Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Happy thanksgiving sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 207 whole days free from weed and alcohol
My mom, she is so sweet and caring and loving. Shes the best.
My dad, hes good too.
My siblings and their families
My hubby and his sweet heart. He came home from work with birthday toys for boscoe and a card and flowers for me.
Hubby joining me on this sober journey
Boscoe and his morning cuddles
Feelings are temporary
Everyones love and support here
AA fellowship
Hoping to catch a meeting later today.

Lets give thanks and gratitude today


Wonderful post, Eric! Happy Thanksgiving!


Today I’m grateful for Me! I’m proud that even though I told myself that I would give myself permission to sit out the Turkey Trot 10k if I didn’t feel up to it (and even though I laid in bed and considered it til the very last second) I got up and did it. I didn’t go my fastest, and I think like 50% of the reason I got out of bed was because I had the presence of mind to set the programmable coffeemaker the night before, but that’s ok.

I’m grateful for my SO and my dog, and the little cozy home and family we’ve built. I don’t know where I’d be without him, but chances are it wouldn’t be good. I guess who knows, but more importantly, who cares? I’m happy and grateful and loved.

I’m grateful for my extended family, and the laughter, support and love we all share. They’re caring and giving, clever and silly. I’m grateful for their love and influence over all the years of my life.

I’m grateful for my friends, who I’ve known now for over half my life and are like sisters to me. If I struggled I could call them and they would drop everything to help, and would accept and support me throughout. Engaging in sobriety I never feared that they would suddenly find me boring, or judge me, and of course they never even questioned it. They love me for who I am, and I love them.

I’m so so lucky that my years and years of alcoholism didn’t take more from me than they have. There is so much I could have lost that by some miracle I haven’t, and I am beyond grateful to be sober now.


Good morning :sparkles:

I am grateful for homeschooling, the teachers who support us, & the government funding we recieve to enhance kiddos learning. I am grateful that my child is driven and determined. I am grateful that she acknowledges and asks for help when she needs it. I am grateful that she is not going to try to tackle trigonometry and calculus solely through online video lessons and has requested a tutor. I am grateful that although she holds an A in math she is humble and willing to learn with less stress. I am grateful I did something right with my life in the way that I have parented my child.

I am grateful to have been able to go to two out of town meeting this week and that I get to go to my homegroup tonight too. I am grateful for all of the cleantime I have seen people collect over this last week it continues to give me hope. We have lost quite a few members in our area lately to relapse and OD, it is a terrible time. Seeing people taking those 30,60,90 day tags brings me to tears I remember how hard I had to fight to get those days. I am grateful I havent forgotten.

I am grateful for my sponsor and that she chooses herself first. She is such a solid role model for me, a silent one, one that speaks in actions not words. I am grateful that I am open to learning through subtle teachings today, that I dont need to be smashed over the head with a cast iron pan anymore.

I am grateful for the vastness of the ocean, the universe and me. Limitless. I am grateful I have moved from knowing this to feeling it. I can collapse into it today and I am grateful for that.

:heart: :dizzy: :seedling:


I’m so so grateful to be sober, I love it. I’m so much happier and relaxed. I sleep so much better. I don’t look like shit each morning. I can meet people’s eye, not avoid them. So grateful.
I’m grateful I made myself change my mindset this morning. I am grateful that I work for myself. That I set my own hours. I’m grateful I’m busy and have more than enough clients. I’m grateful I had a good day today.


Wow I share those feelings. Being drug free is liberating. I’m grateful for my family. I spent a few hours at my sister’s home and my 92 year old mom lives there too. I’m so grateful they didn’t run away from me but to me. I’d say it was the best time with them and my brother-in-law and the 5 cats ever. I gave thanks to them and to my sobriety at the table. It felt good. Grateful my sister and I are closer than ever. Grateful for the Vegan pot pie she made. It rocked! Grateful I cheated and had a slice of the best pecan pie I’ve ever tasted (definitely not vegan). Sobriety is the best gift I’ve given mysel. By far. Hope y’all had a nice day as well. Namaste :pray:t3:

Mom and sister Meg

Lynx so gorgeous


I wanted to wuickly jump on here as I really just need to be reminded of what im grateful for today. So today I am grateful for:

  • Grateful for being uniquely me. That even though i at times compare myself to others (particulary a friend of mine), i am grateful that I am the person I am today
  • Grateful for the lunch invite that we have tmrw. Im excited to see her and i cant wait to see her expression when she sees the gift I made her
  • Grateful for my motivation to get up early for the gym
  • Obviously grateful for my recovery and being able to work thru emotion instead of feeling like I need to use over it
  • Grateful for our health… this has been a huge source of anxiety for me lately. Im grateful that im aware of the negative effects this thinking/anxiety has on me and just need to now do something about it lol
  • Grateful for my HP

I am grateful to have made it this far, so many of my precious family members have not made the journey for one reason or the other the last few years. I seem to reflect more on their loss when we loose another.
I am grateful to know i dont have to get lost in self pity but rather i can experience the loss for what it is, let it pass through me, feel it and let it go.
Im grateful that in my infancy in sobriety this is getting easier to acknowledge and accept.
Im grateful our family gathering today was a sober one.
Im grateful that today i am able to ( at some point ) step back and see what it is in ME that needs adjusting and not always look for someone else to change to suit what i want.
Im grateful to be going to bed sober tonight.


I’m grateful for my friends and how lucky I am to have surrounded myself with good humans.
I’ m grateful for strangers, long talks, and constant reminders of people who do so much good in the world.
I’m grateful I’ve been able to swim so late into the year. That I slowly acclimated myself to the cold water. That it wakes me up and helps me feel calm & peaceful.
I’m grateful for a job I love. Tired legs. A full belly.
I’m really grateful for the little things today. A pretty sunset. Christmas lights starting to go up. Lots of hugs. A warm home. Phone calls with family. Peace with family :yellow_heart: That I can allow myself to cry missing my gramps. He passed away about two weeks ago at 96.
I’m grateful for hot tea, happy faces, fuzzy socks.
I’m grateful for gravy :upside_down_face:
I’m grateful that I have so many new, wonderful people that are suddenly entering my life.
I’m grateful for my life, all the blessings I’ve been given in it, and that I get to wake up every day and keep creating it.
I’m grateful for so much more I could go on but I will leave it at that for now.


Im grateful i learned how to keep my mouth shut when its none of my business.


I am grateful I slept well.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I live in this house. I failed stupidly to format my new external drive yesterday and found help almost immediately. So fingers crossed I can safe some data from my laptop.
I am grateful today is off.
I am grateful I have enough.


What a lovely picture, your mum looks amazing for 92.
Sounds like you had a great day with your family. You truly are blessed :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for leftovers scalloped with cheese. I’m grateful I slept in the last two days. I’m grateful for a long talk with an elderly neighbour yesterday, he often feels lonely and it’s nice talking to him. I’m grateful I did all the chores on my list. It feels good to complete chores.
I’m grateful for sunshine and a chill morning. I aired out the house for half an hour and enjoyed the chill and fresh air. I’m grateful for my playful cats, they are so much laughter and love. I’m grateful for good talks with friends. I’m grateful I distance myself from issues I don’t want to bothered with. Healthy boundaries.
I’m grateful for a warm shower, my cosy house, the comfy bed I sleep in, purring cats and helping a friend.


Today I’m grateful for a later start, I can get a few jobs done before I leave.
I’m grateful the weekend is almost here, I’ve not had a free weekend at home for weeks and weeks. I’m going to do a few jobs and take it easy.
I’m grateful I’ve got time to put something in my slow cooker, beef and veg. Might have it with warm crusty bread.
I’m grateful my kids are all ok, doing their own things. I’m grateful they’re good kids.
I’m grateful for what I have :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for this community.
I’m grateful a friend came over yesterday so I didn’t spend the whole holiday alone.
Grateful for fresh baked cookies
Grateful for a job I like
Grateful work will be slow today
Grateful I work from home
Grateful for my cats, especially Tessie who sleeps curled up next to me
Grateful I’m going to volunteer tomorrow
Grateful for the memes thread here to make me laugh
Grateful I’ll get to see my family over Christmas


I’m GRATEFUL for my 7 month unbirthday!!


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a really nice family gathering yesterday for Thanksgiving. I’m grateful for loud and rowdy games of Uno with the kids. I’m grateful we are able to welcome everyone in our home. I’m grateful this was a totally sober gathering! I’m not sure, but I think that might have been a first. I’m grateful we are planning to do a hike this morning, and the weather will be beautiful.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful the 2 of us had a nice Thanksgiving.
I’m grateful I realize I hate cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
I’m grateful I didn’t have to do it all myself.
I’m grateful we don’t have to cook Thanksgiving dinner next year if we don’t want to.
I’m grateful I can feel envious for others that put out a beautiful spread without feeling jealous.
I’m grateful for the simplicity of our dinner and it’s still a lot of work I just don’t want to do anymore.
I’m grateful I find it a chore.

I’m grateful I mentioned to my wife a resentment I have had from 2013. What! The! Actual! Fuck!! :scream:
I’m grateful, no, it hasn’t bothered me since then but every once and awhile it does pop up and I threw it out there.
I’m grateful I was able to take 50% responsibility for this issue which in my mind I’ve never done before.
I’m grateful maybe this is a way to let go of a resentment :thinking:
I’m grateful my wife ask me how I can live like that? She’s never once thought of it.
I’m grateful she said again. Not for the first time. You’ve got to stop living in the past.
I’m grateful it was a nice conversation.

So what I’m getting to is this. I’m grateful I read about this 40 day gratitude challenge to help live in the now.
I’m grateful it scared me because I don’t like to fail and since I’m not sure I can do it I was going to blow it off.
I’m grateful I want to get well so bad I figured out a way to mention it here and I’m going to try. And if I try and fail. What’s the worst that can happen?
I’m grateful I’m not going to start a new thread about it.

So I’m throwing down a gratitude challenge for me. I’ve got to stop living in the past. I’m grateful I don’t obsess about living in the past but there are some things I just got to let go of. FOREVER!

So this person and their sponsor emailed 10 things they were grateful for every day for 40 days.
NO REPEATS :scream:
It changed this persons life!

I’m grateful for the rest of the year, that’s close enough to 40 days, I’m going to try and do a gratitude list that is different each day no repeats.
Just 10 things. :pray:t2:

I’m grateful today I’m not going to worry about failure.

Living in a state of gratitude is a gateway to grace.
Arianna Huffington.


I am grateful to feel inner healing,
physical and emotional.

I am grateful to feel love.



Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety 205+ days
A sober thanksgiving
Finishing my amends!!
Boscoes after bath zoomies
Coffee with my sister
My mother and all she does for our family
A nice quiet night with christmas lights and a fire with hubby
The relief and humbleness that comes with making amends
Soon gonna take photos with my brothers and sisters family for a gift for my folks.
Greatful they included me and boscoe because we dont have kids…theyre doing grand kids and grandpups.
My hubby
This forum and everyone sharing their stuggles and trimphs

I wish everyone a sober beautiful day. Light and love to my brothers and sisters in recovery