Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day clean and sober. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I got a green keytag at my NA homegroup tonight for 60 days. I’m grateful three others got ones for 25 years, 18 months and a gentleman came back and got a 24 hour keytag. I’m grateful that my buddy took me out for food afterwards. I’m grateful that I get to make breakfast for a new monthly mens breakfast meeting in the a.m. Good night friends.

May our higher powers give us hope.

p.s. You rock. Ya you!!


I’m grateful I can come here, crying, loving my three sleeping cats more than anything in the world, remembering easter last year, me working on the seedlings, my mum still there living in her house. I tried to remember what I did but thete’s not much. I was permanently exhausted and stressed. There were wonderful moments. I missed my husband as he was somewhere, don’t remember. There were several nice birthday brunches with friend’s at the farm, I loved it. I hated that my ex always had someone working there and I needed peace and quiet, I told him a hundred times and was ignored mostly. I love the farm and I’m grateful one day the finances will be settled and hopefully I’ll be back. I’m grateful I can hand all this over to God and the universe. I do what I can do and leave the rest. I must take a shower and drive to my friends soon, I said I’ll be there mid afternoon and it’s a 2,5 h drive. Instead I’m sitting on the couch surrounded with the sleeping cats and cry my eyes off because of fuck, bullshit and nothing. Yes, this is the first easter without mum and ex. Yes on monday is my 50th birthday. Yes, I had other plans how my life would look like now.
And fuck I have a lot of chosen family I am happy to see in a few hours, I have friends to give me company at my birthday so I don’t break down, I have a full week of work next week and my life is good. Still fragile, but stable and good. And I’m overly grateful for all the blessings in my life.

Thanks for letting me gratefully vent, I feel better and move my ass now :pray::pray::pray:


Good morning!

I’m grateful for this beautiful Saturday morning and the shift in weather to spring!

I’m grateful to be sober.

I’m grateful for having had Friday off of work as I have a bit of a cold.

I’m grateful for a job I mostly like. I’m grateful for students who are more patient with me than I am with them.

I’m grateful that I got to rest on Friday and plan to rest a lot today.

I’m grateful to be able to work on rest and recovery from this little illness without the added symptoms of alcohol consumption.

I’m grateful for the various resources available to me online regarding sobriety. I listened to several episodes of the podcast by Annie Grace this week in an effort to keep my learning and thinking on alcohol as a priority. I’ve had intrusive thoughts about drinking and I’m aware I have to stay focused on using my strategies to avoid relapse.

I’m grateful for my husband. I’m grateful that we are both on this journey and that our home is peaceful and quiet and safe.

Im grateful for this community and all the sharing that people do here.

I wish you peace today!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 342 days free from weed and alcohol
Happy saturday
Slept on the new couch to break it in
Boscoe didnt wake me
Hubby, love the man
No hangover
I can go to my nephews soccer game and not worry of smelling of booze
Boscoes getting a much needed haircut
Ive increased my exercise this week
All of you

Love and light to you all


I’m grateful for my puppy, even though he is a naughty bastard that’s gonna get his neck wrung one of these days. (I’m not going to wring his neck, I love him don’t call the ASPCA on me) I’m grateful to have the emotional constitution to handle these hiccups with a minimum of drama and give myself space to find my chill. I’m grateful FitOn suggested a mini guided meditation challenge, I’m going to give that a go and see what happens. I’m grateful to have plans for breakfast with my bestie on her birthday today, and plans to have my brothers puppy over to visit. Grateful for progress, grateful for growth, grateful for each day.


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober and everyone’s congratulations on my 90 days.

I’m grateful I didn’t wake up in too much pain. It might be getting better. Sleep wasn’t great but not terrible.

I’m grateful I went for groceries early this morning so I now can have coffee. That’s a rough thing to run out of!

I’m grateful I’m treating myself to a pedicure this afternoon and a massage next weekend. I need nice things to look forward to.

Im grateful for my cats even when they wake me up in the middle of the night. Of course they are all peacefully sleeping now.

Im grateful I bought tickets to the Red Sox v Braves game in Atlanta next month. Something else to look forward to! Im a big Sox fan and my bf is a Braves fan. We are good sports about it. I live about 2 hours from Atlanta, so we’ll stay the night and make a mini vacation out of it. My therapist will be proud of me for making plans to get out of the house!

Hope everyone has as great a day as you can!


Congratulations!! :clap::tada:

Sobr Sober GIF23228685


Good Morning Sober Fam!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I found TS in late April 2022, almost a year ago. I was struggling bad.:disappointed: Even when I started, I could barely get past half, to an entire day. The 1st time I made it 21 days, I couldn’t believe it, after decades of heavy drinking.

But as many, I continued to struggle. I knew I couldn’t moderate, that wasn’t even an option. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

The reason I’m still here, is I refuse to give up on myself. I have friends here, people that care about me. :hugs:

I’m still a work in progress :construction::construction:. There’s no shame if you continue to try. I will get there, for that, I’m grateful.

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter :rabbit2::hatching_chick: tomorrow, God Bless. :pray::innocent:

Oh, and this: :grin:

Love to All :hugs::purple_heart:


I am grateful for this app and this thread. I am grateful I keep trying, I will get there one day soon.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for my friends.
I’m grateful for my life, I need to not blow it up.
I am grateful I have access to the resources I need.
I am grateful for my health.
I am grateful for everyone on this app who shares, it’s what we all need. Community is everything.


