Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Like me and my huge smile when I read your words on this thread! Backflips o’ glee!

Seriously, I always love to hear/read from you. If I could jump out of this post and hug you, I would. (Hoping you’re a hugger, as I write this… :joy:)

Grateful for you. :orange_heart:







Are you out of harms way? I caught a glimpse of your map somewhere but now I can’t find it.


I’m grateful for all of you here, your kind words and warm welcome.

I’m grateful to wake up before my 5am alarm and have time to post before going to work.

I’m grateful I’m not allergic to bees after getting stung in the shoulder. It flew into my long hair and couldn’t get out. After a vigorous head shake while it was frantically buzzing, it was finally free to sting me. Not the bees fault though. Our world’s happen to colide unexpectedly. I’m grateful I was at home and able to ice it right away. Grateful the swelling and pain have gone down overnight.

I had an extremely busy day at work yesterday but I’m grateful I get to go to work. I’m grateful I was able to stop what I was doing and come to the aid of 2 new teammates. I’m grateful they (and my boss) take advantage of the knowledge and experience I have to offer.

I’m grateful my daughter is able to keep herself busy during the day while I’m at work. I’m grateful she knows how to use the microwave and nourishes her body with yummy food we leave her. I’m grateful she’s responsible and calls me for every little thing including the annoying beep from a dead battery in the smoke detector. I’m grateful she enjoys walking the dog when we’re not home. I’m sure he’s grateful too. After their walk, she puts him on this big swing with her, in the backyard next to the lake, and they enjoy nature together. Watching the birds, turtles and fish.

Have a great day all my fellow gratidudes and gratidudettes.

Aww! You’re too sweet @M-be-free49. You gave me a big smile. Yes, I am a hugger!


I’m grateful that even though I woke up at 4 a.m. (2 hours before the alarm) I woke up welcoming sobriety day 907!! Not because I went to bed drunk and slept poorly. Actually, the dog howled in his sleep and woke me. Then I was worried about him. He’s fine.

I’m grateful @Dazercat shared an article about Anxiety and Gratitude. Goooood stuff.

I’m grateful that today I plan on turning worries into actionable items. Example - realizing some paperwork should hsve been done BEFORE I got married in July. Huge life insurance policy going 50/50 to husband’s daughters. Ummmm…no to that. It will take at least $25,000 to get this house cleared out (I married a semi-hoarder) and ready for sale. Not a very romantic notion for a newlywed. But, I’m 63 snd practical and it is causing me worry. So today i find an estate planner and set up an appointment.

Hmmmm…I guess that counts as gratitude?

Good morning sober friends.


I like this and relate! I had a rough summer medically…and so unexpected. Over the hump. C’mon fall!! Vroom!!


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
1y 3m 28d free from weed and alcohol
28d free from all unhealthy* addictions…what can i say i have an addicts mind?!
A workday to hopefully catchup
My mom can watch Boscoe
Boscoe loves playing with my moms pups
Hubby and i had quality time yesterday
Feeling supported
A fricken clean house…taking bets on how long this lasts…
Survived monday
Got a workout in
Modifying my meals and not giving up on my weightloss journey after a setback
My planner mind
Countdown to coasta rica 5 months!

Much love to my peeps


Awe love I totally get being tired of shedding tears for something that is gone and devoting so much brain / heart space to what you want to be rid of.
I know they say time heals all wounds and for me I thought this was bs cause I was still hurting strongly after 5 years of ending a 13 year relationship. But you know what – one day I found I was hurting less and then this started to be the pattern and I am shocked to say that yes time does heal all wounds. Now I can even think about my ex and not have pain or heartache associated with the memories.
You are doing great and I see that you do have some great “the ex can fuck off days”. Your wounds are healing my friend – they are just taking some time to make sure they heal properly and not just put a child size band-aid over your pain.


Today I am grateful I get to participate in a narcan training at work. Hopefully I will never need to use it but it is good to possess the knowledge to be able to help someone if necessary.


You do deserve all these blessings and more my friend. :people_hugging:
@soberbilly I do hope that you and your Mom stay safe Billy – looks like the hurricane is gaining strength. Just saw your update – smart to turn off the news as you just add to the anxiety. Stay safe and I do hope that the storm is a non event.
@cjp I believe it’s your 4 week vape free mark! Well done CJ – Its great that the cravings have gotten less. You are kicking ass and a great way to start of your new year in life addiction free – just a few days till your bday!
@hoss Hell yeah – sorry for being late but wanted to congratulate you on 1 week! Age is just a number and as long as we take care of this vessel we can do whatever we put our minds to.

