Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

It’s early Sunday morning after a long string of days at home. Tomorrow I will be back to work and the workday routine.

I am grateful for good health. The hubby and I made it through COVID with minimal trouble. I am incredibly grateful for the work of the scientists and others who got the vaccines to us and in us.

I am grateful for a safe and loving home. Another quarantine experience and the yesterday’s family gathering for Thanksgiving makes me appreciate that I live in love and peace with my husband. My childhood was not safe and loving and even though it was a long time ago, that experience still clouds my days. It does make me appreciate what I have now.

I am grateful for good health, physically, emotionally and mentally. It’s been a lot of good work to get to this place and I’m grateful that I figured it out and that I’ve been able to overcome some difficulties.

I am grateful for my sobriety and the strength I’ve had to maintain it through another holiday event. Yes, I held my mother’s cocktail glass last night while she went to get her shoes and my sister’s glass of wine sang beautiful songs to me in the sunshine. And this morning I’m up early with no regrets, knowing that I’m doing well in defining my identity as a person who doesn’t drink.

I am grateful for the relationship I have with my grown sons. While we don’t see each other in person often due to distance and schedules, I am always comforted in hearing of their strength and happiness and kindness when we chat on the phone. Parenting was a very humbling and challenging experience for me and I’m glad to be at this end of it.

I am grateful for the relationship I have with my brother. He continues to struggle with his mental health and difficulties in his life. And while it can be exhausting to be his support person, I’m also honored to be in that role. I feel I get to love him the way he was never loved as a child. And that brings me some peaceful reckoning to the damage we both experienced as kids.

I am grateful for the relationship I have with my mother. It definitely has its ups and downs. But I appreciate that she lets me try to teach her what we’ve learned and she shows me bits of insight that help me in my healing.

I’m grateful to be on this journey of peace for myself. Recent thinking on this has reinforced how much I have to work to experience a sense of peace and that every day I have to make determined efforts to slow down and live more simply and with fewer forms of overstimulated compulsions to spend, eat, drink, and consume. My recent work with my brother confirms the difficulties of living with golden handcuffs, trapped in a heavily consuming lifestyle and the job demands one must have to keep up. And while I have the professional credentials to work at a much more demanding job and own a much more demanding home, it has been best for me to step back from that and embrace a lower standard of living and consumption in exchange for some much needed peace and autonomy. My home is modest. My paycheck is modest. My debt is gone. My main consumer experiences are now groceries, some media, and a whole lot of library books. This has been an effort for this addict who was always chasing the next version of the “happy home” until the anxiety and stress were just too much. I’m grateful to have figured this out before it was too late and to have a husband who embraces much of this same effort.

I’m grateful to live in a charming and safe community. In this past week of being home from work I’ve enjoyed many beautiful walks in the neighborhood, visiting the lakes and parks nearby and enjoying the sunshine of these early winter days. It’s easier to enjoy getting outdoors when the surroundings are nice. And safe.

I’m grateful for the public library system mentioned above. Not only can I get nearly any book I could imagine to read, either physically or online, but I also figured out how to get to online magazines for free. This is another example of getting to live a more simplified life and I am amazed that anyone spends money in books and magazines when all this can be had with a public library card.

I’m grateful for my quiet early morning time with fresh coffee and the mindset to think and share my gratitude. I’m grateful for this community and forum as we all share this journey of recovery. This group has been a key to my success in the journey and has helped me prevent relapse many times. Thank you to all of you and I wish you the best for this day and the coming week.



Good morning,
I’m grateful that I slept better with no nightmares.
Grateful for coffee and snuggly cats.
Grateful for enough food to eat.
Grateful to have a couple sober days behind me.
Grateful for therapy
Grateful I’ll get to see my family over Christmas


Im grateful this milestone is finally here lol seems my emotions get a little out of whack just nefore a milestone. Now maybe they will calm TF down :rofl:

Im grateful my HP slapped me in the back of the head 6 months ago and got me back into the rooms of AA and sober again.

Im grateful to have an amazing sponsor in my life.

Im grateful for many many things but im gonna keep the list here short this morning as i just woke up and my eyes are fuzzy still. Oh, im grateful mycoffee is almost done :grin:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for podcasts. Although I don’t remember lots of what I heard I have so many ahhh, ohhh, uhhh moments there.
I am truly grateful for a nice chat I just had with someone from the yoga teacher training.
I am grateful I have enough.

It’s good to see you checking in with your gratitude @M-be-free49 with your poetical writing.


