Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Today I’m grateful for…
TS, I’m well on my way and fully committed to sobriety,thanks to the boost I needed and got here.
My husband, who has had to step up and handle some of the daily chores I’ve done, due to a kitchen accident that has rendered me unable to do anything requiring two hands🙌
Not only is he a good cook, he’s a retired emergency department nurse, so I’m in good hands.
Speaking of hands, I’m grateful for them both. And fingers…fingers are awesome! Still have all ten, just mangled two of them…:metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:


I am grateful for 45 days sober. Feels great


@bootz So grateful that you are safe and not lying somewhere electrocuted. I get the feeling like you live off the grid in a remote location – is it possible to at least call/ text someone prior to attempting projects so that they can check in with you or come by if needed? I had to adopt that system when I lived alone (and I was not in a remote location) but I did have many scary moments of where the medical alert thingy would’ve been handy :rofl:
@pattycake ooh that is rough – grateful for your hubby to take care of you and help around the house. Grateful that you are all in tact and now healing.
Grateful for @soberbilly – grateful for his 500 days today and upbeat yet down to Earth attitude.
Grateful for @dazercat Eric’s wife is doing so well for dry September. Grateful for her honesty with the doctors. Grateful that Eric has so much sober time under his belt that he is able to be there for Kelly in whatever capacity she needs.

Thursday morning gratitude’s with my favorite sober companions!
I am so grateful for getting some sleep last night. It has left me feeling groggy and tired but i know that’s what happens when you finally sleep after long periods of not sleeping. It’s a new day :sunny:
I am so grateful for my amazing mother. She brought me a wooden chair and side table to help me sit comfortably. Sitting on the floor my knees start to hurt and the couch is a death trap and not good for the spine. She is fucking awesome (words can’t express) - brought me a lovely protein filled shake and anti oxidant smoothie. FIRST Coffee :coffee:
I am so grateful that i did wake up and had a few seconds of pure peace and no pain. It was heaven and a reminder that i will get to that state - just need to keep living a healthy sober life.
I am so grateful the cooler weather has arrived - properly - yesterday it was cloudy but oh so fucking humid! Really was suffocating.
I am so grateful that I see so many people posting gratitude’s and check ins - love that this site is so welcoming and a safe haven for so many. Grateful I see Eric writing his Gratitude now :heart:
I am so grateful for my COFFEE - really, it is not just the boost i need but also a warm hug that brings me comfort.
I am so grateful that i have gotten some names of good doctors - will call to make appointments as my main doctor and Gyno are both jokes. I am one to stick with someone out of convenience and also think they should know what the hell they are doing but so many instances of their fuck ups and i have lost my patience and forgiveness towards them (not when i am suffering because of their ineptness).
I am so grateful for me going through what i am going through - it has helped all of us figure out a healthier way of living. We are more educated on the healing properties of foods / herbs and the magic they can perform. Oh yeah - and i don’t think I would ever have tried to quit my toxic lifestyle if I was still “feeling healthy”.
I am so grateful for my HP for being by my side. Grateful for seeing some progress in some areas. Grateful to know that everything takes time - may need to remind myself of this from time to time.
I am so grateful for this community and my connections I’ve made here. Grateful that we have all found this site and we are all on a journey of sobriety.

Have a wonderful addiction free day all you beautiful souls - sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


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