Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful for the sun and birds, chirping away tonight after rain and more thunder.

I’m grateful for all of the thought-provoking posts and conversations we have here. I’m grateful I let myself care about the humans behind our little pics, and let myself be cared for too. I’m very grateful for this community and this thread.

I’m grateful for laughter and companionship too. Here and IRL, in all kinds of surprising ways! I love that you thought of me with the license plate, @Dazercat! Me? Well a few weeks ago when I was at an in person mtg for work, there was this guy presenting at the front. With huge feet. And I thought, “no, Dazer’s boats can’t be that big…” and I suppressed a little giggle. I don’t do so well in boardrooms! :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for the things I take for granted now, thanks to my recovery. Bumping into an acquaintance on the path while walking the dog girl. Answering the door on a Sunday afternoon to a neighbour knocking. I shudder to think how, in the before time, I’d have been wondering if they could tell I’d been drinking…

I’m grateful for the things I don’t want to take for granted. Slow walks with the dog girl pretty much at the top of the list. She just sighed, so we should probably head out for the nighttime pee. Maybe sniff an extra hydrant or two…

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Grateful for our milestones! 400 days @Cjp! and 1000 days @Sunflower1! And @LALA222’s 9 days!


It’s Blake.


I’m grateful that Blake and Maddi will never know their amazing Grampa as anything other sober and stellar! Warms my heart to the core. :orange_heart:


Aww thank you for that Emm. I’m grateful your walking the path with me.


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober (5 months minus 4 days in the middle)

I’m grateful the pain I woke up with is starting to ease up. I’m pretty sure the chronic pain and headaches are rooted in my depression and anxiety. There’s nothing structural wrong - it’s tight muscles. I don’t know how to relax.

I’m grateful for hot showers and heating pads.

I’m grateful I have enough. Stable housing, food in the fridge, a reliable car.

I’m grateful for cats and coffee in the morning. I get up early enough that I don’t have to rush to get ready. I can take my time.

Progress not perfection.
I am enough.


I’m pretty sure I’ll be tired AF after group therapy in the evening so here some early afternoon gratitude.

I’m grateful for mantras. I tried last night to listen to one and it made me fall asleep. Thank you Eric @Dazercat for loving mantras, your enthusiasm rubbed off on me :blush::hugs:

I’m grateful the construction site is in the final stage. They asphalted the street this night, I was up from 1:30 to 4:20 and thought the heavy machines vibrate through my house any second. I’m grateful for a fresh road cover without potholes. I can catch up on sleep with a nap if I want. to.

I’m grateful for adulting. Office work. Chores. I feel relieved and sad at the same time, I handed in the last documents that arrived last week to close my late mums inheritance. Love you mum.

I’m grateful for therapy. A little much today. I discussed the personal questions I’m chewing on with my therapist today. As long as I focus on myself and be kind, aware and compassionate the things I come up with don’t sound as dumb as I thought. I’m grateful I’m completely honest with my therapist and don’t hide thoughts, desires and emotions. I’m grateful I don’t try to be “socially accepted/acceptable” in therapy, just honest, respectful and focused on myself. I never before was so honest, it feels like a milestone and I feel save and at peace. Maybe a bit insecure. With practice the feeling of security and self- confidence will grow. I’m grateful I ask for help and find it. That’s a precious gift :pray:


Good early morning Sober family,
Grateful we survived our trials of addiction-suffering, grateful to be on the path with you all.

Grateful for time w Sponsor yesterday and really felt the Sangha big time :arrow_right:feeling loved , Ty Lordy

Grateful to be a 12step Buddhist riding the craves.
Guru said : I’m not the owner of it I’m the witness to it. Love it. Love you all, thx for the shares and let’s get another 24 in fellowship :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 401.25 days
Time with the hubby
He makes me laugh
We played tv game shows together
Boscoe, his royal stinkiness
Calm quality time on our deck last night
Looking forward to my lunch of baked chicken and brocolli
Getting to work from home
A coworker told me i was looking good and asked me what im doing :slight_smile:
Our home
Our emergency savings
All of you

Peace and love and patience to you all


Definitely grateful for the chances I have been granted, thankful for the new life I have been given. Thankful for no longer being mad and filled with anger at the world and I am thankful for my family


Welcome Jay.
This gratitude business is a great new addiction for me. I’m grateful I plan my days around gratitude instead of my next drink.
It works if you work it.


