Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

So grateful for this thread at the end of a long day! Gak, make that 2 days. So heartening to read the posts and just feel the “aahhh” that comes from shared experiences and perspectives. Or reading your insights and being able to see how they readily apply to my world. Thank you for these. Too many to mention.

I’m grateful for my work, that I’m back at my desk, and that I’ve been asked to take on a few interesting/exciting projects. I’m grateful that the 10-day break helped me recognize just how present my asshole inner critic is and that I can disarm it with choosing self-compassion, with wise understanding and wise mindfulness.

I’m grateful that I had 1 of the 2 tough convos I need to have this week, re: boundaries, and that it went soooo well. Even with laughter! And some sadness, to follow, which I expected. Hard, but good. Grateful the tools of recovery are also the tools of life.

I’m grateful to be able to sit in murky contradictions without having to solve them or judge them. At least I am learning to sit in them. Also hard but good. Yearning somehow to be in relationship but knowing it is not for me right now. Yearning for more time away from work and delighted to take on new project. Yearning to live with less footprint and unable to live where I do without a big one.

I’m grateful to see so many new faces on this thread! And old ones too, @Singtone! I was grateful to see @JasonFisher too. I’m grateful that when I think of him on his boat I can’t help but think how far and wide our Gratidude net is cast in this world. :earth_americas: :earth_asia: :earth_africa:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful I read this at lunch and had the belly laugh I needed! Maybe snorted and choked on a bit of carrot too! :laughing: :orange_heart:


I am grateful I slept in kinda. Until 6 am. I am ‘working’ from home today and it’s interesting how my body knows when to wake up without alarm. Or is it stress? :roll_eyes:
I am grateful to be sober. I don’t want to go back feeling like crap in the morning and setting myself right back to it in the afternoon. The same procedure as every fucking day.
I am grateful I have everything I need here for now.
I am grateful I have a job.
I am grateful for some good friends.
I am grateful tomorrow is a holiday.


Lunchtime check-in. I’m grateful I’m exhausted and tired from a morning full of finalizing things. I’m grateful it was not too emotional, the exhaustion comes mostly from my fucking period which showed up again yesterday with hell of cramps and pain which makes everything double tiring. Fuck menopausal rollercoaster, fuck this bleeding bullshit. Oh I will be GRATEFUL when it’s over. I’m grateful I vented at the hormon rollercoaster thread. It helps to get the annoyance and frustration off my chest. I’ll be a human being again in 2 or 3 days :pray:

I’m grateful for little traffic because here are still school holidays. It’s nice when I have to drive criss-cross through town like today.

I’m grateful for sleep medication. I had bad nightmares last night, woke up twice and fell asleep again thanks to the meds. Otherwise I would be a complete wreck today (feeling like half-wrecked is enough in my opinion).

I’m grateful for masks, I hope they furthermore prevent me from the infections circulating on high level here. I’m grateful I wear a mask no matter how odd people look at me. My health comes first.


Good morning all,
I’m grateful I got to sleep in a bit because work starts a little later for me this morning. I’m grateful for the brisk weather we’ve been having, and that I’ve been trying to make sure we get out into it ( especially my son who would hibernate like a bear if he could!) I’m grateful that my husband tried something new for his ongoing foot and leg pain and IT HELPED!! I’m grateful he got some relief, got some sleep, and generally got a lift in mood. I’m grateful for my family (warts and all right @Shaunda ). I’m grateful for coffee and sunshine.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful for my bf, and that he makes me feel loved and supported. I’m grateful that he loves learning new things every day, and we never run out of things to talk about because we always have something new to share. I’m grateful that after 11 years I feel like I’m finally almost beginning to believe he might forever love me back, which considering he stuck with me through all my drunken shenanigans I guess should be worth some extra credit. Not terribly grateful for how long it takes me to process things and make decisions but I am grateful that I have the space I need to do that. I’m grateful that my anxiety has diminished enough that I am less likely to make decisions based in fear, be stuck in what Grandpa called “analysis paralysis”, or to stay stuck where I am because I’m too afraid to try to change. I’m glad my depression has diminished enough to hope for improvement, to have the energy and will to make positive changes.


I am grateful. I’m walking through today, intentionally, trying to do better, be better, than yeaterday.
I am grateful.


Absolutely! :grin: grateful for them warts and all. Got that right :joy::sunglasses:


Thanks Billy. It feels cold, it’s uncomfortable, but it’s true to me and it’s what I must do. Not my problem, not my issue. It’s a real learning process.


I’m grateful I did a much better, satisfying job, cleaning half my floors, than the house cleaners I fired :grimacing: did.
I’m grateful my back only hurts a little and I can finish the other half today. Or tomorrow.
I’m grateful Alice just jumped on my lap purring loudly and seems to have forgiven me for stepping on her tail this morning.
I’m grateful I don’t wake up every morning to a blood curdling cat scream :scream_cat:
I’m grateful for my coffee.

I’m grateful all my readings this month are on step one and the first tradition. And concept? There’s concepts :roll_eyes:
I’m grateful for my Paths To Recovery book
(And yes) Concepts.
It’s right there in the title.

I’m grateful last night I didn’t get a chance to share. Other people really needed to share.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful I hate leaving a meeting thinking I got no problems. #FUCKADDICTION
I’m grateful we all have our own stories.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for my recoveries.

I’m grateful I did what made me feel good yesterday and that was doing housecleaning and sacrificing my exercise routine.
I’m grateful I’ll be getting out of this cold and snow soon.

I’m grateful for the soothing sound of Alice purrs on my left and Minnie gentle snores on my right.

I’m grateful I can’t stop taking my wife’s inventory but I can recognize I’m doing it much sooner, almost immediately, these days and quite less often.
I’m grateful for you :pray:t2: :snowflake: :desert: :snowman: :cactus: :heart:

Did you know.
By writing down the things you are grateful for, you start looking for more things to be grateful for.

ZenSational Living.
That’s a fact!!


Late morning gratitude,

Im great for…

My sobriety
Getting my 8 month chip tonight
Hy hubby
The best F**in chicken stir fry ive made last night
My folks
Hot water
AA fellowship
TS fellowship

Light and love to you all


Ive been in the shadows off and on but still here and still sober. Im grateful for your acknowledgement and support :hugs:


Checking in again with Miss Marple purring and tamping on me. I’m grateful for my lovely cats, for the old boy still playing tag with the youngsters, for their miowing communication, for the fun they have, for the many times they make me laugh, for the wonderful times we laze on the couch, me reading or watching something, them sleeping or getting snuggled.

I’m grateful I visited a friend I haven’t seen in a while. It was a deep and heartily talk. It made me sad that my ex hasn’t called him in months, he was his friend originally, they’ve been knowing each other for long. My friend is kind of sad too, but he told me that my ex came over to his place often and drank beer in the morning instead of coffee, they had some harsh arguments about this not being ok for him. God, I’m grateful I did not realize THIS because I would have thrown my ex out with a rocket in his ass. Calling me a lazy fat sod and lying to me when using my cars drunken. Sorry to say this but what a motherfucking liar my ex was I discover in retrospective insights on occasions like today. I’m again grateful the divorce is through, his energy left my life and me & cats are living at peace only taking care of ourselfs, not him anymore. May he find peace too - far away from me. And without my money.

I’m grateful the christmas break brought some strength back to me. I checked HALT when I came home, made a simple dinner and tea, watched the last episodes of the series I started around christmas, petted the cats and felt fine. I could let go of all the things mentionened above about my ex because: no longer my circus, no longer my monkey. Each time anger started I worked on letting go, it is only grief or hurt in disguise. I’m grateful for all the lessons I learned here on TS :pray::sunflower:


Good God am I ever grateful I dont suffer with hangovers anymore. This flu is still kicking my ass with round two all last night.
I am grateful that another NA member was willing to fill my spot as panel leader at detox tonight.
I am grateful my sponsee is still going to go do her first panel even though I wont be there.
I am grateful for the 12 concepts of Narcotics Anonymous as they guide our service structure. I remember when I made my first personal NA literature order and I basically ordered one of everything. I ordered a Step Guide, a Traditions guide and this tiny little book called “The twelve concepts of NA Service”.
I remember the literature chair chuckling at me and she said “not many people have read that…”
I thought to myself " Im not many other people…"
This is the introduction paragraph of the book…

I am grateful for these programs of recovery and for our predecessors who were open enough to manifest their vision.
I am grateful that my daughter is covered under her fathers medical.
I am grateful for pedialyte and gingerale.
I am grateful that flus dont last forever.


I am grateful for my dog. If we all could love unconditionally like her…the world would be a better place.


I’m grateful I was able to do a bit in my garden today, just tidying up and a bit of weeding. It was nice to get out.
We chose the house mostly because of its garden but over the years it’s moved down the priority list. I am going to sort the garden this year. It’s lovely when its looked after.
I’m grateful I managed to do some jobs that I haven’t had time for - feels good that they are ticked off.
I’m grateful that drinking isn’t on my agenda, that it doesn’t take up my thinking. Grateful that I don’t have to nip to the shop every day, after I’ve argued with myself all day.
I’m grateful all that has gone :sparkling_heart:




I’m grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to habe made it thru the holidays and that the new year brings an opportunity for fresh starts.

I am grateful for my home and my 3 little cute fur babies.

I am grateful for the cool crisp winter air.

I am grateful to be here with everyone :heart:


Im greatful to be part of a team making a real impact in our community. Nearly 200 households were basically evicted from their apartments because the city condemned them right before christmas. I am responsible for putting together the budget on how much it will cost to get these people housed again. Its not cheap thats for sure. Alot of these people are harder to place due to prior rental history or credit scores etc.

Im greatful some donors have come forward already and contributed to the effort. Im greatful others are interested.

Im greatful to not be homeless and to love my job

Im greatful that even though i had to work late and miss getting my 8 month chip from my sponsor its no sweat off my back. I didnt miss the meeting because i was drinking. I didnt miss the meeting because im unreliable. I missed the meeting for a better good. My ego doesnt need the round of applause for making it this far…after all theres always the next milestone :slight_smile:


I am so grateful as I celebrate one week clean today. I have not had a week sober in 25 years, overwhelmed with emotion. Grateful that I found this community when I was hanging on by a thread. Greatful to read your stories and laugh and cry and celebrate with you, even though we’ve yet to meet. Feeling very humbled.