Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
1y3m30day no drinking or weed
30d no vaping
8m a healthier lifestyle
I woke up and worked out
I did extra laps to meet a calorie burn goal at the end of class
Tomorrows friday
My ladies aa mtg tonight
Information free to research online…no need for a card catalog
Learning in my new role
Weekend time with the hubby
Boscoes love
All of you and this amazing community.

I got you gratidudes


Follow up as promised. My husband removed the metal in approximately 3 seconds. Apparently I was pulling the wrong way. I may be sober, but my mechanical abilities may still be lacking.


I am grateful to be breathing, not deeply, not peacefully but on the right side of the grass breathing.

I am grateful to those who fight against bigotry and hatred.
I am grateful that 80% of the time I can let it roll off my back when random people call me horrible things. Today is hard. I am grateful for the chance to stand between the world and my son. I choose my hard.

I am grateful that gratitude on days like today is hard to reach but I live another day to make change, to try, to strive.

I am grateful for this and other communities I am in that offer support.


I am grateful for another day sober when seems very difficult for me lately


Today I am grateful for day 38 of my sobriety. I’ve been losing my motivation this week. I am trying to think of ways to get it back… Wish me luck


I am full of gratitude for my husband who has to deal with me during my early sobriety journey . Heck I wish I wasn’t with ME most of the time. I would like to share a poem I wrote…

It was a Sunday in July and I had no place to fly. I laid upon my bed, thinking I’d be better off dead. And then, only by chance I received an invite to dance. Since all I had left was hope, I behaved foolishly just like a dope. I stood alone on that corner, awaiting a stranger with not one single thought that I might be in danger
When he walked up to speak, my body trembled and my legs felt weak. Suddenly I heard music saw beauty felt love and thought to myself . Could this be a gift from above later amazed we had the most fantastic date I had no idea that I had found me my mate. It’s been eight years since that day, and now in his bed, I lay pondering the magic of love knowing for sure that this man Michael was a gift from above. It is true that all I had left was hope and I did behave foolishly just like a
Dope but by taking that chance I now have my whole future to dance.


Grateful for another sober day.
Grateful for observing the rise of the august super moon full moon over Lake Michigan last night. Beautiful, peaceful.


@lisa07 sending healing vibes your way Lisa – hope your baby girl is being treated well and will recover soon.
@cjp So is that 16 months is see of no drinking and weed and 1 month of vape? Loving them both CJ – you rock! Lovely milestones just 2 days before your birthday :blush:
@mbwoman thank you for the follow up – grateful that it was a easy fix and didn’t cause any damage
@earnit I’m grateful that you do have a supportive community. Very sorry that you even have to deal with any of it – shouldn’t have to let this roll off your back. We are here for you my friend. I do hope for a happier safer brighter day for you and yours.
@bomdhil grateful to keep seeing you trying and not giving up on yourself. I know you were looking towards prayer to help for your last stint of sobriety – maybe buckle down with your faith a little more? How about the meetings or sponsorships? You know we are not able to do this alone – we do need support in this journey.
@sasxoxo you are nearing the 40 day mark my friend – that is awesome! I find that when I am starting to question why I’m choosing sober or loosing momentum then I do a few things – a. I focus on all the reasons that got me here today (the drunken slurry conversations, the staggering, the hangovers, the health issues) b. I change up my routine for a few days and add a few fun things to do that let me experience getting up clear headed in the morning (a early morning hike, a early morning swim…etc) c. I listen to light happy music and a lot of comedy to uplift my mood. Find what works for you and give it your 100% - the main goal is to protect our sobriety at all costs.

Beautiful Lam – thanks for sharing. Believe me at the beginning of the sobriety journey I was such a mess and I knew how short my strings were – I could not control my outbursts, my crying fits and it drove me nuts. Honestly don’t know how my family dealt with it. Those who love us unconditionally will stand by us and support us as long as they see an honest effort. You are doing amazing with your 46 days! Keep it up.

Thursday morning gratitude’s
I am so grateful that i was able to go back to sleep this morning after waking up and developing a migraine. At least I didn’t wake up with one. Grateful that a few hours of extra sleep has helped tone it down.
I am so grateful to be enjoying a hot cup of coffee with cinnamon in it so i can also enjoy a chocolate chip cookie (counteracts the sugar).
I am so grateful that i have my new phone all set up and now the fun begins of figuring out how to use it. Grateful that my brother did install the screen protector for me as i am shit at doing this.
I am so grateful that my brother was in the same room with me and i did not break down and cry. He still has a stick up his ass and won’t talk but whatever. I have to get over it and stop letting this get to me.
I am so grateful that my favorite time of year is here and i feel the cooler weather that everyone has been talking about - such a relief. I am so grateful that my beautiful mom and I were able to go for a 1/2 hour walk yesterday around the neighborhood. At first i was disappointed for not being able to continue walking but then grateful that i was able to walk at all.
I am so grateful that my brother did text us all to remind us of the super moon which i was able to see but unfortunately not get great pics. Grateful that my fellow sober companions did get some great pictures that i can cherish.
I am so grateful that i am awake and alive. Breathing clean air and not having trouble with it. Not waking up with a dry nasty throat craving for cig and a shot. Grateful for clear headed decision making.
I am so grateful that with all of you I don’t think i will ever feel alone. Grateful that we have each others backs here. Grateful when we can see the suffering in others and even without being familiar with the DOC care about the journey and empathize with the struggle.
I am so grateful for the season of change! Grateful that i will be able to witness the leaves turning color and dying off, the pace of life changing as school is back in session and students have returned to our University town, for the fall smells in the air).
I am so grateful for my shopping cart - i believe i will go for a grocery shopping trip today and get in a walk - 2 birds 1 stone :slight_smile:
I am so grateful for selfcare - i have neglected it feeling down (it stops now) - i will be spending time on myself- meditating / praying, doing gentle mindful body scans, slow outdoor walking, seated yoga and dry rubbing.
I am so grateful for you all - grateful each day to have found you and to have been so openly accepted. Grateful for healing and growing and having you all on my life journey with me.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful for my early morning walk with Benson. Blue moon. Sunrise. Bunnies. Gamble quail. And grateful I thought it appropriate to put on my full moon mantra chant.

I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella theory about the full moon and how it controls tides and seasons or whatever you said :kissing_heart: I’m grateful maybe the blue moon could be affecting my emotions and stresses theses days. And I feel like I got a lot of them. I’m grateful I feel I’m ok and handling things well. But it does seem like a lot. Because it is. I’m grateful for my world. I’m grateful the full moon mantra calmed me right the fuck down.

I’m grateful I’m washed, cleaned and ready to go meet my new doctor and I just need a new prescription and hopefully he has my records from the doctor who left the state.

I’m grateful I’ll try and make my meeting after. If I’m late I’m grateful I’m going anyway and being late isn’t going to bother me. This is HUGE by the way. I’m grateful I’m never late. I’m grateful it’s ok for me to be late. (Once and awhile.)

I’m grateful I was able to squeeze in some gratitude here with my friends.
Have a great sober day or the best the best you can. I’m grateful I/we just do our best.


“For my part, I am almost contented just now, and very thankful. Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever.”
Charlotte Brontë


Today i am soooo grateful :pray:
Grateful to God for protecting my son at his new school and for guiding me in my thoughts and actions, thru all the anxiety that Ive been feeling lately
Grateful to TS and for all the friends Ive made here
Grateful for the time today that I had for myself (since my son had his first day of school)
Grateful soooo very much for my recovery
Grateful for the cool rainy weather that we had today. It was such a joy to run errands in.
Grateful for the good nurses that we have caring for my son
Grateful for the other children that welcomed my son to the new school


@JazzyS thank you for the advice. I am going to try to find some fun sober things I can do this weekend to try to get myself out of this funk. I also forgot to add that I am grateful for the beautiful full moon last night. That did kind of uplift my spirits


My goodness - that is a beautiful pic. I really need to work on figuring out my phone camera.

Grateful that your spirits were uplifted :slight_smile:
Looking forward to hearing about your sober fun things for the weekend.


Way to go CJ :hugs:


Checking in very early morning with some gratitude.

I’m grateful I was able to get a doctor’s appointment for my baby girl for today, before the holiday weekend. They didn’t have any openings yesterday. I’m grateful she’s not getting any worse other than losing her voice.

I’m grateful I was able to help my niece last night after work. It was a 5 hour trip after working a 10 hour day. Grateful I have a good sense of direction. I lost cell service an hour an half before getting home on unfamiliar dark back roads. I’m grateful I only missed one turn going 3 miles out of the way. I’m grateful hubby didn’t panic too much when he couldn’t get a hold of me by text or call. At least he said he didn’t but the text messages that finally came thru said otherwise. I’m grateful he still cares enough to worry. I’m grateful he made a nice dinner for him and our daughter while I was out.

I’m grateful I’m up early to get to the office and accomplish some tasks before the doctor appointment. I’m grateful my boss is flexible and won’t blink an eye when I leave at 10am.

I’m grateful it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day.

I’m grateful for TS and all my gratidudes and gratidudettes. :two_hearts:


So grateful to see you here, Dana :heart:

Grateful to start my weekend choosing flowers to re-plant my modest but cozy backyard. Since we’re not moving, this is home improvement weekend.

Grateful I reached out to an old friend and had an amazing talk about self-discovery. Wow.

Grateful my kids are well and happy playing with friends.

Grateful for a burger I had for lunch - I had a good workout in the morning and the treat was appreciated on every bite!

Grateful for all of you. Have a great day, everyone!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
16 months
1 month!
My health, outside some achy joints
My family
Good sleep
Workin from home.
Birthday weekend
Hangin with my aa ladies i still feel like a youngun
Hot coffee
Knowing i need to up my meetings. This weekend i will take action

Peace and love my sober peeps


Happy Birthday weekend @Cjp - I hope you have some fun things to do! Congratulations on you days too!


Thanks @Sunflower1 not alot planned at the moment. Imma try to be spontaneous lol


Happy Birthday @Cjp! :birthday: :partying_face:
Another year of giving yourself the best gift of all…Sobriety!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Thanks @Lisa07 i love you guys