Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Congratulations on reaching a wonderful milestone. Learning healthy ways to celebrate these big moments life brings will be key to moving forward, or it was and will be again for me.

@JazzyS I did enjoy Antman Quantumania and now look forward to the next season of Loki even more

I’m grateful to God for guiding me through most of today and helping me reamain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the nice walk in the sunshine I just got home from. I’m grateful I had a good sleep. I’m grateful for a good recovery discussion group this morning. I’m grateful to be going to a different meeting this evening.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t be afraid of working the twelve steps and that they might work, you deserve the change it brings, no matter what you’re addict/alcohloic or mental health brain tells you. Ya you!!


Thank you @I.cant.We.can for an amazing share. I am so grateful that you came back and even more grateful you are thriving. I’m grateful for this thread. I feel like I take more than I give. I’m grateful I don’t take things personally. I’m grateful for patience. I’m grateful I had an opportunity to practice being skillful with my words when a friend called me earlier today seeking advice (I don’t give advice for many reasons) and they were extremely agitated and directed it at me because I “chose” to be an addict. Like I said,patience and nothing’s personal. It’s okay,really,they needed to vent. I am grateful for another beautiful day with no evil thoughts of using. I am grateful and excited about Back to Basics (not back to bed @Bootz ). Lolll. Grateful for all I have. Have a pleasant evening all. Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One


Grateful reading so many posts that move me. What a beautiful life we live in, thank you for sharing.
Grateful for the rain outside as I type this.
Grateful I am doing my best to be healthier starting with living a drug and alcohol free life.
Grateful my daughter inherited my childhood love for bugs and anything living
Grateful this gives me an excuse to look under stumps again.
Grateful we finally went to Dug mountain today she had been begging all week… even though we didn’t find any salamanders like she wanted just a snake.
Grateful for the woman there who identified the snake for us with her snake identification FB group, lol I need more people like this in my life.
Grateful I get a quiet night while my daughter is at grandmas


I’m grateful to have spent the day with a group of great people; old and new friends and acquaintances. I’m grateful that I didn’t join in with the half who were starting to get wasted as the night went on. Also grateful that the two smores I had didn’t make me sick.

@Dazercat how great that you found an online group. I’m grateful you have another resource available to you!

@erntedank I am also grateful you killed that bug yesterday! One less in the world!


Good morning friends,

Trying to find some gratitude.

I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful that while I still have a lot of back and shoulder pain, my head is a bit better. That’s a bit of a relief.

I’m grateful I can take it easy today.

I’m grateful it’s nice weather and I can try to get to the park later.

I’m grateful my bf cooked dinner for us last night. I usually enjoy cooking but with my current level of pain I can’t do much. He recognized that and offered.

I’m grateful for my cats, particularly when they want to snuggle.



Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for a long weekend. I’m grateful I did what my heart wanted to yesterday, which was re- pot some of my houseplants, play in the garden, and work on restoring an old cast iron pan. I’m grateful for the surprise visit from my sister and her husband, and the 2 kids. I’m grateful I love those kids so much. I’m grateful my own kids got off their phones ( without me forcing them) and hung out with us and also enjoyed playing with the kids. I’m grateful that the working interview went really good. I’m grateful I could feel nervous, out of place, intimidated, etc. and I didn’t think about drinking to “fix” it. I’m disappointed that the pay offered was to low to make the job a viable option. I’m grateful I let myself feel the intense disappointment, even cry a little, and then try to keep moving forward. I’m grateful that I accidentally found this place when I was just trying to count my sober days, and I found ( or was directed) to this thread which has made such a difference in my life❤️