Imma have to steal that from you Owen. I am a teef! That sums me up,well partially,lol. I’m grateful for my loving family. For being lucid and present. What an amazing gift is my sobriety. I’m grateful my bro’ Warren and I are going to see former colleagues who we both worked with and shared a bond with for 25 years. We were graced with an unusual workplace in that it really felt like an extended family. As my friend Michael often says,Blessed be. Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One


No problem Bill, Darren Littlejohn wrote a book, 12 step Buddhist so you connecting with him too!
Have a great visit with your friends!! :peace_symbol::yin_yang:


Good morning!
Grateful I woke up and I breathed all night without thinking about it.
Grateful for my comfy bed and down blankets and pillows
Grateful for the geese that gave their feathers although I’m sure it was unwillingly now that I think about it.
Grateful for my daughters frog themed bedroom, my favorite room in this house. I found the best green paint I love it and grateful for the green leafy wallpaper that makes me feel like I am in the Amazon.
Grateful for Froggert and his new lamp he will be happy.
Grateful I woke up at 4am and couldn’t sleep so I meditated and fell back to sleep.
Grateful @KarenKW her pain is a bit better today and her depression is lifting :pray:
Grateful for the little laughs I get from this thread
Grateful for this beautiful miraculous world that I am present for, no hang over! And the moon. The moon is beautiful.
Grateful I am showing up at the gym although I am going to listen to my body and take it easy. Progress not perfection :ballot_box_with_check:


I’m grateful to finally get out here on my deck and find some gratitude.

I’m grateful for tears of joy and happiness when my DIL sent pics of the collage she made my son for his ten year sober birthday today. Ten fucken years in a row he’s been sober. I cry just writing it. And those fuckers are giving me credit for not giving up on him. The nerve :scream::sob:. I’m grateful I can remember his sober date because it’s the day after our anniversary. I’m grateful I’ll see him tomorrow in Cali. I’m crying again just thinking about it. I’m grateful I have dark sunglasses that will hide my tears. I’m so grateful for him and his family. Without sobriety I guarantee none of this would have happened. I’m actually grateful for his dual diagnosis. I’m grateful I’ll never forget the day he said, “Dad, I’m tired of waking up locked down in psych wards not knowing where I am.” I guess 3 times a charm. I’m grateful that last psych ward was called Aurora. I’m grateful my grandmother’s name was Aurora. My maternal grandmother, that basically raised me. Coincidence :thinking: Miracle :thinking: I’m grateful I’m going with miracle on this one.

I’m grateful the rest of my day and last evening is/was going shit. But I’m so grateful I can share this with my home thread friends. I’m hoping this will make me feel better. Because no matter what else is going on in my world. My boy’s got 10 years clean and sober. And no one can take that away from me.
Thank you.
Where’s the fucken tissues :sob:

You have to see the miracles for there to be miracles
Handy Nelson


I’m grateful I accepted my HOA Board’s request that I take a position, right before a massive shit storm errupted in our little, and generally quiet, community.

This has allowed me to take a “life test” in regards to what I’ve learned about leading people, communicating, and not reacting but instead responding.

This has all been rather tiring, but I am happy with my performance overall thus far.


Yes – hope that they are nothing to freak out about!!! Wishing you good health. WHOA – 10 years of sobriety for your son is awesome – glad you get to celebrate it with him tomorrow. PS – I would also go with a miracle :wink
@lala222 So grateful that you survived the ordeal and it led you here to us. Congrats on 9 days… keep the days coming
@KarenKW congrats on your upcoming 5 months!!! I do hope that you are right and the pain is rooted in the depression and anxiety and do hope that once you work through this the pain will go away! Yeah to the pain starting to ease up
@jayp I’m so glad that you are doing so well and found your way to the Gratitude thread!

