_heart: This early morning grateful for a good night’s sleep and grateful He woke me for another day to be present in my life. I am grateful to feel so good physically at my age. Grateful for consistency. It’s not boring repeating the same good habits I have fallen into. Daily meditation and prayer,exercise,sitting in the moment. It’s all so beautiful as I stumble into grace. Grateful Indigo and Alobar tag teamed me in bed earlier. They are so different. Alobar just crawls all over me Sticks his head in my hand for pets. Indie circles me and is very vocal she’ll get some pets in but likes to lie next to me and purr her brains out. I’m grateful I finally got my antibiotic eye salve my popeye looks better in one day of applications. It’s beautiful here weather wise.Ian ushered in cooler less humid conditions. So I will gratefully sit by the cement pond and read,listen to tunes and get some vitamin D. Pleasant day all.:pray:t2:

God guru and Self are One


Hellz yeah! Congratulations on 6 months sobriety! Thats fantastic!


Good morning all
Congratulations to the milestone-ers! I’m grateful to see others reaching them. I’m grateful for cooler weather here, and beautiful sunrises. I’m grateful for tasty iced coffee that I made in my instant pot. I’m grateful that my mindset has changed around cooking, from “I hate to, I can’t” to “I can learn to, let me try”. I’m grateful for my family and home. Im grateful for my simple life that like @Soberbilly said is not boring.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Last night I had a dream that I relapsed. I can’t remember where I was or what I was doing, but that sneaky alcohol brain in my head was like, it’s no big deal, it’s just one night, it’s a celebration, no one will even care all those regular sneaky thoughts. So I drank, and then I was bummed out and I realized I would have to reset my clock. And THEN I realized that I would have to tell you guys, and that you would understand but the idea made me feel so sad to let you guys and myself down. I was so grateful when I woke up and realized it wasn’t real :heart:


I am grateful for a wonderful speaker in my TLC meeting this morning.
I am grateful for the cleansing cry it caused.
I am grateful for my house and my wonderful landlords.
I am grateful for another day to be grateful.


I am grateful for this space
I am grateful for today’s church service
I am grateful to humble myself to the realities of life.


I’m grateful to be up early and doing some morning cooking already. :scream: I’m grateful it’s just sticking a squash in the oven to make butternut squash soup later for lunch after it cools. Speaking of cool. I’m grateful for the cool autumn weather. And the foliage. I’m grateful all the trees don’t turn and loose their leaves at the same time.
I’m grateful for my sunsets which are hard to see through the ponderosa pine trees but sometimes it looks pretty cool in spots with eerie looking colors.
I’m grateful for the cooking I did yesterday.

I’m grateful by body feels pretty good after my 3 1/2 mile trail walk yesterday.
I’m grateful for the quiet mornings and being interrupted by Julie, my friend in London, on what’s app. I’m grateful I think that’s called surrendering to the present. Or at least I was reading about surrendering to present.

I’m grateful I just got off WhatsApp with Julie. Had such a wonderful chat. And I can still do my gratitude now.

I’m grateful for my rigorous morning routines that helped get me sober. I’m grateful I can things up a bit.

I’m grateful to learn waiting is a powerful force of action. And can be used in my recovery. I found it worked the other day and I didn’t even realize I was doing it at the time.

I’m grateful for football and cooking weekends.
I’m grateful, presently, I’m feeling great :blush:
I’m grateful for the continuous joy all my cats and dogs give me.

I’m grateful some days I have my ups and some days I have my downs. Or maybe even some moments I have my ups and some moments I have my downs.

I’m grateful I got my gratitude in his morning.
Let’s bring on another 24 :wink: soberly :wink: and not even want to drink :wink:
Know that you’ll never die from a feeling, only the behaviors you use to avoid them.


We live on a ranch, and once a year have meat processed. This week I was cleaning out the freezers in preparation for this year’s beef and pork. I was shocked at how much was still remaining from last fall.