HUH – this is clever and really made me think. Thank you Patricia – that picture was very peaceful to gaze at :smile
@lisa07 the imagery of the bee stuck in hair and the vigorous head shake was a bit of a chuckle – been watching way too many cartoons I guess (would’ve been a great skit) – I am very happy that you are not allergic and were able to get the swelling down.

Tuesday morning gratitude’s - HAPPY TUESDAY to all your beautiful souls
I am so grateful that the market is in Eric’s favor.
I am so grateful that Bombass brought so much joy to the thread!
I am so grateful the “be a curator of your life” quote. Wow – so much to take away from today’s gratitude’s
I am so grateful for energy! So blessed to have loads of it today!
Iam so grateful for my coffee- grateful that i can make it to my taste and strength level at home.
I am so grateful to see that my cc bill was much lower as i do not need to buy supplies and inventory for the bakery.
I am so grateful that i do still get the chance to bake and provide for the restaurant but it is on my schedule and not something i am obliged to do.
I am so grateful for my family. Had a lovely chat with my mother (where i was mostly crying) - left her house feeling lighter and heartache free. I love that she is so fucking amazing! I too think my mom is the best and my best friend and that there is nothing wrong with that - in fact it’s a blessing @Mia2 --I did enjoy your gratitude post :heart:
I am so grateful for the day already slipping away and i will make the absolute most of it today. Grateful that i have taken on the deliveries and catering drop off for today. I am grateful that it is beautiful and sunny out and not too hot or humid! I really will be a GOOD DAY!
I am so grateful for waking up with meditation on my mind. Grateful for incorporating prayer into everything i do. Grateful that i no longer feel shunned when i have someone in my car and i only listen to teachings to help me better connect with my HP
I am so grateful for showers and the clean feeling. Grateful that i am starting to have more enjoyable showers (that’s got to be healing right?)
I am so grateful that i did find my soap collection and hopefully soon i will be able to shower with all the amazing scents again.
I am so grateful for this group and all you beautiful souls! SO much love / comfort and compassion felt here on this site. I am grateful to be a part of this journey.
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day - sending much love to ALL :heart: :heart:


@M-be-free49 How beautiful. Actual celebrations of a life well-lived is so much better IMO than somber affairs of mourning. I am glad you found so much in in. Sounds like a great person!

@Mbwoman - OOF- Turn worries into actionable items! This has been on my mind a lot! I am glad I read that this morning.

This morning I am grateful for forum shenanigans and Bombass socks.

I am grateful for my 7am meeting with such an impactful message and sharing with as much vulnerability and honesty as possible in the moment.
I am grateful to recognize I have been spending more time thinking about what I don’t have than what I do. Lack of gratitude breeds a feeling of scarcity and I already feel that shifting by coming on here daily again.

I am grateful my future landlords agreed to waive the deposit for the time being. Now, I am only short a grand and not four. I am grateful that something is going to happen to make that OK, as I know I am meant to live there.

I am grateful to enter this day knowing that I can’t change yesterday, or even a moment ago. You can only aim at targets in the future, as soon as you take a step forward, what’s behind you is unmalleable.

Today, I will make my “worries actionable items.”

Much :heartpulse:


Thank you, I so appreciate your support :heart:


I got to put this plan in place on the way to work. I drove over a piece of metal and it is stuck under the frame of my car.

Actionable item: Call my husband.
Downside: He will ask me why I didn’t avoid it. Ummmm…I tried.

Stay tuned!


Sounds like a great day getting underway!!


Today I’m so grateful for:

  1. A glorious run in the woods, muddy, steamy and by some miracle not very buggy, yay!
  2. Day 8 people!!!
  3. My TLC & TS communities;
  4. My TLC book club meeting later;
  5. My dogs;
  6. My horse, honestly he’s the love of my life :heart:
  7. My health which allows me to enjoy my animals and running;
  8. Good food which keeps me energized;
  9. Good trail running shoes which keep me pretty dry;
  10. My little mushroom friend.

I hope you all have a great day.