Keep workin it @maxwell i see you


I am greatful for being alive and enjoying this beautiful day. A little late start today which is completely ok (have to keep reminding myself that im not a robot :grinning:). Greatful im not a robot.
Greatful for a working body - about to go for a walk and soak in this sunny crisp day which will rejuvenate me for work
Greatful for my brother making me delicious pecan pancakes this morning
Greatful for my mom who just made me a my favorite snack for my busy weekend.
Greatful for my brother who got our plumbing fixed so we finally have water
Greatful for my higher power for not keaving my side and helping me through my adductions
Greatful for tgis group and all the love and support :heart:

Sending love and good vibes to all


I’m grateful for gratitude :pray:t2:

I’m grateful to recognize the differences in parenting my children are doing and accept it even when I don’t agree. Not my baby. Grateful if they don’t want our help to quit offering. Grateful I’m pretty sure I’m not taking it personally. QTIP. Grateful to let them do what they do and they can ask for help if they want it.

Grateful wifey and I can vent to each other. I’m grateful I don’t have to turn to the bottle to get over it. Cuz that always made things better NOT!
I’m grateful I live with that constant reminder.

I’m grateful when we got kicked out yesterday there was an opening for a massage and I did lots of meditation in the afternoon. The hotel bar had plenty of openings too. I’m grateful I couldn’t hear it calling me. I think it’s given up calling me. At least for today.

I’m grateful the 4 of us had a nice dinner out after the Gus Bus was parked safely in the nursery with someone they trust and have been using throughout.

I’m grateful for Brian’s 60 days.
I’m grateful for Maxy’s 40 days.
Congratulations :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom:

I’m grateful my slight headache is going away.
I still think it’s bullshit when I wake up with a headache when I DON’T DRINK! I’m grateful they are mostly just slight headaches.

I’m grateful I finally remembered they have Stumptown coffee here and got that this morning instead of lobby coffee.

I’m grateful I found a unique Easter gift to bring to dinner tomorrow at my daughter’s in-laws house. I’m grateful they were so happy to be able to invite us over to their Easter dinner.
I’m grateful that house will have about 80 years of recovery in it when we got there tomorrow. My 3 don’t sound like much but it’s the most import 3 for me to throw in there.

I’m grateful for both my recoveries and all our recoveries.
I’m grateful we’re badasses. Don’t matter how many days we got.

“Gratitude doesn’t change the scenery. It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colors.
Richelle E. Goodrich


Me too and God, Recovery, Health, Family, Friends and Gratidudes.

May your higher power grant you peace.

p.s. You are a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Im so glad you were able to go see your grandkids


Grateful to bring head sober on pillow tonight.
Grateful for a new day tomorrow.



Grateful for a sober today. Grateful that it occurs to me to pick up garbage while out walking the beast.

Been sober 2 months and feeling better.


Morning gratitude. I’m grateful I had a smooth drive yesterday, barely traffic on the highway. I’m grateful I listened to the radio while driving, had only 3 crying episodes. I’m grateful for a nice afternoon and evening with parts of my chosen family. I’m grateful I went to bed early when I was tired. I’m grateful for sleeping meds. I woke up several times and fell asleep soon again. I’m grateful I woke up early, well rested and happy to enjoy the quiet house as everyone else was still sleeping. I’m happy I saw a squirrel running from tree to tree on the edge of the wood that is across the street. It’s lovely here, I really love this spot where I’ve been every year for all of my life. I’m grateful for decades of loving memories. We all have only today. I pray for making today another loving memory :orange_heart::pray:


I am grateful my friend videocalled last night to show me around his new house. I am grateful for technology that makes staying in touch and feeling connected across countries a little easier. I am grateful I know my heart is always safe with him.

Getting ready for Easterbrunch with the ladies of the family now. No kids around this year - but we hide eggs and chocolates for each other nonetheless. My easter bread turned out cookbook perfect - I am already excited for the first bite. Grateful, my granny is around for yet another Easter and I am looking forward to spending some time in nature with her. She loves the trees.

Grateful I saw @Juli1 giving sobriety another go and to be reading about @Bootz pet chant on the Easter thread. It made me laugh. Glad that everyone finds gratitude in their lives. Happy sunday everyone :orange_heart:


Good morning - happy Easter or just happy Sunday :blush:
Im filled with love this morning. Im so grateful for my friends who are so encouraging me on my new sober path. Will be spending this afternoon with them.

Im grateful for waking up tired but not with a hangover or a desire to drink/ smoke
Im grateful for the having plans for today
Im grateful for this lovely community which helps me and so many more (at times by just being there). I was in a bit of a funk around midnight- couldnt sleep so i jumped on the forum to just scroll and read. It was super helpful and got me outta my funk
Im grateful for my mind and body wanting and craving meditation :man_in_lotus_position:
Im grateful that ive been able to get vack to walking…hopefully soon enough ill be heakthy enough to start my proper workouts :muscle:

I hope you all have a blessed and beautiful Sunday❤️



I’m grateful for:

61 days sober
The Easter Sunday
My Sponsor
This community and the incredible people here that consistently serve others during their own recovery process
It’s so beautiful out today!!!
I was able to change my sons brakes yesterday and they actually worked when we were finished. :grin: