Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Today I am grateful for the insight app that I learned about from the daily meditation thread in this community. I am grateful that I saw a giant full rainbow yesterday and got an awesome picture of it. I am grateful that it is pouring rain outside right now with lots of thunder. I love this weather the only thing I’m missing is some lightning.



So happy to see your numbers going up! You are rocking sobriety - keep it up!


Happy Friday my sober friends!
I am so grateful for a lovely start to a beautiful day.
I am so grateful to be waking up feeling at peace with myself. I am grateful for feeling numb? i don’t know if that is the word but i am not feeling any symptoms to their full degree which is odd but hell i’m not complaining. Its a good numb and it is a natural numb so i’ll take it.
I am so grateful for starting my PT this afternoon. I am looking forward to learning new exercises that could be helpful.
I am so grateful for having another Fall like day - plan to make the most of it before the heat wave comes through. I am so grateful that my mom and I were able to do a walk again last night.
I am so grateful that i was able to roast veggies for dinner. Grateful for my portion control. It seems that my 90% liquid / raw diet has really helped me not overdo it.
I am so grateful that I am healing a bit everyday. My nails have never been this healthy - beautiful dark pink color with no white spots and no ridges. Waiting for the rest of me to catch up :wink:
I am so grateful my meditations and prayers - grateful for inner connections and finding inner peace - grateful for putting myself first and not feeling guilty about it!
I am so grateful for my family and this community - for the love and support received - for being non judgmental and caring - For showing me compassion and understanding.
I am so grateful for each and every day on this beautiful Earth. Grateful for my health and my clear mind.
Hope you all have a fantastic addiction free Friday - sending you all much love :heart: :heart:

Saw this and it just made my day - hope it does the same for you.


I’m grateful for my 3 Y 8 Mo of sobriety tomorrow and the fact that I don’t have to stick to my very ridged morning routine. I’m grateful if I miss a day of a reading or a devotional or just not get to something because I’m having fun doing something else. Then that’s ok. With that said, for my first couple of years or so I’m very grateful I did stick to a very ridged morning devotional, prayers, readings and gratitude routine. I’m grateful I feel a little more freeing in my sobriety.

I’m grateful for a beautiful 70 degree walk with Benson this morning. The rain and lightning and thunderstorms last night. The sunrise right out my back door. And just the cool wetness of the walk.

I’m grateful it’s September 1st. I think :thinking: I’m grateful for dry September, I think :thinking: I’m grateful I can support my wife with love and compassion one day at a time. Just for today. I’m grateful if she ends up sleeping all day and not doing shit. It’s ok. As long as her head hits the pillow sober tonight she’ll have a day 1.

I’m grateful I decided on a whim while she was napping yesterday afternoon to make a reservation at a really nice restaurant so she could get a really great glass of wine and enjoy it with her dinner. I’m grateful she only had 2. I’m grateful she didn’t go out falling down with a bang. I’m grateful deep down I just know she really wants this. I’m grateful I actually have hope without expectations. But I got a bit of hope.

I’m grateful I got my massage in a little bit. She said she cook me a hot dog or 2 for lunch. If not? That’s ok. I’m grateful I can take care of myself. I’m grateful I’m not doing any kitchen work today after my massage. I’m grateful I booked another nice dinner out tonight and grateful if she rather me cook so she can stay home instead I can be flexible. I’m grateful for all my recovery tools and hopefully know when to STFU and just listen, mirror and be compassionate towards her. I’m grateful she’s not a monster. She never was. She’s just caught in this terrible disease.

I’m grateful the buyers have their 3 inspections on the house today. I’m grateful they offered us almost asking price. It was a great offer. I’m grateful if they want to charge us for any repairs needed it won’t be a big deal for us on our end. I’m grateful it’s a sellers market for me in Flagstaff.

I’m grateful my meeting was awesome yesterday. I’m grateful I’m so not alone.

I’m grateful for all of you :hugs:

“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles.”
Wayne Dyer
I’m gonna believe my ass off :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m grateful for another sober day yesterday and looking forward to doing it again today.
I’m grateful for the local bakery that makes the most delicious sourdough bread ever!
I’m grateful for the fabulous lettuce I grow, just had some on my egg salad sandwich.
I’m grateful for September’s arrival.
As always, much gratitude for TS. Happy Friday, all!


Oh what a day. I’m grateful it’s fall, the lovely lazy sunshine, cool mornings, fresh air, cats sleeping in the sun. I’m grateful my comfort weather arrived :pray:
I’m grateful Missi was purring away on me, now the old boy cuddles on my chest, so sweet.

I’m grateful the organic re-certification of the farm went well. Who knows what will be next year. ODAAT.

I’m grateful I feel more stable now in the evening. Being on the farm, doing the paperwork and seeing what a chaos the ex still produces was hard. I really ask myself what the fuck is wrong with me that missing him still comes in waves. I want to close this chapter of my life, I need the energy that it consumes for other parts in my life. Being patient is hard for me. I’m grateful I’ll listen to a meditation before sleeping.

I’m grateful for new people in my life. I’m grateful for talks with chosen family. I’m grateful to share fun and sadness, burdens and happyness.

