Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Today I’m grateful:

  1. I slept well last night and am awake bright and early, sipping coffee in bed and catching up here.
  2. This space, I love reading the encouragement of others and I appreciate it when I receive it.
  3. Day 13 today, I’m so excited about that!
  4. My knee is improving so back to running.
  5. My health and safety.
  6. My animal friends.
  7. TLC meetings, that community is working for me big time.
  8. My sober friends who I can reach out to, especially the one who likes to talk on the phone :grin:, I’m hoping she’ll have time today.
  9. My wife, our relationship is on shifting ground these days but I am grateful for her.
  10. Mother Nature, I am so at peace when I simply sit outside and meditate, or watch and listen to wildlife.

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety!
1y4m2d free from weed and alcohol
33d free from vaping
Well todays the day this regimented person goes on a spontaneous 1 day trip
Slept ok
Hubby treats me well
Early morning Boscoe cuddles
Positive change on the scale this week
My folks
A blessed life
Positive perspective
Stable mental health
A full heart
A safe car
Fresh water
Good tennis shoes
Hot coffee

Much love to my gratitudes from all around the world and all walks of life


I’m grateful to be apart of this awesome community.

I’m grateful the doctor ordered a chest xray for my daughter. I’m grateful the radiology center accepted walk ins and immediately sent the results back to the dr. She has pneumonia and I’m grateful she’s on the right medication to kick this out of her. I’m grateful it’s only bacterial and can be treated at home. I’m grateful the doctor ordered blood work to make sure there’s nothing more happening.

I’m grateful we had 30+ ladies show at the meeting last night. I’m grateful I decided to take over the 3 month leader commitment at that meeting. I’m grateful service helps keep me sober. I’m grateful for the nice dinner out with the ladies from that meeting.

I’m grateful Eric’s wife is giving dry September a go. I’m grateful he can live by example and leave tools around the house.

I’m grateful for the day off from work. I’m grateful hubby and I are going to the diner for a late breakfast. I’m not a breakfast person but I’m grateful for the time we can spend together while our daughter sleeps in and gets the rest she needs to heal.


I’m grateful we’re all sitting outside on the deck before it gets too hot.
I’m grateful my headache is gone.
I’m grateful for Tylonol and coffee. Not necessarily in that order. :kissing_heart:
I’m grateful I know once I get moving or walking Benson in the morning I will feel better. I’m grateful I was doing the Green Tara Mantra without even thinking about it.

I’m grateful Billy suggested the Free Yourself From Blame And Resentment course on Insight timer. I’m grateful I’m still on day 1.
I’m grateful I applied some of it already this morning on my walk. I’m grateful I said good morning to a neighbor I despise. I’m grateful I don’t want to be in that prison of hate anymore. I’m grateful it feels freeing and much easier to say good morning than put my head down like in The Handmaids Tale and try to ignore the shit out of them. I’m grateful it makes me think of my niece when she said, uncle, “I just ran out of hate.” Pertaining to the way her mother and father totally abandoned her as a child.

I’m grateful we had a nice lunch out yesterday at one of our favorite restaurants.
I’m grateful the dinner recipe I found on line, that I cooked, came out pretty pretty good.

I’m grateful I dropped off some gently used pet supplies and food and snacks and beds, at this ladies animal rescue at her home in the middle of nowhere Arizona. I’m grateful she was so happy to tell me how they can use this, how they can use that……etc……. I’m grateful for all the mountains and endless clouds I saw on my way to find her. I’m grateful I didn’t get lost. That she insisted I follow her directions not my gps.

I’m grateful it’s a beautiful morning to spend on my deck.
I’m grateful we saw Bailey again on our walk.
I’m grateful my son texted me so excited about Colorado beating TCU yesterday and he thinks he’s got a team he likes to get into the college football scene. I’m grateful I’ll check out his team and stick with my Nittany Lions.

I’m grateful I can here the birdsong.
I’m grateful to feel rested and recovered from a grueling 2 or 3 weeks with my move and all.
Grateful for my health.
Grateful for my fruit.
Grateful for you :hugs:

“Change your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly.”
Tony Robbins


Wow I have 1000 posts to catch up on! Time has been flying since starting my new job.
Grateful I can come here anytime. I’ve been in a funk and it’s probably due to me falling out of my gratitude practice. Grateful for this 3 day weekend! Grateful I have a hot balloon festival to look forward to tonight. Grateful I’m finally recovering from an almost 3 week cold now. Grateful I get to work around kids, hoping my immune system can get stronger. Grateful for the gratitude thread and all the grateful folks here.
Have a great Sunday friends! Will see if I can catch up this week. 🩷


Evening gratitude.
I’m grateful I did a 30 min. walk and move meditation on my yoga mat. I’m deeply grateful it cleared my mind and I was able to let go of all the feelings bothering me. I’m grateful another episode of heavy heartbreak feelings paired with pitty party also passed in the afternoon. I don’t like these emotional storms, I appreciate the calm, friendly, kind mood.

I’m grateful for cooking a healthy nice meal, for reading, watching TV, napping, snuggling cats, texting and a call with a friend.
I’m grateful for my cozy house, for fresh laundry, a clean kitchen and early to bed. I pray for a night without nightmares :pray: ODAAT


Grateful for the new meditation instructor I found on an app that was suggested to me on another thread in this community. Grateful for this community and for all of you who share your daily gratitude and those of you that have interacted with me and shared words of wisdom and encouragement. I really appreciate it. @JazzyS @Soberbilly @Dazercat and anyone else who is did not tag.


My attitude should be gratitude, I am grateful that the sobriety challenges I must endure can be overcome and still stay close to my husband as life moves forward


Gratitude for worship God in His Church and passed good time with some friends


I can’t believe I almost didn’t go! Man, I just needed to get out of my damn negative head. Maybe I am cured now. Grateful for hot air balloons!


I love it here… the back and forth banter, the raw and honest shares, the thousands of posts made. I am grateful to have found this app as I was searching for the courage to stop using. I tried a couple times, I started a couple of counters… I think it was in about Aug of 2019 that I was trying to start shutting it down. It took until the end of Dec to finally let go.
I am grateful that eventually happened.
I am grateful for my final attempt.

I got so fucking sick of trying to stop and not being able to do it over those final 4 months that I got mad. I was desperate and fucking angry, I wanted my life back and I was willing to do anything to get that.

I am grateful for the gift of desperation.
I am grateful for tenacity.

I am grateful for the therapeutic value of one addict helping another, and how that can look so many different ways.

I am grateful for the NA stepworking guide, and how it gracefully guides addicts through painful memories into healing.

I am grateful that I get to be a witness to this, often. I am blessed.

:pray: :sparkles: :white_heart:


I am grateful for friends and family. I am grateful I learn to let go of things, that are not mine to fix. I am grateful I enjoy my job again and I can see the value in it. I am grateful it is not the center of my life anymore. I am grateful for my friends kids - they make me laugh and let me be just silly me without judgement. I am grateful for the splendor of nature. And David Attenborough :smiley:


I’m grateful the sun is shining this morning.
I’m grateful that I’m stubborn and I’m trying again (with this gratitude list - I’m not good in this but I know it’s good for me).
I’m grateful no one in my family is hungry.
I’m grateful I found good home for Luna’s babies.
I’m grateful for this app.


Today im greatful for finding inspiration, motivation and positivity in unlikely seeming places just by chance. Nerd alert. Ive been watching the clone wars all the way through and noticed the beginning quotes before each episode have some gems in there. Just another reason i love the star wars universe lol


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
Hubbys sobriety
We are young and spry per hubby
Our trip has been safe and fun
A sunburn that doesnt hurt too much
Hotel coffee
An early bedtime
My feet feel rested…lots o walking yesterday
Dont have to make the drive back hungover and grumpy
My loving husband
We get to go pick up our son in a few hours
I can still ride scary rollercoasters
Under our budget
Made it thru my 1st roadtrip without vaping!!!
All of you!

Much love peeps


Good morning everyone. I’m grateful today for a solid night’s sleep last night.
Grateful for the beautiful and inspiring stories I have read here at TS. Thanks to all who are willing to share.


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for cooler weather and long walks. I’m grateful for recovery podcasts and AA talks on YouTube while I’m walking. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful I’m even jogging some while I walk now. I’m grateful that the person who unknowingly pushed me to become sober posted her 6 year soberversay on Facebook. I’m grateful I logged in and saw it- I almost never check Facebook because it’s not good for me. I’m grateful I felt moved to message her and let her know that her simple post 3 years ago reached me and gave me the hope I needed to get sober myself. I’m grateful for the good weekend I’ve had, a good mix of projects and chores and relaxation. I’m grateful for my family and friends, for love and forgiveness and gratitude :heart:


Good morning G-dudes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for my later 6:30 am walk with Benson.
I’m grateful for @BrOKenWolf share today. It really touched my heart. It made me think a lot on my walk this morning. I’m grateful it’s going to give me more compassion towards others. I just cannot have any idea what other people might be struggling with at any given moment. Even my wife of 40 years. Thank you again for sharing. :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for The Two Wings Of A Forgiving Heart… Day 2, again :blush: of the course Free Yourself From Blame And Resentment.

I’m grateful for all the bunnies on our walk. I’m grateful they freeze and think they blend in and we walk so close by to them. Of course they only move when I stop for a photo op.

I’m grateful for my illy coffee Brasile blend beans. I’m grateful I got 4 different tins of beans I am rotating and enjoying, instead of finishing one before I open another. I’m grateful to tell you the truth, that they all taste like coffee to me. :grinning: :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

I’m grateful my wife listened to chapter 3 of the big book audio. She hated it!! :scream: I’m grateful my feelings were only hurt for a couple of seconds. I’m grateful I realized right away not everyone has to like my recovery suggestions. And I’m really grateful she did actually listen to it. I’m grateful it works for me.

I’m grateful I’m able to really sit and listen, without judgement, to her recovery program when she’s willing to share. She’s shared some stuff that really makes sense. I’m grateful she’s hated the first 2 books about recovery and self help that were recommended to her, and she found a 3rd book she likes and can relate to.

I’m grateful I have learned my happiness cannot depend on whether or not the alcoholic in my life is drinking. But I’m grateful the last 3 days have been fucking awesome :star_struck: I’m grateful when she still says her goal right now is dry September and that’s it; I can accept it. I’m grateful I will live ODAAT and enjoy what I got right now. I’m grateful I will continue my recovery. Both my recoveries, whether the alcoholic is drinking or not. I’m grateful for my meetings here in Scottsdale.

I’m grateful I asked someone about leading some of the larger meetings, and that they don’t have calendars to sign up on. I’m grateful she said just sit where the book binder is. I’m grateful to learn different things at different meetings. And I’m grateful to know I’m good enough and can lead at some of these big ones too. I’m grateful, it seems to me, most of the people in these large groups have way more recovery than I. I’m grateful I’m not intimidated by that anymore. I’m grateful I know I probably have more recovery than others too. I’m grateful it doesn’t really matter. It’s not a contest.

I’m grateful Alice just jumped up on my lap and is forcing a purring snuggle :heart_eyes_cat: telling me to wrap it up.


Not sure how but i missed your 44 months of being awesome and sober celebration!

You are an inspiration Eric - keep being your amazing self!

Thought you could use a little CW in your life right now :wink:

giphy (1)


I’m always grateful for more CW.
Thank you. I haven’t counted in months for awhile. Thanks for the reminder of how awesome I am :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses:
I hope your math is correct.