I am grateful for the opportunity to even exist to write these words here now. :milky_way::hugs:

  1. I’m grateful I woke up with one of my favorite ear worms. Higher Power by Cold Play. :notes: You’ve got, a higher power, got me singing every second…… :notes:

  2. I’m grateful to see 2 dog heads side by side staring out the window intently looking at nothing. :thinking: or is it nothing. Just because I can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Whatever “it,” is.

  3. I’m grateful every morning when I’m outside whizzing the dogs Maverick is looking out the window by the door thinking, when the fuck is he going to feed us :pouting_cat:

  4. I’m grateful for cat zoomies.

  5. I’m grateful for hot running water at the turn of the tap.

  6. I’m grateful for trash pick up yesterday.

  7. I’m grateful all I got to do is wheel that dumpster to the curb and someone comes by and empties it.

  8. Im grateful for air travel.

  9. I’m grateful for my daughter

  10. I’m grateful for all the knowledge and tools I learned from her heroin addiction……shit ……12 years ago :thinking: and the miracle of recovery. I never thought I’d be using those tools for myself. What a blessing :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Gratitude in advance is the most powerful force in the universe.
Neale Donald Walsch


I’m grateful you’re here Shaunda.
Congratulations on your 6 months!!

Sorry it’s not much of a celebratory gif. But I been saving it just for you. Maybe today you just need this kind of peace and love.

Those milestone maladies really suck!! I’ve had a few horrible ones in my time. 6 months is a big one!! 300 really sucked for me even knowing it was coming. Just trying to say we are always here for ya if those milestones start fucking with ya.

Great job :clap:


I freaking love it! I actually needed this adorable peaceful squirrel this morning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs: thank you Eric. You are thr best!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 210 days or 30 whole weeks…coming up on seven months
Hit a morning meeting and got to share twice
Feeling fabulous
Hearing some good shares
Talking with a newly sober person and inviting them to a big book study this tuesday
Hubby helping me clean a little
Someones interested in buying our sleep number mattress at a deep discount
A twenty minute talk with my mom :heart:
Boscoe loves his smelly bone
Time to unwind
Everyone here in this amazing supportive community
A reliable car
A reliable husband
Self awareness and the opportunities to improve
Progress not perfection

Love and light to you all


Today I’m grateful for the sparkling outdoor decoration I put up on the tree in front of my house. It twinkles in the sun and I sat nearly half an hour with my hot chocolate and watched it.
Grateful for reflectiveness and prayers when I lit the first candle of the Advent wreath. I cried, missed my parents and my husband. I tried to let go of my feelings and focus on gratitude. It helped :pray:
I’m grateful I resisted the impuls to send the nice picture of the decoration to my husband. My friends are happy with messages from me, but he not. So I practice again to pause and not acting. No, it’s not becoming easier and it sucks. I try to be grateful, but it sucks.


Grateful for the longer life I have chosen.


I am very grateful for your presence Shaunda. Congratulations on 6 months. I’m proud of you! I’m grateful for Refuge Recovery online. Really good meeting this morning. Grateful for the guided meditation appreciative joy.I am grateful I don’t feel quite ready to guide a meditation and there’s no pressure around that. I am grateful for my early early morning Tonglen meditation with Ram Dass. I’m grateful that practicing daily is having an obvious affect. I am grateful for the weather in SW F L A. Grateful I went for a swim :man_swimming:. Grateful I stopped isolating and being fearful so that I actually use the pool here. I didn’t use that resource until I stopped using. Grateful that I open my blinds instead of keeping them closed all day. Grateful that ain’t me anymore. So effing grateful. I’m grateful for your beautiful share @LAB . I’m grateful for Eric and Darcy and yeh you Shaunda. Y’all have been so supportive and welcoming. Thank you. Thank everyone in this community. I wish you all a beautiful evening full of joy free from suffering. Namaste :pray:t3: blessed be

God guru and Self are One


Congratulations on 6 months! Milestones tend to mess with me too. I’m grateful you are here❤️


Grateful for the support from my family and network. Grateful I have everything I need and more . Grateful I’m safe and I have shelter and food . Grateful for long walks listening to Christmas music . Grateful even though I’m struggling I know it will pass . Nothing is forever. Grateful I can change my thoughts to the positive. Grateful I can feel even when it hurts . Grateful for the stars and the moon. Grateful for nature. Grateful for Netflix and music. Grateful for this community and everyone that shares.


Grateful for a good slow day at home. Cold and snowy out there! Grateful I could cobble together a nice dinner with the things in my frig (yummy warming coconut curry), that I could put off my errands until tomorrow when I already need to go out.