Tuesday afternoon gratitude my lovely sober friends…
I almost did not come here today but hey that would only make things worse because no matter what I should always be able to conjure up some gratitude
I am so grateful for finally getting my car in to get 2 new tires and an alignment (front two were completely bald)
I am so grateful that when no one picked up the phone to collect me, I walked 45 minutes and got in my 2 miles + walk in for the day. I had to do this with my backpack (thought it would only be 1.5 hours but wasn’t waiting for 5 hours) – my back was hurting extra by the time I got home
I am so grateful that my brother is taking me to watch the new Flash movie tonight. He gets free premiere tickets every once in a while.
I am so grateful that my mom made me some delicious veggies and lentils for lunch
I am so grateful that I picked up some delicious healthy vegan snacks for the movies (can’t eat any of the items at the concession stand)
I am so grateful that my family is so beautiful and supportive!
I am so grateful that I will take time to meditate / pray which I’m hoping will help me deal with my anxiety and dealing with the pain
I am so grateful that I have you all here on the TS Site – Thank you for being so awesome!!!
Happy Tuesday everyone - grateful that I did come here and write out my gratitude’s – sending much love :heart:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day while following his will and abstaining from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I got to have lunch and a visit with my parents today. I’m grateful I get to attend work in the morning. I’m grateful that I went to three meetings and volleyball today. I’m grateful my days off can be filled with activities like this. I’m grateful that after volleyball my friends and I sat in the shade on the church lawn and just chatted while we cooled down and caught our breathe. It’s hard to play volleyball with only three of us. I’m grateful I saw my sponsor and made plans for Saturday to start step ten after our, roughly monthly mens breakfast. I’m grateful I got groceries this afternoon for myself and took some money and a list from a neighbor who just got out of the hospital and couldn’t go herself. I’m grateful I got to volleyball early and sat on the church lawn and meditated, it was beautiful. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful to read about lots of milestones.

May our higher powers remove our defects.

p.s. If you worked your recovery today give yourself a hand. Ya you!!


I’m grateful to be putting out some gratitude at the end of this day… way better than putting back a glass (or 19) o’ jet fuel…

Some matters today had me super displeased. Like, f-bomb-dropping, finger-pointing, name-calling displeased. I’m grateful I did all that in the privacy of the dog girl’s and my home. (She took my side, just sayin’…) I’m grateful I can learn to deal with situations and peoples’ actions, even firmly when needed, instead of freaking out on the people and becoming a not-so-stellar person myself. Better, anyway…

I’m grateful all of the above didn’t derail my evening. I got behind on work, sure, dealing with the shit-fest. But I think I used to be addicted to stress, and I’m grateful I can learn to deal with that too. I’m grateful for the sunny evening, my walk with the dog girl, the tasty salad rolls I made, the call with a pal.

And for bedtime. Regular, sober, bedtimes.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

I’m grateful to see @I.cant.We.can’s mug! and his other mug, lol! Belated congrats on the job, friend.
Yep, one big “life test” today, hey @Chiron? That Board is damn lucky to have you - as lucky as we are. :smile:
I’m grateful @Nowenbrace mentioned that book. Sounds like one for the list!


Aww thank you. Im grateful for that right now!


Grateful for
114 D AF
Grateful for this​:arrow_right: meditation will take you from sex to love to prayer :pray:
Grateful for rational down to earth motorcycle gurus , think I found one :+1::+1:
Grateful to be sober regarding riding two wheels and seeing promises :tada::tada:
Grateful for progress not perfection and helping newcomers who still suffer.
My craving today was moderately difficult so Im glad for support group tommow w sponsor
Grateful for move a muscle change a thought
And what people say is their Karma
& Rejoice in our daily routines and basic goodness