Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I am grateful today for my cozy apartment, nourishing meals and a restful sleep. I am grateful I have friends I can call when I need someone to talk to and who will also call me, when they need support. I am grateful I could let go of some of my overall bitterness and resentment. For the longest time I felt it was other people who had to do something about it. Really it was me, holding on to it. I am grateful I can let go. Now, the Sun ist coming up, coffee is ready - have a wonderful new and sober day, fellow gratidudes. :orange_heart:


What a beautiful post! I’m grateful for you and your sharing here :heart:

Grateful for the cold weather today. For my delicious pumpkin spice coffee in the morning.

Grateful my family is safe under my roof. Grateful I still have a few years with both my kids at home. I’m grateful I intend to spend these years present and sober.

I’m grateful when my son came home super late last night he apologized. I’m grateful he is a teen who is pushing boundaries but also acknowledging the consequences of his acts. I’m grateful I’m more level-headed now to deal with his mistakes.

I’m grateful we are blessed to have enough.

I’m grateful to be planning Thanksgiving dinner :heart:


Struggling to see the positives, so here I am.

I’m grateful for:
Therapy today
Health insurance to pay for it
A day off tomorrow for Thanksgiving
My cats :cat:
A cozy place to live
Leftovers making dinner easy
Flexible job and understanding boss
My coworker who has eased my work load
This community
This thread


Hi all im soo grateful i made 90 days yesterday
Its been a hard and long road for 30 years


Show off! Love that quote. Wishing you and your wife a peaceful and easy Thanksgiving D-cat. Quick gratitude cuz I am hungry. Grateful for:
Refuge Recovery online meeting this morning
Alobar and Indigo
My family
How “plugged in” I am in my beautiful recovery
Friendships old and new
Sage Biscuit heading there n o w
I love you all Namaste

God guru and Self are One


congratulations on your 90 day milestone!


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a long break from work for Thanksgiving . I’m grateful we are able to host, even if it’s not my choice. I’m grateful that instead of being a martyr and doing everything, then getting angry about it- now I share the responsibilities of bringing the meal together. It makes it much more enjoyable. I’m grateful for family. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness.
Everyone have a wonderful day❤️


I’m grateful my first reading was exactly what I needed this morning. It almost always is :blush::grimacing:
I don’t know whether to do a happy face or frowning face :joy: but I’m grateful I’ll keep my sense of humor. Even if it’s just to myself. Anyway…. The reading.
I’m grateful for in ODAAT in AlAnon is. “What happened yesterday need not trouble me today.”
I do wish I could read that. Snap my fingers :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: and then completely forget about what happened yesterday. But it’s just not that easy. I am grateful that maybe it is getting easier.

I’m grateful I’m powerless over alcohol.
I’m grateful I’m powerless over other peoples drinking.
I’m grateful my timing isn’t always the best timing. It “should” be. :roll_eyes: But it’s not :grimacing:

I’m grateful I’m not fretting about the immediate future. I’m grateful I’m sober and I already played out what’s the worst that can happen scenario. I’m grateful the worst that can happen is I’ll still be sober and I can do anything, and if I have to do everything for Thanksgiving, then I can do that too. And only because I’m sober.

I’m grateful my back feels a bit less hurt this morning.
I’m grateful for my really good ice packs.
I’m grateful I’ve gone over a week without fried food and Advil. Great combination for whatever ails ya :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I haven’t started a new counter for that one. :thinking: yet :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:.

I’m grateful for baby Norma gifs.
I’m grateful for cuteness over load.
Grateful I’m not moving to Dallas. No we’re not!!
I’m grateful I get to and love shopping for baby stuff.
I’m grateful for Christmas onesies :blush:
I’m grateful for what’s in those Christmas onesies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m grateful I got one more lousy fucking doctors appointment to knock out today at the urologist :roll_eyes: grateful there’s no peeing Emoji :rofl: No I didn’t look for one.

I’m grateful my quiet time is over and I’m calm and collected. I’m grateful for my hot coffee. I’m grateful for all the support I get here. :heart:, and comments, replies, and @. I’m grateful it makes me feel good.

I’m grateful to God and my higher powers. Especially this “home thread.”
:pray:t2: :turkey: :black_heart:

Dear past, thank you for your lessons.
Dear future, I’m ready.
Dear God, I’m ready for another day.

Family share .com


Grateful for another sober morning. Grateful for my family, for my mom, for my friends, for my late stepdad. His wake/memorial was last night at a whiskey focused speakeasy, which is perfect for him and for the gathering he would have liked. I didn’t want to drink necessarily (it was a situation in which my anxiety flourishes) but it was still a bit uncomfortable at times to sit with the knowledge that I COULD drink if I chose to, that people would excuse it as a “special circumstance”. It was a smallish space, loud and crowded. One of the things that mark my stepdad and their group of friends is their often garrulous and straightforward love of life and fun, their warmth and openness, so there were drinks and food and memories and tears and hugs and laughter.

I have a lot of reasons to be grateful for my stepdad, and a lot of good memories of him. He and my mom only married in July, but he’s pretty much been a part of the family since I was 15 (I’m almost 40). At their wedding, we all squished and squished together for a family picture, and he leaned in to my mom’s ear and said “I never realized how much it would mean to me to become a part of the family until just now,” and I loved him and I was happy.