As I was donating it to various church groups that provide meals in the community, I thought about how grateful I was to have enough to eat. I am grateful to have enough to share.

And, I am grateful that I will be in the same position next year. We always overdo it because my husband has a vision of extended family, friends, and employees all joining us for meals. It doesnt happen nearly often enough (or we end up going out, rather than cooking), but I am grateful he has not given up on that vision. :slight_smile:


Today I’m grateful for a stressless day. I had weird nightmares and woke up really exhausted so I took it easy: cuddling with cats in the morning, breakfast, chores. Grateful I made a video of Schimanski playing with some cords. I showed it to my mum and she laughed :orange_heart: Grateful I visited her today, I missed her. It has been 3 weeks since my last visit. Horribly exhausting weeks. I’m grateful I felt ok yesterday and feel ok today. Grateful for beautiful pictures from the party yesterday. Grateful I allowed myself to stop and pause when my energy was low and my emotions were high. Grateful this weekend wasn’t emotionally draining. The next week has some stressful appointments coming up. I use the serentity prayer often, it helps me staying in the present :pray:


Grateful for 20 days this go around. Grateful I made it over 300 days before my relapse and grateful I didn’t enjoy being high and drunk when I did. Grateful for all the things I learned in the last year and now putting more focus into relapse prevention. Going to various meetings for my mental health. Not isolated as much . Grateful for watching leaves fall off trees today and the peace is brought me . Grateful for cooler weather and keeping my windows open in my room. Grateful for shows that teach me history. Grateful for music. Grateful for halo fruit (tangerines?) , and bananas. I really like fruit and will rotate the different fruits I eat so I don’t get sick of them . Grateful for taking more pride in my room and keeping it clean .


I am grateful I decided to get sober!
Grateful today is my day 1.
Grateful I am still married.
Grateful for my 4 beautiful babies.
Grateful for this support group!


Day 103.
I’m grateful to have removed all toxic fake people from my life. My circle of people around me is very small now, spending tons of time alone as well and loving it. I find myself extremely picky about who I want in my life in any way now. With the removal of toxic people in my life I’m feeling so positive and peaceful. Everyone have a great day!


Today I am grateful to have been able to spend the whole day with my partner, and that I got to get a few things figured out for tomorrow. I am grateful for the beautiful weather. I am grateful to have done some writing tonight, and I continue to be grateful for this community helping me through a tough week.


Today I am very grateful for the traditions of Narcotics Anonymous. I am grateful that I am in a place now in my recovery to understand their importance and be willing to do some work around them. I am grateful for tradition guides and workbooks full of questions to challenge my knowledge and broaden my understanding.

I am grateful for Tradition 1, and unity. It is shining heavily in my recovery right now. “… personal recovery depends on NA unity.” I am grateful for openmindedness and willingness to figuring out ways to help other addicts in this program grow and reach their highest potential. One of my sponsees was asked to sponsor a newcomer but she hasnt finished her steps yet. I know my sponsee is at a place where she really wants to help other addicts and I believe that being a go-to for this newcomer will help her right now. I am grateful that the three of us came up with a plan and I will take the newcomer through her steps. We are a good group of women who I believe this young girl will really benefit being around, and my sponsee can still be her “big sister” in recovery. Thats unity, its the practical framework that binds our program together.

I am grateful that I was not on my man friends bike when he “had a little wipe out” tonight. I am grateful he is alive and that his son has taken him to urgent care.

I am grateful for recovery sunday amd cuddles in bed with my kiddo.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that my keyboard knows my first sentence here. Seems to be a streak.
I am grateful for a long talk with a friend this morning in bed.
I am grateful the fog lifted already and there is sun. I am grateful for the sun today as this is my last day off.
I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful I have a job.

I’m grateful I have a clear mind to work.

I’m grateful for my family and to be able to provide for my family.

I’m grateful I have enough.