Grateful for therapy last week, for my counsellor’s sense of ha ha. I/we have known for a long time that I have a soundtrack that plays in my mind on repeat, the old “you’re not good enough, it shows, you’re gonna fail, everyone knows”. All the changes of the last few months had it cranked up again. At least I’m consciously aware of it now and can do something about it instead of try to build a mountain of empties between it and me. That never worked, anyway.
So, we pictured one of those shitty old cassette tapes that would always get snarled up in the tape deck, and yeah - that soundtrack is toast now! All tangled up and in the trash. (I may hear snippets of it still, but that’s just an ear worm, :wink:)
Grateful that this week, as I sit at my desk, whether working or plugging away at my final project for creative writing, I get to start recording a new soundtrack in my mind. Sweet songs o’ self compassion might be a good place to start…

Grateful for your shout outs! Thank you @Sunflower, @anon74766472, @desert_rose, and @Bootz :pray: You can pray for my courage, Bootz, as I’ve prayed for your pluck on many an occasion. Grateful for the pics you post, and Sunflower’s hiking pics too.

Grateful for sharing your days, @Shaunda! Milestones and angst, yeah. Kinda go together like apples and cheese, or squirrels and nuts (no, birdseed is more like it). You’ll land on your feet.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Hello everyone. I’m grateful to have a desire to stay clean more than wanting to be loaded today. That I am making conscious contact with a power greater than myself that isn’t destroying my life. I rapping up the night now in bed. I went to 3 meetings today from both fellowships. I had dinner with a sponsorship brother and his wife this evening. I’m enjoying my life at this moment even with the stinkin thinking from time to time but I just take the next indicated step to change that negativity into positivity by reminding myself how blessed I am in this moment being clean. Another 24 hour reprieve down. It was a great day :pray::v:


Good morning all,
I’m grateful to have one more day off work today. Maybe I’ll do another hike @M-be-free49. I’m grateful to have had so many days off, and for the wonderful holiday we had here. I’m grateful to have the funds for Christmas gifts, and the compassion for myself to know that I have done my best with gifts, and if they aren’t liked oh well. I’m grateful our tree is up and the light from it is so cheerful. I’m grateful for outdoor decorations too. I’m grateful my family is safe, and has a warm, loving, safe home. Thinking of you this morning Brian @I.cant.We.can. Hope you are doing well to Stella @Its_me_Stella. I’m grateful for my home thread, and all of you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful I have a job I like, and coworkers that are kind and funny. I’m also grateful to be able to participate in a retirement plan and Monday mornings always make me wonder if I couldn’t be contributing a little more to hasten things along.

  1. I’m grateful I went to my AlAnon meeting last night even though I didn’t feel like I “needed,” it. Or wanted to! And of course I got something out of it and met a gentleman from Austin.
  2. I’m grateful I can always remember this guy’s name is Bill, because he reminds me and looks a little like SoberBilly. It’s like I was sitting next to you last night.
  3. I’m grateful all this grand baby stuff is bringing back memories from when I had my babies 30 years ago😱
  4. I’m grateful for the memory of the first time my baby daughter made the kissy :kissing_heart: sound. I can see her lips and face and remember her trying to do it distinctly.
  5. I’m grateful we got the house all pick up for the house cleaner this morning.
  6. I’m grateful clean house means I’m not cooking today.
  7. I’m grateful I know my old dog’s routines and learning some new ones she is doing.
  8. I’m grateful every single time I get on my reformer for a workout Alice jumps up on me for a ride.
  9. I’m grateful for my lean green, ginger turmeric tea I’m having.
  10. I’m grateful for non stop flights to Dallas and Cali and that there are so many options for us from the Phoenix airport.
    :pray:t2: :airplane: :heart:

Gratitude is the best medicine. It heals your mind, your body, and your spirit. And attracts more things to be grateful for.
Live Purposefully Now


Good morning. :sun_with_face:

I am grateful to be doing well @Sunflower1, grateful to be clean, serene, and living a full beautiful life.

I am grateful for immunizations and that even though I had both COVID and the respiratory flu I am hopefully after my vaccines not to get ill again this season.

I am grateful for Erics numbered gratitude list and how it brought curiosity up in me. "Hmm, I wonder why he did that? " “I have noticed him changing the way he types his gratitude lately.” My observant nature has be a blessing and a curse in my life I am taking it as a blessing these days.

I am grateful for all of the time I have to do the things that fill my soul now that I am healthier. I am grateful for the people I spend my time with, for the metal work shop I go to, and for online shopping. HA!

I am grateful that today is a gorgeous clear day, the sun is shing, and its zero degrees. My favorite type of winter day. I am grateful for the snow peaked mountains that I can see across the ocean and for the massive waves crashing on the shore. The ocean looks like a pool of crested ink today until it smashes into a frothy mess against the beach.

I am grateful for where I live and that I am alive. I value my life today and for that I am so very grateful.