I’m grateful my codependent crying was just for me, no acting, no texting, only waiting that this feeling passes. It did pass :pray: I’m grateful I could take a nap afterwards, I was exhausted.
I’m grateful that bad days are more bearable compared to one year ago. I’m grateful for change. ODAAT :pray:


Oh love - absolutely nothing is wrong with you. You are doing amazingly well navigating through your heartache and the loss of your mom and being sober and just living life
Big hugs sweet friend. You are perfect just the way you are! The healing takes time- already you are giving your life ex less time than before.


Grateful for working again although causes me stress. I prefer work than iddle life


@JazzyS you know me very well. What a insightful person you are!!! That’s correct, I need more prayers and meetings!!!


we all need that support my friend - sending you strength!


It’s a beautiful sept Saturday morning here in Wisconsin. I’m grateful to be up early today to share my gratitude with this wonderful community.

I’m grateful for this coffee on my porch while the air is cool and the birds are all singing like mad.

I’m grateful to be sober while my summer is winding down and the new school year gets underway.

I’m grateful for a safe and loving home.

I’m grateful to have the resources to care for my family.

I’m grateful for a loving marriage.

I’m grateful for good health.

I’m grateful for reasonably good mental health.

I’m grateful I have a good job in a profession I love.

I’m grateful for my sobriety and all the peace and freedom that it has brought me.

I’m grateful for the relationship I Have with my brother who has 100 days sober today!

I’m grateful for the love I have with my sister.

I’m grateful for the love I have with my sons.

I’m grateful for the bounty from my garden.

I’m grateful for the company and love of my dogs. And probably the cat. :joy:

I’m grateful to have a 3 day weekend after the last few crazy weeks. We are planning to be very low key these days and enjoy some solitude after so much excitement in the last few weeks.

I’m grateful that AA has been such an excellent support for my brother.

I’m grateful to be alive and healthy and happy.

I wish you all peace.





Thanks @JazzyS

Good morning sober peeps,

Im greatful

Its my birthday and i feel younger than my age in most ways
Just celebrated 16 months free
Feel like im on the right path
Improved mental health
What a world of difference 16 months makes
Feeling good
Treating myself today
My gratitude practice
Your gratitude practice
This amazing community
Boscoe cuddles…poor hubbys had to sleep in the spare bed the last few nights bc Boscoe wouldnt move off his side of the bed
Hubby and i have some time together the next few days
I love my job even though the lack of strategy by leadership scares me
A long weekend and im not filled with dread on how to fill the time
Gonna take it easy this weekend

Love and kindness, my friends


Happy Birthday CJ!! :birthday: :heart:


Thanks!! @Starlight14 second sober belly button birthday and they get better each year!!


Happy Birthday CJ.
I’m so grateful to have you here and follow you most mornings on my gratitude. I’m grateful it’s very comforting to see you each day.


I’m grateful for day ones. Not mine :wink: but hers. I’m grateful, come to think of it, :thinking: I’m taking a day one today too. ODAAT :pray:t2::blush:

I’m grateful when she told me it’s just for September, I was able to accept that, and say “I’m just taking it ODAAT :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Unless you guys got a better idea :grimacing: :wink:

I’m grateful I laid out all my recovery books on the huge coffee table. Big Book. Al-Anon books. Courage To Change. NA Spiritual principles of the day. Told her how Al-Anon helps keep me sober. I’m grateful I never stepped in a “should.” I’m grateful I got in. Said my piece. And got out.

I’m grateful I want to help her so fucking much, but I know I got to, back the fuck up, and Let Go and Let God. I’m grateful I know we never do anything the same. ANYTHING! Not a damn thing! I’m grateful to think why would this be any different. I’m grateful to know my way’s not the only way. I’m grateful she does have her own support app. It’s not :100: abstinence but it is a support app. I’m grateful she paid for a coach on it.

I’m grateful it was cooler yesterday so I set my alarm for 5:15 am and got the Ol Burner out at 6:30 am instead of just before 6. I’ll be extremely grateful if this is a new trend.

I’m grateful we saw Bailey on our walk and they had an extra :poop: bag. I’m grateful I took 4 bags when we left the house. I’m grateful I knew he was done his business but I like to have a back up bag. :poop::poop::poop::poop:

I’m grateful we just got Alice’s fluids done and I’m back.
I’m grateful I really liked my new doc Thursday but since I’m moving :grimacing: I hope I don’t have to see him again. I’m grateful he’s booked for physicals until the end of January and I made an appointment anyway because it’s easier to cancel than to schedule one if I’m still here in January.

I’m grateful we got a plan for the day around Alice. Ya of course the cat. I’m grateful we can drop off a hard copy of her prescription because we are using a new vet and get it filled and of course go out to lunch. I’m grateful once we are established with the new vet and pharmacy we can go back to automatic refills or whatever the fuck they use to do.

I’m grateful I had a wonderful massage yesterday. And booked wifey a scalp massage for next Sunday while I’ll get one as well with another Sole Satisfaction treatment after. She hates massages but would love just a scalp massage. I’m grateful if she cancels I’m still going to mine.

I’m grateful it’s September.

“Don’t let negativity from yesterday dull the sparkle of today.”
Doreen Virtue


Thanks @Dazercat thanks for leading me to a daily gratitude practice!


Here’s hoping the wife finds the positive in a month or more of sobriety.


Happy happy birthday to you!!