Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I am grateful for a relationship with my Dad, my sister in law and even my stepmom. I am grateful for the opportunity to visit them on my weekends.


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for a super busy but really nice day off. I’m grateful that I worked step ten with my sponsor in the morning, attended a recovery discussion in the afternoon and an AA 17 year celebration with a great speaker this evening. I’m grateful I went to the local college this morning and got some guidance. I’m grateful it was payday and I bought some new work clothes, wireless earbuds, groceries and paid some bills. I’m grateful I went into two government buildings to try and continue working towards getting all my I.D. back and to report my monthly income. I’m grateful I did the dishes, laundry and cleaned my apartment. I’m grateful for the music that fueled lots of my day. I’m grateful I organized my closets. I’m grateful that It included all my paperwork, tax forms, pay stubs, rent receipts, doctors paperwork, old calendars, tonnes of recovery handouts, and journals. I’m grateful there is a lot that’s got to be shredded or burned. I’m super grateful for all the cards I looked at and kept from, Christmases, Birthdays, Get well cards, graduation cards, thank you cards, recovery birthday cards, some were even from you lovely people, even found a obituary notice from my fathers passing. I’m grateful that I cried happy, sad and mad tears throughout some of this spring cleaning. I’m grateful I put on some more healthy weight. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful my best friend whose kids, dog and home I watch sometimes got a job at a golf course and says he gets to play golf for free and can bring a guest, can’t wait for that. I’m grateful I can sleep in even though its because I have to work fom 12p.m. until 9p.m. instead of 8a.m.-5p.m. like everyother day, still thats not bad. I’ve had worse shifts, or no job. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instill.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


I am grateful for overnight rain, early morning tranquillity in the city and the birds waking up. I am grateful it’s Friday again and a busy week is coming to an end. One more work event and I am good for a timeout at the lakes. Looking forward to the early morning dip in the water. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Grateful for empathetic and kind friends. Grateful I can keep those, that are not so much a bit at arms length for the time being. Grateful for every morning I check in here and fill up on gratitude from around the world. Grateful I am smiling and breathing, indeed. :wink: :orange_heart:


Thank you :heart:


Good morning grateful friends,

Grateful for another day sober. Very few cravings lately.

Grateful it’s Friday and I have a long weekend visiting my Mom. I leave tomorrow morning on a 5am flight. Grateful I live close to the airport and don’t mind early mornings.

Grateful I’ve been trying to listen to meditations lately. I tend to get very restless listening but I know it’s a “practice.” They have been helping my night time anxiety a bit. Although sleep continues to be terrible.

Grateful for quiet mornings to drink my coffee (slowly switching over to decaf and off caffeine). I have time to check in here, do the crossword, hang with the cats.

Grateful for the joke, meme, and riddle threads for making me laugh. I love a good pun.

Grateful for how supportive this community is.

Progress not perfection.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 411 days
Acknowledging im still a work in progress
Pay day, enough to save and pay bills on time
Its friday
Getting together with fam to celebrate my nephew and dad
Feeling better than a few days ago
This community
Health insurance paying for my meds
Boscoe and his stinky cute self
Hubby and his love
A 11 step session tomorrow
A concert im going to tomorrow solo
Our home
A new day


I’m grateful :innocent:
I got Alice purring on my lap.
Basically packed and ready to go.
Cleaned most of the house.
My back doesn’t hurt.
Last fucking morning getting up at 4 ish :yawning_face:
Daisy snuggling on me at 3:45 ish :sleeping:
Morning peace and quiet.
My Pixie.
Yesterday’s meeting.
Last night’s pizza :pizza: Fucking Ah-Mazing!!
Y’all :hugs:

“It is an illusion that depleting myself will help someone else.”
Hope For Today


Good morning good buddies! It’s a beautiful morning, and there are a lot of things to be grateful for. I’m most grateful that I’m growing better at recognizing my thoughts and feelings and working my CBT/meditation when I need to. I’m grateful that I realized I lost my wallet as soon as I got home last night and was able to deactivate my credit and debit cards. I’m grateful I’m sober and able to think clearly about what I need to do instead of launching directly into a self-pity/self-hate/self-destructive spiral. I’m grateful to be able to remind myself that this is just an inconvenience and this is a thing that happens sometimes to people. I can feel an anxiety/depression spiral tugging at me, and I do feel like a dumbass, but it’s done and it happens. I’m grateful I brought in some dried peony from my garden in a little vase my bf printed for me for a co-worker that mentioned they’re her favorite. I guess it’s weird to think about, like I heard you like these so I killed them and preserved their corpses for you to enjoy but hopefully she likes them. I’m grateful that everything’s going to be ok.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: i truly appreciate your sense of humor. Will never be able to liok at a
bouquet of flowers the same way.


Today I’m grateful for a very productive day I enjoyed. I’m grateful for snuggle hours in the morning with the old boy, a snuggle nap with the purring fluffball in the afternoon and the bigfoot bumping into me for pets and treats. They are my sunshine.

I’m grateful for mostly dry warm weather today. I’m grateful I put up the plant tower and filled the large container. I love planting. I’m grateful the neighbours borrowed me their pressure washer, mine has a serious malfunction. I’m grateful I cleaned the front deck with it. Wowzer, I was dirty afterwards. I’m grateful for a long good shower.

I’m grateful I treated myself to pizza delivery and an afternoon nap. I needed it.

I’m grateful I asked friends to accompany me tomorrow to the farm. Surprisingly the friend who agreed had to cancel due to family reasons and others are already occupied. So it’s either God’s will I go alone tomorrow or I reschedule it for sunday. I will decide tomorrow morning. My gut feeling will decide. I’m grateful I work on not overthinking and typing it out here.

I’m grateful today was a good day. I’m grateful for living in freedom, peace and wealth. I’m grateful for my cozy home, my nice little garden, my lovely cats, good friends, best neighbours, the plants growing, being able to do work without help, asking for help when I need it, keeping my emotions moderate, surrendering to situations too big to handle alone, having faith in God’s will and the universe to provide ways and solutions.


Midday gratitude list to help improve my mood. Today i am grateful for:

  • My loving husband and son
  • Our health and not being stuck in hospital
  • My cupcake order turning out. Im quite pleased with how everything looks
  • My recovery time. No matter how hard some days can get, i am always grateful for being clean
  • Our fans that provide a cool breeze in our home during this warm weather
  • Time spent with my family. The evenings my husband and I play Uno with our son. He loves that game.
  • Im beyond grateful for my HP that makes all of this possible for me today. Everything in my life today I owe to my HP and by doing the footwork. Im grateful to have that daily connection :pray:

@cjp glad you are starting to feel better. Have a great family celebration
@dazercat so thrilled for your summer get away in Flagstaff
@its_me_stella I am so grateful for your new life! So beautiful that you were referred to an angel

@Chiron so happy for you friend – congrats on your 21 years!
@karenKW I do hope you have a wonderful trip visiting your mom. I do agree with you and am also so very grateful for the joke, meme and riddle fun threads – such lovely distractions!
@bootz so great to hear from you and happy to know that you are doing well and had a bit of an adventure in your time away from TS! A huge congrats on your 1000 days love! This is amazing and like @soberbilly says not something to be glossed over.
@erntedank glad today was a good day for you and so lovely that you are not overthinking this and will go with the flow. Much love my friend!
@butterflymoonwoman I do hope that the gratitude thread helped lift your mood. Can’t wait to see your finished cupcakes (please do post pics of your hard work). UNO – I absolutely love this card game – hope you all enjoy playing
It’s Friday and already mid-June — the year is going by so fast. Happy sober Friday (possibly Saturday for some) my lovely friends
Today I’m so grateful for getting rid of the negativity in my mind that I’ve been fighting for 1.5 days.
I am so very grateful that today I am still in pain but able to manage it better
I am so grateful that the sun is shining but the air is cool so i’m super uncomfortable
I am so grateful my brother is back from his Vegas trip! Super grateful that his gf did not spend the night last night
I am so grateful that I am restless but not able to move and am ok with just sitting and catching up on TS and paperwork
I am so grateful that I can feel the right side of my face swell up (the last few times i had this particular pain it became a hard golf sized cyst that looked oh so ridiculous – i can feel this coming this time and know the signs so hopefully with warm compress and massaging the area I will be able to keep it from forming
I am so grateful for getting through my deliveries this morning and that was the extent of my moving around work for the day as my loving parents sent me home to rest.
I am so grateful that for how amazing my family is and know that without them I would not be healing at all.
I am so grateful that I have my meditation / prayer and the loving energy of my HP to guide me
I am so grateful for this TS Site - I was gaining so much strength from reading posts yesterday which really did help in getting me out of my dark space. You all are amazing - thank you friends!
Sending much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you :heart:


Nice one. I’d be more like DD. As opposed to GC :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
That’s what the pixie is for.
Grateful to have my Nespresso while waiting for my coffee.
Grateful I got a nice espresso roast for tomorrow morning.
:pray:t2: :coffee:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while abstaining from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for sunshine and moonlight. I’m grateful for all the walking I do and the music that helps move me. I’m grateful @Bootz has over a 1000 days congratulations, well done and keep moving forward. I’m grateful for Halt. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the people who practice them.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are Awesome. Ya you!!


I’m really grateful I didn’t miss my flight this morning! It was way too close for comfort. I somehow managed to turn my alarm off in my sleep. But I made it with 5 minutes to spare. I’m grateful I had everything packed last night and today’s clothes set out in the bathroom. Now I just need to calm back down. Really grateful I wasn’t hungover to add to the chaos!