I’m grateful :face_holding_back_tears:…….
Grateful I’m breathing :face_exhaling:
Grateful for my :coffee:
Grateful Alice is warm on my lap and purring.
Grateful Minnie just walked by.
Grateful I did an Al-Anon meeting in bed last night WTAF :flushed:
Grateful I know I got to figure out how to take care of myself.
I’m grateful I saw myself in the mirror while washing my hands and thought, God man, you look like shit. I’m grateful I can shower and shave and make myself look better to me and for me today.
Grateful she didn’t start drinking til 5 last night.
Grateful I enjoyed the first part of last week with her.
Grateful I can fake it till I make it. But it’s getting very difficult and I don’t think I’ll ever make it.
Grateful Benson looks all cute in his bed.
Grateful for how briskly Minnie walks in the cool mornings on the trail.
I’m grateful my wife does all the laundry.
I’m grateful she does all the :poop: chores.
I’m grateful she’s still in bed.
I’m grateful I’m watching Mavy on the cat palace deciding where to take his morning nap. But first a scratch.
I’m grateful my coffee is still hot.
I’m grateful for early morning peace and quiet and the sound of Alice’s purr in my lap.
I’ll be grateful if Alice gets up soon. I really got to pee. TMI? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: Grateful I still have control of my bladder. God knows I can’t control much else.
I’m grateful I know I’m so fucking helpless and powerless over alcohol.
I’m grateful to start my day here with you all.
Im grateful the Celtics won. And more grateful I don’t watch them ever. It’s too painful.
Im grateful for Al-Anon.

The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.
Robert Holden.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, day 392 sober AF
Slept in a little
Hubbys helping with chores
Boscoes cuteness
Lost some weight this week
Steady progress
Looking forward to yoga
Looking forward to walking Boscoe
Chill day ahead
this thread
All of you!

Enjoy today as its all we have


What do you have against bugs? Just kidding,sorta. I am not preaching,really I’m not,just edifying. As a Buddhist I am cognizant of rebirth,so I don’t go out of my way to kill any living thing. That being said everyone should follow their own path. Practitioners of Jainism an ancient religion mostly practiced in India take it to extremes. Anyway enough of my nonsense. Grateful I am alive and well. Grateful for gratidudes and dudettes. Grateful for morning meditation both solo and with my Sangha. Feel calm,centered and at peace. Grateful for AA and Al-anon. Grateful for you @Chiron . Grateful for feline love. I am grateful for all I have. Grateful I know about Jainism from a Philip Roth novel. Grateful Indigo is talking to me right now. Grateful for planet :earth_asia:. Just plain grateful!
Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One


I am too @Shaunda. You were one of the first gratidudettes I interacted with. You mean a lot to me my friend. I am so proud of you! You rock :rock:


What a beautiful life we live in. So true. And the connection we all share makes it expansive Sarah. Grateful you read my heart. Thank you.


Because, Billy, it is us against them and we must win this war! @erntedank is a soldier fighting for the human race! :rofl:

But joking aside, I understand and respect the Buddhist beliefs, and incorporate some of them into my life–though in general I believe that all religions have bits and pieces of Truth that stem from the Old Religion (which might not be the best term to use, but it’s the best I have). I think we’re all connected. We are ourselves and we are the bug that came into the wrong house, though I keep the different ways of how this is possible in consideration without having decided which, if any, I think might be most concrete.

Are we part of “the All” which is experiencing itself in different expressions? Perhaps we all experienced lives as bugs in the past; or maybe “time” doesn’t actually exist and we are actually that bug in the moment, but only aware of one “experience” at a time. Or perhaps… perhaps I should leave it at that for @Dazercat’s sake and not write a book. :laughing:

But I think there are always beginnings and endings. We are all born and we all die. If a bug is outside, I generally let it be. If it’s in my house, I offer a quick and merciful death. I don’t like the idea of torturing bugs or prolonging their death, because I do have a firm belief that what we put out into the world, so shall we receive. When I die, I hope it is quick and merciful.

Which leads into something I am grateful for, and that is the frequency of “gratitude” itself and everyone who emotionally bathes in this feeling with purpose and thoughtfulness. I think we send our emotions out into the world. On an individual level, it can impact our family and/or friends; but the whole is made up of many individuals, and I genuinely believe we make the world a better place by intentionally focusing on what we are grateful because the combined harmony of our gathered gratitude frequencies creates a beautiful music which we may not be able to hear with our ears, but our hearts/souls can perceive it.

And I’m grateful that you have integrated a belief system into your life that has made you a better person, and that you share your thoughts and views. The differences in thought and belief are what make conversations interesting and thought provoking, and I’m grateful for that too. Life would be so boring if we all thought and believed exactly in the same way. :slightly_smiling_face:


You could always do that thingy where you hide some of it :kissing_heart:.
I prefer the Dyson Cordless method myself. But only when they’re inside. I don’t believe in sucking up bugs outside.

