Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I also love a long weekend with no worries about how to fill the time. Freedom!


Its today papa billy!

Feeling very special today

Greatful i dont feel my age


Thanks @LAB have a beautiful long free weekend!


Happy Birthday to you!!! I hope it is full of gratitude and honesty and people that you love. I hope Boscoe is inappropriately close to you right now begging for scritches.

Thanks for being here, you help a lot of people just by being you. :bouquet::birthday::gift::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


What a sweet thing to say! @TrustyBird i appreciate you


Happy Birthday @Cjp :birthday::four_leaf_clover:

Today I’m grateful for a beautiful autumn day. I’m grateful I enjoyed it. I’m grateful I even enjoyed doing chores in the cool morning breeze that aired the house. I’m grateful for nice neighbourhood talks. I’m grateful for my cats. I’m grateful I take it easy before I get overwhelmed. I’m grateful for a yummi, healthy meal I cooked. I’m grateful I napped. I’m grateful the weird dreams where not followed by emotional hamsterwheel today. I’m grateful I decided to postpone some work I thought about doing today. I’m grateful I’m not run out of energy, only tired from the day and that’s ok. ODAAT


Today I am grateful that I am on day 40 and that I get a three day weekend. I am also grateful for getting stuck in my car yesterday because it was raining so hard that I knew I would instantly get soaked. So I just sat in my car and watched and listened to the rain it was pretty cool.


Happy birthday hope you have a great day @Cjp


Happy bday!! :partying_face:


HAPPY 40 days my friend - absolutely crushing it! :muscle: :clap:


Thanks @erntedank where are you at where it feels like autumn??? Its hot as hell in the 90s here


Thanks gratidudes. Today has been the best! I even won free tickets to a theme park (Rollercoaster and water park). A radio show was doing a promo at the grocery store. All i wanted was a free tshirt. And spontaneously were driving 2hrs and going tomorrow!

@Sasxoxo @Nordique


Congratulations on your 40 days Sasxoxo :hugs:
Ya you!


I am grateful for the visit of my nephew


oh lovely - hope you have some good quality time together.
congrats on your 5 days


@JazzyS thanks Jasmine. He is almost 18 and he is still my little boy.


awe - thats so sweet Thomas - grateful that you have such a great bond with your nephew.


I’m grateful I’m about to go to bed sober, looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.
I’m grateful my husband likes to cook and he’s good at it.
I’m grateful for my two kitties. Undying devotion.
I’m grateful for the rain today,so we didn’t have to water the garden.
Good night everyone at TS. I’m grateful for you!


@Cjp Happy Birthday.

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I have been reading on here everyday to stay connected. I’m grateful I can accept that my posts take me a long time to draft and after reading all yours I sometimes don’t have the energy to write. I’m grateful I pray, meditate, read a bunch of recovery literature and attend a meeting, pretty much daily.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re amazing. Ya you!!


Mid morning gratitude.

Thank you so much @Soberbilly Your posts are helpful and encouraging for me :pray: I’m always doing better after a meditation, may it be only a short breathing meditation, as I feel the feelings flow then. What exhausts me is that these mixed feelings tend to check in at the hamsterwheel in my heart and brain so I literally have to dig them out to pass. I feel the tension in my body coming along with strong feelings so I work on staying in moderate moods. It is already way better than a year ago, still a lot of work and a long way to go until I’ll feel comfortable within myself again. I love the buddhist wisdom you share , thank you :pray:

@Cjp I’m in Austria, we are lucky and happy that autumn arrived here after the last heatwave :pray:

I’m grateful the first mowing in autumn was done this week. I’m grateful the professionals I hired are reliable and affordable. Now the gardens look neat again. Still waiting on the farm for cutting of the grassland, I have to urge it next week.

I’m grateful I fell asleep again after an early, wonderful shower. Fresh linen and cuddly cats are a perfect spot to be when it’s still dark outside. I’m not grateful for the horrible nightmare I had. I woke up totally shattered, crying, panicing. Missi and the old boy were sleeping peacefully on me. I’m grateful for the calm and peace my cats bring to my soul.

I’m grateful I distracted myself in bed and most of the nightmarish feeling is gone after 1,5 hours. I’m grateful I feel able to get up now, still emotionally exhausted :pray:

I’m grateful I can take it easy today when I feel like it. I’m grateful I am kind to myself, I feel vulnerable and insecure. I hope this is not some sort of self-sabotage my mind is tricking me in because I want to spend the beautiful fall weeks on the farm. I’m grateful for awareness and mindfulness :pray::sunflower: