Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have some people I can talk to and giving me support. I am grateful I gave up looking for support in people who cannot provide it for whatever reason.
I am grateful for a walk in nature yesterday. No people. Forest. Hiking trails. Calm.
I am grateful I am only tired and not hungover.
I am grateful someone brought up the anger management again here. I know that often my anger stems from me not speaking up and setting up boundaries. Which then makes me angry but more importantly I am sad because I donā€™t care for my wellbeing in setting up boundaries.
I am grateful I found a laundry not really near and downhil but clean and long opening hours.
I am grateful I can move this week.
I am grateful for audiobooks.
I am grateful I recognise hormonal irritability earlier.
I am grateful for free shipping to France for what I ordered. Hopefully it arrives.
I am grateful I have enough.


Congratulations! So happy for you! 30 days is an awesome achievement, and each day after that just gets better! :heart:


Big, massive congratulations on a life-changing year! I can hear the joy in each of your wordsā€¦so happy for you. Wishing you an even better 2nd year! :heart:


I am grateful I realized that someone elses capacity to show empathy, no matter how close they are, has nothing to do with me. I deserve it, but itā€™s futile to keep looking for it in people, who just donā€™t know how to. The moment I understood this, my frustration with that person was gone. That felt really good. Iā€™ll find it someplace else. Have a beautiful day everyone :orange_heart:


Good morning grateful friends.

Iā€™m grateful for another day sober.

Iā€™m grateful for these little monsters:

Iā€™m grateful my boss is super understanding of mental health struggles and will be supportive if I have to bail early on some of our work retreat activities. Iā€™m learning to take care of myself and not push myself so much that i breakdown.

Iā€™m grateful I can check in with all of you when Iā€™m struggling. Iā€™m already worried that the anxiety of this week will make me want a drink. But Iā€™m going to keep reminding myself how awful it would make me feel about myself. Not to mention I never want to repeat the first couple week of withdrawal. And Iā€™m grateful my bf is being supportive and asking what I need to get through.

One day, one minute, at a time.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety, 346 days free from weed and alcohol
Quality time with the hubby
Boscoe, his highness
My folks
Half day at workā€¦i have a doctors appt
Progress not perfection
Healthy eating
@Soberbilly papa buddha
Bed coming tomorrow
Increasing exercise
Countdown to vacation
Growing self esteem
Sobriety high
All of you!

Have a wonderful day!


Good morning
I am so grateful for my loving and supportive family
Grateful for unconditional friendships
Grateful for the support and love from tgis community
Grateful for a beautiful sunny day - will get to walk at the Arb during my break
Grateful for a healthy appetite and healthy food options
Grateful for waking up with a clear mind and no hangover symptoms
Grateful for having all my additions behind me
Grateful for my higher power -staying with me and guiding me to a better way of living

Hope you all have a blessed and beautiful day!


Grateful for a warm and beautiful morning, grateful to see my tulips, daffydils and crocus peeping out. Grateful for my sobriety and the patience and energy I have to (attempt) to manage a very high energy puppy. Grateful to be able to take care of my family, grateful to be able to take care of myself. Grateful to breathe.


I am grateful today to be feeling my self worth. I am grateful to know who i am and not be tied to an outcome. I am grateful ive got way less fucks to give about anyone elses unrequested opinion. Im grateful it feels good. I am grateful to be evolving.
Im grateful to see the date and realize that one year ago today i graduated from treatment. Im grateful for the difference a year makes!


Good evening. :sparkles:

I am grateful to have woken up with all of my clean time in tack. I made it through a busy day battling my head yesterday. I am grateful that I just let go and that I didnt fight it, its not my fight. I am grateful that I know my place in this world and that fighting the darkness inside of me is not my place, that my place is to build the light inside of me so that it can fight the darkness. I am grateful for all of the hard work that I do and for the strength of my light because my darkness is a fucker. I am grateful that I knew this coming into recovery and that is why I work so hard, I have never been one to fuck around, when I do something I do it right, that includes building a demon inside of myself. I am grateful for the reminder over the past few days of how dark I can go and quickly. I am grateful that my child is pushing me out the door to a meeting tonight and my sponsee is meeting me there.



Grateful I have 30 days in the bank. I treated myself to a latte and a visit to the bookstore. I feel peaceful this time around, like Iā€™m pulling on the work Iā€™ve done in the past with the new work Iā€™m doing presently. I feel, dare I say it, HAPPY.


Congrats on the 30 days Joy :boom::boom::boom:


Too much to catch up ā€¦ Hugs to all milestones I missed and again thank you so much for the birthday wishes :orange_heart:

Morning gratitude. Iā€™m grateful I fell in my cozy bed yesterday after group therapy. I finally caught a cold and feeling unhappy. Iā€™m a whiney little girl when I am ill :woman_facepalming: So for today Iā€™m grateful I can stay at home and pet myself with herbal inhalations, sleep, bathtub, lots of tea with honey. Maybe a short trip to the pharmacy as my neocitran expired 3 years ago. Iā€™m grateful I rarely catch a cold.

Iā€™m grateful and proud of myself I rototilled the fields yesterday. Iā€™m grateful I asked the mechanic for help to put the rototiller on the tractor after he checked the tractor and everything was ok again. Iā€™m grateful for opportunities to learn. Iā€™m grateful that I ask for help. Iā€™m grateful I managed to do the fieldwork with minimal input and help from my ex. It might not seem a big deal but for me it IS big. It shows me that I can (and always could) manage things without him. The more time goes by the less I understand a) why & what the fuck he constantly repeated that Iā€™m lazy and b) how this toxic brainwash was engraved in my brain. Must be the cooked frog principle. Anyway, Iā€™m grateful the work is done and I had help, learned and know better for next time :pray::+1:
Iā€™m grateful I was able to solve a problem with the accoutant department of the workshop. A bad thing going back to my ex not caring for the financial stuff. Never leave bills unpayed. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s not a big deal for them as they know me and it can be settled without further problems.

Iā€™m grateful the construction site is working fast and Schimanski enjoys to watch the workers.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll take a hot shower now and then have a huge pot of hot, delicious tea :pray:


Iā€™m grateful to God please help guide me through this day while abstaining from all my addictions. Iā€™m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. Iā€™m grateful to be a day and a half into a new diet which includes no caffeine or sugar. I pray for the strength to keep going because do I ever want a triple triple from Tim Hortonā€™s, instead going for water, prayer and exercise. Iā€™m grateful my Sister has a birthday tomorrow and I get to join her shoping at the farmers market today. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s shower oā€™clock. Iā€™m grateful I got my two month coin from AA last night, it was a good meeting. Iā€™m grateful my grandspsonsor/spiritual advisor helped me with step four and five yesterday. Iā€™m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instill.

May our higher powers give us strength.

p.s. Donā€™t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


Grateful for a sneak peek to summer, even though the warm weather wonā€™t last. Grateful to see my first flower of the year, a little crocus peeking up to say hello and good morning! Grateful for a quiet walk with the doggies, a lovely sunrise, and back up emergency coffee drink for when the unthinkable happens and I forget to prep the coffeemaker so itā€™s ready in the morning. Grateful to have plans to see my brother and my momma this weekend. Grateful for a good life with my needs and wants met, with love and comfort, challenges and (hopefully) successes.


Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m making time for gratitude this morning. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m up desert, butt crack of dawn, early and busy adjusting my days. Iā€™m grateful I can practice gratitude as I get up, go outside, walk the dogs, walk myself, drive, eat out, or just sitting here looking out the window.
Iā€™m grateful for all the different bird song in the morning.
Iā€™m grateful for desert spring blossoms.
Iā€™m grateful to be greeted by my gang of 6 each morning.

Iā€™m grateful the foreman next door on the construction project could recommend an appliance guy and heā€™s coming tomorrow. Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t think twice about asking him. Iā€™m grateful heā€™s considerate about our driveway. Itā€™s a messy situation.

Iā€™m grateful I got a 10 am meeting this morning. Itā€™s a large group. I hate large groups :grimacing: And thatā€™s why Iā€™m going. Besides, Iā€™m grateful I always feel better after going to a meeting. Big or small.
Iā€™m grateful I should be able to walk the dogs and get my ass power walked too before the meeting.

Iā€™m grateful Julie left a voice message. Sheā€™s so excited we are coming. Iā€™m grateful I feel pretty confident in my biggest test of sobriety coming up. Sober London. Sober England. Whoā€™d of thought :thinking: Iā€™m grateful If I play my cards right it could be the first of many more to come.

Iā€™m grateful for crawling baby videos and seeing my sons face with so much love for his daughter. Sheā€™s out there! And thereā€™s no stopping her!

Iā€™m grateful for gratitude 24/7. Whether itā€™s written, read, and even more importantly practiced throughout the day without even trying. Iā€™m grateful gratitude just comes naturally now.

ā€Keep your soul rooted in gratitude and your branches open to blessingsā€
Mary Davis


thank you :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good morning sober crew,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety, 347 days and counting down to 350
Mini milestones
Hubby didnt wake me when he got home
Boscoe woke me to go to the couch and i could fall back to sleep
Working from home
Delicious new recipes
The love of trying new thingsā€¦thanks groupon
Cleaned the bedroom for our new bed delivery
Progress not perfection
One day at a time
This forum
The nextdoor app for homeowner needs
Growing my meditation practice
Healthy eating
All of you!

Peace be with you on your journies


I am grateful I didnā€™t drink. I am not drunk. This is not an option. Yesterday I was fancying death which would involve wine and this is like an alarm signal I cannot possibly overhear.
I am grateful I could do my laundry today. I am grateful I had enough food for dinner.
I am grateful I did my best to socialise and went for lunch with colleagues.
I am grateful the weekend is soon there.
I am grateful that one week too late menstruation is there. So hormones wonā€™t destabilise my mood any longer.
I am grateful I get slowly used to french traffic. Doesnā€™t mean I like it but you gotta make a choice: go or wait forever.


Billy, did you write this? Im so grateful for you.
I am grateful for my gift of sensitivity and for my ability to feel empathy and im even grateful for this ability when it hurts. Im grateful i am not a cold person but a warm soul, even if it means it hurts more, because I think i do less hurting this way.
Im grateful that its Thursday and my weekend is just a few hours away. Im grateful to have a break from the non-empathy capable person im having to work with today.

Oh boyā€¦i am GRATEFUL TO HAVE MY CAR BACK!!! I picked it up last night after well over a month of it being at one shop or the other. I am so, so, SO, grateful that this particular challenge is over. Im grateful for the car so i can take better care of both girls who have been with me all week while my youngest is on spring break and my dad is in the ICU. Grateful its been a tough week. Grateful for the ensuing sleep deprivation that amplifies the growth ive made through meditation and working to rewire my brain. Grateful for the amazing results im seeing, 4 hours of sleep and im functioning pretty damn well. Historically any level of inadequate sleep would send me in a tail spin and have me feeling uncomfortably close to thinking about relapse, thinking about finding relief for my squirrely tired brain. Im so grateful to be able to rewire my programming and relearn how to handle stress and tiredness. Grateful for this miracle, which is only second to my abiliy to continue
to remain clean and sober into my second year.
Im grateful to be present and feeling ALL of the feelings that go along with having my 80 year old dad in the ICU due to his continuing inability to control his athsma.
Grateful for gratitude and its ability to calm and center me on my lunchbreak.