Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

Happy One year!!! This is such a marvelous milestones. Congratulations :confetti_ball: to you.
Im grateful to have taken a day home from work to have sat with my feelings and listened. Im grateful that im discovering that this job is just not resonating with me, its vibrations all of a sudden are just so off. Im so grateful that i sat down to a vipassena meditation this morning and was flooded with the thought of an email my beloved counselor from treatment sent me a month and a half ago about positions that were open in the treatment center that showed me how to redirect my life. I am grateful for this bright, hopeful new avenue that is staring me in the face and filling me with hope and drive.
Im grateful to have my girls here with my while i sort this all out.


Thank you so much!


Hey, huge congratulations on your year :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can adapt quickly.
I am grateful I am still curious.
I am grateful I can see beauty in small things.
I am grateful I didn’t forget my helmet in Germany.
I am grateful I have food, water, warm water and an apartment pointing to east.
I am grateful someone invited chocolate.
I am grateful for audiobooks.
I am grateful for the nice weather here at the moment. I am sure I will complain about it in one or two months :grimacing:


Grateful for more rain. Now I don’t need to water my newly planted balcony flowers :slight_smile: Grateful for first slight sunburn of the year from yesterdays extended walk under the bright blue sky. Just grateful for time with friends and family the past few days, I really needed some human connection. Grateful everything seems to be in balance this morning.
Congratulations @Tragicfarinelli. You seem genuinely happy. Grateful you shared. :orange_heart:


Happy birthday @erntedank :birthday: (I am not entirely sure, which day exactly it was), but I hope you made it a fantastic day and let yourself be celebrated. Grateful you are part of this community. You truly have a heart of gold. Sending all the good stuff your way :sparkles:


So happy for you !


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober. I’m glad I am starting to find ways to cope with struggles. This community really helps.

I’m grateful the headache I woke up with is easing up some. Grateful for Advil, my heated neck wrap, coffee, hot showers, and stretching.

I’m grateful it’s another sunny day.

I’m mostly grateful (but a little stressed) that we start a work retreat this afternoon that will go all week. We all work remotely, so this is the first time we are all getting together in person since the pandemic. Our department has about 40 people in it and at least half I’ve never met in person. I’m looking forward to that, but also know that for me, being around people all day, everyday, including group dinners, will be exhausting. At least only one dinner might have alcohol present, and I have a sober ally in one of my coworkers. We’ve already talked about that. I’m trying to stay positive about the whole retreat.

I’m grateful I had therapy yesterday and we talked about my relationship and need for setting boundaries. I’m grateful I initiated a conversation with my bf last night and it went okay. We still have a lot more to talk about, but it felt better to get things started. My therapist also stressed the need for finding things to be grateful for, so I’m trying to focus on that. I do have a few things that are going okay in life.

Progress not perfection.


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful that I can do work on myself to help process my feelings. I’m grateful that like @Dazercat said ( was it this thread or another?) all I used to feel was mad. I still get mad, but I feel a lot of other ways as well now. I’m grateful that I realize that even feeling mad doesn’t last forever- not unless I keep feeding it.
I’m grateful my coffee is just perfect this morning, and the I get to drink it from my beautiful ceramic bumblebee travel mug. I’m grateful I packed a good lunch, and snacks, and dinner to get me through this workday. I’m grateful I can check in here when I need to for some gratitude.
Everyone have a wonderful day❤️


Good morning sober family.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 345 days free from weed and alcohol
My hubby and our heart to heart about recovery
Boscoe. He wakes me up mid sleep and i wake him up in the am.
My pedicure looks nice weeks later so i can freely wear sandals
Sandals weather
Casual dress at work
Hot coffee
Steady weightloss
New kingsize bed coming thursday
Omg its only tuesday…
People at dharma recovery liked my topic of community
Practicing meditation
I can still feel my yoga work 2 days later…progress
AA fellowship
This community and all of you!

Love to you all


I’m grateful :innocent:
I’m grateful I think I’ll do gratitude first this morning while it’s still dark and see the sun come up.

I’m grateful I got to make my own espresso roast and got my pixie shot this morning. I’m grateful I got to feed Daisy, Maverick, Beatrix, Alice, and Minnie and Benson. In that order. Im grateful I was so happy to see them this morning. I’m grateful we get to give Alice her subcutaneous fluids this morning. Im grateful to be adjusting to the summer dog walking schedule at the butt crack of dawn.

Im grateful for my Lady Banks Roses out back. They don’t last long. Im grateful to be in the desert in April/March to see the desert spring. I’m grateful May 1st will mark our first year here.

Im grateful for a lovely trip to see Gus and Fam and grateful to be home safely with my gang.

