Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day and helping me abstain from all my addictions.
I’m grateful for my family, friends , TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for Bill and Bob.

May our higher powers give us hope.

p.s. You are awesome. Ya you!!


Huge congrats Maxine :fireworks: I’m so grateful to wake up and read your celebrating your 30 days :fireworks:


Congratulations @maxwell for your 30 days. They are piling up so quickly at some point. :sunflower::four_leaf_clover:

I am grateful I slept until 730am! Like a baby. I still take one valerian before bed but I didn’t when I was at home and slept fine as well. What was missing: me having to work the next day.
I am grateful for the nice contacts I had the last days with people in my house.
I talked with my brother who has a 3D printer and he printed me a piece I found useful for my Garmin GPS tracker. How cool is that?
I am grateful to be sober.
I saw a quote some days ago in the bus and will put it here. It went like this that we don’t search being absolutely happy but more happy than the people around us. And this is so difficult as we constantly overestimate other people’s happiness.
I am grateful I have enough.


Good morning grateful friends!

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful the sun is shining again today.
I’m grateful that the pain I woke up with is getting better with Advil, heat, and stretching.
Im grateful I have therapy this afternoon.
Im grateful for my silly cats. :cat:
I’m grateful for new episodes of Ted Lasso and The Mandalorian.
I’m grateful for all of you.


Good morning sober family.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 333 days free from weed and alcohol
A beautiful day yesterday
Going to have a good day today
Looking forward to my ladies mtg tonight
My hubby working his ass off
Boscoe being an asshole, but hes just so darn cute
Going into the office today
Treating myself to my favorite lunch
Our lovely home and walkable neighborhood
Count down to one whole fucking year sober

peace and love to all on this sober journey


Day 46 AF Grateful for prayers and meditation, God of my understanding,creativity and friendly people last but not least a bike that runs . So grateful to get a ride in yesterday in the sunshine, grateful to face our fears without booze!! :hugs::sunny::raised_hands:
Divine creative loving Absolute
I like these words today and I hope our day is pleasant and peaceful. Pema says when things are going well think of others and when things are not going well think of others
Grateful I feel like smiling today :smiling_face:


Good Morning Sober Family!

Been a busy week so I haven’t been on much! Im grateful my baseball team won two in a row so far this week, not merely because they won, but because I’ve been trying a new approach of focusing on positivity no matter what happens in the game. I’ve noticed my players have better attitudes and pick each other up more rather than out each other down! It’s funny because focusing on positivity is something I’ve used in sobriety. Rather than focusing on regret and mistakes and letting them drag me down, I look at things as hopeful, I’m just a few days away from 90 days and I’m so motivated and excited to continue living sober.

I will say my Diet Coke intake has upticked lol :joy: not drastically but I have about one a day which isn’t bad in my book. I’ll take a mug full of Diet Coke over alcohol any day these days. Keep up the good fight everyone, be back soon! :heart:


I know that’s true! I feel you @Cjp as we both aproach a year. It’s a miracle to still be here. Or is it be here still? All I know is there was divine intervention. One thousand mgs. of morphine is tenx a lethal dose. But I stand up y’all. Attainable happiness. I didn’t know I could do that. I am so grateful for this gift. I feel strong. Grateful. I feel joy. Grateful. I’m grateful last night’s meeting was about real"grown up" feelings and experiences. Maybe I can be a grown up one day. Have a blessed day gratidudes. :pray: Namaste, God guru and Self are One


I’m grateful :innocent:
I’m grateful this is the last freaken snowstorm for me. Unless it snows in the desert in April :cold_face:
I’m grateful for gratitude first thing morning. I’m grateful I was just sitting here with God and just “being” for a little while. I’m grateful, then I thought I’ll just do gratitude first today.

I’m grateful I don’t have to go anywhere.
I’m grateful for a warm Burner on my lap.
I’m grateful for the melody of Alice purring and Minnie snoring gently on either side of me with my Cape Cod Bell wind chime ringing outside in the storm. And a fire in the fireplace. I’m grateful I get to be inside and protected from the elements.

I’m grateful I slept well again.
I’m grateful for my heating pad.
I’m grateful my back feels a lot better.
I’m grateful for ODAAT especially when my back ache is an issue. I’m grateful I am not going to over do it. I’m grateful I don’t have to over do it.

I’m grateful for the small meeting last night on concept 3 and how I was able to apply it to my issues a couple of days ago.

I’m grateful things are pretty good.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful for my constant reminder that if I have just one I’ll never stop. I’m grateful I can’t even imagine having just one. And I don’t want to. Wow! How cool is that?

I’m grateful the nurse at the vet called back yesterday and we adjusted Minnie’s meds and she wasn’t wasted dirty last night. Although it was wicked hard to wake her up to go final whizzy.

I’m grateful for Norma Jo and the Gus Bus and I get to see him soon. Real soon.

“The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.”
Richard Bach


Thank you for starting this! Lord knows stuff like this helps me stay focused. Today I’m grateful that yesterday I wanted to drink but instead, exercised and played some sweet, sweet video games like the big Ole 39 year old child that I am.


Today I’m grateful I started cleaning up the glasshouse and drove the first load to my mum’s place to store it there. That was emotional and exhausting. The garden is beautifully blooming. I’m grateful for cats sleeping on me. I’m grateful the day is over.


Quick afternoon gratitude. I am grateful for Al-anon. Really good meeting. Really good topic,choice. I know this much. My happiness or suffering depends on my response to conditions,not on condition themselves. That’s a choice.


I’m grateful for another sober day almost over.
I’m grateful for online grocery shopping. Grateful for leftovers.
I’m grateful for a pretty simple easy going life at the moment. Grateful my days are busy but my evenings are mostly relaxed.
I’m grateful I’m here :sparkling_heart:


Bedtime gratitude

I’m grateful Iv missed you all here today.
I’m grateful for the bag of clothes I took the charity shop after re arranging the wardrobe.
I’m grateful for the new clothes I brought.
I’m grateful for positive affirmations.
I’m grateful I’m in bed.
I’m grateful for my 7am swim tomorrow.
I’m grateful right now I’m getting hugs from my pets.
I’m grateful most nights they sleep when I sleep.


Im grateful for my dog and the love he shows me. Im grateful i was able to provide for my 3 sons throughout the years. They are in their 30s now. Im grateful for living indoors and doctors.


My happiness or suffering depends on my response to conditions,not on condition themselves. That’s a choice.

I absolutely love the truth in that statement😀


Im just so stinkin greatful.

Catching up on all the TS threads and this community is just AWESOME.


I’m grateful I’ve been sober for 31 (almost 32) days! :hugs: :purple_heart:


Richard Bach the author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull? Wow that is taking me back. Going to bed with gratitude for guidance from my HP (as I understand Him) to help a fellow addict. I am grateful to feel the love from the formless flow through me. I am grateful for faith and trust. Love is the Universe. The Universe is love. I am grateful for fellowship.Off into the arms of Morpheus I go. Goodnight sober fam. Goodnight Boscoe,be kind to my daughter/friend @Cjp . :zzz:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through this day and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for my good friend, her 2 year old granddaughter and their cats. I’m grateful for chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven. I’m grateful for my pillows, quilts and fan. I’m grateful for the twelve steps, traditions, promises and the principles.

May our higher powers give us strength.

p.s. You’re freakin amazing. Ya you!!