To stay on topic I’m grateful for that. :pray:t2:


I knew someone on this site was definitely grateful for when I use the “hide details” feature!! :rofl: :heart:


It’s Eric. :rofl: Eric is that someone.


Lmao I saw those movies, some parts were so bad it was kinda great.

I try not to kill bugs, started noticing that I feel bad when I do.

Yes, now that I’m sober it’s much easier to control. Thanks for the laughs again. Meetings in bed are the best part about online support IMO

Good afternoon Sunnyflower

I too am very grateful for this and that you did as well.

@Soberbilly thanks for the shout outs and support. I’m grateful you practice meditation and share your knowledge willingly and lovingly. I’m grateful for the way you mention being gently awakened :pray:

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the fellowship after Churh service. I’m grateful to be heading to an AA celebration for four members of my home group. I’m grateful that after I am going to learn how to pitch slo-pitch softball so I can be part of a team that needs a pitcher. I’m grateful to have plans to meet a friend to play some chess this evening.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget you’re a star, so, shine bright. Ya you!!


@sunflower1 Grateful you found this site and more importantly this thread too – Do hope that you the right job opportunity finds itself for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Dazercat you are doing awesome my friend!! I am sorry that you are having to fake it till you make it but so grateful that you found a meeting that you can do while in bed. Sending you strength my friend :muscle:

Thank you Billy - appreciate your “nonsense” — keep it coming! I go out of my way at home to send the bugs and insects back into the outdoors (have hurt myself many a time in the process as I can’t stand centipedes, bees or spiders and in the process of taking them out i startle myself and end up with cuts and bruises - don’t ask how… :thinking: :rofl:)… Yesterday - I spent 1/2 hour trying to grab a fly to take outside… i’m sure if the universe was laughing at the sight…I was successful!

:rofl: :rofl:thank goodness you aren’t out in nature with your Dyson :joy:

It’s a beautiful sunny Sunday morning and I hope that all my sober friends are having a fantastic day
It’s hard to find gratitude (not hard just my mind doesn’t want to be thankful - that stupid bugger)…So here goes anyways
I am so grateful that I am awake and functioning with almost no sleep and a ton of pain. I’ve made pancakes for breakfast (took forever) and enjoyed them with a hot cup of coffee
I am so grateful that I didn’t have anything pressing to do today so can just be a chilled out today and hope that the lack of sleep headache doesn’t become a migrane
I am so grateful that my brother is somewhat made up with my parents and he will hopefully not be in “mute” mode when I see him (so hard to live and work with someone who doesn’t want to communicate and sends of closed off vibes all the time). He stayed out last night so grateful to have the house to myself for now.
I am so grateful that my eyes are starting to droop as I type so maybe I can get a bit of sleep (thought so earlier but as soon as i moved I woke myself up - maybe just sleep sitting up?)
I am so grateful for my parents - calling to check up on me and let me know that they made extra for lunch so I should drop by when I get hungry – so thoughtful!
I am so grateful that I have not been able to focus on meditating completely but my daily routine keeps the meditation / prayer going in my personal background.
I am so grateful that I have you all here - you are all amazing human beings and I can’t thank you enough
Have an amazing day my friends - so grateful that I got through some gratitude’s today!!! Sending much love :heart:


hope you start feelin better @JazzyS


I’m grateful you’re making me laugh today. :joy:
I expected a novel when I clicked on that. But I clicked anyway.
Thank you my friend.


Im grateful I just got done another on line meeting.
I’m grateful I came here for giggles.
I’m grateful I was not disappointed.
I’m grateful I’m going to grill some carne asada next. And some refried beans. Not going to grill the beans.

I’m sad you’re in so much pain @JazzyS I’m glad you found us too. You tend to brighten up my day with your presence on here. And we both like our coffee black.
Hang in there kid.


@Soberbilly and @Dazercat
Thank you so much!!! Appreciate you :pray: :heart:
Chilaxing in bed watching the tube mindlessly- i know this wont last which makes everything worth it.
