Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

You have more in you than you realize. When I read you hurting on different levels I just wish I could sit next to you and hold your hand. Give you a fatherly :people_hugging: hug. Some days you eat the bear,some days the bear eats you!

Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is like a little boat upon the sea
Everybody is a part of everything anyway
You can have everything if you let yourself be


Thanks @Soberbilly


I’m grateful to God for helping me get some rest last night. I’m grateful to pray for help, guidance and that my defects to be removed. I’m grateful to God and ask that I may abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for knowing that whatever the day brings I can handle it. Im grateful for spiritual principles.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are awesome, never forget. Ya you!!


Grateful to read this today! I’m grateful to be up way to early because I forgot I go in to work late today, grateful that means more time for coffee and porch swinging. I’m grateful that I reached 1,000 days today, and I’m even more grateful that my brain didn’t register that as a milestone, so I didn’t have the usual milestone malady (is that the word?). I’m grateful I took some time this weekend to get ready for this week, some meals prepped, huge pitcher of iced coffee made, already mentally accepting that I will have little free time during the week, but I’ll do what I want on the weekend. I’m grateful for my homethread, reading around here feels like curling up in a cozy blanket. Im grateful for love and forgiveness and for hope.:heart:


Good morning greatful sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 400 days woohoo
Boscoe cuddles
Hubby cuddles
My senses
Progress not perfection
Sunshine :sun_with_face:
All of you and this community
Music and art
My mobility
Hubby did the dishes
Comedy specials on netflix
This amazing community

Lets do the damn thing


Good morning :blossom::yellow_heart:
I’m grateful for poems that come at just the right time
I’m grateful for zig zags in healing because they show me how far I’ve come.
I’m grateful that not putting my worth or value in another is something I’ve been working on for about a year.
I’m grateful that relationships expose where we still need healing.
I’m grateful for my humanity. I’m grateful I can see the humanity in others.
I’m grateful I’m learning to create space for me, too.
I’m grateful that sometimes life means having the courage to stand alone.
I’m grateful that love is always the answer.
I’m grateful that I hold on to the negative less and look for the bright.
I’m grateful my mom is getting treatment for her heart condition. The thought of loosing a parent never entered my world until the past month. It’s lonely and jarring in a way that I had never felt before.
I’m grateful for my sobriety. That being sober has allowed me to heal in ways some people will never know. Life feels much less scary when you are awake to it.
I’m grateful for the birdies chipping by the pool and the sunlight.
I’m grateful that struggling with my ED is part of life and I will be gentle with myself.
I’m grateful for friends who stick with you through the waves of life.
I’m grateful for my one, precious life :yellow_heart:


I can’t take credit,Donovan wrote that,I steal regularly from poets,writers etc you know actual talent! 1,000 days is a blessing. So happy for you. Proud of you. Inspired by you @Sunflower1!!


@Ely83 haven’t heard from you in a while – how is your son doing? Hopefully the home is completed and your son is home with you :pray:
@clarity ooh I love the feeling of finding your dream house. I had looked at a condo years back that I fell in love with and at the time I could not buy it without selling my house which did not happen and now it is off the market…Now I am in a position to purchase it (even though it will be more expensive than the last time it was available) and secretly waiting for it to come back on the market – when your heart falls for something it just knows :wink:
@erntedank I do hope that you were able to get some rest after tackling all those personal questions – tiring indeed! :people_hugging:
@Soberbilly what a great get away you are having – love the pics of the grandkids! They are causing you to age backwards :wink:
@Karenkw I do know how difficult it is to stop isolating but I do think the effort will be worth it – it may do wonders for your depression. Don’t just give your time and energy to anyone (ie. Not negative people or fake people…) Start slow … Give yourself credit for all that you have accomplished thus far in life – lawyer, baker and (sorry – don’t know what you do now)… making this change will be just like the others (may be rough but so doable). You are stronger than you think!
@sunflower1 Congrats on your 1000 days!!! :muscle:
@CJP congrats on your 400 days!!! :muscle:

