Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

You’re welcome Eric! :heart::muscle:t3:


I’m struggling to find gratitude today but it’s days like today that it’s important I dig deep. I’ve posted before that “my worst day in sobriety is better than my best day in active addiction” but I don’t know if I actually believe it. Anyway, here I go.

I’m grateful for my sobriety and another hangover free morning.

I’m grateful the weather is decent and I’ll take my daughter to the pool. She’s not feeling well but today is the last day, and she wants to say goodbye to some friends she made there. I’m grateful she has an outgoing personality (unlike her mom) and can talk to anyone anywhere.

I’m grateful my sobriety has given me my voice back. I’m grateful I can defend myself when verbally attacked. I’m grateful I have choices and no longer choose to engage with people who are mean. I’m grateful for my independence. I’m grateful I can care for my daughter as a single parent if needed.

I’m grateful I was able to replace my break light on my own. It was only a month ago I had to replace my headlight. I’m grateful I stopped relying on others and rely on YouTube videos instead.

That’s all the gratitude I can muster up for now. Hopefully, I’ll come back later tonight with more gratitude.


Grateful that even though I have had an extremely frustrating weekend and did not receive my paycheck like I was supposed on Friday. I have been able to remain calm and stay on track all weekend. Can’t wait to go in to work tomorrow and find out what the heck is going on. Greatful for 42 days sober!


@lab so grateful that your brother is doing so well with his recovery – 100+ days is amazing. Hope you all are having a laid back 3 day weekend.
@dazercat grateful that wifey is giving this month an honest shot at being dry. Grateful that she has you and your resources handy if she should need. Grateful that she does have an app for support as well. Love that you are switching it up between the coffee beans – try mixing them up for your own blend :thinking: Grateful wifey found a book that she can relate to – like you said – this journey is different for everyone (not a one size fits all kinda thing).

Grateful for you Brian – love seeing you so active in your recovery (even if you can’t post here – your presence is felt). Grateful to see all the positive changes in your life both mentally and physically
@hoss congrats on your 2 weeks of sobriety my friend!
@lisa07 grateful that your daughter is getting treated and hoping that she is feeling 100% better soon. Oh love – I totally get it – it’s been hard for me to muster gratitude for a few days. I have found that I still practice in my head even if I can’t write it all down. I do hope you know we are here for you if you want to talk out what is causing the funk. Grateful that you did come on the thread today :pray:

:pray: Thank you! This made me cry and brought me joy to know that I too can release all the hate / angry feelings in my heart.
@clarity I am so happy that you are enjoying your job and having fun with the kids – yeah, I;m sure you will build a good strong immune system lol. Is that your daughter? She is so adorable – that smile lightened my heart! Glad you did go and had a blast!.
@its_me_stella so grateful to be on this journey with you. Grateful for your shares and grateful that you did find and stick with this app. It truly is GOLD. Congrats on your 44+ months of sobriety. You are absolutely crushing it!
@cjp congrats on your first vape free road trip. Grateful for your spontaneity. Young and spry indeed! :wink:
@sasxoxo grateful that you did not let the frustrations of this weekend slow you down. Still kicking ass and living life on life’s terms. I do hope everything goes smoothly at work tomorrow.


Today I’m grateful for a productive day. I’m grateful I slept solid 8 hours without nightmares. I’m grateful I got up with the alarm and started doing. Officework, laundry, chores, calls, errands, giving the cats a bum-cut as they were lingering on the desk all morning, they look close-cropped again👍 Toilet issue prevention.

I’m grateful for yummi leftovers. I’m grateful for moderate temperatures, sunshine and a light breeze :blush:
I’m grateful a friend is feeling better. I’m grateful the man I met and me are still texting, it’s nice. I’m grateful the big red furball accompanied me all afternoon, so much purring love.

I’m grateful things start to evolve at last. Babysteps, an appointment here, a notice there are signs that my life is moving forward. I’m grateful for some little steps today, they lead to more steps and some day everything will fall into place. I’m grateful for all people who remind me to be patient, to let go and to work on the things I can change, at my pace, with the amount of energy I can afford without falling back into exhaustion. I’m grateful meditations and affirmations help my mind and soul.
I’m grateful I’m tired, my cozy bed is waiting for me and I will enjoy a nice, warm shower to close the day :pray: ODAAT


Thx for the shout out Brian :wave:
I’m inspired by your efforts and dedication of service, (where do you find the time?)
I’m still on the sober path and finding comfort in my own skin.
Interest in relax time to seek Truth and not run from my life as before , yay.
I’m glad for you , things working out with your job.
Keep smiling friend, have a great week :pray::pray::pray::heart::heart::heart:


I am grateful for all the pain and the struggle. Honestly. Thank you Lord! I learned a lot from suffering


I’m grateful for this quiet, full, indulgent long weekend I’ve had. Rested after a longgg work week. I’m behind on here, but am grateful I will catch up slowly over the next few nights as I nod off to sweet sober slumber! :smile:

It was smoky here again for most of it. Smoky and hot. I’m grateful it cleared today and I saw blue sky. And that the chill of fall was in the air. I’m ready.

I’m grateful I showed up to my desk this weekend. Almost a year since I returned to independent consulting, and then with buying land - both are good and exciting, and have generously amplified all things paperwork. Grateful for the presence of mind to tend to it.

Grateful for goofing off too! Sober style. It used to be that when I was not “on” (at work, at desk, etc.) then I was “off” - which usually meant with a drink in hand or knowing when the next would be. Grateful those days are done. Grateful they hold no appeal. Grateful I can keep working my recovery so that they continue to hold no appeal. Grateful I would not be where I am without my recovery.

I’m grateful for coconut pineapple popsicle thingies. Omg.

I’m grateful for all of you. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Belated happiest bday and huge congrats on over one month no vape @Cjp!


I’m grateful you were spared from the hurricane!

I’m grateful for you and grateful for this post - it made my day back a few days ago!

This site is a gem. And you Gratidudes are gems. I got the big busy last week, but just knowing the home thread is open makes the difference…

I gotta ask - you mention transitioning to refuge recovery from recovery dharma, but where I am we only have recovery dharma - at least in person (and online). Not sure how different they are? but I’m just grateful we all have a sangha, home group, home thread, or somewhere we feel we belong. :pray:

But if you’re ever leading an online meeting, and I think you do?, I’d be so grateful to crash it! :joy: :orange_heart:


Grateful to he going to bed clean. So grateful for a busy, productive, exciting holiday weekend with my family. Grateful to have listened to my sponsor and went to the zoom meeting she sent me to. My meeting attendance has been low this week because of the
overtime ive been blessed with, and i was feeling raw and anxious, i am grateful to have fought through the pointless anxiety that came from who knows where and didnt revert to my soboxone to change how i was feeling. Thats not an option anymore, so grateful to not only have the tools to deal with it but the WILLINGNESS to use them.
Grateful to be able to fight my way back to the truly grateful state i just enjoy being in. Grateful, grateful, grateful. What miracles we live everyday.


Oh its on. Ill be there Billy!!


Pain + Non Acceptance = Suffering

I am grateful that the simple truth stated above stuck in my head somehow. I had completely lost my mind and my self injuring was the only thing keeping me alive. When I started my 28 week IOP I could barely form a sentence let alone retain much information. I retained that formula above. It was simple, and it made sense to me even in the depths of my madness. I am grateful for DBT, and the way Buddhist teachings are woven through it. Hell, I am even grateful I was diagnosed with BPD so that I was top of the line for that amazing type of therapy. Grateful my BPD is in remission, hopeful it stays that way.

Eventually it became obvious to me that I was the cause of all my own suffering. Sure people had hurt me, caused me pain, but the suffering… that was on me. I am grateful for the change in perspective because by seeing this truth I suddenly was given the power to end it all. I am grateful that I learned early on that I am powerless over people, places and things. I am grateful that my own suffering was caused by myself.

I am grateful that I get to feel the whole spectrum of feelings today and interestingly enough I dont mind them at all!!! I am grateful for impermenance and tolerance.

I am grateful for love.


Thank You !!! @Soberbilly, that made my day. Confirms that I am on the right path. For real, THANK YOU. Its the little things you know, It has been a hard day for me today, but I am thankful to go through this SOBER. I am grateful for being alive. For the strength my higher power gives me to keep on fighting no matter how many times I fall. I am so thankful that I randomly cry because I am so blessed beyond measure, even in my certain circumstances I can smile and have peace in my heart. I am grateful I found a sponsor who is so perfect. I am grateful for the power of surrendering. For all things working out together for my good. I am grateful for my children, for there unconditional love. I am grateful that they are still little and I still have time to get my shit together before they get older and can begin to resent me or worst hate me and not want to talk to me. I can not imagine how I would be able to overcome that. I am grateful for AA, CR and TS. Stay Blessed, Peace and Love.


Thank you for the background and the link Billy. I have book marked it and hope to try out on Monday:pray:


I’m grateful for TS and all those who have supported me over the years. I’m grateful I don’t have to do this alone.

I’m grateful I can actually feel emotions now. I’m grateful I was able to breakdown my feeling of anger and identify it was actually sadness and hurt. I’m grateful I can sit in those feelings and truly feel them, tears and all. My daughter has never seen me cry and yesterday she looked at me and said "mommy are you crying?’ My first reaction was “no honey, the sun is causing my eyes to water”. I quickly realized there’s no shame in feeling sad and honesty is a huge part of my program. I then said “you know what honey, that’s a lie, mommy is sad but it’s nothing you did or can do to make it better.”

I’m grateful for waking up with an emotional hangover rather than an alcohol hangover. Emotional hangovers are no f**king joke. I’ve had mild ones in the past but this one hit me hard, where I wanted to stay in bed. I’m grateful I pulled myself together and got ready for work.

I’m grateful my daughter is feeling better but still not well enough to go to her day program. I’m grateful I could tuck her back into bed and tell her to rest the entire day. I’m grateful I can leave work early if she needs me. I’m grateful for the extra time I had to myself driving to work with nothing but my thoughts and prayers.

I’m grateful it’s against the law in my state to pump your own gas. I’m grateful I only had to do it once in my lifetime, about 10 years ago, well actually twice because the first time the pump shut off too soon and I had to stop again to finish filling it at the next rest stop. I never leave the state without a full tank, but it’s a nail biter getting back over the boarder before it runs out. My husband has always been with me on the longer trips. I’m sure I can do it I have to, there’s instructions on the pump, right? :joy:

I’m grateful for the topic at last night’s meeting “Attitude”. When I first started going to meetings, I was told to think of the AA acronym as “attitude adjustment” rather than “alcoholics anonymous”. It makes total sense to me and I need that reminder every now and then. I still need some work in that area, but it’s progress not perfection.

I’m grateful for a short work week. Anyway, digging deep for gratitude again, but I’m grateful “this too shall pass”.

Wishing all my gratidudes and gratidudettes a fabulous Tuesday! :blush:


Emotional hangovers are no F**king joke - you got that right. I’m sorry that you are experiencing a doozy of one. Grateful that you were able to be open and honest about it with your daughter.

i feel like i’ve been living in a hole - i was today days old when i found out we had a state which had such a law. :astonished: i am sure if you ever find yourself having to pump gas - a. you will be able to figure it out easily and b. someone will be around to assist if you need it.

glad your daughter is starting to feel better. :pray:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety,
492 days free
35 days extra free
Worked out this am even tho i didnt wanna
Sweet sunrise
Protein shakes
All of you


A glorious Tuesday morning to all you beautiful sober souls whom i consider my dearest friends :hugs: Yes -YOU!!! :heart:

I have been in a whoa is me state trying to deal with my symptoms and then the immense pain caused by my PT on Friday. I really did not want to deal with anything or anyone. I knew what i needed to do to alleviate my mood - pray, laugh, and get some fresh air. Yet - i couldn’t get myself to do any of it. I am so grateful that i did have this site and all of you here to keep me company. I am grateful that by engaging here i was able to temporarily forget about my shit.

TODAY I am so grateful to be alive. I am grateful for the breath in my lungs. I am so grateful that my limbs work and I am not dependent on anyone else. I am so grateful that I am healing a bit everyday (even when i can’t see or feel it). I am so grateful that its ok to cry as this shit does suck (no sugar coating it) but it could be a hell of a lot worse. I am so grateful that i have the knowledge and the accessibility for what can help heal me. I am so grateful for Mother Nature - such a bounty that She has provided.
I am so fucking unbelievably grateful for my mother! She has been a god sent angel.
I am so grateful that it seems that after 2 weeks of silence and cold shoulders - my brother is finally ready to talk (he’s been going through some shit and just shut down completely which was super rough on me emotionally).
I am so grateful that i am reaching out to my HP with love (i had closed myself off for a few days).
I am grateful to be Covid Negative - been having chills and sniffles and cough since early this morning… think its just lack of sleep
I am so grateful to have gratitude back in my heart. I did try for past few days and did always come up with the basics (grateful for food, clothing, roof over my head, family support and TS group) - Nothing beyond that to get me motivated for the day. Grateful to have the overflow of love flowing through me.
Grateful for all of you - thank you for being so open and true to yourselves here. Grateful to be a part of this Family.
Wishing that each and every one of you has a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful my direct deposit finally appeared in my account last night. I guess the holiday some how slowed it down. I am grateful for the extra day off and the short week. Grateful that I have found the motivation to start going on walks in the evening.


I’m grateful I had Alice on my lap for a good morning purr.
I’m grateful I got up at 5 before the alarm went off.
I’m grateful it was 69 degrees when we went out for our walk.
I’m grateful I got in a Pilates Reformer workout yesterday. I’m grateful and hopeful I’ll get out for another short walk after gratitude and Alice’s fluids.
I’m grateful I finally feel rested and ready. Not sure what for. But maybe ready to get back to exercising again besides just walking The Burner.
I’m grateful she made it through day 4. People on her app saying day 4 is the hardest. I’m grateful I can support her by continuing to listen to her. Really listen. And just ask how she’s doing.

I’m grateful the Holiday weekend is over. I got people to call. Places to go and things to get done.

I’m grateful our termite inspection came back negative. No signs of those bastards.
I’m grateful the home inspection came back mostly pretty pretty good. With most everything in workable acceptable order. As far as I can tell from that long drawn out boring report.
I’m grateful the grinder pump inspection is still happening and if there is an issue with that I don’t mind getting it fixed.

I’m grateful some of the houses I’ve seen in Cali on Zillow are still for sale. I’m grateful we’ll be there the end of this month and check out a few. I’m grateful I know how to let go of the ones I like now if they go under contract. I’m grateful I’m in no rush. But I also know me and we’ll probably be moved in by Halloween :ghost:

I’m grateful I read about The Al-Anon Concepts. Concept 2 yesterday afternoon before my meeting. Trying to be prepared :sleepy: :yawning_face: :sleeping: I’m grateful that reading got me a good nap before my meeting. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I woke up and didn’t want to go to a boring meeting on concept 2. I’m grateful I dragged my ass in there anyway. I’m grateful to trust the process. I’m grateful there were 2 new people there at the meeting and the chair person suggest we do a step 1 meeting. I’m grateful it was probably one of the best meetings I’ve ever been to. I’m grateful all I got to do is get my ass in a seat and see what happens.

I’m grateful I read this this morning in my book.
at each subsequent stage of recovery, our job is to do only what we can do. Sometimes that means bringing the body to a meeting and hoping the mind will follow. By acting on our willingness, we make room for a Power greater than ourselves to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We need only open the door to let the healing begin.
How Al-Anon Works.
Chapter 15.
Keep Coming Back

I’m grateful when I read about me doing the thing I did yesterday. I’m grateful it makes me proud of myself.

I’m grateful for y’all.

I’m grateful for Al-Anon