I’m grateful I chalked up another sober day. Looking forward to doing it again today.
Grateful I can smell fall in the air.
Grateful for Pema Chodron and her amazing body of work.
Grateful also for Gil Fronsdal and his teachings from the Insight Meditation Center.
Grateful for the technology that allows me to access this wealth of inspiration and wisdom.
Grateful for all the wisdom and humor and genuine compassion I find here at TS every day.
Love to all this fine Tuesday!


Yes I am very grateful for BOMBAS socks.
I’m grateful for the laughs and to tell you the truth. I just spelled it wrong. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Kinda how I got the Ol Burner. :roll_eyes:

But, I really am grateful for BOMBAS socks, because when I buy a pair of socks they donate a pair to the homeless. If anyone is interested there’s a beautiful video on there website about how it all works. The homeless need socks more than any other item. I don’t buy my socks anywhere else. Plus they carry canoe size for my extra large feet. :canoe:

I’m grateful for this gang of gratidudes.
I’m grateful for my predawn walks with Benson. I wish I didn’t have to set the alarm for 4:40 though :grimacing:. I’m grateful for that hour to feed the gang and coffee for me.

I’m grateful I don’t play poker. People at the meeting that I haven’t seen for months could tell I was in a foul depressed mood yesterday and I barely shared. I’m grateful they talked to me after the meeting. I’m grateful I’ll see some of them at the meeting tonight.

I’m grateful this scary older gentleman at the meeting, whom I’ve gotten to love, him and his wife, asked me if I wanted to talk. Get coffee. Or BBQ. I’m not grateful I put up my defenses and shied away and let my trust issues take over. I’m grateful when I got to the car I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I’m grateful I teared up and thought. You know. I’ve been complaining to wifey that I got no one. Absolutely No One IRL, face to face, to talk to about what I’m going through watching my wife with this disease.
I’m grateful I then thought of Earl Hightower one of the speakers at one of my kids rehabs a long time ago.
“God’s up there tap dancing a mile a minute giving me exactly what I need!” Why aren’t I taking it?
I grateful I can admit I’m afraid. I’m grateful I can admit I don’t know how to do these things without my wife. I’m grateful to admit I don’t want to break down and cry in front of this guy. I’m grateful to know he’s been there. Currently with his son. I’m grateful I’m going to do my best to find the courage to tell him Fuck Ya!! I want to talk. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:. Please God give me strength :pray:t2:

I’m grateful wifey told me she’s taking the dry September challenge on her support app. It’s a support app for people that want to “cut down.” On their drinking. Ya, like that’s gonna work :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face: I’m grateful I can support her no matter what app she is using. I’m grateful she will at least have some kind of support on line. I’m grateful she wants to show me her app and how it works. I’m grateful they give you tasks when you log in. I’m grateful it’s something. I’m grateful I’m terrified. The last time she was going to take a 10 day challenge, I confidently told you guys I had no trouble believing she would succeed and I was happy about that. She didn’t make it past day 2. :cry: I’m grateful I know that’s fucking history. And I cannot predict what’s going to happen in September. I’m grateful the wife I know deep inside, can do it.

I’m grateful for my Al-Anon tools and I know my happiness cannot depend on whether or not the alcoholic in my life is drinking or not. But it’s fucking hard folks :disappointed_relieved: I feel like I’m watching this disease take her down further and further as it progresses. It’s like I’m sitting here watching her kill herself. Because it is. So, Al-Anon……excuse the fuck out of me if I’m not happy about that all the time. I’m grateful for Al-Anon and I’m not a miserable son of a bitch all the time. I slip up and I have Al-Anon relapses daily. And that’s ok. I don’t have to be perfect anymore. And I’m still sober and that makes me a bad ass.

OMG this must be a million lines long. WTF.
Thank you :pray:t2::heart::face_holding_back_tears:

I’m grateful I’m good.
I’m grateful for the strength I get here on our home thread.

I’m grateful to see a cat leg and cat ears hanging out of the 7 foot cat condo to lighten my spirits as I wrap this up.

“Love yourself a little extra right now. You’re evolving, learning, healing, growing, and discovering yourself all at once. It’s about to get magical for you.”
Idil Ahmed


Good morning. :sparkles:

Lisa, I was grateful to wake up to your gratitude this morning, and to read how independant your daughter has become. :heart:

Eric let me help you… do it for the old guy. Let him listen to you so he doesnt feel so alone, and he can heal too. :heart:

I am grateful for growth in my friends and their families. I am grateful for growth in myself and my family too.