I am so grateful for having gotten past this weekend and survived. I was silently dreading it and my ability to keep up. The pride fest was so chill and full of love. The vegfest was great too but omg felt like many took extra stupid pills and anger pills - I did not lash out - I did not talk back - i remained calm and handled it and then took a minute to fill items to regain my composure.
I am so grateful that my whole body is screaming at me in pain but I am just not in the mood for this today so screaming right back (my throat is sore but this is so worth it)
I am so grateful that I found out that I’ve decided to hire out someone to take care of a dead tree at my house (the renters did not water anything this past year and my beautiful dappled willow that grew way larger than they are meant to is now completely dead) :disappointed_relieved:
I am so grateful that seeing the dead tree and the shitty upkeep of the yard did not frustrate or anger me
I am so grateful that I will have time today / tomorrow to get this house cleaned up (feel like I have let things go in the past few days)
I am so grateful that I will hopefully get 2 new tires for my car (the front tires have 0 thread on them) - been meaning to do this for some time but keep having something else come up. Glad nothing popped while driving this weekend
I am so grateful that I have my loving and supportive family with me in this life!
I am so grateful for my ability to meditate / pray and call on my higher power at a moments notice.
I am so grateful for all the love i’ve received from all of you!!! unbelievable!!! YOU all ROCK and I LOVE YOU ALL. I am so grateful for having you in my life and on this journey with me.

Hey - have an amazing Monday (start this week off right) – sending much love :heart:


Still catching up but I have 5 minutes of childcare left since we made it to the gym :muscle:
Grateful I did a 2.5 mile walk.
Grateful for endorphins, I missed you little guys.
Grateful for good parking spaces.
Grateful for lakes
Grateful for snacks
Grateful for boats
And snacks on boats
Baby life jackets
The sweet old ladies who take care of my baby
Everyone here, sharing their journey both the good and the bad.
I think I’m out of time, love you guys have a great grateful day. :smiley:


I’m grateful for happy accidents.

Like the other day when I intended to buy parmesan cheese, and inadvertently purchased a parmesan/romano blend. Didn’t know that was out there. Yes please.

What a time to be alive

I am also grateful for 10 years at my current company as of this past weekend, and 11 years of stable, full-time employment.

Lastly, I am grateful for my beloved Frasier.


1000 days, that’s fantastic. Happy swinging :sparkling_heart:


Grateful for being alive. :sparkles:
Grateful for my boyfriend. And his dog! She’s so adorable! I think she likes me because she long time looked at me with that interesting face. :grin:
Grateful for rain today. It’s not rainstorm, but just quiet and relaxing rain. When I was cuddling with my boyfriend, I heard his heart and as well this beautiful sound of rain. It was… Adorable. :sparkling_heart:
Grateful for my friend from school! Also for my creativity. Art classes became again fun!
Grateful for you all. :sparkles:


Your sobriety fuck yeh ! B O S C O E cuddles yer blessed! My sobriety ! My gratitude for OUR special connection. Grateful for the opportunity to be of service bein’ secretary of Magnificent 7 (Refuge Recovery online) for a spell. First time today went well. Grateful for Joe training me. Grateful I forgot to ask Les for wifi login and when I called her she picked-up. Grateful for Cheryl joining the meeting. Grateful for gratidudes and dudettes. Grateful for this beautiful/terrible good/bad thing we call life and just being in it. Just being. :pray: God guru and Self are One


Today I’m grateful the day was ok. I don’t know how it happened, I was awake on time, read, cuddled cats and crawled out of bed at half past nine. Needless to say the plan for the day was screwed. I’m grateful I don’t give a shit. I’m grateful I happily did chores and cooking, had leftovers for lunch and did some dusting. I’m grateful a friend came over spontaneously, it was nice to chat in person with 3 sleeping cats around us.
I’m grateful I did not give in to my brain and heart asking the same questions over and over. My belly told me to rest and meditate. It helped.

I’m grateful for laughter and satire. We are a small country with glorious douchebags who entertain the public at taxpayers costs. Hillarious!

I’m grateful the professionals will mow my mum’s garden when it stopped raining (fuck rain, first no rain for months and now … I’m grumpy and have to work on this issue with having no control … ).

I’m grateful for a nap in the afternoon. I’m grateful for my cozy bed, I’m such a cuddle up and sleep person. I’m grateful I set an alarm for tomorrow.

Happy round numbers @Sunflower1 and @Cjp
Love your post @JazzyS

I’m grateful we are here together.


Congratulations Sunflower :sunflower:
Big week for you.
So glad your here.


Great job CJ.
Congratulations on the 400!


I am grateful I am slowly back in calm waters and can pick up, where I trailed off a few days ago. I am grateful for the collective and individual wisdom of this place, some uncomfortable insight and most of all some encouraging and gentle words, when I needed to hear them. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and heal some more. I am grateful I know I will be okay. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful I got my early doctors appointment over with this morning. I’m grateful it now seems like a day off. I’m grateful I’m off every day. But today seems like a day off from the routine of a retired OG. I’m grateful my neurologist was very nice and seemed very experienced in her field. And she gave me as much time as I needed. I’m grateful I got some more dang test and MRIs in the future but all and all nothing to freak out about. Presently.

I’m grateful for all the fresh fruit salads I been making every day. Grateful to see a dove up at the pool having a drink. I’m grateful I’m not having an afternoon drink. I’m grateful I got my meeting to go to at 4.

I’m grateful I got delivery window for tomorrow’s patio table and chair delivery.

I’m grateful last nights topic was all about fear. Fear and worry. It’s all about fear :anguished:

I’m grateful @Soberbilly
Billy is having a great time with his Madi and Blake. :thinking: I hope it’s Blake.

I’m grateful when Gratidudes, or dudettes in this case, pop into my mind while I’m driving down the road. I’m grateful I saw a vanity license plate that said NOT M :blush: felt like M was in the car with us yesterday after brunch. @M-be-free49 I’m grateful I kept that grin all to myself. Didn’t want to start explaining to wifey about some silly license plate that she probably didn’t even see. I’m grateful for all the Vanity license plates around here it’s a fun mind game sometimes.

I’m grateful I feel a nap coming on so I’ll wrap this up so I can get that nap in and get to my meeting. And grateful to go out to dinner after.

Grateful for saguaro :cactus: cactus. And grateful I finally stopped to take a pic of My Hero. I posted him on the nature thread. He must be 70 feet tall. I’m grateful for that big boy right by the church where I got to my meeting today. So I get get to see him again.

Grateful to close with a wonderful bit of a share from last nights meeting. I wish I had told her how great I thought it was. And how I will use it. Maybe some other time because I don’t think I’ll forget.

If I can’t hear the birds singing, then I’m not in the present.


Grateful for an unexpected sleep in today which almost made me late for the day. Grateful I managed to do what I needed before heading out.
Grateful for a really nice day. I had a lovely walk early afternoon and then got some stuff done, ticked off the to do list.
Grateful I’ve just got back into looking at my family tree, there’s only so much you can see for free, I’m at the point where I need to start paying for it. Grateful I’ve decided to go for it again. I’ve got a lot of it done but can always keep adding more people.


WOW!!! Today I have 9 days :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am grateful beyond measure My alcoholism had me spiraling out of control to the point that I ended up having emergency surgery in April I almost died if I wasn’t at work I wouldn’t be here right now it made me reflect on all of my decisions I’ve made these past two years I want sobriety more than anything else more importantly I want to be alive I could not say that a few months ago I am thankful for this community :pray: :heart: :sparkling_heart: it is phenomenal and so is everyone who joins and is apart of it :heart: :orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: Today’s message confirms it “The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph”