Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I woke up in pain and crying. Feeling mad at everything and everyone. So I really need to find some gratitude.

I’m grateful I’m still sober and don’t have a hangover.

I’m grateful Beans is asleep in my lap and the other two are nearby.

I’m grateful my sister is up visiting my mom this weekend and my mom (age 82) is doing well. They sent a beautiful picture of the sunset over the water yesterday.

I’m grateful it’s not raining today. I’m planning to go for a walk once it warms up. Hopefully the trails aren’t too muddy.

I’m grateful I have therapy tomorrow. It’s been a rough week.

I’m grateful for everyone here.


I’m grateful for my sobriety today. Grateful that I could go out to breakfast with my bestie and her family for her birthday without worrying whether I’d be too hungover and nauseous to eat. Grateful when my brother asked if his pup could come over to play while they go out on the town all day I said heck yeah and didn’t have to worry about being hungover and in too bad of a temperament to deal with puppy shenanigans all day long. Grateful when they called me late at night to give me a heads up that they were going to get an Uber home after having a long day out instead of driving and checking whether the pup could stay overnight, I was able to offer to give them a ride home instead along with their puppy because I wasn’t drunk. (Downtown was bonkers and Ubers were $$$$, there was a ball game and a concert the place was a madhouse). I’m grateful my sobriety allows me to be my best me, and to take care of my people. Also I’m grateful that today my puppy is worn out and snuggly from puppy playdate, so chances are so is my brother’s which will make what I suppose will be a less comfortable morning a little easier. :joy:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 343 days free
100 days living and eating healthier
Lost 3.8lbs this past week
My average weekly weightloss is beating my goal
Yoga today! Good for my soul and body
Time with family
Not worrying about where my next drink will come from
No hangovers
My sponsor and our bb study
New bed coming this week
Alive and well on a sunday
AA fellowship
All of you here. Youre my community

Love to you all


I am grateful I actually slept for a 6- hour stretch last night. Admittedly with a bit of a sleep aid, but it worked better than it usually does.
I am grateful the underdog hockey team won the game last night in exciting overtime fashion. It made lounging in a low-end hotel much more fun.
I am grateful for blue skies and clear roads ahead for our drive back home.
I am grateful for a good book on my kindle so that I can ignore the Masters radio coverage. Golf is great live, but on the radio? Um, no.
Happy Easter to those who celebrate.
Take care all!


I’m grateful I’m sober and hangover free this morning. I’m grateful to be on this trip/adventure to Cali.

I’m grateful for my mad packing skills since we are in our 3rd hotel in 4 nights. I’m too fucken organized. Hey. I’m grateful that is about all I can control. Me :hugs:

It’s hard being in the middle of my recovering addict, my daughter, with her new son, and my active alcoholic, my wife, when things aren’t going the way my wife expected things to go. I’m grateful I’ve learned expectations lead to resentments. I’m grateful I can find compassion for both. But it’s kinda lonely in the middle. I’m grateful I can be in the middle. Im grateful if it wasn’t for my sobriety I’d be all aboard the resentment train and probably pretty hungover and trashed right now and certainly not doing gratitude and enjoying this moment.

So imma gonna be grateful for the lovely hotel lounge with with the fancy Lavazza Coffee Machine I can get a fresh Americano at the push of a button. I’m grateful that’s the closest thing to a regular black coffee it makes.
I’m grateful for the foggy socked in Marina view.
I’m grateful the lounge is quiet.
I’m grateful I can come here, The Gratitude Thread, and let my feelings out, share and let things go and know I’m not alone. I’m grateful I enjoy doing that.

I’m grateful we’ll see Gus at his other grandparents house for an Easter dinner.
I’m grateful we were invited to join them.
I’m grateful we found a very unique Easter gift to bring them to show our appreciation.

I’m grateful wifey is up and texted me and I’m always grateful I get to bring her coffee in the morning. Im grateful my new regular iPad doubles as a nifty tray to carry coffees back to my room. :crazy_face: I’m grateful today is a new day and it will definitely be a grateful adventure again. “First Things First.”

Nothing that happens today requires a drink or a drug.
Thank God for that. :pray:t2:
Happy Easter to those who celebrate.


Grateful I cooked a nice dinner for the family yesterday.

Grateful the kids and hubby appreciated the nice table and the special time together.

Grateful we put the kids in bed and tried to watch something together. Hubby fell asleep. I hid all the chocolate eggs for tomorrow morning and woke hubby up to go to bed.

Grateful he tried to wake me up early: “Do we need to put the chocolate eggs out?” “No, it’s all done” “You are a good mom, you know that?” and he dozed off. I’m so grateful for that :heart: Had a little happy tear.

Grateful we had a lovely breakfast and the kids are never too old or too cool to go Easter egg hunting!

Much love to you all and happy Easter to those celebrating! :rabbit::hatching_chick:


Evening gratitude. I’m grateful I made new loving memories :orange_heart:
I’m grateful for my big chosen family, it is a blessing as I’m a single child. I’m grateful I’ve been “the additional kid” for my entire life :pray:
I’m grateful for egg hunt, for fun, for talks, for delicious food, for a really good time, for unconditional love, for my nieces, teenagers and little ones, for family dogs, for long walks with them the youngest sleeping in her buggy, for 15 people on the lunch table. Greetings to @RosaCanDo :hugs:

I’m grateful for being home again safe, for barely traffic on the highway, for no rain until after lunch, for my cats awaiting me at home, cuddling and purring.
I’m grateful I worked on myself for the last 10 months and take therapy seriously. It pays off in a life quality I missed for years. At least for today. I’m utmost grateful and full of love :pray::orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God for this wonderful Easter day and helping me stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for meals shared with family today and now with my friend.

May your higher power bring you peac

p.s. Happy Easter, you rock. Ya you!!


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a pretty easy weekend. I’m grateful for naps. I’m grateful for medicine for my sick son, and the means to go out and buy it. I’m grateful he is resting, and will hopefully be on the mend tomorrow. I’m grateful I got to spend time with my mom and Dad, Granny, and my sister and her kids. I’m grateful I was able to be useful, helping them with grocery shopping, and some housework at Granny’s. I’m grateful for exercise and how it improves my mood. I’m grateful for you guys. I watch a YouTube Chanel where the host always greets us with “ Hi friend”, and I really like it. From now on that’s how I’m going to start my gratitude :blush:.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I slept okay although my rhythm is a bit off atm.
I am grateful the sun is shining here.
I am grateful for food, water, internet, my bike here with me.
I am happy that this week will be a short one :upside_down_face: soon it’s may which is the best month of free days! :crazy_face::partying_face: 1st, 8th, 18th, 29th :grimacing: I need to check for the 18th here in France.
I am grateful I am only tired and not hungover.
I am grateful I go through difficult situation without having to deal with drunk me additionally. She was no fun.


I am writing this as we drive back from seeing mother in law, early, sober, awake and rested. ONE YEAR SOBER TODAY. ONE YEAR SOBER, ME!

Had a lovely BBQ yesterday before winter took it’s grip again today with rain and wind. First real sun of the year and a slight sun kiss to my SOBER face.

I am so grateful for this gift. I always said a year as my challenge, but I have found my self again.

Grateful for you all.
Grateful for simple pleasures.
Grateful my eyes are fully open.


Woke up in pain and mad at the world again.

I’m grateful for the reminder that all I can control is me. And to focus on that.

I’m grateful I’m still sober. I’m grateful I was able to internalize the fact that alcohol is poison and will always make things worse.

I’m grateful for the sunrise and another pretty day.

I’m grateful I have therapy today. I’ve been struggling with my depression and anger lately. My insecurities and chronic people pleasing makes it hard to set boundaries. And then I get resentful.