Im grateful I didn’t angrily go to a meeting yesterday afternoon for spite when we got home. I’m grateful I happily got the cats outside and dogs and hung out in my desert backyard and on TS. Posted pics and support. Grateful for the beautiful red Cardinal that came for a drink and the gamble quail and I saw a bunny down on the tee box. And grateful I got a lovely mantra meditation it too.

I’m grateful for the quiet morning home with the glow of the sunrise behind the mountains and the soft rhythmic breathing of the dogs.
Im grateful Minnie is on Her couch and the Ol Burner is on my lap. I’m grateful we can have them home 2 weeks before our next adventure.

So grateful to start my day off with gratitude and coffee and sunrise with you. Ya Y’ALL :hugs:
:pray:t2: :cactus: :desert::heart::lotus:

Oh I’m grateful to be able to continue my morning after this, with a mantra meditation. I’m so grateful Stella started that mantra challenge and I had an open mind to try it and I can’t get enough of it.

What consumes your mind, controls your life.
Practice Gratitude

Dom Bagnoche


Grateful I had a good day at work.

Grateful I’m more confident delivering presentations than I did one year ago. Clear eyes, calm voice, steady hands. Brain working without any fog. I knew my stuff back then, but being able to deliver it successfully, with confidence and openness? Such a massive difference.

Grateful I got home a bit early and called a friend. Grateful to have such a dear friend.

Grateful I called my mom earlier today. Grateful to have her and my dad in my life, even living so far away.

Grateful my kids were sweet when I came home early. Peace at home is so precious :heart:

Grateful my hubby sends me very silly GIFs to cheer me up or make me laugh.

Grateful for this day. Grateful for every day AF.

Much love to you all :heart:


Thank you all for your nice birthday wishes and Congratulation on 1 year @Tragicfarinelli :sunflower:

I’m grateful I had a nice birthday yesterday. I’m grateful for lovely neighbours, for friends and chosen family. I’m grateful for texts and calls and visits :pray::hugs: Now I’m officially old.

I’m grateful the construction site started today. I’m utmost grateful my house has screnes, otherwise everybody could look into my living room as the fence is already deconstructed. I’m grateful the cats are not irritated by the construction noise.

I’m grateful for therapy today. It helps me to talk about things that frighten me, about how I set boundaries, about love. There is still love for my ex, I missed him yesterday but not too much :pray:
I’m grateful for fire in the fireplace yesterday and snuggling under cozy blankets today with cats on and around me. I’m so blessed. I’m deeply grateful for living in freedom, safety and peace. Just for today I am grateful to be me.


Shit. I’m late too.
Happy 50 @erntedank
I’m so sorry I missed your day.
I hope it was a good one.


Grateful that Miss Kitty’s vet visit went well and that she only puked in her carrier once. Her highness’s vet was thrilled to see that she is doing much better than she was a few months ago and that she is doing well for a 21 year old cat.

Happy birthday @erntedank !


grateful for 30 days :pray:t4:
grateful for my new sponsor
grateful for making it this far and having a new perspective to stay sober this time!!
grateful for my home and spring :tulip:🪻

hope everyone is having a blessed day!!:white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:


Congratulations on your 30 days Britt
That’s a really BIG DEAL!
Keep up the great work.


Wow - can’t believe that today almost flew by without me being grateful.
I do love how I do wake up every morning with the list of items i’m grateful for ever since I’ve started posting on this thread. Grateful for how writing down my list helps me get through my day with a new appreciation.

I am grateful for a job that I love (most of the time) and that allows me to be somewhat flexible.
Grateful for my friends and family
Grateful for being able to spend time catching up with a friend and not having the desire to drink with him (enjoyed the company and was happy to come home with a clear head)
Grateful for my healing body
Grateful for the ever changing seasons - it did get up to 80 today but hopefully we will not jump from winter to summer (hopefully will get to experience spring)
Grateful for this lovely group - I look forward to checking in here daily (multiple times a day) and this helps me curb my cravings and reinforce that I’m on the right path
Love and peace to all - good night


Congratulations on a year that’s awesome.

I’m grateful for God guiding me clean and sober through this day. I’m grateful for family, friends and gratidudes that love me and allow me to return that love back. I’m grateful we got volleyball back in my recovery community. I’m grateful for the surgeon’s that fixed my back in 2019 so I can live this blessed life running around and jumping with my friends. I’m grateful my friend cooked me dinner and allowed me to buy her lunch earlier. I’m grateful for all the rooms that use the twelve step recovery process, it works if you work it. I’m grateful for a friend on here that I still want to talk with more about this forum and if it is the right fit for me. I’m grateful I can ask y’all to not overwhelm or influence me with suggestions regarding my previous sentence.

May our higher powers give us hope.

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


thanks so much!!! im proud of us all!! :muscle:t4: