Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I am grateful for caring and sharing, for community and a sense of belonging. I am soooooo hooked into learning right now, I just want to learn so much, theres so much to learn!!! I have never been a person to say “Im bored” and Im grateful for that.

I am grateful for throbbing fingers and a feeling of contentment after finishing a piece I have been working on. I am happy with it, practice makes progress thats for sure. I am grateful I am letting go of perfection and that I could see that going down the road of being a gem setter would only feed into my perfectionism, so I have let that one go real fast. Organic, industrial jewelry art for me. I am grateful that I know instinctively how to make healthy choices before I get too far in. I am grateful for recovery.

I am grateful for the new yoga studio I have joined and for the two amazing classes I have already attended. I think it will be an amazing addition to my journey.



I’m grateful to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I’m grateful to be able to Potter around doing much needed jobs around the house today.
I’m grateful for contentment.
I’m grateful I’m fairly easy going and things don’t get to me too often :sparkling_heart:


I’m waking up feeling grateful, thankful, blessed this morning.

This will be a long one. This has been a very meaningful milestone for me. More meaningful than days and months.

Grateful I hosted a beautiful, cozy, welcoming Thanksgiving dinner for about 30 friends and their kids…it was a lovely evening. Lots of work doing the decorations, prepping the food, setting the music, and I could not have been happier with how it turned out.

I’ve hosted big Thanksgiving dinners for the past 10 years… For a long time, it was fine. For the last hm…5 years? I overdid it after the party. Sort of a reward after putting my feet up. For the last 2 years it brought a 3-day binge after a streak of sobriety. To say I was anxious about this date is an understatement.

This is the first time I didn’t drink before, during or after.

I’m grateful for my first sober Thanksgiving.

Grateful I enjoyed my friend’s company, taking the time to talk to everyone. Grateful my kids’ friends saw in me a mom who was welcoming and funny, and thanked me for everything at the end. My boys too. I loved that :heart:

I’m grateful that every time I saw bottles being passed and glasses being clinked I reminded myself of why that wasn’t for me. Not this time. Not today.

I’m grateful I asked my husband to put everything away as soon as everyone was gone and that I brewed a cup of tea to enjoy with a last piece of pecan pie. My favorite. I’m grateful I enjoyed the taste of the food.

I’m so grateful to be reflecting on last evening over a cup of coffee. I remember everything. I don’t have to make up excuses for anything. I looked well and felt well. Healthy. I don’t have a headache.

My best friend who used to organize those with me many years ago called me to check how it went. First thing she asked was “How are you feeling today?” Expecting I’d be hungover. I was so happy to tell her I was feeling great! I think she was surprised, but happy for me too :heart:

I’m grateful for so much. But today I’m grateful I recognize that I can change my behaviour in any situation. I have that choice. I have that power.

It’s a very delicate thing, sobriety. It can go away with a few seconds of carelesness. But it didn’t yesterday. And it won’t today either.

Sending loads of love to you all! Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!

PS: Also grateful the US didn’t lose to England yesterday…and the US deserved to win :blush: Watching soccer instead of football was really cool!


While I’m not all that grateful for being up since 3am, I am grateful it was just a nightmare and not real. I’m grateful I’m safe. I’m grateful for Christmas music to relax me. I’m grateful for my cats keeping me company. I’m grateful for cozy blankets on the couch. I’m grateful for this community making me feel less alone. I’m grateful I didn’t drink yesterday. I’m grateful I’m going to go volunteer this morning.


Thank you my friend :heart: and I’m sorry for the loss of your mom. As I have delved deeper into Buddhism my concept of death and dying has been altered significantly. I see it as an opportunity not an ending but a beginning. But that’s me and whatever you believe I honor it @Bootz. It’s been a distinct pleasure getting to know you a bit. Your shares always move me and I’m grateful for that and for you. My mom is 92 and it’s a blessing to still have her. With my new eyes I see her more clearly than I ever have. I’m grateful for her presence. I’m ever grateful I found this community. I am grateful for everyone here and the bravery and brevity I encounter daily inspires and enlightens me. I am grateful for the gift of sobriety. Have a day of peace of ease and freedom from suffering. Namaste

Sharing this from the Book of the Way:

Colors blind the eye
Sounds deafen the ears
Flavors numb the taste
Thougts weaken the mind
Desires wither the heart

The Master observes the world
but trusts his inner vision
He allows things to come and go
His heart is open as the sky.


*I’m grateful to wake up in the middle of the night to make a combination of hot water honey and lemon for my mom’s husbands terrible cough.
*Grateful to be present
*Grateful to be clean/sober & have a choice to not drink or use

  • Grateful to get back into the literature &step work
    *I’m grateful to be making a connection with a power greater than myself that’s not destroying my life like my addictions power
  • Grateful for the fellowships & this community
  • Grateful to be alive…my god for me to say that is crazy but it’s the truth today. I thank God for that. Everyone have a blessed day in recovery :pray::blue_heart::v:

That’s great Anna :+1: proud of you happy for you grateful for you. Have a blessed day​:pray:t3:


I’m grateful my wife.
I’m grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful my wife and I had a great night out seeing Ron White even though he was a tad raunchy for us.

I’m grateful it didn’t take us long to figure out we don’t like gambling at casino’s anymore. Especially when one of us is sober.
I’m grateful it was instant loss and no fun.
I’m grateful we use to have fun gambling in Vegas. I’m grateful it was definitely because we were drinking.

I am also grateful for dog zoomies after baths. I forgot about those since we almost never bathe our dogs.
I’m grateful for CJ and her son Boscoe and her sober husband.

I’m grateful when I get out of the toilet room every morning Maverick is sitting on my bathroom sink counter waiting for me. I’m grateful I MUST pet him!

I’m grateful the 6 pack box holder with wine in it on the counter for the last few days doesn’t bother me. Nope. No it doesn’t! I mean how important is it :thinking:
I’m grateful there’s a wine fridge right underneath that one could put their wine in if they wanted too.

I’m really grateful for Robbie’s thread he started yesterday @Rockstar24777
About RTS. I don’t think I’ve ever been more interested in listening to a speaker I’ve never heard of. Fascinating subject. Fascinating!

Gosh, I already failed on my new gratitude practice :fearful: I’m grateful for too many things. :crazy_face::rofl:
:hugs: :sparkling_heart: :upside_down_face:

Stop criticizing yourself and appreciate your talents, skills, personality traits, etc. that have brought you to where you are right now.
Texas Posadas Blog HOP


I’m grateful for those kind of milestones Anna. Like Sober Thanksgivings and sober Christmas’s. They are so much more than just a number. They are so meaningful. Huge Congratulations to you my friend and everyone else that had a sober Thanksgiving.


Awwww thank you Eric I am so glad you enjoyed it!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Today I’m grateful for so many things! I started to put up the christmas decoration outdoor, looks awsome. I bought a beautiful Advent wreath. The cats sniffed and nibbled it :blush:
I made a typical winter dinner. It tasted so good.
I’m grateful for our well sorted farmer’s markets.
I’m grateful for friends calling me yesterday. I don’t feel alone.
I’m grateful for medication, I’m sometimes very nervous and anxious, mostly because of nightmares. I’m worried about my husband because of these horrible nightmares and need to focus on myself. If he wants to talk, he will call. He wants his peace and quiet, I respect it. Healthy boundaries for both of us. I’m grateful I learned to practice healthy boundaries. At least a bit.
I’m grateful the neighbours like the christmas decoration too. They missed it last year, when I moved to our farm I did not put it up.
I’m grateful I finally saw the last episode of a TV series I liked very much.
I’m grateful for the dishwasher, it makes me happy it does the dishes and I sit on the couch. This feeling never gets old.
I’m grateful I have no plans to go out. I like my cozy home and I’m happy to be at home.


I am grateful I went to the women’s meeting. I am grateful I had coffee with someone I know from my old meeting. He told me that 3 people I knew died in the last months. Not all directly were killed by alcohol but all the three of them were only around 60 or younger. Apparently the meeting I attended before I moved split up, relapses of most of the people. Strange. Well, addiction kills. I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I am not scared of bad sleep. It’s usually transient and I am never hungover. I haven’t found my tribe here. I think it’s okay to acknowledge this. I am grateful I allow myself to think fuuuuuuck you when someone else is giving me advice without me asking for it. I know the obvious. Why? Because it’s fucking obvious.
I am grateful for public transport.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful I can laugh. I like laughing.


I am grateful for the long weekend, and grateful for sleeping in. I can already feel the time slipping away, and that old anxiety telling me to hurry up, get up, do the most things, get everything in while you have the chance! Not today, my friend. I’m setting my own pace, and leaving space for me to enjoy my time.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, day 209 free
Everyone here, sooo very much
This forum
My hubby and our quality time together
Looking forward to lunch with the folks
Looking forward to a walk with a sober sister today
Getting thru my amends
Comfy pajamas
My family
The ability to help out family financially
The way these christmas lights light up one of my paintings
Keeping up with the dishes

Much love and light to you all


Grateful for all the things in my life that didn’t work out. For all the things that didn’t go according to my plan, all my plans, back then and even now. Grateful I can see how it all makes sense, even the things that don’t quite make sense yet. Some may never. Especially the things that hurt. But still grateful that this, today, is my life.

Grateful I knew when to leave my job, and how to leave it too. Gave a month’s notice. Left on good terms with most. Left my work in good order for others too. That was two months’ ago! Grateful I went back to my own gig of independent consulting. I was nervous to do so, even though I’ve done this for long stretches before. Grateful for the work and clients and referrals that have popped up! I’ve been busy, and settling in to this transition, but it’s good. Grateful for the time I took to get my work station at home all spruced up. I quite love it.

Grateful I arranged my work to travel to see Mom last month. Grateful for who she is, and always will be to me. I know her spirit knows me still. It’s quite a gathering when we get together: two women in the flesh, one with Alzheimer’s. And, I imagine, our two souls recognizing and delighting in each other’s presence. Me and my soul promised hers that I would not drink when it is her time to go. Hers is proud of me. I know this.

Grateful to see my ex-beau last week. This fellow I started dating, with wine, this time last year. Grateful when I knew I needed to leave, for me, it coincided with him moving. A natural break. Glad I was clear about my path, our paths, diverging. Now when he comes into town for a work trip – we have noodles and a hug. Grateful I carry no resentment to him or me – they were my choices then, that I wouldn’t make now. But now I know.

Grateful for my sobriety, my recovery (142 days continuous sobriety today!) or none of :point_up_2: would be. Grateful for my Sangha, my group of online wise friends! Grateful for this home thread and the Gratidudes! I haven’t been here much, but my mornings are meditation (trying. without trying. but still trying, lol) and some yoga and, well, my new boss? (yeah, me) She’s a bit of a stickler :smirk: Grateful too for my yoga mat, the trails, the birds of course, and…

…grateful for pinecones. I know it sounds goofy. Grateful for unique, little nuggets of potential – even if they never become a tree! Whole and complete in their pine-cone-ness, and each a part of the bigger pic, the forest floor. Maybe kinda like us.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Yes sharing a vegan meal would be nice. Maybe one day.


I’m grateful to see you and read about all the changes in your life! Congratulations on those, and your sober time :heart:


My friend Bianca,a tough but at the same time loving soul, has taught me a lot about setting boundaries. I’m grateful for her lessons and grateful you are honoring your boundaries @erntedank. I feel it’s important if we want continued success in recovery. I have evening gratitude. Grateful for my 7 months free of weed and opiates. Grateful to see a movie at a theater without vaping weed before. The Fablemans, I thought it very good. Grateful my friend from S.M.A.R.T, Flo,invited me to the event at his kombucha bar. No no not alchohol kambucha. Good for digestive system. I rarely go out so I’m grateful I attended. Great vegan Ethiopian food,grateful for that too. Grateful for gps,man I get lost so easily always have. Grateful for a crescent moon to look at drivin home. Grateful I don’t flip out when people drive badly. I used to. Grateful for y’all. Grateful for a really enjoyable day. I love my sober life! Namaste

God guru and Self are One


Morning, I’m grateful for and love my sober life too. I’m grateful I definitely can’t see me going back to an unsober life - urghhh!!
I’m grateful I spent the day cleaning yesterday, my house looks so much better. It feels good.
I’m grateful for washing out and refilling my window bird feeder, I’m led in bed, just woken up, drinking tea and watching the different birds having their breakfast. Perfect.
I’m grateful for another day without plans, I’m going to cook and clean and hopefully avoid the football… Who am I kidding?
Have a great day :sparkling_heart:


What a peaceful post, Emm. So happy to know you’re well :heart: Grateful to read your news!