Grateful for another day sober. Woken up by severe turbulence on my long haul flight but for once was not drunk or hungover and didn’t reach for the bottle to calm my nerves on the rollercoaster at 40,000 ft!

Airports are way more manageable without a hangover


Grateful for a beautiful morning–didnt even have to wear a coat and hat to walk the dogs. Grateful for a quiet walk with the pups, the sunrise and the new front clipping no pull harnesses. I’m grateful for the thought that occurred to me a few days ago, that I should keep it in my mind not to see other people as obstacles. Keeping the thought in the front of my mind helps me stay present and more gracious and kind in my thoughts. I don’t know if it’s a result of a lifetime of anxiety or a result of alcoholism but that phrase seems the most resonant to me in how I feel when I’m starting to wind myself up. I’m grateful my easter breakfast for the man and I came out, and I’m grateful that I didn’t go way overboard (this time), there are a manageable amount of leftovers and will be little waste. Hooray! I’m grateful for my life, for love, and for kindness for myself and for others (mostly, it’s a work in progress but I’m grateful I’m making the effort.)


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 344 days free from weed and alcohol
My hubby working his ass off
Boscoe the jerk who wakes me up nearly every night
My family
Family get togethers that are full of love and positivity
Weightloss progress…just have to work on patience
A new week and new possibilities
My 3 yo niece who said “god gave me a new mole for my birthday” how cute?!?
AA fellowship
Calendar app to organize everything
All of you!

Peace, light, and love on your journies today!


Way To Go TF :boom::boom::boom:
Look at you dropping in with some grateful 1 year sober :leg: :leg:
I knew you were out there somewhere sobering along. What a great post to start my morning.
Congratulations on you first year of freedom and finding yourself.


Good morning :pray:
So greatful today for a great restful night of sleep
Greatful for my family and friends
Greatful for the lovely spring weather
Greatful for a productive weekend where i still found time for myself
Greatful for being able to be active again (still a journey but small steps)
Greatful for feeling my feelings
Greatful for this community
Much love


I’m grateful that I have clean water to shower in and that I even have the luxury of hot water. Once again, the lights turned on when I flipped the light switch, and the temperature in my house is kept at a comfortable level because I’m blessed with an HVAC system.

I’m so grateful for all those things that run in the background of my life, those things that simply exist and that often I don’t give a second thought to, but that many people around the world don’t have access to and that can easily disappear in the haze of drugs and alcohol when bills are forgotten and money that should be spent on living expenses is spent elsewhere.

So today I recognize that I am a monarch in my own little castle, living in simple luxury, and I’m grateful for it.


I’m grateful to be up so early to make it to LAX for an early flight. Early for me. I’m grateful I’m not running around the airport looking for a barstool and a double. And another double. And another double. I’m grateful I got no anxiety whatsoever about traveling these day. Who’d a thought. I’m grateful people seem to like my traveling sober thread. I’m pretty gratefully happy to see Phoebe Buffay jumping up and down with excitement. She must be congratulating TF on her year of sobriety. I’m grateful the falange is working fine on our plane. :blush:.

I’m grateful for a nice trip to see Gus and my daughter and her in-law family. I’m grateful she married into a very clean and sober family. I’m grateful her mother-in-law and father-in-law have a combined 70 freaken years sober. :scream: I’m grateful God put the right people in the right place at the right time for my daughter.

I’m grateful for y’all.
I’m Grateful for airport internet.
I’m grateful for helpful TSA agents.
I’m grateful Phoebe is still dancing :dancer:
I’m grateful for this sober community.
I’m grateful for meditation.

“The feeling that any task is a nuisance will soon disappear if it is done in mindfulness.”
Thích Nhất Hạnh

Edit. Guess I was wrong about why Phoebe was dancing.


Thanks Eric. I’m still lurking here and taking strength when I need it from all you wonderful folk.