I’m grateful to be visiting my mom this weekend. It’s been since Christmas that I’ve seen her. As she gets older I realize how precious our time is.

I’m grateful for the too expensive airport coffee at my layover to make me feel more human. Kept it to a small so it won’t make anxiety worse.

I’m grateful for modern conveniences of travel. Not my favorite thing, but I fly enough that it really doesn’t bother me.

Grateful I can nap once I get to my mom’s.



Lunchtime gratitude. I’m grateful I was up very early after a restful sleep. I’m grateful I drove to the farm and inspected the house. I love it and it was like it said welcome home honey. The ex took some of my things (and left some of his stuff) and he will have to return them, they are my grandma’s heritage. Asshole. I found my old beams of wood cut into firewood. Asshole. He is just a fucking asshole. I think I’m done with whining and missing. Now I work on not being angry about things I can’t change anymore or at the moment. I will sing Hallelujah when I’m done with this fucker. And eat the biggest pizza abd the largest icecream ever.

I’m grateful I’m ok. I put up the first climbing aid :+1: I’ll have coffee and a nice chat with the neighbours in a hour. The cats are georgious today, a snuggling, funny cabaret.

I’m grateful for a full fridge and catlitter in store, my car is fueled, the rest of the day can come :slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning from the most wonderful place on earth, Wisconsin on a Saturday morning in June!

It was a long winter and a cold spring, but the best weather is here now. It is dry, so we could use rain, but let’s have that at night please.

I’m grateful to be sober on this beautiful Saturday morning with my coffee and my tiniest dog curled on my lap.

I’m grateful to be healthy and looking forward to a beautiful day. Perhaps I will get out on the lake today on my kayak. Yesterday the hubby and I rode our bikes on the state bike trail nearby.

I’m grateful to have retired from my demanding job a few years ago and gotten back to classroom teaching because now I get the summer off!

I’m grateful to have work that I mostly enjoy. I completed one of my curriculum writing projects this week. Woooot!

I’m grateful to be married to my husband. June is a special month for us, getting in the groove of the summer routines. I’m grateful that we met 18 years ago this month and that I had the courage and the wisdom to see that he was the right one for me. We both had a lot of damage, but we have both grown together. And now we are both enjoying and growing in healthier ways in sobriety. I’m grateful that he is on this journey with me.

I’m grateful to have spent some time with my best friend last week.

I’m grateful to have spoken with one of my sons and been able to support him during this stressful time for him. He has a demanding new job, they are getting ready to move and they are getting married in August! Lots of good work to do.

I’m grateful for my 3 dogs and the fun it is to just hang out with them at home.

I’m grateful that my brother is at day 23 of being clean and that he is gaining the courage and strength to make some other steps happen in his life. My own learning about trauma and addiction over the last few years is turning out to be super helpful in supporting him and understanding how we all got in this mess. I continue to try to support him while maintaining clear boundaries for myself. He has some very painful steps to take and it is hard at times not to push him to just get this done.

Patience is something I’m gaining in sobriety. The reduction of anxiety is helping me gain lots of patience. That is such a gift.

I’m grateful for time to do things I enjoy. I’ve read a lot this week, something I’ve enjoyed my whole life.

I’m grateful that Father’s Day is no longer a painful day for me. It’s taken a lot of work to get here. I will never forgive him. I have determined again that his damage in my life will only help me to be stronger and kinder and more available to help others. That brings me a good life.

I’m grateful for all of you. I read lots of posts every day and they help me stay the course.

I wish you all the best and hope you have peace in the coming week.


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 412 days
Took Boscoe for an early morning walk
I get to be Boscoe’s human
Hubby working hard
We get some time together sunday and monday
A 11 step workshop today
A juneteenth concert i have vip tickets to…ya tent
Up early refreshed and without a hangover
Improving mood
My folks dont mind watching Boscoe tonight while im at the concert
On demand showers


I’m grateful to be up at a normal time without using my alarm.
I’m grateful for that espresso roast I bought yesterday and brewed this morning.
I’m grateful after letting the dogs out at 4 I was able to go back to sleep even though I still had a headache.
I’m grateful my headache, I still have, isn’t from drinking.
I’m grateful Minnie ate most of her food this morning. I’m grateful I’m not freaking out about that.
I’m grateful for little Chickie Chickie pics and the Big Fella on the shared albums.
I’m grateful for how much I miss those little rug rats.
I’m grateful I can go to 4 meetings this week.
I’m grateful I get to learn to get on with My Life and try and figure out what the fuck that is.
I’ll be grateful when this fucking headache is gone. I’m grateful my headaches aren’t debilitating and grateful I’ve never had a migraine. I’m grateful for the cool weather up here and I got a fire going in the fireplace.
I’m grateful for you :hugs:

The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how we use them.