I have a lot of anxiety, and it sometimes manifests as insecurity in relationships, like i always have to be careful because people might not like me all of a sudden. I have a lot of anxiety around my mom’s grief as a matter of fact, because I feel at a loss and unable to find the perfect thing that will provide comfort to her and not being able to find it she will notice I’m not a great person and resent me or be disappointed or whatever. I know that’s my dumb brain, I’m working on it ok guys? The point is anyway, I never ever felt that way about my stepdad. He cared about me, genuinely liked me, and was glad and proud to see me grow up and to become my official stepdad. I feel so proud and grateful for that.


I’m grateful you danced last night too Franzi.
That brought a big much needed smile to my face. Always grateful for your gratitude. :pray:t2::heart:

I’m grateful I’ve lost my “martyr hat.” And pray I don’t stumble across it @Sunflower1

Grateful to see @Deon1 hit 90 days. That’s HUGE!!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 206 days free from weed and alcohol
Todays Boscoes birthday! 3yo
Hubby and his love
A flexible schedule
Online shopping
My mom, she is amazing
The support here
AA fellowship
Sparkling water
A comfy bed
Christmas lights
Im not going to drink today and that is enough


That is beautiful Jenny. So glad you shared all of that. Perfect? Only God. “Come down off the cross we could use the wood”. Tom Waits. Just sayin’ maybe lighten up on yourself.


Happy Birthday Boscoe. You rock!


I am grateful my eyes are still okay after 25 years of diabetes. I am grateful the atropine is wearing off. Fucking difficult to see.
I am grateful I calmed down a lot compared to yesterday. It is what it is.
I am grateful to be tired. I think I will sleep much better tonight. I am grateful I have another and another and yet another bike to go to work with. :see_no_evil:
I am grateful someone from the group here shared his 100 days with me. It’s good to know someone around who is celebrating.
I am grateful for you.


Today I’m grateful for my neat home. The wood fired stove that makes such a cozy warm ambience on a grey day, the big and clean kitchen/livingroom that allows me to talk with guests while cooking. I’m grateful for friends coming over for lunch and a nice chat. I’m grateful I love to cook :blush:
Of course and every day I’m grateful for the dishwasher.
I’m grateful that the cats sniffed and inspected the guests, even let them pet them.
Grateful for coming here and venting in the morning. It helped.
Today I’m grateful for my life, love, cats, friends and TS :pray:


This morning I am grateful for classical music from the radio with my strong coffee. I had a restful sleep and my house is warm. Yesterday I received the letter with the forecast for next years electricity bill - it stopped my heart for a second. But after some thinking and putting things in perspective I realize, I can still make a sustainable choice.
I am grateful I enjoy my job and can see value in it. I love my colleagues - I learned a lot from some of them over the years. I am grateful we all work together in making our time together as enjoyable as possible.
I am grateful I have enough and the christmas season is about to start (or maybe already started?). I just love all the coziness around that time. May you have a joyful day everyone :orange_heart:


Thank you for this read. It really touched me and reminded me to remember passed ones by their joyful and happy moments and the occasions, when their personality could shine the brightest. I can tell you loved your stepdad a lot and I am sorry for your loss here.
I can also relate to feeling anxious around someone elses grief. In my experience though people don’t expect others to say the one perfect thing. It may just be enough to give them the space to be sad or angry or silent and not be excluded. Sending love your way :orange_heart:


Grateful to not be depressed and angry right now.


You have a beautiful soul it comes through in the thoughts and feelings you share with @Frazzetta in their time of grief. Thank you. I have so much to be thankful for I don’t know where to start. I’m thankful when I knocked on Heaven’s door it remained shut. I am thankful for each moment of this dance. I’m thankful to be able to take refuge in the three jewels : the Buddha the Dharma and the Sangha. I’m thankful that my recovery has been so beautiful,so far. I’m thankful for the Blackberry Center alumni page because it connected me to Teresa and Bianca. I’m thanful for clairvoyance I am very thankful I stumbled into this community. May you all have a day of peace of ease and free from suffering. Much love. Namaste.

God guru and Self are One


I’m grateful for Al-Anon.
I’m grateful I’m not in a foul mood.
I’m grateful to be sober and hangover free.
I’m grateful to be up early with dogs barking at something in the faint soon to be sunrise.

I’m grateful for family.
I’m grateful we don’t have any family here for Thanksgiving. :upside_down_face: I’m grateful that is kind of a lie. I’m grateful the only stress this Thanksgiving is what I would create.
I’m grateful for another Thanksgiving with just my wife and my cats and dogs. And grateful we are healthy. I’m grateful we are actually cooking at home. Well, if I think that enough, maybe I will be grateful we are cooking at home.

I’m grateful for the best most beautiful grand baby in the world. I’m grateful for my wonderful son and my daughter-in-law. I’m grateful I see a lot of me in my son as he makes his Holiday preparations, decorating, cooking, etc….

I’m grateful for my beautiful daughter and grandson to be and my son-in-law. I’m grateful we can travel to see them frequently when Gus is born.

I’m grateful for wonderful Thanksgiving memories from my childhood. And the great Thanksgivings my wife and I created for our children.
I’m grateful for my 3rd sober Thanksgiving.
I’m grateful for a full day of football.
I’m grateful for the Thanksgiving parade. I’m grateful I still put it on TV each year like my mom use to do and it gives me warm memories of when I use to watch it with excitement as a child. Like when the Wizard Of Oz would come on tv once a year.

I’m grateful I found the Sober Time app and downloaded it 1057 days ago and found the Talking Sober forum and asked for HELP!
I’m especially grateful for gratitude and this thread and all who have and still do continue to share their gratitude here.
I’m grateful for Tom W, who restored me to sanity yesterday on my walk. I’m grateful for humor, music, and nature.
:pray:t2: :turkey: :heart:

To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.
Bill W.